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Lisa Irwin - Missing - One Year Later

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by bemi76
Confident He Saw a Live Baby.
Ron Rugen has met with one of the witnesses 20th jan -

"Mike says he hollered, "Are you okay?" The man turned toward Thompson, a baby clearly visible in his arms, only in a diaper, sitting straight up in his arms and alert. The man responded only with a nod."

Well, I hope this Mike tells the truth, (and it is not just a made up story) if he is not telling the truht, he is causing too much damage to the investigation.
edit on 21-1-2012 by bemi76 because: (no reason given)

Been deep in the "Lisa" FB pages for awhile...they made fun of ATS even paying attention. I use a "page" on Facebook but, my private FB received a friend request from a well known ( IDK what you can call it...?) who dislikes "Inserters" and may have a history of this type of hacking. First missing child case post CA, social media is very relevant. jmo Anyone following this case should check the Facebook pages: Justice for Lisa Irwin and Baby Lisa updates by KMBC. There's a bigger picture here...again jmo My IP was even banned from BLIUS" yesterday along with others....if you read back on JFLI you confirm temporary blocks by KMBC. Somethings going on. jmo ETA, these creepers may make a new "profile" here and "blah and blah and yada yada" ssdd. Please posters Think about it and if I am wrong. How's that Etna doing Silo...haven't checked my favorites in months. Back to the trenches...

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by blahandblahandyadayada2

Yes, the social network side of this story is absolutely amazing - on many different levels! It's tough to know when people are posting trash or reality but after a bit you (well me at least) gets a 'feel' for what's got validity and what doesn't. Really interesting stuff there and yes I urge anyone who's interested in baby Lisa to visit those pages.

And Etna? We had a little blip right after the turn of the New Year but that's about it - you can get there quite easily from the link in my signature.

Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:29 AM
I just have another question if anyone knows.
Did Megan know the Brandos?
I heared she did not know the Irwins, but there was an interview with a neighbor who said something about that she saw Megan at the house several times (I did not catch who she was speaking about) and she recognized her from the face not the hair, as her hair was different than. Whose house was she speaking about?

I hope the searches continue, actually hopefully LE schedules a new search.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by asala


posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Hey Guys, I didn't know this thread was still alive and going.
As for Uncle Johnny, all this time and still he is there saying the same thing.
Does he have more believability after all this time? I sort of think YES.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by schmae
Hey Guys, I didn't know this thread was still alive and going.

Still alive and kicking. I have really just been monitoring what has been going on. I am no LEO so I can't really speak to it like X. I just figured when something comes up I will comment.


posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by silo13

If this is true it would sure tie up those loose ends! Just to name a FEW.

- Why the dog 'hit' on something in the bedroom.

- Why the dogs/police spent so much time looking through and digging through the brush and areas outside.

- Explain why Deborah said 'I was afraid to look behind the house. I was afraid what I might find' (Liars keep so close to the truth).

edit on 17-1-2012 by silo13 because: spelling
Are those postings true? I can't believe that is has been over 100 days. Many months ago I figured the baby would not be found alive. Since those 100 days, quite a few other children have gone missing. Very sad..... thank you all for keeping up on things and posting any up-dates.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:08 PM
wrong thread

edit on 28-1-2012 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:37 PM
For those still following - February 3rd is the date of the broadcast.

Parents of missing Kansas City baby Lisa Irwin to appear next week on 'Dr. Phil' show

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The family of a missing Kansas City baby has taped on appearance on the "Dr. Phil" show.

Viewers can tune in this coming Friday to watch the interview with Lisa Irwin's parents and a private investigator searching for her.

Lisa was reported missing Oct. 4 when her father, Jeremy Irwin, came home around 4 a.m. from work and couldn't find her. Irwin and Deborah Bradley say they think someone broke into the house and took their daughter.

Deborah Bradley has said police have accused her of being involved in the child's disappearance, and that she failed a polygraph test. In tearful early statements to the media, Bradley repeatedly insisted she doesn't know what happened to her child.

Despite an intensive search, no suspects have been named.

edit on 28-1-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra
Yes, and I've a great outtake of a journalist who 'goes off' on the whole Dr. Phil thing.
It makes me SICK Dr.Phil is doing this.

What makes me sicker is these so called 'parents' who refuse to talk to police officials - will go out of their way to show up for the limelight - and the cash (I bet you).

And really, lol, what's Dr. Phil going to say? I don't know but what he should say is 'DON'T TALK TO ME! TALK TO THE POLICE!'

Anyway, the video - if I can find it on YouTube, I'll post it - as it is to find the original video (I don't know if it's on YT) I have to go back through a few days of 'history' to find it.
Thanks for sicking by us 'X'


edit on 29-1-2012 by silo13 because: added note

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by AuntB

Hi Aunt B - I wish I could tell you if those postings are true, but I can't. I can tell you the Justice for Lisa Irwin page on FB has come up with some really incredible stuff.

As for me? I think a lot of it's true. Of course there's a lot a bunk mixed in - but I do think we're hearing more truth there than some might like to think.

Take the latest news coming out now =

Alicia Besette: "I Know it was you that I saw that day, Phillip. You're the one who took that third blue bag out of the back of the vehicle and put it in the dumpster. You KNOW what or who was in it and, after you put it in the dumpster, you leaned out over the rail to grab some paneling and other debris to pull down over it to further conceal it. IF she's in there, I WILL testify against you and so will my son. There is NOTHING that will prevent the truth from being found AND told. NOTHING!"

