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Sheeple and Ron Paul

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by davewr25
I am not in contrast to Ron Paul in any sort of specific way. That's where the misinterpretation lies. I have no desire to sit and waste time debating who is the correct person to be in charge of the united corporation of America. My standpoint is that politics is an extremely evident attempt to control the masses through perception of choice, when there is no choice. You are voting between a conservative or a liberal. Or a republican or a democrat. Or left wing guy or a right wing guy. It's like asking me to choose between dirt and puke. Yea I have a choice, and I am gonna pick dirt, but does that necessarily mean that dirt is the right choice when I can just as easily have a myriad of other things?

Political parties and affiliations are just an illusion because whether they are on one side or another, yet are all playing for the same team- their own. Republicans pad their wallet. Democrats pad their wallet. What is the difference here?

By claiming that any one stance is right or wrong, you're sacrificing your right as an individual. Take a look at the political parties who controlled the last regimes here in America. Bush was republican, Obama was democrat. Do you see any major changes in the way this country has been run? Are we still fighting wars in the name of "counter terrorism," in countries that have bountiful natural resources for us to pillage when were through "liberating" their people by bombing them to oblivion? General population is who fights in these wars while Barack Obama hides out at camp David with the new validated ability to go to war without approval from congress.

I digress from the point and I apologize, but trying to pin me to one type of person is going to fail because I am an individual. I see the game for what it is, and I think awareness on a site like this isn't too much too ask for. Political stance means nothing when you don't have a voice. Especially when the greater good is commonly mistaken for the wealthy good.

It's all a joke. The political system is a failure. Look at our constitutional rights and how many of them have been exploited and denied since the creation of that document. Freedom of speech? Questionable. Right to bear arms? Most states have had this taken from them. The list goes on and on.

Btw when Ron Paul gets to office do you think he'll repeal the patriot act and stop funding the cias Facebook website to spy on the American people?

Exactly. Anyone with any intelligence at all knows this. We keep hearing from the media, politicians, and many people in the US that Barack Obama is a "socialist". And these same people would call George W. Bush a "conservative".

Strange, since Barack Obama is every bit as conservative as George W. Bush is.

People that still believe in this farce that is being pulled over them are basically brain dead.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by Red Cloak

.....promote the general welfare."

It's in the preamble

Then that means that people also have the right to healthcare.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by davewr25

In summary, Ron Paul sucks. Just like Obama. Just like bush. Get over it. No matter who you "vote" for, we all lose.

I love it

I am going to use this as my signature for a while. If you do not like it u2u me and I will take it down.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by davewr25
I am not in contrast to Ron Paul in any sort of specific way. That's where the misinterpretation lies. I have no desire to sit and waste time debating who is the correct person to be in charge of the united corporation of America. My standpoint is that politics is an extremely evident attempt to control the masses through perception of choice, when there is no choice. You are voting between a conservative or a liberal. Or a republican or a democrat. Or left wing guy or a right wing guy. It's like asking me to choose between dirt and puke. Yea I have a choice, and I am gonna pick dirt, but does that necessarily mean that dirt is the right choice when I can just as easily have a myriad of other things?

Political parties and affiliations are just an illusion because whether they are on one side or another, yet are all playing for the same team- their own. Republicans pad their wallet. Democrats pad their wallet. What is the difference here?

By claiming that any one stance is right or wrong, you're sacrificing your right as an individual. Take a look at the political parties who controlled the last regimes here in America. Bush was republican, Obama was democrat. Do you see any major changes in the way this country has been run? Are we still fighting wars in the name of "counter terrorism," in countries that have bountiful natural resources for us to pillage when were through "liberating" their people by bombing them to oblivion? General population is who fights in these wars while Barack Obama hides out at camp David with the new validated ability to go to war without approval from congress.

I digress from the point and I apologize, but trying to pin me to one type of person is going to fail because I am an individual. I see the game for what it is, and I think awareness on a site like this isn't too much too ask for. Political stance means nothing when you don't have a voice. Especially when the greater good is commonly mistaken for the wealthy good.

