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Sheeple and Ron Paul

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

What political spectrum? There is no spectrum. The spectrum is an illusion. Open your eyes.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by davewr25

Whats up with all these newbs making accounts to bash Ron Paul? Nothing new to see here folks.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by allprowolfy

Lol. You can't read or articulate a sentence and you're trying to tell me I argue like a 1 year old?

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You've made so many assumptions about me and I won't even take the time to assure you that you're wrong. Reread the thread, but go a little slower this time. I know I used a lot of big words in there, but maybe a second time will help you realize that I am not trying to bash Ron Paul. I don't know Ron Paul and it is unfair for me to make assumptions about him as a person.

Now if he were to be elected president, that's a different story because all presidents are puppets and as long as you believe otherwise, you are too.

Stop making assumptions about me. You know nothing.

I don't watch tv.
I will sleep like an angel tonight.
I will watch the president (no matter who he is) act out his role for the peanut gallery.
I won't buy anything from some idiot speaking about hope and change.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by davewr25

Whats up with all these newbs making accounts to bash Ron Paul? Nothing new to see here folks.

What's up with all these people who have no idea what they're talking about cuz they can't even read an entire opinion before they become the judge and the jury?

Nothing new to see here folks.

Are you kidding me?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
reply to post by allprowolfy

Lol. You can't read or articulate a sentence and you're trying to tell me I argue like a 1 year old?

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You've made so many assumptions about me and I won't even take the time to assure you that you're wrong. Reread the thread, but go a little slower this time. I know I used a lot of big words in there, but maybe a second time will help you realize that I am not trying to bash Ron Paul. I don't know Ron Paul and it is unfair for me to make assumptions about him as a person.

Now if he were to be elected president, that's a different story because all presidents are puppets and as long as you believe otherwise, you are too.

Stop making assumptions about me. You know nothing.

I don't watch tv.
I will sleep like an angel tonight.
I will watch the president (no matter who he is) act out his role for the peanut gallery.
I won't buy anything from some idiot speaking about hope and change.

Lol, you solved the question Dave, no brains, no credible come back, and no sufficient evidence to back your sorry arse hypothesis, definetly a troll thread, as we can both see your star rating is not what it could be

pick another topic

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
This Ron Paul propaganda on ATS is truly downright scary. It just shows how incredibly fascist the USA populace has become.

no just ATS.

and the rest of the apologists in the world.

on ATS, lol!!

this is a microcosm and has no base in reality. lol!

it's a conspiracy site for heaven's sake.

paul is the new 9/11 lol!

look out the basement window for once.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:20 AM
rp will be crucified here.

welcome to ATS human resource for vetting.

is this another messiah coming down the pike?

get used to it paulites!

st. paul is open season.

what a bummer, eh?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by fooks
rp will be crucified here.

welcome to ATS human resource for vetting.

is this another messiah coming down the pike?

get used to it paulites!

st. paul is open season.

what a bummer, eh?

Intersting take you have fook, you like the op must love your hope and change as it has worked out soooooo well, yes we the few on the paul wagon as you word it hold his words true as he has done what he said and meant what he meaned, but hey kick start your brain back on that hope and change wagon as it did so very well with all them shovel ready projects huh,

go go Aristrocats, wouldn't want to change the norm of the last 1000 years would you

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by davewr25

Its the way it always has been, its the way its always going to be, right? Its so true! I mean, just look at how everything always moves in a perfectly straight line. Nothing on this earth has ever changed, grown, or evolved.


Personally, i am an optimist, i see the politician as telling the truth half the time, seems you see them as lying half the time.

Go back in history more than 2 presidents and you will see that there were a few in the mix that weren't exactly the same. Sure there have been a lot, and most politicians will use one hand to shake your hand, and the other to steal your neighbors money, but every once in a while there is someone different.

Part of the reason i support RP is because the other politicians hate him! How can you get farther from the norm, than that which the norm hates?

Please try to have a little more faith in humanity, nobody likes a negative Nancy.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
reply to post by sonnny1

What political spectrum? There is no spectrum. The spectrum is an illusion. Open your eyes.

