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Enough with the dishonest behaviour Truthers - I'm calling you out.

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:10 PM
been saying it for years - some people you just really cant find the energy to 'wake up'. enjoy your sleep mate.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Venomilk
reply to post by axslinger

so just by your numbers (sounds reliable) 1.5x3=9?
flawless logic

you may have been sarcastic, i cant tell. my apologies if so
edit on 12-9-2011 by Venomilk because: (no reason given)

Jeez, here, let me get out my crayons and draw you a picture. Each ring (are you with me so far?) of the pentagon (that's the big 5-sided object that the missile hit) has two walls. That's one more than 1. 1+1=2. That's 6 walls total (still with me? 3x2=6 and all that stuff?). 6 walls time 1.5 feet thick = 9 feet. But, it's actually more than that, because the outer wall is 24", not 18.

Some people just refuse to acknowledge the undeniable. Your'e like the guy in Monty Python's Holy Grail...the one with all of his limbs gone and he still things he has a leg to stand on. Wow. Never mind. I'm dumber for having conversed with you.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
Time and time again I see the same BS from the Truther movement and time and time again, when they're presented irrefutable facts they stop posting on threads and disappear.

So, enough of that.

I'm calling you out.

Here's some BS you can no longer claim to be true:

1. No other building ever collapsed from fire - A BS argument:

- No other buildings have been built like the Twin Towers
- No other sky scrapers have been hit full speed by planes that size
- The only two buildings built like the towers, hit by planes, both behave EXACTLY the same way

2 .The building looked like demos/ There's no other explanation a rational, intelligent person can reach - NOT TRUE:

- No one saw or heard hundreds of timed explosions

- The French use a demo technique, that doesn't use explosives, but does use the weight of upper floors to crush the lower floors. And guess what, a building destroyed this way looks EXACTLY like the Twin Towers.

3. Top down demolition with no visible or audible explosions , in which the timing of the collapse gradually increases to the speed of free fall is a rational explanation. - NOT TRUE.

Top down demo has never been used for skyscrapers, for pretty obvious reason.
The idea that these invisible and inaudible explosions were timed in such a way to gradually increase in speed as they moved down the building is absurd and has never been used in any demo EVER.

4. Building 7 only had a few fires - NOT TRUE

5. No one saw a plane at the Pentagon - NOT TRUE

6. 1/10th or 1% of active engineers in America is a meaningful amount. - NOT TRUE

- In most polls you see, the margin of error is between 1-3%, the Truthers can't even get a 10th of that number of ACTIVE AMERICAN ENGINEERS on their side. If you include retired Engineers (a significant number of their signees are retired) the number drops to something like 1/100 of 1%, add Architects and it's like 1/1000%. Make that a worldwide number (they do btw) and it's like 1/10000 of 1%. So, 1 in 100,000 of all Architects and Engineers worldwide have signed this thing. Not so impressive. In fact, I'd rather trust the 99,999/1000,000 who haven't.

7. A reputable journal of science tested something and found nano-thermite - NOT TRUE

8. Richard Gage is an honest guy - NOT TRUE

- Richard Gage has been busted falsifying evidence. And he's repeatedly lied and exaggerated to convert people to his belief. He's not some super honest guy.

9. The Pentagon had a missile defense system - NOT TRUE


Enough with the BS folks. You need to self-police and stop your rank from posting the same lies again and again if you ever want to be excepted by the mainstream. And if you ACTUALLY want to accomplish something, you'll need to be accepted by the mainstream.

edit on 12-9-2011 by captainnotsoobvious because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by captainnotsoobvious because: (no reason given)

Yeah, the so called Truthers movement provides way more rock solid evidence in showing that some pretty fishy stuff was going down back in 09-11-2001. Not sure where you got all your info from but which is it 10% or 1% (engineers you automatically disqualified because maybe you don't seem to understand their argument?)
Way to not back up your "facts" with links too btw. I'm sure your going to turn people away from that Truth Movement, you seem like an honest guy, hey I'll take your word for it.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

1. No other building ever collapsed from fire - A BS argument:

- No other buildings have been built like the Twin Towers
- No other sky scrapers have been hit full speed by planes that size
- The only two buildings built like the towers, hit by planes, both behave EXACTLY the same way

I believe the argument actually states that no steel building has ever collapsed from fire. You omitted that little detail. Which is pretty dishonest behavior if you ask me.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Lago proves the offial storry( snort) and 911 a lie... c`on sing it with me

well at all comes down to PNAC at the very lease the attacks were aloud to take place
edit on 12-9-2011 by OpusMarkII because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by OpusMarkII because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:32 PM
Nice post op....these truethers have to be stopped, by any means possible.

What a bunch of .......... whiney little babies.....wa, wa, wa, nobody will listen to us.....wa, wa, wa,


posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Way to present ZERO sources for ALL your claims buddy boy....How about ENOUGH with your BS rant.. If you believe that the official story/commission report is 100% factual you need to get your head checked.....There are SOOO many holes in the official story, but people like YOU decide to believe all the stories the Govt and msm have spoon fed you.....
edit on 12-9-2011 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

I wish I could star and flag you 100 times.

It is ridiculous, and how your thread turned out, prooves it..................Truthers

I really liked the one with the jumper that had his "hands tied behind his back".....How many stars does that post have again?........... Please people If you zoom in you can clearly see that his hands are not tied.... It looks like he was holding a shirt or something trying to slow his rate of descent........Obviously it did'nt work because he was tumbling.......... It is a still shot so, we cannot see him falling the whole way down........

Some fell holding hands. Others appeared to have made makeshift parachutes from clothing knotted together.


