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Bake sale's racial pricing rocks UC Berkeley campus

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posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Misoir

To the victor the spoils hmm? Then its perfectly fine for me to come to your house and murder you and your family and claim everything you own as mine, well because.. I won.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by bowser29
I have been coming to this site for almost a year on a daily basis and I read many post and I truly enjoy this site and I am in no way a radical extreme black power kinda person lol
, I just thought I would give a perspective of what is normal everyday life for me.

So I went to a large university about 40,000 students, about 600 were black males ( a big chunk were football players), and about 800 were black females. Out of the 1400 blacks that went to this university probably 400 got in because they come from a low income community and neither of their parents graduated from college. I dont understand peoples extreme anger, its not like 10,000 got in because of the color of their about .01% got an opportunity. Also I did not get into school because I am black, though many people gave me that vibe naturally.

In my dorm I was the only black student on my floor of about 80 students. Talking to these students almost all of them came from private schools or very good public schools. 1 guy told me that 99% of every student goes to college from his school!

Let me take you through a day in life of a black man, who has white, muslim, indian, gay, lesbian etc friends. I am just a normal American trying to make it. In my town, yearly I get pulled over about 30 times a year, once I got pulled over twice in 1 day. They run my plates ask me were I am going, then I am on my way. In 2011 I still get called 'n-word'. (Though I don't like Obama, it seems like this is more prevalent since he has become president, so Obama has made things worse for me in daily life lol.)

Now that I have a job I see how white privilege is in a effect by default, my coworkers are very good people and I don't feel any discomfort from them. But now that I have worked with them and talked to them almost everyone of them got the jobs they have because they knew someone that knew someone 100s of people apply for the job that I have and basically each time the job already has a person they are going to pick, they just go through the motions of interviewing the public and by default 99% its a white individual who gets the job, not because they are best qualified, but because they basically get the "hook up" "white privilege". I am the only person that actually worked my way up, I worked a seasonal job and ended up being able to get full time job after showing my worth. I have brought this up to some of them and they didnt even realize it, it was just normal life for them.

Because the economy is bad and everyone is hurting, now white America is starting to know what its like to apply here and there and not even have a chance. Now the average American is starting to face police brutality for filming the police or protesting etc. Imagine facing police brutality simply because you are black ? I wish some average white people who are not even racist could turn black for a week.

I'm really disappointed to hear of your experiences. I think it is atrocious for police to racially profile.

In my heart, I still believe that most white people are not racists. At least my family and friends are not (and, as I have said, I live in GA, where people might think that racism was the norm among the general population.)

Maybe it's a feature of my middle class, highly college-educated social circle (my husband and I each have Doctorate degrees, for example)...perhaps I'm somehow insulated from those who spout the hatred. Out of curiosity, what types of people use the "N-word" with you? I can't conceive of anyone I know doing that. Do those people have any common characteristics, like age, or socioeconomic status? Because I'm picturing some toothless old white man making comments like that, but as I said, not anyone I know.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles
post removed by staff

Dude-you are not helping your case. The more you say the worse you sound.

I'm not really sure how anyone would satisfy you. No one can undo the wrongs of the past. What do you want us to do???
edit on Wed Sep 28 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Oh please, white people kill me with that whinning when they use that example. The same holds true for the other side you know, seeing as how you don't. Thanks to affirmative action black colleges and universities must accept a certain a number as well so Reggie doesn't get to go to his school of choice because they must accept a white kid.

And folks get off the bandwagon already, it's broken down on the side of the road. It obvious a large number of people don't know affirmative action does, they just whine about the policy so here it is; Let's say hypothetically a college or university has 100 seats. It just says that off those 100 seats, 5 are reserved for each minority group in america. Affirmative action just tells the colleges that they must maintain a certain "quota".

Don't like it? Too bad because that's the result of years of racial discrimination. People want to whine and complain of about this policies but don't want to address the issue of why it's needed in the first place.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles
See how mad you feel taht you are being discriminated against? So what would 100s of years of it, continuing right up to this moment, feel like?

It's pretty funny how condescending you allow yourself to feel, because
a) you don't know jack about my background and/or ethnic composition. You equally don't know my experiences while traveling to many countries.
b) "I come from a more oppressed culture than yours, so I have a higher allowance of talking nonsense". How sweet.

post removed by staff

In the absence of clear and credible thought, all you have to fall back upon is ad hominem?


And again, you don't know jack about my religious background and/or education. Being full of yourself much?

edit on Wed Sep 28 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles
How much of an advantage do they need? How many decades of preferential treatment does it take to catch up? Equality means being equal not having a big advantage over other applicants.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Don't like it? Too bad because that's the result of years of racial discrimination. People want to whine and complain of about this policies but don't want to address the issue of why it's needed in the first place.

