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People Rounded up Like Cattle @ NYC, Riots Imminent: Occupy Wall St Turns Sheer Police Brutality!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

This protest is the very last shot at preventing a full blown run through hell for all of us. If this fails, look out below. One thing's for sure, if this doesn't ease the pressure, you won't be self made or self anything. Your money will evaporate, your job will disappear, and all that capacity that you think you've achieved by the power of your own excellence will seem like a bad joke that God's been playing on you. Trust me, unless you die in the first wave, you'll hate every arrogant word you ever spat at people like those protesters. Even if the rank and file doesn't know what's going on, the organizers do. This is about venting pressure, and it better work or we're going to have a real bad winter.

Harsh words....but oh, so true.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by nuttin4U

Newsflash: business owners have to do what's best for their business....NOT YOURS! It's nothing's just business! The real problem is this: people have been FOOLISH with their lives, and's biting them in the ass!!! Perhaps people should stop blaming OTHERS for their woe's. Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

If people started refusing to work 16-hour days for pennies on the dollar, then the corporations would be forced to pay them a reasonable salary, now wouldn't they?

The rest of your comment is just nonsense. Americans sit on their fat lazy asses doing nothing while making tons of money? First of all, have you seen the unemployment rates in America lately? Exactly what jobs are Americans being paid tons of money for while they sit on their ass?

Is it the government's fault...people are unemployed? Is it the government's JOB ,to make sure people work? What? People can't take care of themselves, without GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE? Ooooh, you're angry because the government is ROBBING THE PEOPLE BLIND....along with the banks? HAHAHAHAH who's fault is that, the government's? You give them the money, to do as they wish...every payday...or when they need 'BAILED OUT'.

Let me see if i can break it down, in layman's terms, to help you get a grip on reality: FIND YOUR OWN SOURCE OF INCOME...whether it be "under the table" or "on the side". If you're a mechanic....give an oil change at a GREAT PRICE....instead of having your neighbor pay double, at the dealer. If you're a gardener, mow someone's lawn. If you're an artist, SELL YOUR WORK. Do something other than looking for government cheese and free money.

I cant believe people are surprised that pension funds are drying up! Why would ANYONE rely on the system to get them through their elderly years?

And please, do tell me, what other country gives away MONEY, HOUSING, AND FOOD for free...when they lose their job? Oh, and did you know....that people collecting unemployment...are being paid by their FORMER EMPLOYERS, for getting FIRED???? And you wonder why, America is BROKE? You wonder why corporations are OUTSOURCING and MOVING to other countries? Really? hahahahah

All the educational facilities in the U.S., you'd think the citizens would be a little "SMARTER" than this. Riiiight, i almost forgot....Colleges and Universities aren't there to make you "smart", they're IN BUSINESS to institutionalize you, to 'THEIR BELIEFS'. Afterall........there is NO CREATOR...IT'S ALL JUST ONE BIG COINCIDENCE.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:55 PM
For those who thinks Ny protesters are crazy, and they dont know why what they're protesting about. check this video out

edit on 2-10-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Is it possible that future historians will say that the middle class vs upper class war started with this event?

I guess only time will tell.

It's interesting that the leader of this protest was using an Apple laptop to organize everything, and when interviewed didn't think it strange that she was protesting banks and investment firms on Wall St while using a computer made in China by the largest corporation in the USA (which also outsourced thousands of jobs) and which was probably paid for by going into credit card debt financed by one of those Wall St banks.

Hypocracy at its finest.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by nuttin4U

Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

So your saying that because some people are forced to work 16 hours a day for pennies, that Americans should be grateful?

That's like telling a victim of robbery, they should feel lucky for being robbed, cause they could have been raped and beaten to death.

Corporations aren't getting sucked dry, and if they are they need to look at the top of the pyramid for the the real bleeders of their money.. bonus's.. perks etc.

Corporations are all about quarterly profit, and finding ways to make more.. and they usually find a way to make the bottom of the rung pay for the greed... overworking the workers they do have , and putting an insane amount of pressure on the little get more done, on little pay.

Sounds to me like your a corporation owner.. with a big fat salary, and a superb pension plan to boot... or at least an investor in them.

I also don't see many big fat lazy Americans.sitting on their asses making tons of money, unless they are being deceitful ,and scamming....or happen to be a CEO for one of these greedy corporations.

edit on 2-10-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by nuttin4U
You got me laaaaaaaaaughin'. So, this is about PEOPLE dictating what other business owners decide to do with their own business? Are you telling me, that corporations don't have the right to take their businesses elsewhere....for the sake of THEIR business? Apparently, YOU don't have a business....nor do you know what it takes to run one.

