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Lisa Irwin - Missing - One Year Later

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 01:12 PM
Hey guys.
Happy new year (to the extent possible).

I do keep this thread on my subscription list...
sadly, I don't think they're going to find anything.

Anyway, warm thoughts and wishes to you all who have hung in here and contributed to our collective hopes and positive thoughts for that sweet little girl, and for justice to be done in her name.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:46 AM
From KC news leads in the case.

I have not watched the vid yet, but the article does not say much.

At least she is still in the media eye.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:20 AM
Missing Baby Lisa Irwin: Police Have New Leads 3 Months After Disappearance

Picerno told KCTV5 that investigators have several new leads, one of which is very promising. He continued to explain that both the FBI and the Kansas City police department are aware of the new developments. Picerno did not, however, elaborate on what information has been revealed or how he is aware of the inner workings of the investigation.

I'm so excited there are NEW LEADS! But, I'm tearing my hair out to know what they are!!!

Authorities have not publicly commented on Picerno's statement. A spokesman for the Kansas City police department told KMBC-TV Monday that there are no new developments in the ongoing case. However, the same detectives who followed the case from the beginning remain on the investigation and it continues to be classified as a "missing/abducted child" case.

Praying for Lisa...

edit on 7-1-2012 by silo13 because: spacing

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by silo13

Dont get your hopes up to much.. Nothing from Law Enforcement has been released to support the lawyers announcement. Since law enforcement does not make it a habit to share all of their information with lawyers, what the lawyer in this case says is promising may not be even close to law enforcement.

Hopefully closure is near though...

....and hello again to everyone

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Joran van der Sloot pleaded guilty on Wednesday to the 2010 murder of a Peruvian woman he met at a Lima casino who was killed five years to the day after the unsolved disappearance in Aruba of an American teen in which he remains the main suspect.

Read more here:

Yes, this killer in the clp above is the former client of superman Joe Tacopino, the attorney for Lisa's parents. Joran Van der Sloot was not convicted in the trial of Natalie Holloway due to his brilliant defense. Five years later, to the day, he killed another young woman.

Do you guys suppose Tacopino feels remorseful about his assisting a murderer who later murders again?
Just wondering what your opinions are, and if this reinforces your feelings either way about him representing them in this case. He is NOT the attorney representing Vander Sloot in this case, where he has confessed and pleads guilty.

I wonder if he's been living with himself for five years now wishing he had hired a different lawyer at the time, and not lived in the shadow of the Holloway case in which he is still the prime suspect.

btw, Happy new year, guys!!

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Vandersloot was never formally charged with a crime, and never went to court for the Natalie Holloway situation. As much as both people irritate the piss out of me, we must remember innocent until proven guilty. Speculation is fine, but until its proved they are innocent.

With that being said though its always a good feeling when Karma comes back around and puts its boot so far up their posteriors that the water on its knee will quench their thirst.

On a side note Americas most wanted ran the short segment again on their latest / newest episode so hopefully something will break in the case.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Thanks for that clarification....I thought he'd gone to trial and been acquitted. My bad!!
Still, his snake of an attorney was the one who got him out of that pickle....

yes, I agree on the karma thing.
Warmest regards, X!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:59 AM
I read through several posts, but I would still have a few questions as I am following this sad story from Europe, through the net only, I missed some parts of it. If anyone can help answering these...

- Did the family still have a DOG (I read somewere they had a dog before, that bit one of the child before), if so, shouldn't it have barked at strangers entering the home?
- Was it ever told why the father had to go for a night job? WHO called him in? Did he volunteer? What was the alibi, was he really on cam from the place he worked at?
- What was the result of the boys' second interview? Didn't they say they need to give DNA samples to see if the extra Dna in the baby bed was theirs or someone elses? They heard a noise that night, was that the only thing the news told about the brother's interview?
- Were all the witnesses really discredited (who saw the man walking with a baby)?
- People in the other house (where the alleged phone call went to), I read they were all cleaned for any involvement. Did the person who had the phone, did he say he never got that call? Did he say he was on a HUNTING trip before he got back to speak to police? Was that hunting area checked? Something has to be connected to that house or those people, it cannot be an accident. Did they have something the "caller" wanted for hiding a baby or a body? Was that house searched? Or any other house in the neigborhood?
- Was the river searched?

