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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norway killer

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Description of the interviewing style being used.

I'm sure he finds this terribly amusing.

The no tricks and no manipulation is a lie from the get go.

I wonder if he amuses himself with imagining you breaking out ostrich feathers to tickle confessions out of him.

I like the "equality" part particularly. You aren't his equal.
edit on 2011/9/18 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Still politely refusing to join in on your consensual delusion, and in doing so he is still pointing out the fatal flaw in your consensual delusion.

Which is in itself the heart of the political point he's making.

- He spoke about his own views are irrelevant to the case and no news value, she says.

No news value.

You would PREFER it had no news value. That's not the same thing as it actually having none.

And just for my own amusement - transporting him in a vehicle that is essentially the same vehicle as the one he used for the bomb.... Irony knows no boundaries.
edit on 2011/9/19 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:14 PM
The truth is in the 500+ witness statements that the police should have gathered. They will tell us how many shooters were on the island. If they don't release that evidence, we are dependent on MSM, and will never find out what happened.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:01 PM
True. I'm not particularly concerned by the number of shooters. I know there was only one.

At this point, he's controlling everything. Even the tiny bits of information he's getting out are still all political messages.

Their interview methods are working to get information he's totally willing to give. But don't work worth spit for anything he wasn't already willing to give.

The remarks about isolation being torture (isolation is hard on a person) are mainly a political point. If he were not white caucasian, there would be people jumping to his defense on that point instead of a field of silence on it.

The red sweater and red shirt are a message, red probably being his Justicar colours.

His demeanor and manner of dress, the calm unreactionary non-aggressive polite but demanding demeanor is a message that he is still focused on his goal and while polite he isn't granting that they are in control of the situation.

The authorities are starting to run through the course of his zero-sum game, and are about to start feeling the effects of his strategic dominance position.

The techniques they are using are absolutely right 99.9999999999% of the time. They are so sure of their dogma, that this isn't one of those 99.9999999999% is just starting to maybe dawn on them. Maybe. I doubt it, but maybe.

They are working on an investigation. He isn't. He's already granted them the battle from the first phone call on July 22, and in doing it he's winning the war.
edit on 2011/9/19 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Investigators have found no indication that Breivik had accomplices, but can't rule it out as he refuses to discuss the issue during interrogations, Hatlo said.

"That is what makes us worried, that he absolutely does not want to talk about that," Hatlo told The Associated Press. "So the question is: Is he doing it to make himself interesting, or is there something to it?"

Some of column A and some of column B.
edit on 2011/9/19 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Someone in the comments makes an excellent point.

How did he lift the bomb into the van by himself?

Now, it is a farm. Perhaps he had farm equipment. I don't see any in the pictures of the farm, but that might not mean anything since it might have been put away inside. The full pictures of the farm are beautiful btw.

This would be my first assumption, that he has farm equipment to lift.

Now some related brain dump about 2083:

However, this question fits in nicely with, where is his remote cache? His mother's house isn't it. She's a "close relative."

He also has an interesting reference to avoiding getting weapons/equipment from Muslim black market sources. This seems specific enough to merit being interesting. Did he pick up equipment from a Muslim black market source? Did he run into them and decide on another seller?

When did he do his scout of Utoya? With whom did he go?

You know that he is keeping himself occupied with studying the prosecution, right?

"You shall be rendered Silent."
edit on 2011/9/19 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Now looking into Breivik's online gaming.

Very good. Shouldn't have taken 8 weeks, but now is better than never.

His "guerilla marketing" isn't just his idea. He's taken direction on the subject. Finding his notes about how to mount an intelligence war against a culture with a fascist tendency towards minority unpopular opinion is your link to his out of country contacts.

Breivik is a symptom of fascist conformity oppression. A minority opinion amoungst a majority demographic is being oppressed, defamed and ignored, and continuance to do so is not going to turn down the heat but turn it up. There is absolutely a propaganda war being leveled at them, and in doing so they are pushing people into a more extreme position. Dressing the oppression up as being compassionate and right doesn't make the analyis without merit.

The BS that the Labour party sympathizers just pulled in the election, while talking love-and-compassion out of the other side of their mouth .... seriously. How stupid are they?
edit on 2011/9/20 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Solidarity and clampdown

But the goal was also to exchange information and analysis and to start the process of drawing the lessons of this tragedy in order to better prevent and respond to such attacks in the future.

