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Sheeple and Ron Paul

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:41 AM
S & F, OP.

I am sitting here wondering how our fellow Americans have become so very lazy.

No One Man Is Going To Change Anything, people.

You have to get involved in Your Democracy if you want it to represent your hopes and wishes.

Stop thinking you can turn to some guy and give him all your trust and He will fix everything all better for you.

What are you, 3?

You will not be satisfied with his actions, even if he DID win the Presidency.

You know why?

Because No One Man Can Change Anything.

Not in Washington, DC, and not on that scale.

Voting for a candidate is great, but you know what's better?

Running yourself, showing up and writing letters.

Editorials, town halls, visiting your Congressman's office.

Democracy is not served, it is hunted.

Get out there, and stop waiting for Mr. Perfect.

And for heaven's sake, worship Ron Paul in Secret.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by davewr25

Your post appears to be exactly what the Secular Socialist Religion hopes to achieve. If they are not able to indoctrinate someone into the church and own their soul then at least make them completely apathetic and defeatist so that they won't work against the destruction of the USA.

Your post reminds me of this quote from another stellar intellectual,

Jimmy Buffet
Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:55 AM
It seems to me that Ron Paul is working for the elite.

By deleting or not including Ron Paul in the polls etc. they make Ron seem a hell of a lot more legitimate but you have to understand that these people would not be in power if they were stupid.

They planned to do this. It’s a means of propaganda.

Look at all the people who believe that Ron is legitimate because the mainstream did not include him in polls etc. Then they use us to spread that message!

PURE SHEEP. WAKE UP! (Sorry I get frustrated at the majority from time to time)

This is based on what I have learned about the elite and how they orchestrate their plans.

If these people (the so called elite) were stupid, then they would make Ron Paul seem like another Obama
But you see they have to deceive; understand that these people are not only 10 - 15 years ahead of us, but in truth about 40 - 50 years or maybe even more.

You need to understand how to play chess
Not simply the game of pawns kings and queens.

They will deceive physically mentally emotionally etc.

They will cover all fields.

The truth is. If you cannot comprehend how they operate, then you have also been deceived.
The truth is. If you cannot comprehend how they operate, then you have also been deceived.
The truth is. If you cannot comprehend how they operate, then you have also been deceived.
The truth is. If you cannot comprehend how they operate, then you have also been deceived.
The truth is. If you cannot comprehend how they operate, then you have also been deceived.

edit on 20-8-2011 by toocoolnc because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:03 AM

holy freakin' toledo. that's just........

this video is ....i don't have the proper words for it, but it is one thing: awesome
edit on 20-8-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:14 AM
I don't think Ron supports minimum wage or socialized heath care. He seems about as far from socialism as we can get. I've decided I'll register republican and vote in the primary for Ron Paul. I don't see how he can be popular with a majority as he's not pretty nor verbally forceful. America likes the shallow water. However, if he does get the nomination, I won't just sit at home wishing I could move to Sweden on election day. I'll go out and vote for Ron. I'm hoping that with the low cost labor, America will become The Great Mall it almost was. I actually have frequent vivid dreams that America has become a complex of malls and apartments all interconnected. I think this would give the public the great pacification they desire and the elite a vacation. While everyone is purring, I'll slip off to Washington state to live in my off grid house, paying for it by selling well packaged trinkets in the malls. Viva La Revolution!

There's an 80's movie in here somewhere.
edit on 20-8-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by davewr25

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by davewr25

Whats up with all these newbs making accounts to bash Ron Paul? Nothing new to see here folks.

What's up with all these people who have no idea what they're talking about cuz they can't even read an entire opinion before they become the judge and the jury?

Nothing new to see here folks.

Are you kidding me?

Nothing new to see here folks. Just another uneducated opinion about Ron Paul. Funny how this poster doesn't make any threads about the other fail candidates, just Ron Paul. For the original poster is nothing more than a troll and we have taken the bait.

None of us need to defend Ron Paul, his actions speak loud & clear. So ignore this uniformed poster, for they only wish to incite anger and confusion. Shame on it

And shame on all the people who starred & flagged this failure of a thread. Disgusting
edit on 20-8-2011 by Swills because: O

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
Ron Paul is not a hero, he is not going to save this country, and he is not being conspired against for the U.S. Presidency.

That part is true. However when people project him as a hero or a potential saviour they are supporting a set of goals and actions which will be heroic and will save the USA, not the person himself.

There is certainly no conspiracy against him becoming the President, not yet anyway. At the moment his support base is not signficant enough for anyone to conspire against him. However, if he does well in the first couple of states, those who do not wish to see him elected, and there will be many, will start slinging mud and conspiring against him. All this conspiracy talk by his admirers is simple paranoia. What what else can you expect from conspiracists?

