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Obama ‘Abruptly’ Walks From Meeting: Cantor

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 05:56 AM
You say Obama does not have the ear of the people, i watched street view, here on ATS, and I was rather shocked when folks said Obama was doing a good job, you have to watch it. it's the one about chemtrails,really gives you a perspective on the stupidity of people out of the know.kind of scary!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Wow, oh gee whiz. ok let me try to be very calm and try to say my points.

Arent you guys just tired of getting raped, and do nothing but bitch and wine on forums lol.

The american people, the majority is behing raped by rich con men, and your still fighting each other on who you guys pick to be the bad guy lol.

Seriously the world is dying away to mass greed, and the world most powerfull country is crying over obama or bush.

Its all a con and you guys keep on helping them get away.

Reall sorry if i oftended anybody with some of my words, i just cant stans bs eheheh

just my 2 cents
Just my 2 cents

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
What a big baby. What kind of example is this?!

These are our leaders?! This is certainly not assuring and should be an example of just how out of control the problem is.

You've got to love the concept of a Republic. The people are the leaders. Wait no... the politicians are our leaders. Wait no...

Its not necessarily being "a big baby" to walk out on a meeting. Nor is it being "a bad leader" since Obama is not a leader and not supposed to be a leader under his job description. You are supposed to be the leader.

Here is a two-step solution for you. Step one: forget about the government. Step two: solve problem without the government. Problem solved in two easy steps.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

I know this entire site is full of people that simply hate Obama just because. But according to my simple understanding of politics, this guy would like to raise the debt ceiling to continue to give the elderly their government checks, yet this is being stopped because republicans refuse to raise the ceiling. It seems he is trying to help the people, yet the repubs dont want to let him, so he is going to the people he is trying to help. I would get pissed to at this BS, because all of this stems from arguments between the parties, when both parties are equally full of ish.
But this is ATS, so what I say will just get drove into the grown, and some how race is gonna get invovled.
Anyway, have a miserable day people

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
Come on out here to the American people Mr. Obama....we've got a few things we'd like to talk about.

This is just a simple question, but shouldnt Moderators be none bias? Atleast in the public of the site they are moderating. Everyone has their opinions, and they all should be respected. But it seems this is why this site leans so far to the right of politics, because moderators have the power to simply delete a post that does not agree with their position.
It seems that why an account I had previously was deleted, because the moderator did not like what I was saying but in no way was I being disrespectful to anyone.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by AdamAnt

Could be why some posts get moded here when they dont really break any TOS eh?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Hold on guys....
I think I have a solution to this problem:

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by SpaDe_
This right here is why there is no headway in these meetings. It comes down to a "My way or the highway" attitude, and we all know that isn't how things get done. This kind of action from the leader of this country makes me sick. Being the president doesn't mean you can be the kid in the sandbox that decides he doesn't like to share so he takes all his toys and leaves in a fit.
My honest opinion here is that Obama wants there to be no compromise so this country can experience more change. I think he will balk at every compromise thrown at him, all the while putting forward no solid plan of his own.

Remember how Obamacare was crammed through? Democrats ignored everyone's plea for mercy, and then they just raced the damn thing through congress. Pelosi, Reid, and Obama all have that "Its my way or the highway" mentality. Obama thought being president was easy, for he had complete control when the Democrats dominated congress.

See? When average citizens were yelling mercy, Obama and Democrats didn't give a damn about anyone.

Obama is NOT a leader. Obama is trying to be a dictator. Obama is our problem.

edit on 7/14/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by AdamAnt

He wouldn't have to if he didn't do so much insane spending.
He is the reason we even made it to the debt ceiling.

These wars are actually destroying America and we are the one that started them.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:30 AM
Well,here is Obama at his best,doing exactly as he is told or maybe he is really this "stupid" who knows,I lean towards he is just a clown being lead by the nose to fill the progressive/socialist agenda,"tear it down and build in OUR image"What is really nice is that the gimmie,gimmie base will be the ones that get hit the quikest and the hardest.HE can blame the GOP all he wants but it is going to come back to him in the end,he is the fall stooge any way you cut it.

I still think the GOP will cave,they always do and they are really trying now.We as a people of a country are really watching the pure inept abilities of the people that will make or brake this country.I can't see anything but failure and a strong move into socialism.

Obama is an idiot but his handlers know exactly what they are doing,you can't tell me that the rest of the world and the people that we barrow from can't see this.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by AdamAnt

The shills are not even being creative anymore.

You were the one who brought race into it slick,what does that say!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by AdamAnt
reply to post by SpaDe_

this guy [Obama] would like to raise the debt ceiling to continue to give the elderly their government checks, yet this is being stopped because republicans refuse to raise the ceiling. It seems he is trying to help the people, yet the repubs dont want to let him, so he is going to the people he is trying to help.

Obama wants to keep spending the country into a black hole and simultaneously raise taxes on households earning more than $250,000. Many Dems want to repeal the Bush tax cuts.

For those unaware the tax brackets AFTER the Bush tax cuts are 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33% and 35%

If repealed they would be 15%, 28%, 31%, 36% and 39.6%. Notice the bottom 10% would be 15%.

