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How You Know Somebody is Enlightened

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:00 PM
Hello ATS! It feels weird to be posting this, as I haven't posted, made a thread, or even viewed anybody else's posts in quite a long time. In my hiatus, I have felt a brand new invigoration for life, which seems to be rubbing off on my peers at an exponential rate. Without informing them about conspiracy theories or philosophies, they seem to have become more active and more engaged in worthy pursuits of the physical, mental, and spiritual variety.

All that aside, I believe that the key to "enlightenment" is somewhat simple. I will try my best to lay out my own observations in a step-by-step form.

1. "Awake" & Observe

I use this term loosely. It has a stigma attached to it, especially on this site, that "awakening" must mean becoming aware of conspiracy theories. Understand that this is not the case. To become "awake" just means to become aware of your surroundings, whether that means realizing a social hierarchy or listening to other types of music. Basically, once you start to "come out of the box" and actually give merit to things you would have ignored before, you are starting to awaken.

Once you are awake, you most likely won't know very much about what you are seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. Things will feel different and you may hesitate to participate in certain new discoveries. This is natural and necessary. For now, just observe your environment with these new eyes. No need to rush, just observe and take note that things are much bigger than you, and always have been.

2. Research & Participate

This one is where some people start to lose themselves. While observing certain phenomenon, you may deem it necessary to look further and maybe even participate. Good. You may get so caught up in the mind, however, that you forget how to move on. But this is where you must disengage. If you start to feel hopeless, get so wrapped up in your observations that you forget how beautiful everything was when you first woke up, you must disengage. It is here that most people lose their sight and become blind. Ignorant of how beautiful the bigger picture really is...

3. Disengage and Evaluate

After identifying a situation and participating in it, it is important to take YOU out of the equation. I'm not exactly sure how this one works, and at this point you may cause yourself some confusion also, but don't panic; disengaging is necessary in order to move on.

After disengaging, you may still feel an attachment to the subject. This is normal. But upon re-observation, you may see things differently. Now that you have tackled the beast personally, you have probably gained a lot of insight, which will most likely lead you to believe differently, and see past the illusion of duality. Upon first observation, you may have noticed two sides to the matter. Upon research, you probably studied both and while participating, you chose the one which resonated most with your core. But after disengaging and evaluating, you may now see that there are more than two sides. Often, there are three. And the third is embodied by your present condition; an apathetic perspective on the entire matter. Once you have gained this third perspective, it may feel like you are "awakening" all over again, and possibly give you an even Truer feeling.

4. Repeat and/or Revert

Now, you can repeat the process with another situation, realizing the similarity and symmetry between all things. At this point, many people may start to meditate and reflect on prior observations with their new eyes. You may feel very peaceful and balanced, understanding that all things work in waves; there are high points and low points, mountains and valleys.

But there is a choice to be made.

You can also choose to break the cycle by reverting to a previous perspective. This may be just as valuable as repetition and necessary in One's journey.

I have realized that the key to "Enlightenment" (another term used loosely) is not the abandoning of ego, as I previously thought. It is having the ability to throw away the ego and then being able to create a new one. Death and Rebirth. To truly become enlightened, you must learn to embrace the Self, which includes id, ego, and superego, and keep them balanced in perspective.

Thank you for reading and I hope this helps.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth

I have realized that the key to "Enlightenment" (another term used loosely) is not the abandoning of ego, as I previously thought. It is having the ability to throw away the ego and then being able to create a new one. Death and Rebirth. To truly become enlightened, you must learn to embrace the Self, which includes id, ego, and superego, and keep them balanced in perspective.

This is the closest thing you said to my definition of enlightenment. My wife and I started going through a very liberating enlightenment of sorts starting back in February. My simplified version of it would be the realization that love can cure society of its cancer. Since this phase, we have felt no fear, hate, or doubt. And, as it happens, it was when we both became more aware, active, and open to different views and theories as you said with the first part of your post.

