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Europe to destroy traditional family and sexual identity

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
This is highly illogical.

Biological parents are who gave birth to me. That's the terminology I employed, and if you wanna just remain heartless and repeat your half-truth mantra all day go for it.

My mom contracted polio when I was 5. She was in the hospital for a year. My dad found someone else.

I wasted many years of negative energy on him. A situation I had no control over.

Energy that could have been used in a positive and productive way.

Your choice. Wallow in it - - or choose positive and productive.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by earthship35
reply to post by AnonymousFem

I am with you all the way sister.It really saddens me that people still think this way.I am so glad my parents didn't put that vile evil in my head growing up.I really don't like religion and 75% of the things it stands for.Why this day and age people still believe being gay is a choice or something boggles my mind..It has been here forever but at least now most rationale people are giving them the rights they deserve..

edit on 12-10-2011 by earthship35 because: mistyped word

This to me proves that most people have little to no understanding of natural human rights in the first place.

You cannot give someone rights. They were born with all rights inherently. You can only protect their rights or trample upon them. These are the only real options.

All humans have equal rights, and when special groups are given special rights that other groups do not have, this is tyranny.

Just because the past is full of tyranny does not mean automatically that the correct solution is to impose a tyranny of the opposite political view. This is just more of the same oppression that our past is clouded with, but with a new flavor and format.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Dude,you're killing me.. i really hope you are busting my chops but if you are serious..I meant since the beginning of LIFE on this planet..Because as i hope you know most animals display some form of homosexuality..

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Walkers
Not in my name. A marriage = one man and one woman. A relationship = one man and one woman. A family = one man and one woman + their children. I will never change my views, no matter how hard they try and force them down our throats.

Aw come on. Change your views. Please?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by muzzleflash
This is highly illogical.

Biological parents are who gave birth to me. That's the terminology I employed, and if you wanna just remain heartless and repeat your half-truth mantra all day go for it.

My mom contracted polio when I was 5. She was in the hospital for a year. My dad found someone else.

I wasted many years of negative energy on him. A situation I had no control over.

Energy that could have been used in a positive and productive way.

Your choice. Wallow in it - - or choose positive and productive.

You are turning this into a personal issue when in reality millions of children go without knowing the truth.

And your opinion is that we should institute legislation to regulate our paperwork to help cover up the truth about biological origins.

This is all based upon the demands of a special interest political group that seeks "equality" by eliminating the rights of human beings (children).

What about children's rights?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by earthship35
reply to post by AnonymousFem

I am with you all the way sister.It really saddens me that people still think this way.I am so glad my parents didn't put that vile evil in my head growing up.I really don't like religion and 75% of the things it stands for.Why this day and age people still believe being gay is a choice or something boggles my mind..It has been here forever but at least now most rationale people are giving them the rights they deserve..

edit on 12-10-2011 by earthship35 because: mistyped word

This to me proves that most people have little to no understanding of natural human rights in the first place.

You cannot give someone rights. They were born with all rights inherently. You can only protect their rights or trample upon them. These are the only real options.

All humans have equal rights, and when special groups are given special rights that other groups do not have, this is tyranny.

Just because the past is full of tyranny does not mean automatically that the correct solution is to impose a tyranny of the opposite political view. This is just more of the same oppression that our past is clouded with, but with a new flavor and format.

That's an incredibly astute observation. I've never heard it put that way before - that we're all born with those rights inherently. It certainly makes the issue seem pretty obvious.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by earthship35
reply to post by muzzleflash

Dude,you're killing me.. i really hope you are busting my chops but if you are serious..I meant since the beginning of LIFE on this planet..Because as i hope you know most animals display some form of homosexuality..

Interestingly enough - almost all animals display some form of homosexuality, but NONE of them are exclusively homosexual or heterosexual. Humans are just about the only ones who are.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by earthship35
reply to post by muzzleflash

Dude,you're killing me.. i really hope you are busting my chops but if you are serious..I meant since the beginning of LIFE on this planet..Because as i hope you know most animals display some form of homosexuality..

Yeah I was just busting your chops for fun. I knew you were being facetious.

But you left yourself wide open for it, hehe.

Also the first forms of life on Earth were almost certainly asexual. Sorry buddy it's just too easy.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Whether you are biological or non-biological parent, whether the parents are man-woman, man-man or woman-woman or in different situations where parents are living separated and sharing parenthood or where kids have double pair of parents if the biological parents are remarried. Most important is that the kids are loved and get the attention and care they need to grow up safely.

I would vote for fully flexible choice for the terminology whether it is father-father, father-mother, mother-mother or parent-parent. I do not so much like the numbers as this might lead to a battle over being parent 1. Why not just parent and parent? Or even father and father.

Although gay parents are physically incapable of making kids together I think they can raise children just as well as traditional mother-father families. I don't think this sets a tone for destroying families.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb
Okay, the LAST thing I am is the spokesman for gays. I'm one of the least militant gays I know. I just live my life. ARE comparing pedophilia to homosexuality. We don't incarcerate pedophiles for their sexual attraction to children nim-friggin'-wit - we incarcerate them because they've forced a minor to have sex with them against their consent.