How about looking at how *you* the state are provoking or creating an atmosphere which encourages those with these concerns to radicalize because you are using political war tactics on them, and they dare to notice? Or how your system is cleaving from them their moderating voices?
edit on 2011/9/20 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Here is yet more evidence that Breivik was living in the "game world," which indicates that he may have actually thought he was playing a video game at the time, and was not really killing people.
Brevik has questioned said that he spent much time in the game World of Warcraft, which he also wrote in the text he sent to a number of receivers on the same day that he conducted terrorist attacks against the government quarter and Utøya. 32-year-old has previously explained his movements on Utøya as if he were in a violent computer game. Seven years ago he took a year off to concentrate on the game at full time.

And this means he was under the influence of mind control, probably with the aid of anti-depressants, some of which have the side effect where the person can no longer tell if he is experiencing a dream or is in real life.

While incarcerated, Breivik was heard to express that he is low on "courage points," which are awarded in the computer game. of the survivors stated on NRK earlier that the shooter had a cold voice like he was in a trance....


posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:12 AM
I'd like to see the article/link referencing the "courage points."

He is in a game like world. Intentionally. I would suspect he's forced himself into a game like world as a way of firewalling his subconscious and providing a framework for redirection of thought. I use similar techniques to allow me to try on various ideas, and then let them go or reintegrate them at a later point. I'm using it currently.

But I've heard gamers use gamer terminology for real life situations many times.

(head on table, pretends to roll dice.... "Stamina roll...fails...damn..."
edit on 2011/9/21 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Best blow up I've seen of the day they took him to go back to Utoya.

He's wearing a bullet proof cover like the one the police are wearing, under the red shirt and sweater. Assuring presentation is the shirt and sweater.

Interview of Geir Lippestad. He has been threatened. Laywers are always getting threatened. Listening to non-corporate lawyers answering machines is lots of fun. I would imagine that this one might seem more personal due to the circumstances.

He talks about trying to learn to empathize with Breivik. Good luck with that. If they wanted to get their break to understand how to empathize with him, they would assess his original request to talk with someone whom he feels will understand him. As it is, they are instead surrounding him with liberal academic his parents. Dumb.

Psychological schrodinger's cat - you cannot excuse yourself as a factor that doesn't have impact. The observer has an impact on the reality.

No matter how much you think that worn blue chairs set at angles will create "safety," on some level most of those professionals must be aware they are triggering his most fundamental lack of safety...and they are ignoring it and excusing it because it makes them feel good. The patina of compassion and professionalism over small revenges.

In police interviews will now terrorists have declared that he met a woman with a child or children about to leave - and warned them about the bomb, writes Norwegian Dagbladet.

edit on 2011/9/21 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:55 PM

New principal defense lawyer in the case, Vibeke Hein Bæra.

The employees who have been in contact with the Behring Breivik be in police interrogations, according to VG, explained that the man appeared as "a charming and nice person," a description that resembles that some neighbors have made of him. e.html

Breivik had asked to attend a local camp for a few hours a day but was denied by the judge who cited significant security concerns.

Gosh, intersting how that little tidbit didn't make the usual reports about the exact same event. And that they covered their butts about it by stating it was because of a "gag order."

Many reacted to a smiling Behring Breivik in police vehicles.

According to Lippe City have his client said that he smiles in different contexts, as when he is nervous, and smile in the car, according to Lippe City well be an expression of just that

After the AP is illuminated, said Breivik, among other things, that he did not accept the detention conditions. He does not consider the Oslo District Court as a legitimate court of law because he believes the court derives its authority from the Labour Party.

The terror accused 32-year-old believes he is at war with the Labor Party, which he regards as a terrorist organization. Breivik therefore requires to be tried by a military court.

Still at war. I've been waiting for something like this. I suspected that he would prefer to be treated as an enemy soldier.

If you look today on the journals in Europe, and Norway, you'll find that the Progress Party is still being associated with Breivik even in articles that have nothing to do with him. This is guilt-by-association, and is an example of the editorial commentary in "news" articles being used as a defamatory method to crush your opponent. It works .... and it is utterly without any ethics or respect for the democratic process.

Breivik believes that the Right is at war with the leading party....and the leading party's sympathizers are using propaganda methods which certainly might lend some credence to that.

Apparently, enough people with the "right" training have ended up in positions to direct propaganda for the left and the right, that they are all using variations of wartime propaganda methods to "win" all the time. In doing so, they are creating an atmosphere of war. Strange that, when they are using social, psychological, game theory, marketing, etc on people...that some of the people react like they are being attacked.... because they ARE.

Winning at all costs. The cost of these professionals directing, censoring, and using strategic social- psychological methods to win is going to have a gigantic cost in the long run. It isn't a cost I'm willing to pay because the "left" and the "right" want to win so bad they are willing to pull everything down around them in their blindness.

( nothing to do with any point I'm making. Just, hello Mr.Attractive Police Officier Who Looks Like My Husband. Shine On.)
edit on 2011/9/21 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:29 PM

And here we go.