Sorry, I didnt know Politics were based on CGI. Never said I didnt think it was an illusion. Again,all knowing ONE,what is your fix for this illusion?

MODS,please put this entire thread in the RANT section where it belongs !!!
edit on 20-8-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by kro32

Well I certainly hope he doesn't change his mind about his other issues once he get's elected and has more discussions with people since he certainly has done that in the past.

Do you hope that? Really? Because he has such a terrible track record? You are nit-picking here when you consider all that we have been through. Three generations of the Bush family's treasonous actions, outgoing Cheney cousins with incoming Obama? What the hell is that about? Here's the link.

Cheney and Bush Related.

Now I can see that all this Ron Paul talk on ATS is getting a little much. I am a supporter of Ron's and it is a little much for me too. But what are you going to do? I can tell you this much though, if the Ron Paul Sucks threads that fan the flames went away, some of the pro Ron Paul threads would probably slacken a bit.

What you fail to realize is that all of us know this is a slim opportunity we have here to do something historic. And an awful lot of us know it is a long shot that it will ever succeed. However if we don't put forth the effort as hard as we can, no change will ever come. We know the Government is a runaway freight train right now. but it has been that way before, hasn't it? Well this guy is an honest broker from everything I can see, and I have been watching him for over a decade. Should we give him a shot? Well why not? I don't want to go live in the forest if I don't have to. I like my electric service, but I like being able to pay it easily too.

We haven't been watching what has been going on in our Government and Economic systems in Washington for a very long time. And now the major media doesn't tell us anything they find out, because they no longer look for anything. It's time we did something and this seems like our best shot.

I will say this though, I am worried about his policies of an open market, since I believe tariffs should go back on. Free trade has spelled the end of jobs in our country, and I believe it should be abolished. Ron will not do that, or at least it sounds like he won't.

But there is a bigger problem than that, and that is the Federal Reserve Bank. This is a giant leach on our economic neck and it needs to go. To me this is the core of the problem. The same bankers that the Fed bailed out by printing more currency, are the ones that own the Federal Reserve Corporation. The money that had to be covered? The money they lost, that caused the need for the bailout? Well it is still around. It is in their pockets. Why did Lincoln and Kennedy both turn their backs on the Fed and begin printing their own currency? Because they saw these guys as the giant leaches they are.

Even when the bankers play it straight, they practice fractional reserve banking. Do you know what that is? if they have $100,000 they can loan out and collect as if they had $1,000,000.

Fractional Reserve Banking

Pretty nice deal for them, huh? But that was the old days, right before the bailout some banks were leveraged - that is the PC term for it - as low as 3%. $100,000 deposits = $10,000,000 in loan generation. I don't know about you but I'm thinking these guys need to go out and get honest jobs.

So that is the clear starting point for me. And at this point I feel it is so important, and so urgent that if Ron Paul is for doing that, then I am behind him. We have been voting for who they wanted us to for so long, do you think if it wasn't that important they would spend so much time and money making sure to rig the vote.

I don't know if Ron can end the Fed successfully, but GD we should let him give it a try. What ever happens in the end, maybe it will be easier to get it done down the road, because end the Fed we must. Central Banks are pointless unless you own one. Rothschild owns most of them, he only owns part of the Fed, but then he owns parts of the banks that own the Fed, and it goes on and on. Why on God's green Earth would you ever want them to continue to bleed us dry? Jefferson kicked the first one out after it was in place twenty years. Ever wonder why? Jackson kicked the second one out after it was in twenty years? Ever wonder why? Franklin said that the main reason for the revolutionary war was King George's refusal to allow the colonies to print their own money. That dreck you were taught in school about taxation without representation? BS!

We have had this Central Bank for almost a hundred years now and all the warnings of Jefferson, Franklin and Jackson have come true, exactly true! Shouldn't we at least try to do something about it?

So far the only other choice you seem to be offering is to go out back and shout ourselves in the head. Or did I miss the solution you were proposing somewhere?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by davewr25

To the person asking my opinion about who would fit better than ron paul: There is no person fit for presidency, because "presidency" is unfit for this country. Plain and simple.