But saying you are "enlightened" is like saying you are "here". "Here" is a moving target.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Sigmund Freud...

Inflated sense of self importance...

Stating personal opinions as facts...

Calling it "enlightenment" to instruct others with...

Same old same old self righteous BS

Same theme as innumerable threads here on ATS

Nothing revelatory.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:03 PM
When we add value to another life, or improve living situation, or remove obstacle / impediment of another, or create reason for another being to realize their potential, that is start of enlightenment.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:05 PM
When they don't reply to topics such as this as it is redundant.

When they have other's create their own path individually rather then to tell them where and how to.

When it is realized that their is no right or wrong and you do what you want. When you have to sing of freedom you're not free, when you have to build prisons to keep the peace, you're not at peace.

When you keep your reserve rather then to have the emotions run wildly throughout you.

There are more points but I cannot say which they are.

I would define what you say as nothing more then self awareness of your reality. That you do not live to exercise, but you do not live to be lazy either. The middle point.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

Sigmund Freud...

Inflated sense of self importance...

Stating personal opinions as facts...

Calling it "enlightenment" to instruct others with...

Same old same old self righteous BS

Same theme as innumerable threads here on ATS

Nothing revelatory.

Hmmm... interesting. You seem to be telling me that my words are self-righteous, while putting yourself on a pedestal. Before you criticize, I would ask you to reevaluate your assumptions.

1. Inflated sense of self-importance

I believe that everything and everyone is important. Therefore how can I be inflated?

2. Stating opinions as facts

Point out to me where I did this exactly. Actually, before I gave the "guide" I stated that I am only laying out my own observations

3. Calling it "enlightenment" to instruct others with

Why do you appear to have a problem with the words I choose to use? [demonstrated by the
UGH" at the beginning of your post] Sure, I gave a guide on something I believe to be true, but I don't understand the point of your statement...

4. Same old same old self righteous BS; Same theme as innumerable threads here on ATS

I believe that calling my opinions "BS" makes you seem more self righteous than myself. I'm only trying to help others who might be in a similar situation as I was. And so what if it's the same theme? Repetition has its uses too

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

The basic premise of your unction seems to be "becoming a good judge."
Judgment is not the same as condemnation.
Bad judgment is usually due to poor/lack of observation.

It is no surprise that Life is "the Good Judge." We are certainly in the process of becoming "more" than just animals. And Life has provided life to grow from. The true children of the Good Judge will be good judges.

My continued participation in this thread will be limited, but s+f for burning for lovely things (as it seems).

note - be cautious not to confuse what good judgment is with the foolish thought that one can obtain good judgment by mimicking particular steps.
edit on 10/3/2011 by Dasher because: added note

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

So I guess I struck a nerve lol

edit on 10/3/2011 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Actually, the Opening Poster's response to you seems quite accurate and tempered. You added nothing to the discussion and only served to cause the flow of conversation to deviate from progression. While I understand that many people are jaded by many things, your reaction was certainly petty, unhelpful, counter-productive, and self-condemning.

So then, back to the consideration of the conduct of wise beings...
edit on 10/3/2011 by Dasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth

I have realized that the key to "Enlightenment" (another term used loosely) is not the abandoning of ego, as I previously thought.

Have you undergone ego-death?


edit on 3-10-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:39 PM
You are drawn to someone enlightened.

they make sense.

Also they do not care if you listen to them as well..

For they are enlightened..

Also an enlightened person can feel, the World around them, and perceive the atmosphere they are in, also scaring people with their stature and movement at times when they are not doing what people are used to others doing in the same situation, breaking the default..

Wisdom, by the way is enlightenment, enlightenment is not necessarily some kind of divination, just because you are the only one to see a snake slither on the ground, and no one else ever had, does not make you special. Eventually all will see such thing, or had in the past.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Bicent76

Good judgment is immaterial and while certain/many allegories involving physical things can illustrate important immaterial issues, the example you used is not very true/powerful.

