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Massive Union just voted to join the Occupy Wall Street protests!

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posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

"american spring"? so you mean, it is fake? wow. wait. no. wow. lol.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 05:03 AM
Just found out Chicago is online now! Plans for Dallas, Nova Scotia are imminent!

Others that should be online shortly are :
San Fransisco, Philadelphia, DC, Kansas City, Denver, Cleavland, Phoenix, Seattle! This is huge
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:05 AM
yep, this is big. I've been down there as an individual. Now I'm going to reach out to my unions and see if they will get on this..SAG, AFTRA and Actor's Equity have a fair amount of members
and most of 'em are unemployed
edit on 30-9-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan

What you seem to have missed (I'm assuming), is that the union members voted to support the protest. Doesn't this mean the 'average joes'?

I doubt the average union member has anything to do with hiring GS to manage the union's investment portfolio.

I keep reading posts about the organisers being the key figures here, I don't agree.

Perhaps what is happening here, all over the place, is a few influential thugs pulling strings, but at some point, they will not be able to manage and manipulate the swell they have created, and the will of the people will dominate.

The will of people is to be free, safe, happy and healthy, even though we all can't agree on how to best achieve this! At some point, fairly soon IMO, the vast majority will finally get that we all want the same thing, and we'll begin to see our similarities as more important than our differences.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Skewed

We need to be careful with how we play this "dirty pool". Once we start down that road, there's a fine line between us and them.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Amatoremsapeientiae
reply to post by felonius

I love how you hate everything that is for the people openly, scream communist at anybody and everybody, and I also find it very humorous that you have an Iron Cross on your picture. Do you hate Jews per chance.

That is an imperial flag.

Believe it or not, Germany actually existed before the nazi's.

Jews fought for it.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
Just found out Chicago is online now! Plans for Dallas, Nova Scotia are imminent!

Others that should be online shortly are :
San Fransisco, Philadelphia, DC, Kansas City, Denver, Cleavland, Phoenix, Seattle! This is huge
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Here in the south, if they go nuts with the rampages and attack civilians as some of the places up north....

Well, lets say the civilians down here will not be so civil.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by felonius

Here in the south, if they go nuts with the rampages and attack civilians as some of the places up north....

You could at least wait until they do any of these things before you sling the accusations around. All protests have been peaceful so far. Why are you so keen to defame peaceful protest?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:29 AM
Unions are not the reason why America is losing it's industrial base. You can thank Big Business and politicians who want to make quick big money for exploiting the poor working class of other countries. Unions have provided the opportunity for workers to join together to ask for a living wage. As unions weaken haven't you noticed how Americans today are working longer hours for less money???????

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by felonius

"Old times there are not forgotten"
I'm sure the obsequious sycophants will run out in droves to defend their beloved landed gentry.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:34 AM
This is the kind of gathering that everyone joins because its the right thing to do, then one group of people in the crowd just starts shooting at officers or something along those lines, then the whole crowd becomes a turkey shoot.

Large groups of pissed off people might be able to change something small, but i think we are missing the most important element, physical and mental hunger. Look at those large groups of people in the congo or whatever, they almost have riots when the food trucks come and distribute food. Hungry people act on the need to survive, they will physically take something from you. Pissed off people just ask for like 1 or 2 tiny things changed like a law or whatever then they go back home.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by John46562
Unions are not the reason why America is losing it's industrial base. You can thank Big Business and politicians who want to make quick big money for exploiting the poor working class of other countries. Unions have provided the opportunity for workers to join together to ask for a living wage. As unions weaken haven't you noticed how Americans today are working longer hours for less money???????

Not to mention robots/technology replaced 40% of the workers needed, which will only continue until the point where we are selling sandwiches to each other for a living.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:43 AM
I don't care WHO joins... only that they join! This is the beginning of the long awaited Revolution people. Recognize and act accordingly.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by felonius

Maintain civility my friend as that is the absolute last thing we'd want. We want them right here. A Core Belief of the NYC campaign is to do it civily and non violent. That keeps them guessing and scratching their heads. Keep them confused.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:56 AM
In all of this, these protests, the motivations behind them may be valid, they may not.

But either way, they should be taking place on the White House lawn and directed at that ultimate big-money corporate shill sitting in the Oval Office.

If this is an actual revolution, take it to the ultimate crooks.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Jrocbaby


For now we are not there yet and hopefully won't need to travel that road for quite awhile We maintain civility and discord. This merely is to make our presence known. Wave 1 if you will.

