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People Rounded up Like Cattle @ NYC, Riots Imminent: Occupy Wall St Turns Sheer Police Brutality!

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

THANK YOU! Where is the personal responsibility? I know that people are upset about the economy but far too many people are just looking for a free ride, a reset to get rid of bad choices that they themselves made. And, if they got a reset? They would probably just get themselves back into the same situation in a few years.
The vague and broad complaints of these protestors takes attention away from the real concerns of the people who are looking for work every single day and can't find any. The people calling to have their student loans forgiven, their mortgages forgiven, their credit card debt forgiven. Get a job. If you are actually trying to get a job and can't then that AND ONLY THAT is worthy of complaint.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:47 AM
Having paid some attention to what all is going on in the country and this protest in general, the reality is that the protestors, are about to be played and used as political paws, at the expense of everyone.

This protest, was brought up due to what the protestors found to be wrong with business in the US, thinking that they are at the heart of the matter, when they could not be further from the truth. Combine with the Unions and it has now started to become a political movement. The points that they brought up, when looking at them, all point to the same organization that is at the heart of the matter, that being the US government, and We the people.

One of the points was on the mortgage and the foreclosure mess that the country is in, however, no one has ever looked at the people taking out those mortgages, or the reasons for the housing bubble to burst like it did. It goes ultimately back to the Federal government loosening up on the regulations, cause We the People, thought it was wrong that no one could afford a to buy a house, and could not get a home loan. Ultimately, the banks were following the guidelines and regulations that the federal government set down, often with promises of backing those loans, and when it did not, the banks sold the debts, and did it in a way that was partially the cause for the mess.

The rest is business related, and ultimately that falls back into the lap of the government, at all levels, with the laws, regulations, and system that is making it harder and harder for a company to do business in the US. This in turn has given rise to a lose of jobs in the country. Combine that with WE the People purchasing cheaper products that are not made in the USA and guess what, a business has to respond to the demands or go out of business. Most of the products sold in the US are made else where for far less than if it was made in country, so they make a business choice, and that will ultimately be the driving force of business. Combine that with the different regulatory agencies, and they problem grows exponentially.

If the protestors are endangering safety, such as being on the roads, or blocking the entrances to buildings, then they are in the wrong, cause people should not suffer due to the rest being upset.

When the Unions got involved in this protest, it pretty much confirms that they are going to be used as political paws, as the Unions are getting bigger and more into politics for their own gains. The unions could have shown that they were concerned and helped every single one of these people get jobs, if they are unemployed, but are not doing such. Thus the question should be who is behind the protests, and ultimately, is this a person we want to lead such a large demonstration, or is this something that will affect all of us when all is said and done, more rights or freedoms stripped away?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:57 AM
Police at the bridge did their job. Protesters lied that they were forced there. They were ordered to exit to other direction. Instead they join hands and start marching exactly where they were not supposed to.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by stereotype

If you feel violence needs to occur in order to bring about a change, yet despise the protesters what kind of change are you hoping for?

i don't think change will happen without violence. act like sheep, and they'll put you in a pen.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by nuttin4U

Originally posted by havenvideo

Originally posted by stereotype
Why isn't occupy wall street bring questioned?

Oh thats right, we've been being led this path with all the other countries doing it. The american dream is not dead just the american work ethic.

You REALLY think this is about people not wanting to work anymore?

Do you not realize that one of the main points of this protest is about corporations TAKING JOBS FROM AMERICANS AND SENDING THEM OVERSEAS?

THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF THE DRIBBLE YOU ARE SPEWING! Do you honestly not realize that? Do a little research before you "stereotype".

You got me laaaaaaaaaughin'. So, this is about PEOPLE dictating what other business owners decide to do with their own business? Are you telling me, that corporations don't have the right to take their businesses elsewhere....for the sake of THEIR business? Apparently, YOU don't have a business....nor do you know what it takes to run one.

Newsflash: business owners have to do what's best for their business....NOT YOURS! It's nothing's just business! The real problem is this: people have been FOOLISH with their lives, and's biting them in the ass!!! Perhaps people should stop blaming OTHERS for their woe's. Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

Sounds to the scales are being balanced. The reason why these corporations have because Americans are way too expensive and demanding to keep. They actually sue their employer because they got 29 minutes for lunch...and not a full the law says. They use ANY excuse to make a quick buck. Now, you tell me....who's right and who's wrong?!

