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Obama ‘Abruptly’ Walks From Meeting: Cantor

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posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:03 PM

"This may bring down my Presidency but I will not yield on this."

Obama thinks he's more important than the US. Nice.

Scary what ego can do.

Cantor relayed this quote: "Eric, don't call my bluff," Obama said. "I'm going to take this to the American people."

You gonna take this to the American people uh? 45% are against a debt ceiling hike...and 32% are for it... so why don't you take a HIKE ??
edit on 13-7-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by enigma91
What a man-child. Unbelievable! He didn't like the answers he was getting so he picked up his ball and headed home. A truly disgusting and childish display.

We can't keep going into debt, why don't people see this? 14.4 trillion is ENOUGH.

Ready to remove the unpaid for tax breaks for the top 5% that bush randomly put in yet?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Interesting, "We make our stand here." Not sure what you mean by that, but I do agree with you that's it's all a political ploy. Posturing, threats; what-have-you.

My question is this: are these times that we are living in any different, any more scary than what people before us have lived?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by queenofsheba

My question is this: are these times that we are living in any different, any more scary than what people before us have lived?

I'll answer that with a quick story.

I have always loved to fly. Even got my pilots license. A few years ago, I almost cancelled a business trip, because I had this overwhelming fear and dread about getting on the airplane. My mother noticed that I was stressed, and we started talking. She reminded me that it was my first trip since my son had been born, and to quote her...."You have so much more to live for." The dread was unfounded, the trip went fine, but I my life had progressed to a point where I had so much to lose, and it was overwhelming me.
Do I think times are different? YES.

I think our lives have progressed to the point that our comforts and conveniences have enslaved us more than ever before. Most people today can't imagine living without the local grocery store, convenient store, fastfood, air conditioning, internet, etc. We have so much more to lose, and the thought is extremely scary. In the revolutionary days, they were fighting for ideals, and they were fighting for freedom, but they knew they could survive on their own in the country side. People don't feel so self-sufficient these days. Nobody is sure if they can really live without the conveniences. The chains that bind us are almost worth it. We will take so much more abuse, because we have so much more to lose.

I haven't been able to find a link for a long time, but there are 3 elements to change, and one of them is the "uncomfortable" state of the status quo, has to outweigh the fear of the unknown. We aren't there yet, and our comfort level is so good, that it will take a whole lot to make us willing to sacrifice and face the unknown.
edit on 13-7-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:18 PM
Obama figured it would be another 4 years and the next presidency to cripple this country and he would walk away scott-free. now all this animosity and chaos is happening on his watch,

Owe my gosh Obama call Soros, or go on vacation as you just might have to do your job for ONCE and that is to be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

The boys in high places didn't tell you that you might actually have to think for yourself, and be an adult in negotiating with ALL parties, as your back door deals wouldnt work for forever.

Like i said get a bum off the streets,.please, a bum could do a better job in the white house

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Interesting 45% of the people are against it, must mean 55% are for it. It is about time for everyone to realize that the republicans answer to no one but there corporate masters and will no be content until people are starving to death in this country. Cut services to the poor and elderly, then they will die off and we can stuff more money in our pockets. Give corporations free reign, we have seen how well that has worked in the past, they pollute, destroy everything in their path, gouge people, and commit other heinous acts. Have none of you people read "The Jungle" or some of the other stuff written in the early 1900's, or has Limbaugh just convinced you that Corporate Masters are better than Government ones. Tea Party folks, get over it, the Koch brothers bought you all, Ron Paul folks, while he makes a great deal of sense it isn't going to happen. People need to wake up and get over the right and left crap and find some damn answers, but wait we can't do that, because we are taken in by all of the BS. There are a lot of answers posted to the USA's problems posted on here every day, but everyone is too busy arguing their side to pay attention.

To all of you Militia types out there good luck when the 101st drops on your head, because the crap you speak is sedition, at best, and treason at worst. You all kid yourselves about how tough you are, face some trained troops, the outlook is not pretty. People please get a grip, it is time for all of the partisan # to end, and answers to be found.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You gonna take this to the American people uh? 45% are against a debt ceiling hike...and 32% are for it... so why don't you take a HIKE ??

So are you putting all of this on Obama?

He was ready to give them almost everything they wanted to to close some tax holes....but NOPE.

He was being blasted by the left for what he was willing to do to SS and Medicare....not to mention others that help Americans.

Republicans had all that and more....but damnit they didn't want corporations to pay their fair share of taxes...many of whom aren't paying any taxes.

