posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 05:57 AM
The three largest pieces to have a notable impact will all come crashing down, within minutes of each other, into the Atlantic Ocean, just off the
coast of Cornwall, UK. Three Sea Lions, basking on some offshore coastal rocks, will be momentarily surprised as the resulting mini-tsunamis send
water washing over their flippers.
They will look around apprehensively, searching the ocean surface for any signs of shark fins or Killer Whales, until they remember that they are
safely perched out of the water. They will then return to their previous pastime, admiring the flight of the local Seagulls.
Simultaneously, a psychic in Camden, New Jersey will snap awake from a deep sleep, muttering "What the Hell was that?", before rolling over to
return to his dream about meeting Britney Spears.
Or not...