It's all a joke. The political system is a failure. Look at our constitutional rights and how many of them have been exploited and denied since the creation of that document. Freedom of speech? Questionable. Right to bear arms? Most states have had this taken from them. The list goes on and on.

Btw when Ron Paul gets to office do you think he'll repeal the patriot act and stop funding the cias Facebook website to spy on the American people?

See now that's a much better way of delivering your message. You don't sound like you want America to crash and burn anymore!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:56 PM
Ron Paul is just a muppet to keep you lot busy.

Have fun fighting for nothing.

Fake battle..fake leader.

edit on 19-8-2011 by WXBackdoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:57 PM
To the person asking my opinion about who would fit better than ron paul: There is no person fit for presidency, because "presidency" is unfit for this country. Plain and simple. It doesn't matter who is in office. It never mattered who was in office. What would happen if the entire country stopped voting? Do you think they wouldn't still elect someone? Our opinions don't matter and they never have.

To the person who quoted me in their sig: that's the coolest thing that happened to me all day. Thank you haha

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by kro32

In situations like that Arkansas bill in which it clearly is unconstitutional, anyone has the right to take the case to a federal court, including the supreme court. I think we are taking a small exception and letting it dictate the value of the whole.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by WXBackdoor
Ron Paul is just a muppet to keep you lot busy.

Have fun fighting for nothing.

Fake battle..fake leader.

edit on 19-8-2011 by WXBackdoor because: (no reason given)

You are completely right.

Thank you for seeing it my way.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by davewr25

Thanks for the respectful reply, I figured you might say that, my mother always told me the same thing growing up lol. I know what you mean, but I don't think all politicians are bad, and specifically I'd rather have someone in office who says they will end war then someone who will expand it guaranteed. As far as it not mattering I agree, I'm positive that Rick Perry will be the next president, It's pretty obvious he has already been selected as the next puppet and his views fit in with the elites perfectly.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by davewr25

We canadians have some of the most corrupt politicians there is, and I know many people who have given up voting in our country for this reason!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by LargeFries

LOL nice how you only posted part of that. What Paul is talking about in the article is a way of making health care affordable. Yes he say no one should get free medical care. I agree.

I'm not sure if you read that articles. But this is a file. Explaining that Medical Insurance Companies (Run by banks like all insurance companies are) are robbing the American People by not allowing those insurance companies to compete state to state. Which in turn would cause medical companies to lower prices so that even poor Americans can get their own medical insurance.

This article (file) whatever you call it. Is Ron Pauls way of saying that the Gov needs to stay the Fark out of our business. Whether it be Medical, Financial or Personal. The Federal gov has no right to know anything about you.

Riddle me this. Why can't you just go and pay a doctor cash for treament?
Answer that question and you'll know what Ron Paul is talking about in that article. I'll give you a hint. Medical insurance companies take in more money than the doctors do, anytime and every time you go to see them. Again tell me why a doctor will not see you without insurance and will not take cash. Unless it's an emergency room?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by davewr25

In summary, Ron Paul sucks. Just like Obama. Just like bush. Get over it. No matter who you "vote" for, we all lose.

Nice to generalize the Political spectrum..........

So,whats your answer to it then ?

Strong language in this vid,But I think I get where you are coming from..................

"Yeah, I’m a great quitter: it’s one of the few things I do well… I come from a long line of quitters. My father was a quitter, my grandfather was a quitter… I was raised to give up" - George Costanza

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by eNumbra

Well I certainly hope he doesn't change his mind about his other issues once he get's elected and has more discussions with people since he certainly has done that in the past.


Is that the best you got to try to paint Ron Paul in a dishonest light?

While no one is perfect....if thats the best you got...Ron Paul is head and shoulders above EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN with this stances, principles, views, and most of all.....VOTING RECORD!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by sheepslayer247

I don't know if he supported that States legislation or not but that is not the point. The point is that his bill says the courts should not interfere with the State to practice that law which is definetly Unconstitutional. Therefore his bill would allow for States to adhere to Unconstitutional practices.