According to statistics, in most of these cases (when so small toddlers are involved) parents, close relative or a neighbor is the one who commits the crime, and the body is found within a mile of the criminal's home. If the baby was not found outside, she must be INSIDE somewhere in a house, attic or basement nearby.
If it was a stranger, that stranger still should have had some knowledge of the house and about the drinking that was going on in the house. They say as time goes by, and relationships change between the people involved, or between the people who know something, there is a chance for the truth to come out.
It is just unbeleivable, that so many people are involved in the story in some way, and noone has any information that can lead to finding her.
I beleive law should protect children more. Negligance and endangerement should be eximined and punished more severly to enforce parents to be more protective of their children. ( not saying for this case, as I do not know what has happened , but in general, to close out the parents as a suspect in cases, the parents hiding, getting rid of child body even after an accident should be punished with as many year in prison as someone gets for murder. Than the best option would be to report and not use up police money and time)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by bemi76

- Did the family still have a DOG (I read somewere they had a dog before, that bit one of the child before), if so, shouldn't it have barked at strangers entering the home?
Yes, and the dog did not bark (or at least no one admits they heard it bark that we know of.

Was it ever told why the father had to go for a night job? WHO called him in? Did he volunteer? What was the alibi, was he really on cam from the place he worked at?

It was the first time he had gone on a night shift, as an electrician, and yes, he was on cam and had an alibi. I don't know who he works FOR, but he went to a Starbucks.

- What was the result of the boys' second interview?
We don't know. The parents were told by the attorney not to ask the boys, and the interviews have not been made public.

Didn't they say they need to give DNA samples to see if the extra Dna in the baby bed was theirs or someone elses?
Yes, they did say that. As far as we know, those samples were collected.

They heard a noise that night, was that the only thing the news told about the brother's interview?

Yes, and that was from the first interview, not the second.

- Were all the witnesses really discredited (who saw the man walking with a baby)?

We don't know. The investigators just say they have "cleared" people and "moved on."

- People in the other house (where the alleged phone call went to), I read they were all cleaned for any involvement. Did the person who had the phone, did he say he never got that call? Did he say he was on a HUNTING trip before he got back to speak to police?
Those people were questioned extensively, some of them came forward to field questions. As far as I know, the guy who had the phone was cleared, the owner of the phone was Megan Wright, and she was the ex of the handyman squatter in the neighborhood. He is in jail on unrelated charges and has been cleared via video of him at a casino the night of the incident.

Was that hunting area checked?

Lots of areas have been checked. The terrain in the area is thick with trees, bluffs, hills, brush...

Something has to be connected to that house or those people, it cannot be an accident.

The only connection is the phone call that went from the still-missing phone of Deborah to Megan's phone. Based on Megan's carrier's records. There is still question as to how the phone made that call if it was disconnected (some say it could receive but not make calls), if it was answered by a person or a machine, or who placed the call.

Did they have something the "caller" wanted for hiding a baby or a body? Was that house searched? Or any other house in the neigborhood?

Possibly. The rumors were that it was a drifter's crash pad, a drug house, and that some of the people who had stayed there were of very shady character. Yes, the house was searched, and at least one other that I think now has been demolished.

- Was the river searched?

The Missouri River is huge, swiftly moving, and brown. Bodies are routinely washed up by it, or found downstream. Not a simple or sure feat to "search" it or "drag" it. It's a dangerous, deadly river.

Hope that helps. Thanks for you concern.
(Anyone, if you see errors in the above, let me know...)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by bemi76

Your first post got its first star, from me!!

Enjoy your journey among us!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Search teams continue to scour area for missing Lisa Irwin

Over three months after baby Lisa Irwin went missing from a Northland home, search teams continue to scour the area for the missing infant.

Police are not saying what information led them to the area, but teams will be searching again Sunday for the missing child near Interstate 435 and Parvin Road.

Police say they have no suspects in the case.

Irwin was reported missing from her family's Kansas City home in October of last year.

Jeremy Irwin, the baby's father, called 911 at about 4 a.m. on Oct. 4 to say his daughter had been abducted, starting a massive national search. Irwin just arrived home from an overnight electrical job at a Kansas City Starbucks.

Debbie Bradley has admitted that she drank enough during the hours leading up to her daughter's disappearance to black out. She has said she expects to be arrested in connection with her daughter's disappearance.

Based on advice of their attorneys, the couple is refusing to meet separately with police to answer questions about their daughter's disappearance. A command post was dismantled in November.

Private, unidentified donors have established a $100,000 reward fund.

Wow... Am I the only one this makes absolutely NUTS! When they're on a 'lead' and that's all they hand out?