We rescued those banks and brokerage houses when they screwed themselves and couldn't survive without our tax dollars to get up off the canvas. Bush/Paulson tried giving that 700 billion to them no-strings-attached, (meaning that they wouldn't have had to even pay it back) and if they'd succeeded, you'd have been reading about really bad stuff turning that Wall Street into a killing field within 6 months. Luckily, the Congress stepped up and at least required them to promise to pay back the half they kept in reserve until Obama got into the WH, and to agree to lend to smaller banks and businesses once their balance sheets stabilized. So far, they've reneged on 50% of that agreement, and have had no qualms about letting the rest of us flounder in this recession - even after we saved their businesses with our TARP bailout money. Sitting on trillions of dollars, and posting record gains across the board. Most people are very aware of the fact that these banks owe their survival to us, and that turn around is fair play.

Newsflash: business owners have to do what's best for their business....NOT YOURS! It's nothing's just business! The real problem is this: people have been FOOLISH with their lives, and's biting them in the ass!!! Perhaps people should stop blaming OTHERS for their woe's. Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

Newsflash: There's no corporation on this planet that doesn't owe its day-to-day survival to the people who buy their products. That direct financial support can be taken away, and it will be once the average "lazy fat ass" person wakes up to the fact that if they collect together, they can kill off each and every corporation they feel like killing off, and for no other reason than they feel like killing it off. Imagine how much fun it'll be making that sort of disaster happen to one multi-national after another. Soon enough, if those corporate jerks and their bankers don't notice this small hitch in their master plan, then it'll be "Go ahead, make the stuff for pennies a day in some 3rd world fever swamp. Just don't expect anyone with any money to buy it. No one here, anyway. Oh, and about Europe or Asia, have fun trying to reprogram those folks into being American-style consumers fast enough to survive the market shift. They don't even watch TV for the most part. You're screwed."

Corporations used to be worried about whether their market liked them or not. Apparently, they've hired idiots into their C-level positions, and those bozos have no idea where the company's money actually comes from. Hell, they can move their whole operations to hell if they want to, but they can't force anyone here - in the largest and most coveted market on Earth - to even piss on their products.

Sounds to the scales are being balanced. The reason why these corporations have because Americans are way too expensive and demanding to keep. They actually sue their employer because they got 29 minutes for lunch...and not a full the law says. They use ANY excuse to make a quick buck. Now, you tell me....who's right and who's wrong?!

It's not about who's right or wrong, it's about who's going to survive a falling out between these idiots corporate leaders and the only real market that most of them have on this planet. I'm kinda looking forward to the collapse of most of these businesses. They don't hire Americans anyway, and who needs 40 different kinds of whatever the hell they're trying to sell to people. Christ, they're even calling checking accounts "products", as if anyone (but them) give a damn about the small specifics that separate one checking account from the next - well, other than not wanting to have any money at all in a bank that's screwing everyone over, of course.

I think a good flush is what's needed. Small business will easily pick up the slack after 50% of the big companies get mowed over. The American market won't even feel a thing.
edit on 10/2/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:10 PM

edit on 2-10-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:10 PM
double post
edit on 2-10-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by sam_inc
those who thinks Ny protesters are crazy, and they dont know why what they're protesting about. check this video out

^ finally an OCCUPATION
that makes SENSE

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by DragonTattooz
reply to post by sdcigarpig

The mortage problem was NOT that people could not afford the mortgages. The problem was the ARMs. When a person's mortgage goes from $1100 to $2500, that creates a hardship. All the banks needed to do was keep interest rates where they were, but no, they are greedy and wanted more, more, more, just like the bankers always do. They are born with some kind of mental sickness that makes them think they are more deserving than other people.

I never understood why interest rates would drop, yet ARMs supposedly tied to prime would go up. Call me stupid, but it makes no sense to me...banks pay less for their money, but charge more to loan it out. They are crooks, and that is the point of OWS.
edit on 2-10-2011 by DragonTattooz because: spelling errors

People have to understand that mortgages are not like rent. When you sign up for a mortgage at $1100, you have to understand that due to interest rate changes the cost may go up.

Interest rate changes are at the sole behest of the lender. No one is forcing people to take out a mortgage, people decided that they wanted part of the American dream and mortgaged themselves to the hilt to do this.