The method to stop mass murder is, to not let people talk or write about what is wrong, or to have expressable opinions on the subject.

People should be BROADLY stopped from talking about anything the authour doesn't agree with. Punished.

Yep, That'll fix it.

Hate Speech is anyone who is saying anything that I don't agree with or think might be provocative. You can THINK provactive things, but dear goodness don't you dare SHARE them.

Prosecute me, dear authour, because I HATE what you have to say.
edit on 2011/9/21 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:30 PM
So I have to ask at this point - what is the moral difference between a Palestinian "freedom-fighter" and Brevik?

If his groups claims to a will to self-determination, his claim meets the criteria.

1989 by the UNESCO International Meeting of Experts on Further Study of the Concept of the Rights of Peoples. This description identifies a people as a group of individual human beings who enjoy some or all of the following common features:

•a common historical tradition
•racial or ethnic identity
•cultural homogeneity
•linguistic unity
•religious or ideological affinity
•territorial connection
•common economic life

His group actually has more claim to these things than the current government of Norway.

What's the difference? He's blonde? Not militant muslim -this seems to consistently get you support for sheering off new states. Apparently the definitions of "a people" with a right to self-determination needs to be amended to include: willing to become very militant to support their claim.

See, I'm not a big proponent of the destructive "self-determination" model.

However, this is THE model being pushed right now and has much support in Liberal political thought.

What is the difference between a racially homoegenous, clustered, economically tied, linguistically common, with common historical ties, religious and philosophically homoegenous bunch of white christians...and all the other groups who claim these things but aren't Christian or white? would seem to me that there is a marked lack of consistency in the application of this theory, and the defense of those claiming it.

I think I must be very different on some level from many people - I actually have ideological consistency and internal coherence about my politics.
edit on 2011/9/21 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Apparently the police have been questioning Breivik's mother and they do not believe she needs representation.

Shocking. If the woman has the intellectual capacity of a ten year old, and she is not being granted someone to look out for her interests or an advocate of some sort? I sure hope I'm misunderstanding.

Seriously. I'm shocked.

Psychiatrists are finished interviewing Anders.
edit on 2011/9/23 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by starviego of the survivors stated on NRK earlier that the shooter had a cold voice like he was in a trance....

cold voice eh? yup thats mind control looks like the shooting was a planned event.
edit on 23-9-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
So I have to ask at this point - what is the moral difference between a Palestinian "freedom-fighter" and Brevik?

Well the Palestinians have been physically attacked with bombs and tanks and they have to go through road blocks with armed soldiers to get anywhere.
Their houses have and farm yards have been bulldozed and bombarded by jets on a large scale.

I do not think there is a fair comparison with some Muslim people emigrating to Norway in a peaceful way.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:53 AM
The Insurgents problems would stop if they would stop fighting their elected government.

Their group bombed the United States. Then they continue to try to make themselves into a local government for their people, whom they are trying to stop from going to school, viciously impose their own system of laws on their own people. Most of the damage they do are to their own people. Most of the people they attack are each other.

Breivik did not attack Muslims. There might have been a couple on the group. He attacked the traitors in his own group. Just like the Taliban / Al-Q and the tribal leaders in Afghanistan are doing. Against the elected government.

I perceive no difference, except that the Taliban has more fighters and deserved to be attacked more. And that Breivik was way better at it.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Aeons

I still do not think the comparison is fair.
For one, the attack on the United States has nothing to do with the emigration of Muslims into western countries.
And i do not think the Palestinian people had anything to do with this attack anyway.
And second, these Muslims do go live in Norway, the Netherlands etc etc, have the full right to try and gain political ground in the countries where they settle, in most of these countries there is freedom of religion and expression.
Here in the Netherlands freedom of religion and expression is what got us into the "golden age", many people from many different countries and religions came here for a peaceful life.

And so it is still today.
People have the right to start their own schools houses of worship etc, and they do.
But not in a violent way, specialy not like Anders Behring Breivik.
And the actions of Anders Behring Breivik are not comparable with the Taliban i think, i have not seen one clear example where they attacked and killed around 80 unarmed children.
I did see a lot of examples on liveleak where they attack American bases.

Aldo the planning of Anders Behring Breivik seems exceptional, the basics are not.
Any one can plan an attack on a unarmed crowd of children when no one expects anything and machine gun them all down.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 12:44 PM
Here is a compilation picture of Anders Behring Breivik leaving the bomb scene before it went off.
I got it from one of the links posted earlier of the aftenpost news paper but i am not sure where anymore.
Ill try and find it.
Here is the picture anyway.

(edit to add) If anyone finds the real video of these captures than please post.
edit on 24-9-2011 by jaamaan because: (no reason given)

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