Why its needed? Why college exams cannot be completely anonymous and agnostic of race? That way noone could discriminate blacks, even if the whole college was racist - tests would be simply marked by number, and not by name with associated race. Does "student number 2685" sound white, black or asian to you?

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

What is wrong with you folks, geez! It seems like when the shoe is on the other foot, you run screaming! All AA is tell them they have to accept a certain number that's it they can accept who they want in that students place a black student that has all C's or one that makes all A's, the choice is entirely in the schools hands.

The policy is wrong i agree, but it's trying to make up for all the years when black students weren't accepted to colleges and universities because of their skin color.. you know DURING your parents time. Let's not act like the system is clear, even and level today when black people had to march for equal rights a little over 40 years and those protestors and fireman and cops that sicked the dogs on them and sprayed with water hoses are still around.

I know because i talk to my grandmother during those times. And that what she had to go through is true discrimination and racism, only because of the color of the skin. So where all of these self righteous people when the constitution was being violated? Oh yea that's right.. it benefited them so they just soaked it all and acted like everything was good.. because it helped them not hindered and that's the problem. Little Amy and Todd were so used to getting into whatever school they wanted that when they learned that they got bumped off the list for a black person then they got a problem. That's all i'm sayin. It's all good as long as you benefit but soon as someone else has the chance to get a leg up.. then we got problems.

edit on 28-9-2011 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Maslo

That's a wonderful and probably something that should be considered. But then again, if someone wants to go to college, they should be able to simply go to college. Why should there be an entrance exam at all?

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Well, if you apply for a course you should know at least high school basics of the subject. But yes, its possible to not have entrance exams at all, accept anyone, and then throw 80% of least performing students out after the first semester exam, but I dont think it would be better. It only wastes resources delays the inevitable, doesnt it?

As long as only actual performance results enter the equation, and not race, religion or sexual orientation, I dont have a problem with it.

edit on 28/9/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by Maslo

That's a wonderful and probably something that should be considered. But then again, if someone wants to go to college, they should be able to simply go to college. Why should there be an entrance exam at all?

see? that's why i'm gonna be rich,

so my kids don't HAVE to go to collage!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by Maslo

That's a wonderful and probably something that should be considered. But then again, if someone wants to go to college, they should be able to simply go to college. Why should there be an entrance exam at all?

I agree with Maslo -- it's all about waste. It's often impossible for an applicant, in many chances, to correctly and objectively estimate their preparedness for a particular set of classes. It's a prohibitively costly exercise to let everyone in the class, and in many cases there won't be enough capacity -- as I'm sure you understand; and besides -- qualifying candidates should not have lots of problems passing entrance examination anyhow, unless they AREN'T best qualified and can go low enough to play a race card to get advantage.

edit on 28-9-2011 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by Maslo

That's a wonderful and probably something that should be considered. But then again, if someone wants to go to college, they should be able to simply go to college. Why should there be an entrance exam at all?

My husband is a college professor at a non-research university that doesn't have stringent entrance requirements. He would argue that many of the people in college should not be there because they are not prepared and must take remedial classes. Perhaps if there were a more stringent entrance exam, that wouldn't be a problem.

When people who don't belong in college enroll, they DON'T DO WELL!!!! They fail out. They end up strapped with loans AND no degree. That is not helpful to them.

I would argue that we are doing a HUGE disservice by encouraging people who are clearly not prepared to go to college....of ANY race. If we make it about merit, that wouldn't be an issue.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie
I don't believe affirmative action programs or the equal rights Amendment were meant to promote reverse discrimination. At some point the supposed "Hand up" becomes a "Hand out".

After decades of so-called equality, I fail to understand why not much has changed within the Black community itself. Achievement scores are still lower and incarceration rates are still higher. I'm not sure what the problem is if it isn't a lack of access to formal education or job opportunities..

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
In my heart, I still believe that most white people are not racists. At least my family and friends are not (and, as I have said, I live in GA, where people might think that racism was the norm among the general population.)

Maybe it's a feature of my middle class, highly college-educated social circle (my husband and I each have Doctorate degrees, for example)...perhaps I'm somehow insulated from those who spout the hatred. Out of curiosity, what types of people use the "N-word" with you? I can't conceive of anyone I know doing that. Do those people have any common characteristics, like age, or socioeconomic status? Because I'm picturing some toothless old white man making comments like that, but as I said, not anyone I know.

