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33 Year Air Force General had a conversation with me about Secret Space Program

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by jdub297

Gave you a star for hinting towards Vince Bridges and GLP. Yes, God"like", most definitely not like God.

As any normal psycho would do...... make it sound like it is everyone else's problem and he is just the messenger. Oh poor me.....what a load of crap.

Is there an icon for throwing up?

Time to wake up people!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:15 AM
Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing your story. I have heard about some of these claims before.
This was the first thing that came to mind. Sorry if someone else posted it earlier. I didnt see it on the first 4-5 pages, or the last few.
I'm sure that quite a few ATS members will remember this.

So here is a somewhat coroborating claim, by an Astronaut no less. High enough on the food chain to have some credibility IMO. I know, I know...Lisa Nowak.

Starred and flagged.

edit on 9/2/11 by Chillidog1 because: Foniks

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:52 AM
As much as I accept the fact that we have the technology for manned travel to Mars and the inner solar system I simply cannot believe that it has happened. In my mind, the big strike against the OP's story (and all those like is) isn't based on any technical limitations.

The big strike against the idea of manned moon bases, interplantetary travel to Mars and its moons, vast construction projects within our own solar system, etc. is that NO ONE HAS EVER NOTICED!!!!!!!!!!!??????

Millions of disparate stargazers staring at the sky with binoculars and telescopes of the best caliber...scientists from thousands of separate corporate and government entities, and every other shade of enthusiast--all of whom would amount to millions of people over several generations (going back at least to 1969) all colluding with each other to decieve everyone else in the world.

That is, honestly, the bitterest pill for me to swallow.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:02 AM
The OP told a great story. I mean, he told a quite good story. It really peaked my interest in the movie opening tomorrow called "Apollo 18"....

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:07 AM
They are probably constructing huge underground base for the rich

100 millions for each room
1 billions for each room on Mars/Moon

like in the movie 2012

i had my doubt over those bases and alien tech
thx for confirming

elites are so scared of 2012 that they are willing to sacrifice millions of people so they can live
all i can say .. they should be scared more of hell then their silly lifes

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by vincenz32

Thanks for posting this...don't know if it's all true but I do believe he told you these things and for all of the people saying you can't hide the space shuttles...I don't recall you saying they were...u said triangular craft and very big craft and judging by the gravitational propulsion spoken of it seems plausible that no one had to actually see it now makes more since since you mentioned wp and eglin that's close to gulf breeze were there are UFOs reported almost on a weekly basis then you mentioned it's as common as a flight from Japan to la then yes it's been going on for a while or at least it seems to me....once again thanks s&f

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:45 AM
Good post OP.
Wonder if the unknown keepers of the huge hangars (all white inside)
and the underground cities (again all white inside), have the means for
interstellar space travel

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by vincenz32

Wow. I believe it. We really have no control. Government makes me feel helpless here on earth. It's unfortunate that this is what our world is today - a bunch of lies and cover ups. Very interesting!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:50 AM
Thank you for shearing,

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:05 AM
Seriously guys, can't ANYONE tell me WHO filmed Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder of the lunar module to be the first man on the moon? If he was the first how was such great footage (from outside the module) obtained?

Seeing as though we're talking about moon bases 'n' all and you guys are the last word on answers to these perplexing issues.

Thanks in advance!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:15 AM
Hi Vincenz, I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you sharing this information with us. Don't get discouraged by the negative comments that are being posted in your thread. Many members here or just people in general have a defensive wall built around them that you couldn't break through with all the evidence in the universe. Others are just playing it safe and find rational reason to not accept a story told to them by a complete stranger hidden behind a computer screen in a world of liars. I used to feel the same way. I tried to keep an open mind but deep down I always thought of it as silly unlikely nonsense. However, that was before I had a couple experiences of my own that gave me the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Coincidentally, one of which is very similar to yours. I have a very trustworthy friend that has been in a position because of his career to gain knowledge that the public is not informed of. Some of the claims that you made in your post match what was passed on to me. I trusted my friend and wanted to believe what was said but even then I wasn't sure what to make of it all. What really made me believe that he was being truthful was when he described certain technologies that he had access to at the time that would later be known to the public and just like he described it years later I could read about it in an article or saw a program about it on the discovery channel. Some of these "future technologies" that they claim are in development are already being used and have been for years. The aircraft that can leave and enter the atmosphere with almost no limitations is also real and has been for some time. The thing that makes your post most believable to me (even without having trusted inside information) is when you quote him saying....

this technology is something that is hidden for the public but not really out of this world, and it is not really a big deal in the air force ranks, they consider just another weapon in there arsenal. He told me like it was no big deal.