To think otherwise is completely absurd. The fact of the matter is this; he is a politician. Even worse, he's campaigning for presidency.

To assume that because he has been a career politician hoping to be President he is like a typical politician may be enough to convince yourself he is no different from the rest, but perhaps a little more convincing evidence is expected when you want to call "sheeple" people who know him much better than you do and know that he is different.

Sure, it is quite is possible that he is no different and owns some farm somwehere being worked by slaves, just like many founding fathers of the US did and just as hypocritically waxes eloquent about liberty.

What is more likely is that he is either not as consistent in his voting record as his supporters claim or his principles as attractive as they are presented. The first would be evidence for why he is not to be trusted and the second why he is not desirable.

So if you or others work on those aspects and present a case, it would be more convincing.

Does anyone remember who Barack Obama was before 2008? He was the so called miracle man all for change and fulfilling people's rights but when he got into office, where did all his promises go? He didn't accomplish anything he said he would because he just wanted the sheeples trust. Ron Paul is no different.

Don't see how Obama being something proves Dr. Paul is no different. Is it because both speak English, both wear suits, both were elected by American public to the Congress or just because both were Americans?

Anyway no one supporting Dr. Paul is expecting him to work any miracles nor is he promising any. He is stating clearly what he stands for and how he intends to achieve some of them, given the limitations placed on the Presidency by the US constitution. You could either prove he is not trustworthy by exposing his Congressional voting record (some are working on it, although nothing seriously damaging has been reported so far) or argue he is not desriable by attacking what he stands for.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Complete drivel.

Let me guess, you support the idea that 300,000,000 people can only come up with two ideas? A red and a blue one?

Go ahead and keep supporting the establishments status quo then. . . It's worked out well for all the old timers that have ruined the country.

They got all the benefits and none of the repercussions. They were all passed on to us. Thanks for nothing old timers!


posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by gentledissident
I don't think Ron supports minimum wage or socialized heath care.

I am positive he doesn't. However he very clearly said he doesn't plan to dismantle the welfare state, including socialised health care, in day since it will cause tremendous social disruption. It will be done over a period of time.

He seems about as far from socialism as we can get.

You bet he is.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by LargeFries

How much more uninformed can you get. Apparently, you have no clue as to the purpose of our original constitution vs. the current Corp USA constitution. All he stated with this proposal, was that we return to the values of the original constitution, that specifies that (congress shall make NO law respecting religion), and re-emphasize the (limited) role of the federal government, under the constitution, and as such, return to the basis, that (only those powers specifically granted to the federal government shall be addressed by the federal government, and that (all other powers) shall granted to the states.) How else can a representative republic operate, if the voice of the people is not expressed thru the local jurisdiction of the states. Hell, the unconstitutional transference of powers from the states, to the federal gov., are what have gotten us into the mess we're in now. No other politician, on the scene today, seems to have the philosophical courage to voice the obvious reasons for the decline of America, than Ron Paul. No, he is not the hansom, charismatic, glitzy, sexy prototype of idiots the country seems inclined to elect. And look where they have taken us. He is knowledgeable, experienced, highly intelligent, and patriotic; Oh, I forgot; Patriotism is bad. THE dirty word as defined by the liberal, progressive, socialist left.
The more we let government screw around with original intent, the more we get screwed. You may substitute your own word for a screwing.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:43 AM

That explains Ron Paul supporters, and people interested in politics in general.
We've given the power away.
Put it in a "politician"
It's funny, all politicians are scum and evil, yet the sheep, vote for one of the bad guys to lead the way.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Observor
it will cause tremendous social disruption. It will be done over a period of time.

See, that's the same way I would introduce Socialism. However, I would make it opt in. Seems like a lot of people think leisure and efficiency are Un-American.

I have no idea what's going on with the formatting

edit on 20-8-2011 by gentledissident because: really?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
In summary, Ron Paul sucks. Just like Obama. Just like bush. Get over it. No matter who you "vote" for, we all lose.

so, what are your recommendations?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:54 AM
while i agree that the system is too corrupt and to owned. i have to dissagree about ron paul.i think ron pauls words/record give the man the right to the benifit of the doubt. im not saying we should trust him or anyone else, trust is earned everyday.