So you are saying... you're an Anarchist? Just trying to figure out what you would like.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by davewr25

Anyone who has any "political affiliation" whatsoever is a fool.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:01 AM
sarah palin is the only one for the US.

i don't know, choose between a life long politico, or a new bies, or people who would not do anything to ruin their game? (tell you lies again)

no one has ever quit a job? let alone for the good of company? lol, didn't think so.selfish aholes.

who can see russia from their house?


st. paul is expired. sorry. he has no teeth.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by davewr25

He's still the first real chance we've had of breaking the left right dominance that has existed for the last 100 years.
Maybe he will be the same, but I'm voting for him and campaigning for him on the possibility that it will shake things up. If finally getting something different in there doesn't work then I guess we will have to go back to spreading the word that they are all bought and paid for. At least we can give it a shot.

If it's a all a ruse it's wildly outside the norm of the political structure of America and tptb or whatever. They have always relied on using dumb issues on dumb people and appealing to idiots with idiots. Paul is the first one I've ever seen that has consistently put on his A game and made complete since all the time.
edit on 20-8-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by davewr25
Ron Paul is not a hero, he is not going to save this country, and he is not being conspired against for the U.S. Presidency. To think otherwise is completely absurd. The fact of the matter is this; he is a politician. Even worse, he's campaigning for presidency. Does anyone remember who Barack Obama was before 2008? He was the so called miracle man all for change and fulfilling people's rights but when he got into office, where did all his promises go? He didn't accomplish anything he said he would because he just wanted the sheeples trust. Ron Paul is no different.

There is however a very big difference between the 2 Candidates. Anyone who was smart enough to look at Obama's voting record in the Senate already knew his promises were nothing but rhetoric in order to gain support and get elected.

Ron Paul's voting record and views have really not changed in 30 years. He has been saying much the same thing for 30 years. ATS even has a thread put up by the Admins here with an old Ron Paul interview....I think it was from 1988 or 98.... whichever... but if you actually watch it guess what you see? You will see Ron Paul saying the exact same things then that he says now. If that is just empty words to get elected, than he is by far the best liar of all the politicians. You would have to be to live a lie for 30 years.

My advice is look into his voting record, match it against what he says. If it does not match up, then you can say he is full of it. If it does, than that kind of makes you full it doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by davewr25

If I had a nickel for everytime I saw a person bash Ron Paul on this website without actually addressing his stance on any issues....

These are the types of threads that make me convinced people actually get paid to post propaganda on here. Why does nobody who opposes Ron Paul ever address any issues that he is wrong on?

And I don't even understand the point of the say Ron Paul is just another politician who we shouldn't trust, so who should we trust? Rick Perry? Bachmann? Obama?

Ron Paul is a Constitutional expert, and he stands for the people and liberty. He wants to audit the federal reserve, end all wars, end the Drug War, I mean his views are spot on. And the people that bash Ron Paul only reinforce that idea, because they never even mention his views.

Although I would like it if he taxed the rich to help get us out of debt, but I'm not going to rule him out as a candidate because we don't see eye to eye on just one issue.
edit on 20-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by davewr25

I read threads like this with interest.
Looking for dirt on Ron Paul but nobody has squat.

Really thought this might be different and you had something other than your humble opinion but, not too much. It appears you don't like any politicians period and perhaps had poor role models. Might surprise you to learn honest and highly principled men are born everyday. Not many of those enter politics to be sure but, unless you have something other than the "I hate politicians" rant going on here ...Ron Paul seems to be an honest and principled man with a great deal of integrity. Thanks for your opinion though. I'll take it under advisement.

edit on 20-8-2011 by newcovenant because: overtired and blind

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by davewr25

Wow I didn't know we had that many script runners to give you that many stars... There is only one problem with your script. It is about as uninformed as it gets. Ron Paul has a 30+ year track record of doing exactly what he says he will do, and of honesty, and integrity etc. unlike Obama and any other politician on the hill. That pretty much blows your script out of the water...

edit on 20-8-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 05:31 AM
OP seems to be an emotionalized thread with no proof. i call troll post to get the blood boiling of Ron Paul fans.

If he says its his opinion leave him to his delusions and move on with your lives, dont waste it arguing with someone over a non issue. Some people never learn.

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