posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 08:08 AM
Hi All!
I just happened to catch the local news last night (Knoxville, TN) and I was surprised to see that their lead story was about a neighborhood
experiencing shakes and loud booms. I was going to post last night after the report, but decided to wait hoping that they would post the story to
their website with video.
They only posted a condensed version of what they aired.
Neighborhood terrified by mysterious shaking
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- Adrienne Hooker doesn't feel safe at home. Her Blount County neighborhood has a problem - it shakes.
For 2 days, the house rocks every few hours. It can sound like an explosion.
She describes it like this: "Tiny earthquakes, makes the whole house shake it makes everyone wake up if they're sleeping."
They've called the U.S. Geological Survey, but no earthquakes have been reported.
They thought it might be construction at a nearby house, but the Blount County Sheriff's Office checked. Another dead end.
The "what" isn't all that important, they just want it to stop.
In the news segment the reported stated, while there getting information for the story he had felt the shaking. That the police officers that
responded to their reports had also felt it. The reporter compared it to putting your hand on the hood (bonnet) of a running car. That sort of
vibration. The resident quoted above stated that at times it sounds like a bomb goes off over her house, then it shakes. She is so worried about what
is happening that she has decided to stay in a hotel.
While we were watching the news segment, my husband recognized the neighborhood. He works in construction and one of his clients had a project there.
He told me where it was located (along the Tennessee River, just off I-140) and that today if he has time he will drive over and act like he is
trolling for a new project and see if he feels or hears anything. I have played many of the sound videos for him, so he does know what to listen for.
The only thing I can think of that would make an everyday explanation for this happening is the neighborhood is located not too far from McGhee Tyson
Airport which is were the 134th Air Refueling Wing is based out of. But surely if I made that connection, someone else did too.
I did DVR the news segment, but the only way I can get the video here would be to film the screen with a camera, then upload that (I know that's
frowned upon). And if you would like to see a map of where the neighborhood is, I can post that also.
Thanks everyone!
edit on 23-9-2011 by OneisOne because: forgot news link.