BUT! The good news is Lisa is still in the news!!!

edit on 15-1-2012 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:04 AM
Here's where they're searching...


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by silo13

hey Silo! Thanks for this.
to be honest, I'd sort of stopped checking for updates....they have just fizzled out here, and it makes me sad, but I think a lot of people just got "bored" with the lack of new info.

I hope they find out SOMETHING, but if they are scouring the area again, that means it's unlikely the "abduction" thing and "still alive" chances are slim...

(PS - Missed you lately!)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:26 PM
Just checked the FB LIupdates page....uncle Johnny had made a couple of comments how it was due to him that the prix didn't get away with it ....because of him.

And that they'd killed her and dumped her into the riverHe started getting flamed (as per usual), and then he deleted his comments.

There's nothing in the kansascitystar page online about this new search so far.....but I see Silo c/p from KCTV5, which is their partner station...
I'll look some more, but even on the FB page I don't see much new....

edit on 15-1-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:55 PM
on the FB pages...someone on Baby Lisa Irwin Updates did a screen shot of what Johnny C posted on the Justice For Lisa Irwin page (competing camps)....the screen shot tag says the post was put on there 12 hours ago.

It shows where he said

"Debbie accidentally killed Lisa. Philip Netz did spend the night. It was Philip who was seen with baby after midnight but was nervous and scared. David Netz was then called and it was him seen with baby after 4am. David Netz dumped the remains of Lisa.....more than likely in the Missouri River."

I transcribed it, don't know how to do a c/p of a screen shot. Here's the link to the BLIU page, though, where I found!/photo.php?fbid=116352638486105&set=o.184983831580094&type=1&theater

2 hours ago, he posted this:

Johnny Chiaravallotti III I knew what happened from the beginning. And I found out from family. You people have done nothing but distort the facts with inaccurate information, and you still do that even today. I am the only family member who is working with investigators and they have believed me from the beginning. What I know is what I was told and proving these facts is hard because they won't talk to investigators. But we know what happened and the FBI will solve this soon. And I never lost contact with any of my family and it was me who put a restraining order against my sister last year after she caused my mom problems. Stop distorting the truth. I am the good one in the family. It is me who spoke out against the way they lived their lives. Debbie killed Lisa and Philip and David helped cover this up. And the FBI will prove this. Get your twisted facts straight ....I am the only one helping Lisa.
2 hours ago · Like.

followed by:

Johnny Chiaravallotti III In the end you will all know that I have been extremely honest since the beginning .... I have always known the truth but it is you who wanted to twist and distort that truth.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:21 PM
wow... hope they find her.

how long ago was the above posted on fb?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 01:14 AM
things just don't seem right at all with this:

(I was just doing some research for myself and this came up)

Threats to Volunteers searching for missing baby Lisa, Jan 14 2012

sorry if this has already been posted but I didn't see it.

Seems to be a Volunteer group doing their independent search?

other news just says stuff like this:

Missing over 3 months and still no sign of her, Jan 13, 2012

the fb info is very interesting. I wonder what will come of that?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

The searcher / facebook / threat issue, as weird as it sounds, may be a good thing. If for some reason people invovled with the disappearence of the child, or have / know infomation about it, are behind the threats, they will eventually screw up and make a mistake. Just because they made a call from a pay phone doesnt mean there are no surveillance cameras from surrounding businesses, someone driving by may have seen the person etc etc etc.

When they start doing crap like this they will make a mistake, and will be caught.

As far as the facebook info goes - As of right now im dismissing the source. Its telling that he continues to make these claims yet law enforcement is not acting on them. If there is a kernel of truth to it, he would have been officaly interviewed and based on that info, law enforcement could be more insistent on questioning, if not getting an arrest warrant.

The fact this has not occured tells me that the uncle may be just adding his personal feelings on what he think may have occured to the mix to cause further issues with the family. The more he posts info, and the more those facts / story changes, the less credible he becomes, up to the point of being totally useless as a witness. The moment he would take the stand and testify would be the moment his testimony would be impeached by defense.
edit on 16-1-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 04:50 AM
Thank you for the answers on my previous questions.
I think if what the uncle is saying is true, if he had valid information and taken into account by police, than someone would be arrested already, wouldn't be?

All people involved should tell their info/story under oath, to untangle it. (including witnesses)

I think the media attention actually caused that too much information went out to public, therefore made the jobs of the police harder, and more confused. Probably if they go back to the very beginning, there might be a tip overlooked...

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