As long as we remain as a non violent thorn in their side to the point where they are looking over their shoulders as they currently are means we are winning. Even though small, we are scoring victories left and right all by not taking one life, destroying one property or risking making one middle class or poverty person homeless or jobless. They will rack their brains trying to figure out what makes us tick, let's drive them completely banana's in that regard so the "Men In Whitecoats" have to come take them away, ha ha! All apart of the ongoing PseudoPsychological Warfare campaign currently ongoing.

We want to be the person looking back at them in the mirror when they come out of the shower, when they go outside we want them to feel our eyes on them. Freak them out, make them so crazy that they trip up. Let them self expose themself.
edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Clark Savage Jr.

To go after the puppet solves nothing as all they gotta do is replace the puppet. No one in the current slate of Gov't is the right candidate. Once done they still remain with nothing positive nor constructive would have changed for the better in that regard. We'd be right back to Square 1!

The current targets are the ones who are directly responsible for this mess. No one else. To storm the WH at this point in time will end up backfiring on us something fierce.

edit on 30-9-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:09 AM
I'm gonna say this. It's cold and it's screwed up, but it's my belief.

WHEN the police are "forced" to defend themselves from "agent provocateurs" and this turns very ugly, this wont be the 60's. People will eventually HAVE to fight back against the police, not only in NY, but all over. When this gets out in mass, it will FINALLY BE ON. We will have the second revolution when we get the second Kent State. Mark these words. This is it, finally. Years and years of talk will end when they start showing their true colors on the Americans. With the MSM to soon be reporting this, even if they pretend it's the "protesters fault". It will finally be on.

Hold on to your hats, when the blood flows, we may finally have the balls to do what is needed. Peace works fine until they're actually murdering you in mass. It's soon to be the 60's PLUS. I'm nobody, just some guy who has used years of his life to actually look into these things, a lot of it real life experience, and not net. This is the big one, like it of not, call it communist, make up anything you want...

When they start mass arrests this will get Real. Finally. It Really is 99 percent of us against the 1 percent. Grow up. Good things are not easy. People are going to HAVE to die to fix this. They're already killing us. We'll finally be ready soon. So many years of talk.

So TPTB please do your usual gestapo tactics like at the g20! I bet this time.. this time.. will be different.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by RogerT

I have not missed anything. I'm not willing to simply accept ignorance on the part of rank and file union members on pension matters, especially when issues having to do with union pensions are not only among the most pressing with respect to contract negotiations. The rank and file union members are not idiots nor are they children. Many of these folks, especially in the senior trade unions make good money and have investments. Do they just ignore that they are generating a 4% return in their own personal account while their pension is returning 9%?

To the extent that a union member is unaware of how his money is being managed and by whom it makes no excuse - it is his money and it is his business. Why would you allow for a level of ignorance on the part of union members? Folks are quite willing to hold the bank executive for the rogue trader when he has no idea what the trader is doing, but are willing to give a pass on the union member who has been contributing to a pension for decades and does not understand what is happening with the money? The union member has easier and greater access to the details of what is going on in his pension than the bank executive has on what is going on on the trading desk.

Pension governance boards are made up of a number of types of folks, including members of the union who represent the rank and file. Many of these folks have spent decades in the union and worked from the ground up. For example it is not uncommon to have a 30 year tenured teacher in the room when investment decisions regarding a multi-million dollar pension fund are being discussed. I've been the room - these are tough, knowledgeable, sophisticated investment folks and I don't care if they were pipe fitters - they know their stuff, are extremely competent and tough (actually a pleasure to work with due to their candor). They have the responsibility to keep members informed. Pensions are heavily regulated asset pools with specific limitations placed by the owners of the pool regarding investment decisions, they are audited both internally and through external, independant auditors and all those who participate in the pension are given regularily documents, typically quarterly discussing recent investment performance, investment decisions, etc.

Are the union rank and file in control of the pension? Not at an individual level, but collectively they certainly are. The union is quite open to working collectively to pressure their employeer for change. They could easily pressure their pension committee for change as well.

My overall point is that the union thugs want to "protest" wall street yet are quite pleased with the returns Wall Street generates them. It is inconsistent, riddled with self interest and a game. Absolutely no different than Michael Moore playing the champion of the working man while he is simultaneously suing his ex-studio for tens of millions to sit on top of the $25-$50 million he has earned already.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan

I tried to fact check the Daily Kos and no such article or blog was even posted, the lead post posted by Vitchilo is a lie. and everyone has run with it.
edit on 30-9-2011 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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