I can not help but to reply to some of these threads. Truther's make the blood pressure go up

Time to go smoke a cig.

PS. I am probaly breaking into a ridiculous argument at the end of the thread

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Where are are all the hoards of angry mainstream architects and engineers clamoring to discredit their noisy .1% or is it 1% misguided professional brethren questioning the OS whom they surely must feel are casting a bad light on their respective disciplines? Why haven't they slayed them with science and with their assuredly superior understanding of architecture and engineering? I have hunted for them online with little success.

What say you to that OP? Maybe your Googling technique is better than mine.
edit on 12-9-2011 by Elbereth because: tyop

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by KaginD
I just read all the posts to this thread, and I have to say, I'm kinda disappointed. Imo, you guys are going for each others throat over thinking for yourselves. If you are an ats member, you think outside the box, bottom line. Wheather 911 was an actual attack or an inside job, there will NEVER be a real 100% answer. I was a truther for years, still have a piece of me that is. But, I won't fight with people over opinions and such anymore. I am proud of the fact that there are so many people who still have the ability to think for themselves. We are an endangered species guys. Let's not self destruct here!!

That is not quite correct, first off, the thead is seriously flawed in the title, see randyvs post somewhere above, I said the same thing back a bit, and I'm sure others.
secondly thinking out of the box needs to be applied appropriately, not on a whim.
Thirdly, as to a 100% anything, noone has that answer as yet, and that is applicable to truthers, o'sers and includes the official enquiries, who do not rubberstamp their reports other than they think that is what happened.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by vipertech0596

Hate to break it to you but the first two floors are below ground level.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by axslinger

Originally posted by Venomilk
reply to post by axslinger

so just by your numbers (sounds reliable) 1.5x3=9?
flawless logic

you may have been sarcastic, i cant tell. my apologies if so
edit on 12-9-2011 by Venomilk because: (no reason given)

Some people just refuse to acknowledge the undeniable. Your'e like the guy in Monty Python's Holy Grail...the one with all of his limbs gone and he still things he has a leg to stand on. Wow. Never mind. I'm dumber for having conversed with you.

no im like that guy that occasionally makes a mistake while reading something someone posted. you know, human. im sorry i never studied anything about the pentagon, or just somehow know a ring has two walls and that one single wall of the pentagon is not called a ring.... thats not the part i care about. reference all my other aggravated posts, where ive been barraged by pure idiocy, just saying all of the proof is not proof of anything.
.so it took you a hell of a long time to reply, or it was clarified way before you decided to insult me for some reason
my bad
dont blow a blood vessel

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Elbereth
Where are are all the hoards of angry mainstream architects and engineers clamoring to discredit their noisy .1% or is it 1% misguided professional brethren questioning the OS whom they surely must feel are casting a bad light on their respective disciplines? Why haven't they slayed them with science and with their assuredly superior understanding of architecture and engineering? I have hunted for them online with little success.

What say you to that OP? Maybe your Googling technique is better than mine.
edit on 12-9-2011 by Elbereth because: tyop

They did. ASCE, AIA and the SEI have all directed letters to the NIST in support. I would bet that the OP's googling skills are better. Just for the hell of it google AIA AND NIST report.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM
The Pentagon DOES have a Missile defense system. We have all kinds of crazy things, sometimes called SAM Sites, that are poised in key locations to be able to shoot down things like ICBM's. I believe this became a big deal when we smacked the # out of an Iraqi SCUD with a patriot launched from a mobile version of these systems. You can't say they don't exist, and if you're gonna, you better call those thousands of soldiers who work on these things and tell them their jobs are imaginary. As for the rest of that rubbish you posted, since you have no evidence and really nothing except one video to back up any of your statements Ill say that you are pretty much just a kook until you can prove the statements you made. PROVE IT. We dont have to PROVE you right, you have to PROVE us wrong. Now do it, and stop calling out people that are gonna eat you for breakfast.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Rabbit281

The Pentagon DOES have a Missile defense system. We have all kinds of crazy things, sometimes called SAM Sites, that are poised in key locations to be able to shoot down things like ICBM's.

Do you have any evidence for this to be true before 9-11-01?

I would like to read it......

Please no truther links.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Elbereth

say something over and over again. no matter how untrue, some people will believe it.
to some, the ends justify means, and they refuse to acknowledge the details of it

so many earmarks get through because even the congressmen dont always read the bills. they get paid to and dont. this is exactly how you can hide anything you want from the public. only a few really care enough to pay attention, and they get demonized and isolated over and over. its all out in the open now, but it doesnt matter

they can wave a magic wand, and physics doesnt matter...

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

Ummmm, you proved him right. That didn't explode at went up in flames and sparkled.
I would guess the definition of explosion is a blast that emits a sonic or subsonic wave. And I know nothing about explosive, but it appears you know even less.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by smurfy

I get everything that you are saying, I've been on this bus for a long time now. I'm just wondering when the fighting will cease. Seems like a broken record at this point. I love an Intelligent debate just as much as the next guy, but this topic is really causing more harm then good at this point.. no matter what side of the fence you are on.

P.s. Thanks for responding. I haven't posted on here since I had my daughter due to lack of time. It nice to be back

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Round and round we go...

Awesome post OP, I shared this on FB.


edit on 12-9-2011 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:53 PM
I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

in my honest opinion there's more evidence pointing towards a false flag operation rather then a group of people located in one of the most deprived places on the earth, the mountains of Afghanistan.

the thing that gets me upset is the fact that two american airline planes just magically disappeared, no visible sign of wreckage at the pentagon or skanksville, i wonder what happen to those people aboard the planes

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