The public thinks that if we have bases on the moon or colonize mars (just giving examples here) the gov. will tell us because we will find out anyway or because we have the right to know. It's actually very simple when you think about it. We don't know because we don't need to know. .......but people involved would come forward with this info right?. Why would they? To these people it is normal and they are doing you a favor by keeping it quiet. It is not a big deal to them! They have a choice to make. Tell the world about something that will make them look crazy and easily be discredited or continue on the path that got them there so they can stay as close to the truth as possible. Now ask yourself, what would you do? I bet you wouldn't risk your career or family life just so you could speak of some story that would get you on the first bus to a life surrounded by white padded walls. If you think otherwise then you don't have anything to worry about because you will never be in a position to gain top secret clearance for anything (including the krabby patty secret formula). The people that have earned a place in a high security workplace understand how the game is played. They also understand the reasons why the public is kept in the dark. I'm not talking about things that these people would lose sleep over by questioning their morality. I'm speaking more along the lines of a secret space program and things of that sort. Sure, some of the technology that is kept from the public could help us but it could also hurt us.

Vincenz, I would like to thank you again for taking the time to share your experience with us. I'm sure you have noticed by now that you have well over 100 stars for your opening post. I think that clearly outweighs the negative comments posted here. Lots of members complain about the staring system but I'm happy we have the option to show our appreciation without having to post our thoughts. Many ATS fans come here to simply read and satisfy their questions and curiosities. Sadly, some are here because they are not happy until they feel enough people have succumb to their evil plan to make everyone else feel as miserable as they do. Oh, and for some reason they want you to read their posts without taking the time to read yours. I'm still scratching my head over that one.

thehal, (member that posted on page 16) That is a great first post.
I wish more members had your positive attitude.

Non-believers: Do not ask me to go into detail about my experiences of what, who, when, etc.. because It will not happen. I learned the hard way to keep details to myself. I don't care what negative comments you have to say about my post or the op's. I know what I know and sooner than you think you will have the same info as I do whether you want to or not. Gather some patience and consider yourself lucky because it's such an amazing time to be alive.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by sunshinesmile

Seriously guys, can't ANYONE tell me WHO filmed Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder of the lunar module to be the first man on the moon?

a google search for
WHO filmed Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder
finds the first entry,

The camera was on the MESA (Modular Equipment Storage Assembly). Armstrong deployed it himself. Source(s):

edit on 2-9-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:27 AM
I usually don't post, but i liked this thread!!! Let me tell you from experience, I have a TS SCI clearance being a submariner, and there's alot people don't know about. That's why I went through all of my training and I am trusted along with my shipmates to bear these secrets. I have kept silent and always will. For those who think these clearances are so difficult to get ,and you know everything you are incorrect. Thanks again for a great story.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Guys, I Need help here. Somebody posted my thread verbatim on GLP and I dont know how to complain to get rid of it. The guy didn't even give me credit or put a link. Can someone go on there and shut this down?
I really dislike GLP with a passion for the way they handle accounts and members. And i have a very strange feeling someOne from this very site did this to tarnish my reputation even further. I can't even login there because they have been blocking my NY local ip range for years. This is such bs. I really need some help here, this ain't cool at all.
edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by vincenz32 because: Cell phone spelling and grammar

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Threadfall

Threadfall, I think you bring up a valid point about people taking notice to strange things happening in the skies. In my opinion I would say that there are enough ufo claims to back up exactly what you are suggesting. I guess it all depends on what you would consider a ufo though. Many people (including stargazers,astronomers) do report strange activity like you say. So you are saying none have noticed but I'm saying that millions have. Also, you are talking about "interplanetary travel" (your suggested words). If these type of aircraft exist they would be extremely advanced and very different from the image that most people would have. My question is, what makes you think you could see these extremely advanced secret interplanetary machines even if someone told you where to look? I have second question if you don't mind me asking. Have you ever looked through a telescope? It is hard enough to keep the moon in view and in focus let alone trying to track a hyper-speed interplanetary space craft with one. I'm not trying to be rude or shoot you down but think about it before you rule it out.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:27 AM
Contacting a mod right now. Thanks for all of the PM help guys

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:51 AM
I really enjoyed the post. I believe you are being truthful but it really is hard to swallow the fact of commercial flights to Mars. I mean that is quite a distance and to have that kind of technology already developed is just thought-provoking.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by spoor

Thanks for the info spoor... feeling a little sheepish that the answer was close all the time. yahoo. Who knew

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:54 AM
everything stated is very believable except the whole moon thing. i dont believe for a second we ever went there

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by sunshinesmile

Seriously guys, can't ANYONE tell me WHO filmed Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder of the lunar module to be the first man on the moon?

a google search for
WHO filmed Neil Armstrong coming down the ladder
finds the first entry,

The camera was on the MESA (Modular Equipment Storage Assembly). Armstrong deployed it himself. Source(s):

edit on 2-9-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

Not forgetting the camera crew, the lighting techicians, sound crew, cable wranglers, rig crew etc, of course, although to be fair to them, the studio set was so minute, that they spent the entire time circling the module and walking backwards and forwards, and believe it or not, Buzz was the one who looked like he was going to deliberatly blow the whole gaff at the time, he was one unhappy bunny, even his " crewmates " thought that he was about to talk.

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