i understand the ops pessimism with our government i think its well founded and accurrate. tho look up how many of our presidents that have taken on a central private bank have been assasinated or assasination attempts. good people do make it into office. jimmy carter was/is a very well meaning human being and while the system mocks him and tries to make him look incompetent the reality is the system works behind the scenes and an outsider like carter has little to no chance to accomplish any real change in the short term. however carter was right about getting off of oil especialy foriegn oil. he was right about other stuff also
but my point is he tried to steer the country to renewable energy in the 70s and if the tptb hadnt of killed all of his efforts we would be at i think 25% or better of our energy needs from renewable(as a goal atleast) he wasnt perfect but he had very sane, realistic, common sense. forward thinking ideas for this country what he didnt have was an internet and a more aware population. so please support ron paul even if only to send a message that we are not satisfied with the present system. maybe we will get lucky and popular support plus internet plus ron paul can get our country back.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
Ron Paul is not a hero, he is not going to save this country, and he is not being conspired against for the U.S. Presidency. To think otherwise is completely absurd. The fact of the matter is this; he is a politician. Even worse, he's campaigning for presidency. Does anyone remember who Barack Obama was before 2008? He was the so called miracle man all for change and fulfilling people's rights but when he got into office, where did all his promises go? He didn't accomplish anything he said he would because he just wanted the sheeples trust. Ron Paul is no different.

Gonna have to disagree with you there. Ron Paul has held the same position on every issue the entire time he has been in Congress. How many other politicians can you say that about?

How many times have you seen THIS in a poll? Everyone taking the poll knows who "Other" is, and they are voting for him. That doesn't tell you something?

Obama simply used advertising and PR trickery to hypnotize dumb people into following orders. We all see what it got them (I did not vote for him, I am not dumb).

Ron Paul is not running for president. He is leading a revolution.

edit on 20-8-2011 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

You don't have the right to clean water, but you do have the right to provide yourself with clean water, healthcare, education, etc. If you want a nanny go somewhere else.

edit on (8/20/11) by gnosis111 because: Because people are lazy.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by gnosis111
You don't have the right to clean water

Why do we even have a government?

Every man woman and child for itself! Anarchy in the USA!

That felt good. I feel a little belligerent now.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by gentledissident
I don't think Ron supports minimum wage or socialized heath care. He seems about as far from socialism as we can get. I've decided I'll register republican and vote in the primary for Ron Paul. I don't see how he can be popular with a majority as he's not pretty nor verbally forceful. America likes the shallow water. However, if he does get the nomination, I won't just sit at home wishing I could move to Sweden on election day. I'll go out and vote for Ron. I'm hoping that with the low cost labor, America will become The Great Mall it almost was. I actually have frequent vivid dreams that America has become a complex of malls and apartments all interconnected. I think this would give the public the great pacification they desire and the elite a vacation. While everyone is purring, I'll slip off to Washington state to live in my off grid house, paying for it by selling well packaged trinkets in the malls. Viva La Revolution!

There's an 80's movie in here somewhere.
edit on 20-8-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

My uncle was a tax accountant before he retired. He has a saying: "It's not how much you MAKE, it's how much you KEEP."

If small government didn't impose such a tax burden on corporations and citizens, then salaries wouldn't NEED to be so high. We'd keep more of our income at the end of the day, and goods & services would be cheaper than they are now. We'd all be better off relative to what we are today.

I am not advocating for no minimum wage or anything, I am simply presenting the simple math of that scenario. Don't put words in my mouth like I know some of you morons will.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by gentledissident

But I think it needs clarified that promoting "general welfare" does not mean wiping your ass, by giving you everything you need! Where does the self responsibility come in?

In my opinion the federal government should do nothing but keep us safe and enforce the constitution. Allowing us a life of liberty and pursuit of happiness that applies to us individually as long as it does not infringe and harm another.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:14 AM
I don't know too much about Ron Paul. Only what I've read here and in videos and news clips. But maybe I can give the OP a better idea of why, at least I, like the "idea" of a Ron Paul presidency.

Regardless if you are democrat, republican, or something else...what we have been electing, isn't working. A wise man (or woman) once said that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting a different result. Sound familiar? We have been voting within a box, following the rules by sticking to a "party", and in the process...we continue getting screwed.

When the "tea party" emerged, even though it is far from perfect, it offered a small taste of changing the system. I feel Ron Paul offers the same...a small taste of change. Not the BS "change" Obama injected into the veins of many Americans, which like any other drug...wore off and reality returned.

I believe we have (overall) gotten to the point where any real, visible, possible change has become a much brighter light than it may really be. Or in other words...when you are drowning you will grab for a paper cup to help keep you afloat...even if it may not support your weight.

I, for one, am willing to choose almost any change, because what we have been doing...and who we have been electing...isn't working. And I'm done being one of the insane.

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