There are hundreds of posts that follow up the above info. This woman telling 'Philip' (a relation of Deb's) that he's being 'used' and when that little body is found in the landfill (out of State now as another poster said the landfill in question trucks the trash to another area) - anyway - the poster states when that body/bag is found Phillip's fingerprints will be on the bag and Deborah will 'throw you under the bus'.

Who can say. All we know is Lisa's still not been found and the only people her parents are talking to? The likes of Dr. Phil, INSTEAD OF THE POLICE!!!


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:07 AM
I'm sure there are a few things Dr . Phil sees others doing regarding this case that make him sick as well.

He does have compassion and tries to help people having problems more than your average bear.. even if he does make money form it.

I guess we can safely say that many who are in the fields of protecting society from criminals.. and those who counsel families and others through their psychology degrees have all done it ,and do it for money.

I don't see many psychologists working for free.. or policemen working for free.. why is it so evil when others make money doing something..?

If something happened , it was a tragic accident, and they got scared.

I hardly think this is the type of family .. who actually deserves to be treated like evil baby killers..with baby Lisa fanatically waiting for justice in the wings.

Dr Phil may just help them come to terms with that fear.. and have some courage to speak out if they are guilty.

I tell you.. if I was a police officer.. these are not the type of 'criminals" I'd be pounding the pavement to get off the streets..

edit on 29-1-2012 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:24 AM
Police release dashcam of response to Lisa Irwin 'missing' call.

I can't get this video to work for me (in my area) maybe someone else can watch it and let us know what we're seeing?


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by silo13
Police release dashcam of response to Lisa Irwin 'missing' call.

I can't get this video to work for me (in my area) maybe someone else can watch it and let us know what we're seeing?


Hello Silo!!!

There wasn't much to see in the video. I did find an article page that had a good description. From

Dashcam captures initial rush after baby Lisa reported missing:
The officer flips on his lights and sirens and begins racing through streets to get to Jeremy Irwin and Debbie Bradley's home at 3620 N. Lister Ave.

The officer tells a dispatcher that his computer is malfunctioning and asks the dispatcher to repeat the information. The dispatcher says Irwin doesn't know how long that Lisa Irwin has been missing.


Two officers were initially sent to the missing baby's home. Both officers were parked in their cars at 3:58 a.m. One officer's dashcam contained audio while the second one did not.

The officer that did not have audio stopped for several minutes while en route. He apparently did so in order to meet up with his colleague so the two could approach the house together.

That officer's dashcam video ends at 4:11 a.m. The video shows at least one person, apparently Irwin, waiting for the officers on the front stoop.

When the officers got close to the house, they shined their spotlights into yards and wooded areas apparently in an attempt to see any criminals.

Those spotlights revealed nothing.

I did not see the spotlight part in the video above. But I did hear the audio mentioned. Over half of the video (at the beginning) is of the police cruiser setting parked. Don't know why they included that bit.

Hope things are well with everyone!

edit on 29-1-2012 by OneisOne because: typo, not enough coffee!

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by silo13

I view this as a good thing... As I stated before every time a person repeats a lie, it becomes that much more difficult to remember what the original lie was to begin with.

I truly believe things started to seal off for them when they gave their police interviews and then went on Fox News and interviewed with Megan Kelley. During that interview is where mom changed the time line of events and got caught. Her statement to Police was she put her to bed at one time and checked on her at another, and the interview with Fox, the times were changed.

All it takes is for them to make a comment that contradicts what they said before, which usually results in a persons downfall. As far as refusing to speak to police, its their right. However if things take a turn for the worse and parents are involved good luck trying to seat a jury panel with people who can keep an open mind, because thats going to be a key point in the trial -

You talked to everyone except the police.... why?

Aside from the speculation, it brings attention back to the case, which is a good thing.

As far as what Dr. Phil would say -

edit on 29-1-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by OneisOne

Thank you OIO - I really appreciate your going to the lengths to let those of us who can't watch the video know.
I had hoped, of course, it was more, but again anything keeping Lisa in the news works for me.
Thanks also for the article, I'm sure others appreciate it as much as I do and that's lots.

Now we'll just wait and see what happens on Dr. P!


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by OneisOne

Thank you OIO - I really appreciate your going to the lengths to let those of us who can't watch the video know.
I had hoped, of course, it was more, but again anything keeping Lisa in the news works for me.
Thanks also for the article, I'm sure others appreciate it as much as I do and that's lots.

Now we'll just wait and see what happens on Dr. P!


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

As I stated before every time a person repeats a lie, it becomes that much more difficult to remember what the original lie was to begin with.

You're right - we'll have to be all ears to hear where the trip ups happen and they don't. And you're right - anything that gets these people talking is worth it - I just despise the limelight slant. For them. Not for Lisa of course.

And your pic? I needed that, lol!


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by gabby2011

People may want to do their own research on Dr. Phil before believing what he says.

Wiki - Dr. Phil
All the rumors and speculation aside, Dr. Phil was found to have had an improper relationship with a former patient and the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists did take disciplinary action. As of 2002 Dr. Phil holds no license to practice.

With that being said he has done good, but people should be fully informed, in my opinion even more so because he still uses the name Dr. Phil when in fact he is not one in a certification sense (not educational training).

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:43 AM

edit on 29-1-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

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