You blame the banks. I blame greedy people who signed over themselves to a 20 or 30 year debt for a house that they didn't need and probably couldn't afford in the first place.

Let the flaming begin.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by nuttin4U

Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

Sounds to me like your a corporation owner.. with a big fat salary, and a superb pension plan to boot... or at least an investor in them.

That guy? He's a pay-per-post 1099 who's working a project for some marketing firm that specializes in forum messaging. No one who sits any higher than middle manager within the corporate world would get caught dead on a thread like this. Those sociopaths don't give a damn what any of us think, and certainly wouldn't bother defending whatever it is that they've done to make sure that they (and their families) stay as far away from us as possible.

There are so many freelance pay-per-post marketing shills working this board on these kinds of economic and political issues that it's kind of creepy. Talk about a corporate takeover.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

THANK YOU! Where is the personal responsibility? I know that people are upset about the economy but far too many people are just looking for a free ride, a reset to get rid of bad choices that they themselves made. And, if they got a reset? They would probably just get themselves back into the same situation in a few years.
The vague and broad complaints of these protestors takes attention away from the real concerns of the people who are looking for work every single day and can't find any. The people calling to have their student loans forgiven, their mortgages forgiven, their credit card debt forgiven. Get a job. If you are actually trying to get a job and can't then that AND ONLY THAT is worthy of complaint.

This is a big, complicated mess that has now plagued western society. Have you ever heard the saying "shiz rolls down hill?" Why have people become lazy? Maybe they are hopeless. Maybe they don't want to slave at some crappy job for 40+ hrs a week to barely get by. Maybe they don't have the money to go to school, as if that is any guarantee of a good life. Student loans are a scam, as is just about everything anymore. Should there be any surprise that people have become the way they are? It has always been more about who you know than what you know, and it is getting worse. The American dream is all but dead. The little people are fet up and tired of being used and exploited by the rich, the greedy, the powerful.

Kids are being lost and forgotten because alot of the time both parents need to work to support the family. The parents are tired and overworked, and cannot give their kids the attention and emotional support they need to become well adjusted adults. It is a cruel, dog eat dog world for the poor and now middle classes as well, as they fight for the scraps. Meanwhile the aholes on wallstreet look down, grin, and sip champagne.

The govt and the fatcats continue to play their little games at the taxpayers expense. Bribes are made, bailouts are paid, regulations are abolished, and taxes are waived. The game gets more and more lopsided. Something will eventually have to give. Speculators and the fed cause inflation. They manipulate the markets for their gain while the little guy pays more and more for gas and groceries until their paycheck just doesn't go far enough anymore. Sorry fatcats, whores, and money printers. The people have been pushed too far. The system is fubar, and far beyond salvageable.
edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Is it possible that future historians will say that the middle class vs upper class war started with this event?

I guess only time will tell.

It's interesting that the leader of this protest was using an Apple laptop to organize everything, and when interviewed didn't think it strange that she was protesting banks and investment firms on Wall St while using a computer made in China by the largest corporation in the USA (which also outsourced thousands of jobs) and which was probably paid for by going into credit card debt financed by one of those Wall St banks.

Hypocracy at its finest.

Really? Hypocrisy at its finest?

You can get a used Apple laptop for the price of filling a Suburban's gas tank, and literally everything is made in China - from toothpicks to caskets.

You can do better than that. That was seriously weak.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by colbyforce

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

THANK YOU! Where is the personal responsibility? I know that people are upset about the economy but far too many people are just looking for a free ride, a reset to get rid of bad choices that they themselves made. And, if they got a reset? They would probably just get themselves back into the same situation in a few years.
The vague and broad complaints of these protestors takes attention away from the real concerns of the people who are looking for work every single day and can't find any. The people calling to have their student loans forgiven, their mortgages forgiven, their credit card debt forgiven. Get a job. If you are actually trying to get a job and can't then that AND ONLY THAT is worthy of complaint.

This is a big, complicated mess that has now plagued western society. Have you ever heard the saying "shiz rolls down hill?" Why have people become lazy? Maybe they are hopeless. Maybe they don't want to slave at some crappy job for 40+ hrs a week to barely get by. Maybe they don't have the money to go to school, as if that is any guarantee of a good life. Student loans are a scam, as is just about everything anymore. Should there be any surprise that people have become the way they are? It has always been more about who you know than what you know, and it is getting worse. The American dream is all but dead. The little people are fet up and tired of being used and exploited by the rich, the greedy, the powerful.

