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People Rounded up Like Cattle @ NYC, Riots Imminent: Occupy Wall St Turns Sheer Police Brutality!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by colbyforce

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

THANK YOU! Where is the personal responsibility? I know that people are upset about the economy but far too many people are just looking for a free ride, a reset to get rid of bad choices that they themselves made. And, if they got a reset? They would probably just get themselves back into the same situation in a few years.
The vague and broad complaints of these protestors takes attention away from the real concerns of the people who are looking for work every single day and can't find any. The people calling to have their student loans forgiven, their mortgages forgiven, their credit card debt forgiven. Get a job. If you are actually trying to get a job and can't then that AND ONLY THAT is worthy of complaint.

This is a big, complicated mess that has now plagued western society. Have you ever heard the saying "shiz rolls down hill?" Why have people become lazy? Maybe they are hopeless. Maybe they don't want to slave at some crappy job for 40+ hrs a week to barely get by. Maybe they don't have the money to go to school, as if that is any guarantee of a good life. Student loans are a scam, as is just about everything anymore. Should there be any surprise that people have become the way they are? It has always been more about who you know than what you know, and it is getting worse. The American dream is all but dead. The little people are fet up and tired of being used and exploited by the rich, the greedy, the powerful.

Kids are being lost and forgotten because alot of the time both parents need to work to support the family. The parents are tired and overworked, and cannot give their kids the attention and emotional support they need to become well adjusted adults. It is a cruel, dog eat dog world for the poor and now middle classes as well, as they fight for the scraps. Meanwhile the aholes on wallstreet look down, grin, and sip champagne.

The govt and the fatcats continue to play their little games at the taxpayers expense. Bribes are made, bailouts are paid, regulations are abolished, and taxes are waived. The game gets more and more lopsided. Something will eventually have to give. Speculators and the fed cause inflation. They manipulate the markets for their gain while the little guy pays more and more for gas and groceries until their paycheck just doesn't go far enough anymore. Sorry fatcats, whores, and money printers. The people have been pushed too far. The system is fubar, and far beyond salvageable.
edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

Do you have any concept of how hard your great grandparents had to work to just literally survive? No people on the face of the Earth have ever, as a group, had it easier than Americans do today. Yes, we have hit an economic bump. It is a tragedy that children in this country go hungry, and there are children who do. By all means take my tax dollars and give them food to eat. But we are not, nor has anyone ever been entitled to McMansions and flat screen TV's.
From the dawn of man life for the vast majority of people on the planet was a daily struggle to exist.
And we aren't going to take it anymore because our life is so bad???

Defend and protect the constitution which enabled us to have the life we have today. And go to bed grateful that you won the lottery by simply being born here. The Western World (including the U.S.) has it better than anyone else.

Those in favor of pure wealth redistribution better think about what it would mean to really do it. 8K a year or so would be global equality. Do you want to adjust to an 8k a year lifestyle? Forgive me for not doing enough for those in the developing world, but I don't want to. And I don't want my children to do so. That is the majority point of view and in this instance the rule of law and the will of the majority are on the same page.

So this is what you got out of my post? Even though you have it good now, when hyperinflation happens because of the actions of wallstreet, the fed, and your government, you'll have to open your eyes to the corruption and get pissed. Good luck. Keep pretending all is ok because it feels ok to you.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:51 PM
What we have here is,

failure to communicate..

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

I agree, on the simple fact we've seen em do it to innocent people (watched it happen at G20 toronto)
Not saying I would really encourage it, but wouldn't be too upset if I saw it happen as I've already seen the vice versa and no body gave a rats ass then.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by ignant

These people are protesting because the crimails that make up Wall St. Wall St. is selling out the US. You sound like the sheep to me and believe the news that these protesters are bad and evil. Time to wake up and see what is happening. We are turning into a police state and Wall st needs to be shut down.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ignant

So laws mean nothing to you then?

Being told not to go to certain areas and block roads is reason to go against laws and rules as a way to look rebellious to your other uncool friends who hate police as a hobby because an officer probably confiscated your pot when you were 15 and you've had a vendetta against all police ever since?

People like you aren't worth the pity or the time of day. Nor are those who blatantly crossed the line when they were told not to block a road and then cried foul when they were caught red handed doing what they weren't supposed to be doing and arrested for it.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by stereotype

Look dude, maybe you cant see the light of day out your moms basement but let me tell ya, between the forced healthcare that I have to have and the state and fed taxes there goes 48 percent of my pay check every week.... 48% that's eff'n rediculous

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by stereotype
reply to post by Domo1

I am intrigued.

Can you explain why it is important to NOT turn violent? At some point, there must be violence to trigger the event

This protest (or what ever you call it) is a joke. There is a loosely organized mob of people who don't have a single unifying message. It's important that this doesn't turn violent for many reasons.

1) There's no need! How do you fight when you don't even know what you stand for?? LOL
2) They will be locked up for civil disobedience or assault, innocent people will be hurt and property will be damaged.
3) They will accomplish nothing except furthering the administrations justification for Marshal Law.