No, we incarcerate them because it is illegal for a grown man to have sex with someone under 18 or 16 years old in most western countries. It is not a case of consent, they are still incarcerated regardless with quite a bit of hate aswell, there have been cases where the "child" actively sought out encounters (there was that one kid that kept meeting his teacher to have sex).

Originally posted by thebtheb
And seriously, usually I have a lot of patience and understanding for people that despise homosexuality. I tell this to other gays all the time: I say to people that the way others feel about homosexuality is the WAY THEY FEEL. Sometimes it's very ingrained in them, either from upbringing, or religion, or not actually knowing any gays, or SIMPLY BECAUSE TO THEIR LOGIC, they find it unnatural. And we shouldn't expect them to just like it because society or parts of society tell them they should. I have NO PROBLEM with that.

I don't care for homosexuals. What a man or woman does with their genitals with someone else is something I just do not care for. But this doesn't mean I should be super-pro homosexual or super anti-homosexual, you misinterpret any hint of anti-gay fact or logic as exclusively homophobic behaviour.

Originally posted by thebtheb
What really blows my mind though is that utter absence of any empathy and sympathy for homosexuals. As if homosexuals have committed some crime against YOU. If you're right, and it's a disease, I'd expect compassion like we give anyone who has a disease. I'd expect you to realize that for homosexuals, it was a HARD childhood and an incredibly confusing thing.

You use too much emotion in your argument that makes you inject imaginary arguments into my statements. I never said homosexuality is a disease.

Originally posted by thebtheb
But no - there's always this 100% absolute denial of any of that, and just this vile hatred, which pretty well proves to me the cliche that it's something that you not so much hate, but are just terrified of. Otherwise, the hatred would not be so obvious and strong.

You're attempting to generalise my statements in a way similar as to how homophobes generalise homosexuals.

Originally posted by thebtheb
I love this whole idea of "it's supposed to be some kind of unchangeable condition" Really? Well why don't you see how easy it is for YOU to be attracted to a woman you're actually NOT attracted to? A women you feel is unattractive. Change THAT!

Let's use this same argument for a pedophile.

Originally posted by thebtheb
Do you think I didn't try to be straight? How STUPID are you? I tried for years when I was a child and teen to BE straight. I avoided being gay and tried to TRAIN myself to be straight. I bought girl porn and desperately tried to get off on it. Others go further, and get married to women and ruin their own lives as well as the poor women they're married to.

Let's use this same argument for a pedophile.

Originally posted by thebtheb
I was lucky and discovered I could NOT change it. Not because I didn't want to - but because I couldn't!

Now - I'm fine with it and laugh at those days that I was trying to change it. The ONLY reason I was trying to change it was because I knew that people like you would and did exist.

But don't tell me or any other gay for that matter, that they can change it. And don't quote me ANY of that garbage about supposed documented cases of people who have - they're ALL fundamentalist Christians and the success rate ZERO!

So I don't have a problem that you don't like homosexuality, but do NOT equate it with pedophilia and then pretend you're not, and do NOT tell me what I'm capable of changing or not.

There - my militant friends would FREAK if they saw this post.

I don't care. You seem too emotional to provide any proper logical retort.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:33 PM
This Post was never going to be flame proof...

I think there serious issue with people who are so upset about people being in same sex amrriages/giving less fortunate kids a loving safe home etc..

i dont understand how anyone could honestly be that annoyed at the idea.. i mean even if you find the act of there love disgusting/immoral its not like there doing this infront of you.

i think people have missed another point here though..

Say your from a split family, but this is a legal document.. who you see as your mother or father might not genetically be your other or father essentially your parent would be the person you was involved in you being on earth, doesnt mean that person is (in your opinion) your father or mother...

Like i understand this will help Gay couples (which im all for) as well but it also makes the children who have four parents (a mother and father who have split and re-married(or married)) able to answe rthese questions with less awkwardness felt by them. like if you think of the bigger picture here, a slight wording ina document surley makes no diffrence and in know way destroys traditional family or sexual identity.

Just my thoughts though.
edit on 12-10-2011 by GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by antonia
Isn't the eutimes a Sorcha Faal hangout? You sure this even real?
edit on 12-10-2011 by antonia because: darn autocorrect


This website is notorious for inflammatory disinfo.

I do not recommend using them as a news source. They are good for dark humor, though.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Walkers
Not in my name. A marriage = one man and one woman. A relationship = one man and one woman. A family = one man and one woman + their children. I will never change my views, no matter how hard they try and force them down our throats.