Kids are being lost and forgotten because alot of the time both parents need to work to support the family. The parents are tired and overworked, and cannot give their kids the attention and emotional support they need to become well adjusted adults. It is a cruel, dog eat dog world for the poor and now middle classes as well, as they fight for the scraps. Meanwhile the aholes on wallstreet look down, grin, and sip champagne.

The govt and the fatcats continue to play their little games at the taxpayers expense. Bribes are made, bailouts are paid, regulations are abolished, and taxes are waived. The game gets more and more lopsided. Something will eventually have to give. Speculators and the fed cause inflation. They manipulate the markets for their gain while the little guy pays more and more for gas and groceries until their paycheck just doesn't go far enough anymore. Sorry fatcats, whores, and money printers. The people have been pushed too far. The system is fubar, and far beyond salvageable.
edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

Do you have any concept of how hard your great grandparents had to work to just literally survive? No people on the face of the Earth have ever, as a group, had it easier than Americans do today. Yes, we have hit an economic bump. It is a tragedy that children in this country go hungry, and there are children who do. By all means take my tax dollars and give them food to eat. But we are not, nor has anyone ever been entitled to McMansions and flat screen TV's.
From the dawn of man life for the vast majority of people on the planet was a daily struggle to exist.
And we aren't going to take it anymore because our life is so bad???

Defend and protect the constitution which enabled us to have the life we have today. And go to bed grateful that you won the lottery by simply being born here. The Western World (including the U.S.) has it better than anyone else.

Those in favor of pure wealth redistribution better think about what it would mean to really do it. 8K a year or so would be global equality. Do you want to adjust to an 8k a year lifestyle? Forgive me for not doing enough for those in the developing world, but I don't want to. And I don't want my children to do so. That is the majority point of view and in this instance the rule of law and the will of the majority are on the same page.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by ldyserenity

The FED is the Master....They artificially inflate and deflate things to suit their agenda, they control WallStreet and the Federal Government.

but no one is protesting there

Actually they are OCTOBER 1,2011, Occupy DC.
But the FED is not government everybody knows they are a private bank cartel owned by a private corp. So my point still stands oh and they do have offices on wall st one of their Famous ones was in Building 7.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Is it possible that future historians will say that the middle class vs upper class war started with this event?

I guess only time will tell.

It's interesting that the leader of this protest was using an Apple laptop to organize everything, and when interviewed didn't think it strange that she was protesting banks and investment firms on Wall St while using a computer made in China by the largest corporation in the USA (which also outsourced thousands of jobs) and which was probably paid for by going into credit card debt financed by one of those Wall St banks.

Hypocracy at its finest.

Is there any that aren't built over there?
If so please link us to that information.
Microsoft does it too out sourced and linux is From the UK.
So tell me what choice do we have to buy what they offer or to go without?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by babybunnies
Is it possible that future historians will say that the middle class vs upper class war started with this event?

I guess only time will tell.

It's interesting that the leader of this protest was using an Apple laptop to organize everything, and when interviewed didn't think it strange that she was protesting banks and investment firms on Wall St while using a computer made in China by the largest corporation in the USA (which also outsourced thousands of jobs) and which was probably paid for by going into credit card debt financed by one of those Wall St banks.

Hypocracy at its finest.

Is there any that aren't built over there?
If so please link us to that information.

100,000 going without, publically, without ANYTHING that they sell, would get their attention must faster than the same number of protesters. If we come at them as citizens, they really don't care. That isn't their department. But if we come at them as consumers...well, the customer is always right...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by watcher3339

How do you know her laptop wasn't ten years old?
I mean you are assuming a lot, it also could have been purchased second hand on craigslist or on ebay or a pawn shop for that matter as another poster said.
But I do agree, do not buy new anything, except food of course we have no choice but to eat so we're still pretty much screwed.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by watcher3339

How do you know her laptop wasn't ten years old?
I mean you are assuming a lot, it also could have been purchased second hand on craigslist or on ebay or a pawn shop for that matter as another poster said.
But I do agree, do not buy new anything, except food of course we have no choice but to eat so we're still pretty much screwed.

I didn't assume anything. I didn't even say anything about her laptop. I simply point out that there are more effective ways to communicate points of interest to those who only understand money.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Exactly so why are government and business allowing the FED to devalue the dollar?? This is the real evil

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