As best I can tall, this is a group of angry liberal, atheist, anarchist, hippie, communist, socialist, union, welfare-loving, angry-at-the-world-for-being-born, idiots. Please share with me ONE SINGLE VIDEO of a sane person participating in this BS. I haven't seen one yet!!!

I'm down for violence in the defense of something sacred. Been there...done that...have the medals! But people...seriously...this detracts from the REAL event that might very well take place in our future. For the most part, these people are complete idiots!! When the real event happens and the true patriots rises up...that movement will be compared to THIS BS and we'll be marginalized. They'll dismiss the real (necessary) uprising as just "the second Occupy Wall Street Event". I'm not liking this...and I hope they stop soon. I don't know about the rest of you, but these folks aren't playing on my team!!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:35 PM
If there were internet, live-cams, and bloggers a few years prior to 1776......

I believe we'd be seeing many of the same faces and voices on both sides of the coming big question....

Which side are we on?....

Truth and justice upholding the Constitution, or ..... status quo, give us govt cheese pleeze and let us dig some little rat holes in the sand while they take mega-bucks from the people.....

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Oooohhhh how I wish you were running for president!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by colbyforce

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by colbyforce

Originally posted by watcher3339

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

THANK YOU! Where is the personal responsibility? I know that people are upset about the economy but far too many people are just looking for a free ride, a reset to get rid of bad choices that they themselves made. And, if they got a reset? They would probably just get themselves back into the same situation in a few years.
The vague and broad complaints of these protestors takes attention away from the real concerns of the people who are looking for work every single day and can't find any. The people calling to have their student loans forgiven, their mortgages forgiven, their credit card debt forgiven. Get a job. If you are actually trying to get a job and can't then that AND ONLY THAT is worthy of complaint.

This is a big, complicated mess that has now plagued western society. Have you ever heard the saying "shiz rolls down hill?" Why have people become lazy? Maybe they are hopeless. Maybe they don't want to slave at some crappy job for 40+ hrs a week to barely get by. Maybe they don't have the money to go to school, as if that is any guarantee of a good life. Student loans are a scam, as is just about everything anymore. Should there be any surprise that people have become the way they are? It has always been more about who you know than what you know, and it is getting worse. The American dream is all but dead. The little people are fet up and tired of being used and exploited by the rich, the greedy, the powerful.

Kids are being lost and forgotten because alot of the time both parents need to work to support the family. The parents are tired and overworked, and cannot give their kids the attention and emotional support they need to become well adjusted adults. It is a cruel, dog eat dog world for the poor and now middle classes as well, as they fight for the scraps. Meanwhile the aholes on wallstreet look down, grin, and sip champagne.

The govt and the fatcats continue to play their little games at the taxpayers expense. Bribes are made, bailouts are paid, regulations are abolished, and taxes are waived. The game gets more and more lopsided. Something will eventually have to give. Speculators and the fed cause inflation. They manipulate the markets for their gain while the little guy pays more and more for gas and groceries until their paycheck just doesn't go far enough anymore. Sorry fatcats, whores, and money printers. The people have been pushed too far. The system is fubar, and far beyond salvageable.
edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

Do you have any concept of how hard your great grandparents had to work to just literally survive? No people on the face of the Earth have ever, as a group, had it easier than Americans do today. Yes, we have hit an economic bump. It is a tragedy that children in this country go hungry, and there are children who do. By all means take my tax dollars and give them food to eat. But we are not, nor has anyone ever been entitled to McMansions and flat screen TV's.
From the dawn of man life for the vast majority of people on the planet was a daily struggle to exist.
And we aren't going to take it anymore because our life is so bad???

Defend and protect the constitution which enabled us to have the life we have today. And go to bed grateful that you won the lottery by simply being born here. The Western World (including the U.S.) has it better than anyone else.

Those in favor of pure wealth redistribution better think about what it would mean to really do it. 8K a year or so would be global equality. Do you want to adjust to an 8k a year lifestyle? Forgive me for not doing enough for those in the developing world, but I don't want to. And I don't want my children to do so. That is the majority point of view and in this instance the rule of law and the will of the majority are on the same page.

So this is what you got out of my post? Even though you have it good now, when hyperinflation happens because of the actions of wallstreet, the fed, and your government, you'll have to open your eyes to the corruption and get pissed. Good luck. Keep pretending all is ok because it feels ok to you.

Our system for all its flaws is better than any other. That's what I get out of life. Travel a bit. See the world. Help who you can and be grateful for what you have. You'd rather toss it all? Bad pick, but your choice.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by DragonTattooz

Banks, like any business, are in the money business, and are there to make money. To that end, the basic principle is that if you put money into a bank, they would pay you interest to use that money, and that anyone borrowing, would have to pay interest, thus paying the banks.