Dude seriously grow up!
The fact of the matter is this...yes this is PC...not gone mad, the idea isn't a bad one, but instead just getting it a bit wrong.
Yes 99% of kids in schools with have a Mother and a Father so 'Mother' and 'Father' go onto the forms....but what about that 1% who get to that question and have to put 'David Wilson' under mother.
Yea it's a shame because Parent 1 and Parent 2 sounds so impersonal, maybe it should just be changed to "Legal Guardians" (which i'm sure is the case on many a form i've filled out) where by you can put down your Mother and Father, Civil Partnership names, Adopted Parents, Foster Parents or whatever your deal may be.
I think it's, as what us Brits like to do, just a measure to avoid awkward situations.
I'm not sure it's sinister or in anyway a pretext to some coming mass destruction.
Relax folks it's not that big a deal! Unless your a massive neo-homophobe, then quite frankly you're going to have a bad day when this happens.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:40 PM
Pfff.... it's too exhausting reading between your words. You seem to really like implying things and then later saying you chose words that implied no such meaning. My favorite is that you are not "pro homo" or "anti-homo." Okay, go have another cup of tea. I'll satisfy myself to know that most people these days are pretty cool.

edit on 12-10-2011 by thebtheb because: Wrong.

edit on 12-10-2011 by thebtheb because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Pinke

These things are unrelated.

For starters, in most countries it isn't illegal to be sexually attracted to a child.

Legality is not the issue, incarceration was regarding the status of morality western culture has regarding pedophiles and homosexuals. Legality is closely tied to morality as we tend to render illegal anything that is often considered unjust or "wrong".

Originally posted by Pinke
Pedophiles are are arrested for acting on their desires, not for having them.

Sexual attraction will lead to acting on these attractions, this is what I meant.

Originally posted by PinkeAlso, mental disorders are often classified under rules of giving the 'patient' distress and various other rules ... Being gay doesn't generally distress a person, or make them want to damage another or do anything illegal. Though a psychiatrist will assist a person if they find being gay distressing.

Being attracted to an under-age child as a middle aged adult will not generally distress the person either, but psychiatrists will still diagnose them with varying psychological disorders in an attempt to explain something that is considered disgusting and horrid by common society. In contrast, a homosexual who finds being gay distressing will be assisted and diagnosed with irrelevant disorders such as depression or anxiety and never something pertaining directly to his status as a homosexual.

Originally posted by Pinke
Next, sex with children is generally agreed to be harmful to a child's development. Which means it's pretty much zero to do with gender at all in this case.

Sex that is not forced, that takes place between children or an adult and a child is only harmful to the child due to the perception that the western world has against such acts. If you are raised believing it is normal, you will see it as normal and not a distressing act. But if the act is forced, it need not matter whether it was among homosexual adults, or a pedophiliac act between an adult and a man, the act will be harmful to the individual regardless.

Originally posted by Pinke
Thirdly, what does any of this have to do with a change to passport forms???!!!! It's just another hyperbolic gaysplosion reaction from many persons. Said it a million times ... is frustrating that threads like this get so much attention from the planet.

Well what does most of the thread have to do with the passport forms?

Originally posted by Pinke
I could headshot a major politician and get less attention that this. Commit murder and get less attention than what is roughly equivolent to someone making a typo. / And oddly ... there would be just as much complaining if forms had a special section added for special families. You can't win!

Biology has very little to do with passport applications as far as I can tell!

edit on 12-10-2011 by Pinke because: Bolding

I was finding reason in an individual argument that need not be directly attached to the OP.
edit on 12-10-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

reply to post by thebtheb

Seems like you only see or hear what you want to see and hear to make yourself feel better. Who is more open-minded now? Certainly not you.

edit on 12-10-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by AnonymousFem

That quote sounds like something out of the NWO's mouth

By the way, these changes of "insignificant" words like father/mother to "equal" words like parent 1 / parent 2 may not make much of a difference now, but the goal is to destroy the family. (Oh, that is a NWO goal too!) When you reduce parents from mother/father to parent1/parent2, then that's all children will know, not a family, but politically correct terms.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:59 PM
It seems like "bigot" is the new "racist". The word is used over and over again to stifle debate on the subject and silence contributions from those with different opinions.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by FejkNick

I have nothing against gays or bi's or lesbians or whatever, but my understanding is that they make up maybe 3% of the population. But let's even stretch it out and say they make up 10% of the population. So, the governments are going to change the paperwork of 90% of the population to accommodate 10% of the population over a few hurt feelings? That's just as plain stupid as it is expensive.

Maybe the governments could start accommodating that 90% (actually 97%) of the population since they pay through taxes, 97% of their e'fing income! That might be a plan?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I agree just like the Chinese,blacks,anyone who isn't white..etc this should be a given but sadly it's not.They have to fight for it..

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by thebtheb
And seriously, usually I have a lot of patience and understanding for people that despise homosexuality. I tell this to other gays all the time: I say to people that the way others feel about homosexuality is the WAY THEY FEEL. Sometimes it's very ingrained in them, either from upbringing, or religion, or not actually knowing any gays, or SIMPLY BECAUSE TO THEIR LOGIC, they find it unnatural. And we shouldn't expect them to just like it because society or parts of society tell them they should. I have NO PROBLEM with that.

You might be in some form of denial still. You either have patience or you don't with something. The rest of this post suggests you do not understand people attacking gays but you have a high tolerance of putting up/ignoring their comments.

PS: I have no issue with gays. Au contraire, I know many gay people and I enjoy their company.

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