This shows that Paul doesn not firmly believe in the Constitution but rather the Articles of Confederation where the States had this power.

No this is not unconstitutional this is how it's supposed to be. The federal Government was created to oversee the states. Not control them. Why do you think every state has a Supreme Court of their own. And no this does not allow states to adhere to Unconstitutional practices. No one American in the United states would allow their state to practice unconstitutional laws. It's our duty as Americans to make sure this doesn't happen. Would you let your state pass a law that violated your rights? As an American I hope not. You know WE THE PEOPLE first line of the constitution.

Ron Paul may not be perfect however he does believe in that extremely important piece of paper. I'm not sure half the people in the U.S. have even read the constitution. Our Gov as of right now have violated the constitution on so many levels that it doesn't even exist at the moment. The Patriot act itself is unconstitutional it pretty much cancels out the constitution all together. Our President, is also the Head of Security Council in the United Nations. Which is completely unconstitutional. Stated No President shall hold more than one office whether foreign or domestic while holding the U.S. Presidency. But he he is. Obama Security Council

The Patriot act in short allows our Gov to deem you a terrorist, search your home, place you under arrest without reason and detain you until further notice. Don't believe me. Read More Here

Just my thoughts.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by LargeFries

Although I believe everyone should have free access to healthcare, can you point out to me where the constitution gives that "right" to every American?

So isn't Ron Paul correct in saying that it is not a "right"?

Aren't you just grabbing for straws here?

Why don't you post the rest of what Paul said from your link? It puts it in perspective.

edit on 19-8-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

Where does it say in the Constitution that people have the right to clean water? Kindly point it out to me.

Where does it say you have to pay taxes!?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:17 PM
|Op, you sir are not only delusional from t.v, but do not have half a clue what a good potus should be. wow always amazes me how the american people sure do not ask for much

sleep well as its obvious to see you sure dont ask much from your |President

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by LargeFries
reply to post by davewr25

davewr25 i'm awarding you +25 Internets for telling it like it is. this OP is so overdue it hurts. doubly so on a site where many seem to be awake and aware. i could babble on as to why but the point is moot.

i still hope the citizens of the usa one day unite and rise together for real true change in and of leadership. being stuck under the R & D party members fighting like children we will continue to suck it extra hard regardless of what arseclown we the people don't get to put in the office of president.

Please, I beg you to babble on and enlighten us with this moot point you speak of.... Or, are you just posting to add to the meme?
edit on 8/19/2011 by Finalized because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

The only rights you have are those in your beloved Constitution? A piece of paper tells you what your rights are?

I wonder what will happen to ATS when/if Paul is elected and goes back on his promises, just like Obama did. It happens with every president--his worshippers swear he is the saviour of the world and he ends up being like every president before him--and I see no reason why Paul will be any different.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:28 PM
One last thing op, is all a potus have to do is say to you is,"hope and change." and your sold
or do the tough questions of going back to the constitutional direction of our once former country scare the-be jesus out of you

just curious, kinda thinking this was a troll thread, as your points where as minute as a one year olds when talking about what and why you have such a digression with paul, which is the only one that has said what he meant and meant what he said

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:44 PM
Damn, I didn't know we had so many prophets. There are so many people saying things like "Ron Paul is going to turn around and lie to you when he gets elected" and other things of that matter. I didn't know you guys could see where a man is going to end up. Bravo.

Either way, lets say for a second, that the OP and others who support him are correct. Lets say Ron Paul does turn his back on us and disappoints us as a president. Honestly, that would be the last straw for A LOT of people. You would see riots. It's simple, at least for me.. when Ron Paul talks, I understand him. I don't understand anything else these other politicians say. When they talk, I see no passion, all they are talking about is stuff that is of little importance to me. When they lie, I cannot pick up on all of it. In the end, if Ron Paul lies, it will be painfully obvious, and people (at least me) will spot it clear. I think that's why he's so appealing to people, because his promises make sense, and if he breaks them, he is on the spot. Instantly.

Even if Ron Paul #s up, at least we tried, at least we had hope for something better.

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