The statement about the faulty loans, and predatory lending made is not nonsense. How else does someone who can not afford a house get such, unless it is made through a bank, where they have lowered the requirements of such? That came at the deregulation of the banking industry, by the federal governments, after being pressured by lobbyist and unions to make the risky loans. After all, if people could afford to make the payments on their mortgages, then why was their a crisis in the first place? The housing bubble popped first, then the economy followed.

Like most businesses and corporations, they have to answer to stock holders, and having debt on the books at the end of the business year, would mean lower dividends to the shareholders, so to clear up the books they sold the debts to other banks and lending institutions.

Look at the federal mortgage companies, Fanny and Freddy, that after the public was told both would not tank, tanked big time with billions in debt, and those 2 companies are not only holding the guarantee of mortgages on houses, but also controlled by the federal government.

Combined with a building bubble, the indicators had to be there that the housing industry needed to build more houses, well that was a good indicator of how many houses were being called for and needed, and no one thought to say wait a minute something is wrong? Or those that did, well were discounted or wrote off as being some sort of crack pot.

And what is really sad and a shame about all of this, is that it happened before, when the Savings and Loans crashed.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by curious7
reply to post by ignant

So laws mean nothing to you then?

Being told not to go to certain areas and block roads is reason to go against laws and rules as a way to look rebellious to your other uncool friends who hate police as a hobby because an officer probably confiscated your pot when you were 15 and you've had a vendetta against all police ever since?

People like you aren't worth the pity or the time of day. Nor are those who blatantly crossed the line when they were told not to block a road and then cried foul when they were caught red handed doing what they weren't supposed to be doing and arrested for it.

Are these petty laws, that are being broken anything close to the treasonous actions of politicians we've seen in the last 50 yrs. Where are all these big bad ass cops when $3 trillion dollars goes missing from the pentagon?
I know 2 wrongs don't make a right so don't come at me like that.
I do think these people should get arrested tho. They should be going ballistic, in fact the laws of this government
are null and void because it has clearly turned on it's own citizens and is in the obvious process of trashing the country first and then starving as many as they can.
Cops can't see that, or won't see that, from there place in the line of sedition. No way those who still have their jobs and money coming in and there nice beds to sleep in every night, also won't recognise this as the truth.
Yeah these people should be arrested for all this foot stomping, holding their breath and this, slogan contest.
Arrested for being to damn soft in their patiotic duty.

Every citizen out there should be turning Rambo right now. It starts with the infrastructure. Rip the whole damn thing apart with malice. And go from there.
edit on 2-10-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by watcher3339

So you're just saying keep bailing water out of a sinking ship with a bucket and hope for the best. I think tptb need to be reminded that we are here, we are mad, and we are big in numbers. I am not some misguided, unworldly kid so quit with the talking down to. I want a better life for my kids too, but know sacrifices will have to be made. I think we're likely damned either way, but we may as well get on with the inevitable before it's way too late.
edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist
What needs to happen is...

When one of these cops starts in on a protester, I think 100 of the protesters should bum rush that cop and show him what time it is.
edit on 2-10-2011 by Frankenchrist because: (no reason given)

Good idea, especially since that will give the cops more reason to retaliate with force. Then when things escalate to the point that the cops can not handle them any more, the Governor should call in the National Guard. When the National Guard fails then maybe Obama can call in the Army, then NATO, and the UN should get involved.
edit on 2-10-2011 by relique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:02 AM
Don't trust em at all

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

'Then HOW COME we are letting them decide the value of our dollar and the rate of inflation of goods? Wall Street isn't....the FED is

This is my entire point... How come no one protesting CARES they are doing what they want and affecting Wall Street AND the Government? As well as the price of bread and to a big extent the geographical location of JOBS....

Yes they are a private organization...but they control Wall Street and our Federal legislators

edit on 10/3/11 by Cinaed because: typos

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

They are also mostly ending up with Shariah varying degrees

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by stereotype

Why does violence need to happen to spur on change? Because that's how it's always been in the past?

Because the criminal elite who are strangling our economy and oppressing the American public will not give up their control without it.

Go ahead and convince me that the people that murdered 3000 Americans on 9/11, the people that subsequently sent more Americans to die and murder in Afghanistan and Iraq for their own crooked agenda, the people who are raping the value of the dollar to get richer while setting up a new great depression, the people that are killing the oceans with oil, corexit and radiation... those people will just step aside to some shouting people in the street. Nope. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:48 AM
The US Government has not done it's job in regulating the labour market to ensure jobs stay in the US. Free markets forces usually self-regulates a capitalist economy quite elegantly, but sometimes it falls short. The Government needs to step in and precisely regulate where free market forces are not aligned correctly. Protesters should be occupying DC, not NY.
edit on 3-10-2011 by indigo21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by indigo21

The US Government has not done it's job in regulating the labour market to ensure jobs stay in the US.

Why should they?

Labor has no value, there are not enough resources in the world to provide for idiots.

India and China have implemented very successful models for controlling the population at large. America is in the process of implementing these economic models for controlling the American population.
edit on 3-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

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