I think you each make good points.

Some of the protesters I have seen interviewed have identified themselves as politically communist-- so while they are looking to keep and create jobs in the US, they are also anti-business in so much as the business have capitalist behavior.

My father's generation could go to work for a company and it was a life-long career. Loyalty was expected from both sides, co-workers were like family, business decisions were compassionate, and all the while the whole of the company-- each employee took pride in making the business profitable.

I am of the generation that saw that change. Stock-holders are the only true clients, and employees are disposable resources. I worked for smallish company and helped it grow. It went public, and I was a shareholder. Overnight, ruthlessness replaced compassion. I saw good solid workers fired, and I began to see thing such as programers hired from competitors to steal code and salesmen being coached how to lie.

The reality of communism is that it cannot compete at a level necessary to grow. I can see the attraction of it for an idealist, but life doesn't work the way idealists want it to work.

The reality of capitalism is that it cannot be concerned with people. I have seen it succeed, and I have seen what appears to be the beginning of its end-- instead of a means to a dollar, it has become a master serving the dollar.

Something is going to give, and I don't think anyone has the answers.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by ignant

It Has Begun!

The rest of the world will now see the unrest of the American People With the Banking Cartel.
We have been watching this same thing happen all around the world.
I just hope the Police & Military Personal dispatched to handle these type of incidents Make the Smart choice and side with the people, And not the Suits in power.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:14 AM
What I find fascinating is the almost complete lack of msm coverage. Here in Southern Ohio I have seen almost nothing on any channel regarding the activities of the protestors. These people are protesting the fact that this utterly corrupt government chose to give our money to the banks that probably broke the law in the first place.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Police at the bridge did their job. Protesters lied that they were forced there. They were ordered to exit to other direction. Instead they join hands and start marching exactly where they were not supposed to.

I think the cops handled it well. What else were they supposed to do?

Can't block a bridge (a very busy bridge at that) then claim victim after you've been warned.
edit on 2-10-2011 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:37 AM
Yea this is why I am kinda worried about Toronto, we seen what happened with the G20 protests there, they turned ugly pretty quickly, all eyes will be on us and the lesser extent Pittsburgh for their Occupy protests as they hosted the G20 the year before.

Something tells me of police being on high alert is pretty unsettling.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:42 AM
What Police have done to date to these protestors amounts to, well...not much

I am not agreeing with the pepper spray don't get me wrong but if you want to see peaceful protest look to MLK and the HUGE change he and his movement brought to this country.

The remained peaceful and endured REAL police brutality and in doing so gained PUBLIC support.

The majority of the population will NEVER follow or back this protest as it now exists. Most of these protestors don't even know how to be a true PITA while being arrested. Fighting and running will not win anyone to your cause, and it makes them much easier to take down.

Watch the old footage of the civil rights movements. Many were arrested with no resistance. They went to the ground limp and said. Go ahead, arrest me.

Ever tried to cuff and stuff a person being a limp noodle>? Not only is it a PITA, if you mess them up you piss of the entire public

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by nuttin4U

Newsflash: business owners have to do what's best for their business....NOT YOURS! It's nothing's just business! The real problem is this: people have been FOOLISH with their lives, and's biting them in the ass!!! Perhaps people should stop blaming OTHERS for their woe's. Corporations don't have to stay in a place, that is SUCKING THEM DRY. Face it.....the rest of the people in this for pennies on the dollar, and put in 16 hour days...while Americans sit on their FAT LAZY ASSES and do nothing...while making tons of money.

If people started refusing to work 16-hour days for pennies on the dollar, then the corporations would be forced to pay them a reasonable salary, now wouldn't they?

The rest of your comment is just nonsense. Americans sit on their fat lazy asses doing nothing while making tons of money? First of all, have you seen the unemployment rates in America lately? Exactly what jobs are Americans being paid tons of money for while they sit on their ass?