I will add; Yes, it is spiritual, but it is "rational."
edit on 10/3/2011 by Dasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:53 PM

edit on 3-10-2011 by redstorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
reply to post by Bicent76

Good judgment is immaterial and while certain/many allegories involving physical things can illustrate important immaterial issues, the example you used is not very true/powerful.

Judgement is all about spirituality.........

its all about the balance of the judgement being made due to how one is enlightened.. And keeping it balanced.

Ah I love sailing on sail boats... I love the rocking back a fro on the ocean of time.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Bicent76

And how could one deny that there are those who do not have good judgment "within" them and are tossed around with the wind?

The seed of faith, which is spiritual understanding, only conceives "new creatures" (read: creatures which are more than animals) within those that the Good Judge "knows" (read: Sups with/ Communes with/ Enters into as a Man enters a Woman - I know, kinda weird). This is also why the "fullness of time" will cause the world (womb) to exhibit "birth pangs."

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by redstorm

On one level, it is evident by it's existence, and also on another level.

We are the "priestly animals." By all means, we eat poop, pee, make boogers, etc. We are meat/carne/carnal. But it was given to our species to set our minds on these eternal and immaterial constructs which are obvious to judges, but elude animals.

Likewise, we are living beings made from dust. There is 0, zero, no sense in the rationale that a code-base would order itself and continue. The fact that data can exist in a living/growing form within and by non-living material is a basic "octave" of the prior concept.
edit on 10/3/2011 by Dasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
reply to post by Bicent76

And how could one deny that there are those who do not have good judgment "within" them and are tossed around with the wind?

The seed of faith, which is spiritual understanding, only conceives "new creatures" (read: creatures which are more than animals) within those that the Good Judge "knows" (read: Sups with/ Communes with/ Enters into as a Man enters a Woman - I know, kinda weird). This is also why the "fullness of time" will cause the world (womb) to exhibit "birth pangs."

It has been this way since the first recorded thoughts of life...

birth pangs, having been and will continue to happen as long as life remains.. What is to gain, by looking down at such? Knowing it is there and thinking about it long enough for ones forte to make it an instinctive sense without further thought when imposed by such presence should be all that is needed, in order to deal with such diversions in life..

No sense in worrying about something that cannot or has never changed...

I come from a different school of thought, on such things..

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I believe that everything and everyone is important. Therefore how can I be inflated?

Because you are saying your view is the way to perceive the "enlightened".

Point out to me where I did this exactly. Actually, before I gave the "guide" I stated that I am only laying out my own observations

Your thread title is not as ambiguous as you act like it is.

Why do you appear to have a problem with the words I choose to use? [demonstrated by the UGH" at the beginning of your post] Sure, I gave a guide on something I believe to be true, but I don't understand the point of your statement...

Perhaps you shouldn't have presented it initially as "How You Know Somebody is Enlightened".
It puts it forth as an instructional thread by someone who is "enlightened" enough to recognize it in others. Others can lie and BS quite convincingly with no so-called "enlightenment".

I believe that calling my opinions "BS" makes you seem more self righteous than myself. I'm only trying to help others who might be in a similar situation as I was. And so what if it's the same theme? Repetition has its uses too

I agree they are your opinions yet you put them forth to ATS (in your title and attitude) as a fact or a truth for all--when it may just be relevant to you and you alone.

Individuals that repeat their opinions and/or questionable "ways" to "know" something are doing just that--repeating questionable and/or shaky ways of One Individual's views that may be truth to that one person but are by no means a "Way" to know anything.

I am a skeptic: meaning that I don't believe I can know ANYTHING with Absolute certainty. I am not calling you out from self righteousness. Just from common sense and logic.

edit on 10/3/2011 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

You are very confident for someone who does not understand that a title is commonly what the author posits and then discusses, but is not necessarily self-proving.

Again, you are distracting from the nature of this thread. It would be best to take your gripe to PMs with the thread's author.
edit on 10/3/2011 by Dasher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 07:09 PM

edit on 3-10-2011 by redstorm because: (no reason given)

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