I predict tax revenues will drop even more if they raise taxes. Government spending is not helping the economy as already seen by the past "stimulus" packages that FAILED. Taking more money away from people and spending it won't stimulate anything but an even larger bureaucracy. Taxes are a drag on the economy.

I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat and if your loyal to either of these then your a fool. They have failed us all. Its time to grow up and realize we are being tag teamed by the same people.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:45 AM
At this point what the frick does Obama care? He is obviously in the White House to take as many vacations, throw as many parties, and play as much golf as he can in 4 years. He knows he isn't going to get re-elected and is having a great a time as he can. Once he's ex-Pres he'll rake in millions in book deals and speaking engagements.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:48 AM
National Debt is a serious problem that won't go away. This country is bankrupt and all this talk is too little too late.

This was not an accident or incompetency .... this was deliberate. It was planned.

National Debt ....


National Debt with unfunded liabilities ....

You bring a country like this to its knees from the inside out. Obama is playing his part well as did George W ....
edit on 14-7-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by OUNjahhryn
I can see why hes upset, if this doesn't go well he'll secure infamy in the history books. but he's definitely not handling himself well.

-more like a kid on the playground.

It looks like Eric Cantor was the - adult - at the table.
Obama was the - adolescent - just walking away like a spoiled little brat.
Obama should also stop lying on CBS about there not being enough money in the coffers
to pay the social security checks. The U.S. Government takes in a little over $200 Billion
every month.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:51 AM
Somebody needs to call the bluff of that stupid Kenyan and bring him up on charges of election fraud, forgery and conspiracy. He has two forged Birth Certificates in circulation and he runs around thinking he can do what ever he wants with US policy because the Courts and the Congress do not have the balls to investigate him.

Add to that gun gate where he was running guns to Mexican drug cartels, then he makes Nixon look like a choir boy.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Obama IS an adolescent and any room he walks into he is the least qualified person there.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Without going through all of the posts in here, I had a little chuckle to myself about politics and how one day your awsome and the next day your in deep shi...t.

In Obamas case I think its always been needle edge, and well I think he was handed a very difficult job from the former occupant of the Presidancy anyway.

I am from Australia and whilst I'm an outsider the world does watch and have thaughts and information and personal experience I accept as a liabilty to comment.

My comment relates to the "opinions' that Obama "wants it his way or no way" and acting like a baby and walking out peed off.

Don't we all

A year or so ago we had a Prime Minister, Mr Rudd, he was elected by the people.
He was a good Prime Minister for a couple of years but became un-popular with some of the policies he wanted to implement with both the people and his own Labour Party members.

His popularity dropped and he got kicked out before his term was finished, amazing and astounding as it may seem he got kicked out by his "party" not the Australian people !

It was the "My way or the Highway" dictacting attitude he had which ended with us as Aussies watching a tearful resignation and waking up to a new Prime Minister, the deputy Prime Minister was voted in, and she she is now the Australian Prime Minister.

However, in my opinion Rudd wasnt bad or was his policies, he just approached it wrong, he wanted "BIG" change and more control of making decisions for our country, maybe so does Obama ?

As an outsider I think it would be a very very hard job to be a President in America and bring on the change thats needed to bring back the freedom, control and great dream of the people as it once was.

I really feel for whats going on there and much work is needed to bring the country back to what it used to be financially, spiritually and to regain the awe of the world as a leader in human rights it once was.

It seems there are mulitple orginsations that run America and I wonder what power the President has in relality anyway... little it seems from what I have read.

Maybe Obama has as much power as the Prime Minister here has..only difference seems he can't be kicked out like our leader can.

He may have had good intentions but keeps getting knocked down at every turn he makes for change, I don;t know I am just an outsider

My opinions have nothing to do with personal feelings of Obama, I give the benifit of the doubt..maybe he is trying...or maybe he is no good, I don;t know.

But i can't help but ask the he really in charge anyway, and maybe his "tantrum" is purley frustration at not being able to do what he thinks is best ?

Slay me if you like, I'm not political, I'm just throwing my thaughts out there and be objective.

Peace Brothers and Sisters x

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:59 AM
Obama, 2006

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.

It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills.
It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.
Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

In 2007 and in 2008, when the Senate voted to increase the limit by $850 billion and $800 billion respectively, Obama did not bother to vote. (He did vote for TARP, which increased the debt limit by $700 billion.)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:02 AM
You people that think he acted like a kid taking his ball home need to re-read what the aides said about the meeting.

1) This happened at the END of the meeting

2) Eric Cantor....c'mon... everyone knows this guy is a joke.

3) He was frustrated by the rhetoric by the parties and how they were more worried about how they looked politically rather than how they can help the American people.

That was in the actual article. Why make it more than it really is.

I am not sticking up for Obama, I am just trying to point to the facts here....which often tend to get lost in a political discussion.

I recommend that we all leave our Partisanship at the door in these forums and just talk to eachother about the facts.

If a Dem looks dumb or GOP person looks dumb, we should all be smart enough to leave our butthurt fanboyisms at the door to have an open honest discussion of where we would like to see our political system head in the future.

Besides, Dem or GOP I think we all know that this type of behavior in DC is not acceptable.

We work together with people all day long, all with different views and these guys act like 6 yr olds.

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