Republicans do not want to know they will kick the can down the road so they can continue their BS rhetoric the next year and a half coming to the presidential election.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:36 PM
let's shut down the whole government....shut down the whole country..and go on a 1 year drinking binge...screw politics, and the idiots that make up all the lies...ermm...rules, as they go along...obama is determined to sink this country, and take the rest of the world along for the ride

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I once posed this same question to my mom, who is 74, and lived through WWII, whether or not these times are different, more scary than what her generation went through. Her answer was that "at least they knew who they were fighting against back then and that it was different." That whole "different" word makes me worried.
edit on 13-7-2011 by queenofsheba because: spelling

edit on 13-7-2011 by queenofsheba because: spelling

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by ShogunAssassins

People amaze me.. Repubs have screwed up America for the last 31 years, and you all sit supporting them.. If they get called out on it they go into that whole TPTB bit and how no ones really for them (but vote republican please!) Its really a sad joke.. Even more so in a conspirecy theory forum.. Yah lets support the guys who have been against us, thats just genious!!

Then you have a group here pretending Obama wont work with he right which is just further from reality then most of the really crackpot threads i come by.. Fact is Obama has attempted to work with them time after time, what does he get? NOTHING! Yup, the right isnt trying to work with Obama, they are not trying to help America.. What do they do? They bust working mans unions,tax the middle class, give cuts and breaks to the excessivly rich.. And you guys sit here and pat eachother on the back and support them while they step on you.. Just amazing.

And then there's those of us who can't see a dime's difference between the parties! If they are so very different, if Repubs have screwed up America for the last 31 years, then how come when Dems have the power...or even when Repubs have the power....NOTHING SIGNIFICANT CHANGES!!! They're two sides of the same darn coin!
It doesn't matter which party holds the Presidency; it doesn't matter which party has control of Congress!

And to the person complaining about the debt due to Bush putting us into two wars, Obama further expanded WAR! And don't think I approved of Bush, either, because I thought he needed impeached, as well.

And to the person who doesn't think Obama is evil: Why did he call for the murder of an AMERICAN CITIZEN, without the benefit of a judge or jury, which is against the 6th Amendment? Imo, this is as bad as the Bush "waterboarding/torture" agenda!

And now he has walked out of a meeting! I have so very little respect for most of Congress and the President, actually I have little respect for any President from the past several decades! What ever happened to "lead by example", what ever happened to "tact/diplomacy/compromise"?? What ever happened to "morals, ethics, decency, honesty, integrity"?

End rant, I guess...

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by SkepticUnderdog
reply to post by SpaDe_

what people is he going too? his illuminati masters?

Yes, exactly! Obam has 85 mil waiting for him from the BP scam. Besides he gains more from his Master Soros running the show. All his actions are due to the strings from the puppetmasters. Obama is doing a little jig every time Soros says, "do this", and "now do this".
Of course Obama is a Marxist over and above everything else.

Take it from a guy whose parents ran from a genuine third world communist dictatorship.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Of course Obama is a Marxist over and above everything else.

What has he done that is Marxist and when does Soros give him his orders to follow?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Of course Obama is a Marxist over and above everything else.

What has he done that is Marxist and when does Soros give him his orders to follow?

Good...put Obama's detractor's feet to the fire. Cough it up, you talking-point GOP trolls.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

And another thing, Rubio is crying that Obama won't give in 100 percent to their demands...they only get..what is it...80 percent???

They won't cave on closing corporate tax loopholes...this is what Republicans were standing their ground on.....many of these corporations aren't even PAYING TAXES...some actually get a refund....but all you have to share is a stupid video of Rubio crying that Obama won't kiss his feet??

Third world country???

A third world country is what we are going to be if the wealth disparity continues as it is.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:17 PM
Right on, David.

I'm trying not to be partisan, because it's all a ruse at this point between the two parties, but man, most of the Republicans in office today are pretty much scum of the earth, IMO.

They preach about being the "common sense" party and being patriotic, etc. but their actions are pretty much the opposite of that.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by David9176

He was ready to give them almost everything they wanted to to close some tax holes....but NOPE.

He still wants to raise the debt ceiling. But yeah, republicans are scum for not closing loopholes.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Rabble rabble rabble! This South Park episode might have to do with war, but it seems relevant. You're all like a bunch of seagulls fighting over a fry.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

He still wants to raise the debt ceiling. But yeah, republicans are scum for not closing loopholes.

Well what do you want him to do? The debt ceiling is going to have to be raised. The wars are still going...neither party is yet willing to cut the only thing that's left besides raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations is to cut programs that help the already struggling middle class and poor.

Obama was willing to cut programs and raising taxes at the same time...Republicans would have none of it. you can't raise revenues by only cutting taxes...that simply doesn't work. The answer to the country's problem will never always be cutting taxes.'s our trade policies that need to be changed to actually get people working again and to start paying off deficits without hurting the people of this country even more.

edit on 13-7-2011 by David9176 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Sounds like basic poker strategy. don't play your cards, play your opponent. Its doesn't matter if your bluffing, just that the opponent can't say for sure 100% and can't afford to call you on it. but this is a big poker game, the US might be not be able to buy back into the game.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:40 PM
some people think the marxist ideas go way back......
"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

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