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
Having paid some attention to what all is going on in the country and this protest in general, the reality is that the protestors, are about to be played and used as political paws, at the expense of everyone.

absolutely! sadly, most people are that ignant! they're focused on and calling it 'Occupy Wall St'

itself is a PsyOp by name to take pressure that was mounting on the Federal Reserve bank (not private banks other than cascade effect on corrupt execs ie Enron) and also off Gov Exec & Defense dept where all our tax money is going corruptly, to kill millions overseas

and soon to come, our tax dollars going to mass Homeland DepOp as well. protests like the above are aligning us closer for the culling, that's is all.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by mileysubet

That video does not say anything about using planes as bombs or missiles, it states that they (The NYPD) can take out a small plane if they needed to.

Mileysubet, that is Mr. "Ignant's" M.O.. He enjoys making up sensationalized stories and posting them as fact. I don't know what his motivations are, but he is consistent in his endeavors to do this.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy
Where in America are people working 16 hrs a day for pennies on the dollar?

I work in a field that sometimes requires me to pull a 24 hr shift. I get my staight 8, the next 8 at time and a half, and 8 to sleep. If my sleep is interrupted I get over time for that too. I build up sick and vacation days and milage when I use my own vehicle.

Who are the poor saps so ignorant they work 16 hrs a day for pennies and haven't been to the Labor Board>?

I really want to know

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Cinaed

Where in America are people working 16 hrs a day for pennies on the dollar? I work in a field that sometimes requires me to pull a 24 hr shift. I get my staight 8, the next 8 at time and a half, and 8 to sleep. If my sleep is interrupted I get over time for that too. I build up sick and vacation days and milage when I use my own vehicle. Who are the poor saps so ignorant they work 16 hrs a day for pennies and haven't been to the Labor Board>? I really want to know

You misunderstood my post. I was responding to another member's comment about people in other countries working 16-hour days for pennies on the dollar while Americans make a ton of money sitting on their asses doing nothing. No one said Americans work 16-hours a day for pennies on the dollar.

Oh, good Lord....and you got a star for your comment. ATTENTION: No one in this thread said Americans work 16-hour days for pennies on the dollar! Stop getting your panties in a bunch, people! Jesus!
edit on 2-10-2011 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
I'm all for these protests and despite my rampant drunken trolling spree a few nights ago am concerned for the safety of the protesters. I am a little worried that things are going to end up worse than the riots we saw in the UK.

I think it is very important for the protesters to keep themselves from turning violent, and to actually listen to the police when told to move etc. I also think it will be very important for the police to treat the protesters with the respect they deserve as American citizens.

Completely off topic...but i love your avatar!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

I am not at all bunched up, I took your post at face value. If you were referring to corporations taking their business to other countries, it is not because of the cheaper wages of the other countries, it is due to the ridiculous regulations and taxes WE have allowed government to legislate.

No one is going to do business here if they can't make a profit. If THEY are investing in a project it needs to look like a profitable one or they will go elsewhere. That is the nature of business.

No one with any ability to reason would expect business to invest and risk just to appease those sitting around with a hand out, and I am NOT referring to workers but rather Big Government

edit on 10/2/11 by Cinaed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by mileysubet

That video does not say anything about using planes as bombs or missiles, it states that they (The NYPD) can take out a small plane if they needed to.

Mileysubet, that is Mr. "Ignant's" M.O.. He enjoys making up sensationalized stories and posting them as fact. I don't know what his motivations are, but he is consistent in his endeavors to do this.


lets pretend i didn't use the word CAN

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Cinaed

I am not at all bunched up, I took your post at face value. If you were referring to corporations taking their business to other countries, it is not because of the cheaper wages of the other countries, it is due to the ridiculous regulations and taxes WE have allowed government to legislate. No one is going to do business here if they can't make a profit. If THEY are investing in a project it needs to look like a profitable one or they will go elsewhere. That is the nature of business. No one with any ability to reason would expect business to invest and risk just to appease those sitting around with a hand out, and I am NOT referring to workers but rather Big Government

Yes, you took my post at face value without reading the post I was responding to! As far as the rest of what you wrote above, why are you directing it to me? I was not referring to corporations doing ANYTHING in my previous comments! You are arguing with the wrong person, my friend.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by ignant

sure lets pretend i didn't use the word CAN

Hey, it's your pretend world....not mine. You can use any words you want.
edit on 2-10-2011 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

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