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
I'm not really sure how anyone would satisfy you. No one can undo the wrongs of the past. What do you want us to do???
edit on Wed Sep 28 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

As I have said many times in this thread, I want white people to stop acting like racism doesnt exist, acknowledge there is a huge problem here in america, and present valid solutions. I cant even believe you would type something like the first quote....either you are supremely naive, or you have like 3 friends. I live in NY, a fairly liberal state, and have heard racist slurs in public from strangers, in private from people i have known for years, i went to a BBQ with like 80 people in middle class suburbs right after obama got elected, and there some KKK song playing on the radio about "shootin 'n-word's" and people were laughing at it. You cant really expect me to swallow "No, but really, I dont know ANYONE who would say such a thing!" You cant lie to me about it. I have seen it my whole life growing up, and like the one guy said, since obama got elected it has become worse!

The fact that you cant even fathom that racism exists makes alot of what you say on this subject pointless, because you have no frame of reference.

You want to make up for what happened? Quit crying like babies about "white people are being discriminated against!", because it is seriously a slap in the face to anyone whose ancestors were killed, raped, and sold in the recent past. I would think that someone with a doctorate would be able to understand that.

Also, why do people say "well everyone has been hated on! Im german and in 1412, some village got raided and blah blah blah". We are talking about the recent past, the past 300 years, in America. You know what else I want? For white people to stop play acting dumb and making up nonsensical points.

As for the algonquin guy, how can you compare tribal warfare in what amounted to a handful of states to continent wide eradication? obviously, you didnt really get to understand your adopted grandfather too much, eh?

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

racism does exist, and this piece of legislation IS racist. what else would you call accepting/denying people, not on merit, but on skin color and gender. THAT is racist.

i've heard my share of whites using the word "'n-word'" but i've heard many more blacks use it. i've only rarely heard it used as a derogatory slang word.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles
As I have said many times in this thread, I want white people to stop acting like racism doesnt exist,

Look,people do tell you otherwise. One of the forms in which racism does exist is biased admission procedures aka affirmative action.

I live in NY, a fairly liberal state, and have heard racist slurs in public from strangers

What the heck does it have to do with college admissions? No, seriously? In Germany, people in the South use "slur" to describe the North, and vice versa. Should Germany tilt college admissions in various parts of the country? What else idiotic proposition do you think they need to field? Why not, according to you? Hello?

You need to lay off your "boo-hoo I'm a Native American pity me" routine, because it does disservice to sane and capable people of same decent.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant
So according to the bake sale pricing system a female Native American would get whatever they wanted for free. Sweet.
edit on 27-9-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

Yes, because this is so realistic.

My mom is a native american woman who has never got # for free, i never got anything for free for being half. All this white anger about this topic is straight up stupid and based on disinformation.

I went to school with Native Americans; worked with them, and I have NEVER seen or heard anything remotely prejudiced against them. In fact we were Best Friends with one family. Dated their kids. Except that I moved away, would likely have married one of them. Even here in Fla. I know several N..A. who are successful busness people. Unless they were decked out in feathers they are indistinguishable from anyone else in the crowd. So get off the "poor little me" wagon. I think you are just looking for problems in that area.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles
Racism definitely exist, your post is a perfect example. I couldn't care less about what happened 400+ years ago whether we're speaking of Black slaves or Native Americans. I wasn't alive back then nor were my parents or my grandparents for that matter. The past can't be changed, so please try to get over it like everyone else has to do. Playing the Race card every time something doesn't go your way is ridiculous. Who's being a "whiner" now?

Many European immigrants came to this country as indentured servants. That's just a nice way of saying slaves.

In America they were considered property under the law to be bought and sold until their indentures matured and they could be legally punished in the same manner as African slaves. The big differences between redemptioners and African slaves, were redemptioners came of their own accord even if misinformed and that they had an “out of indentures” date to look forward to. An example of how the indentured servant was viewed is the 1662 Virginia law that forced both slave and indentured servant females who bore children by their masters to serve after their indentures for an additional two years for the local churchwardens. No penalty was specified for their masters.-Wikipedia

I wasn't alive back then either, so it really has no bearing on me today. Enough with the excuses.

edit on 28-9-2011 by Redwing48 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2011 by Redwing48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 11:07 PM
What people need to understand is that most of the notions and values that have been cemented into the cultural matrix as 'unchallengeable truths' have been placed fostered and maintained there as part of a cultural subversion programme - designed to cause it all to fall apart.

Most of this has been accomplished under the aegis of the 'feel good' progressive agenda and is now completely self sustaining and self re-inforcing. All the experts in any field are nothing more than educated idiots - whilst the obvious and commonsense truths are literaly unspeakable!

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