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I finally recorded the weird sound in the sky!

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:20 AM
So, I have heard similar noises to the onces in your video that you posted in the beginning of the post.
I do live near and oil refinery.. Although I hear these noises at least once a week. It usually starts in between 12am-3 am. I know its not the refinery, the noises they make is more like a hum. This is more like a rumble. It scares me, and I'm not the only one who has heard it. Next time I hear it, I'll have to go outside and investigate.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Aundr3aAw3som3

Yes....and if you can record it, please do!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by nitro67

I have had that thought about magnetic sources too....but I was thinking more along the lines of a natural interference....not to diss your thoughts at all...who knows? I will definitely read that!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by bw_drum

Thanks! I know I can't wait till we finish the map too...we are working on it as fast as possible, but there is just so MUCH! I'll get it up asap. Interesting story....ask him to try and catch it. The more we have the better!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by ujustneverknow's a good idea....once I finish what I'm working on now, I may just do that!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by benintheuk

Stay's getting interesting....glad you stopped by!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:55 AM
Hi Kat!!!

I was catching on the TM thread today and found myself down a rabbit hole. I ended up at electro static fields and electromagnetism. Think MRI machine.

The rabbit hole had many twists and turns, one of which was spacequakes.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all!


posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by nitro67

Interesting post...I need to dig into this a bit more
thanks for the recommendation

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by OneisOne

Yes....I have thought along all these lines since the beginning.....a little voice keeps keeps whispering magnetosphere, atmosphere, elecricity....or earthquakes and faults causing some kind of "release"....but I am a novice at all shall see!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Could be a gasline, but it's happening now and on MSM ...houses shaking and roaring sound.....just FYI

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Ok, found this from 2009: Story

“This morning Kate Hutton (of Caltech) reviewed seismograms from the event last night in Orange County,” Dollar said in an email. “These data are consistent with a sonic event coming onshore near Dana Point and traveling northward inland.

I tried reading this, but my room temperature IQ prevented me going too far.
Scientific paper

So, what we have are booms and these weird drones that sound like someone hired Pink Floyd
to play Echoes in their backyard. I know that you, puterman, westcoast & berkleygal are adept
with these seismo readings, and maybe somebody could take a peek at the data for one of the dates & locations.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

Thanks Don....all those people you mentioned are amazing...and they are discussing it here and on the other threads. There are so many people starting new threads on this when we have quite a few already. Makes it hard to keep up. Thanks for the info...going to read it as soon as I finish what I'm doing!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:40 PM
OK everyone....not saying this is it...but I have been thinking about magnetic effects on the atmosphere. I am not a scientist so I could be off base here, but I'll say it anyway.Could it be that Earth is passing through the aftermath of a solar flare and the magnetism is interfering with the atmosphere? Maybe there is something going on with solar flares and some type of increasing magnetism....Like echoing around causing these roaring and droning sounds? Could magnetic energy cause sounds when it reaches Earth's atmosphere and do something to the air pressure....similar to sonar like what sea creatures use underwater?

Not sure how legit this page is, but it addresses the effect of geomagnetism in plates etc (don't know if it's correct, but maybe those of you who do know can tell me) I'm not saying there will be a pole shift like this is saying, but it addresses the subject....and talks about how maybe changes in the geo magnetosphere affect plate it is

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Ya know....WHO KNOWS? It sounds reasonable though....and I did read yesterday on the Spaceweather site that there are actually aftershocks of flares as well that are much more powerful. Here is the linked source from the site...

“We call it the ‘late phase flare,’” says Woods. “The energy in the late phase can exceed the energy of the primary flare by as much as a factor of four.”

The extra energy from the late phase can have a big effect on Earth. Extreme ultraviolet wavelengths are particularly good at heating and ionizing Earth’s upper atmosphere. When our planet’s atmosphere is heated by extreme UV radiation, it puffs up, accelerating the decay of low-orbiting satellites. Furthermore, the ionizing action of extreme UV can bend radio signals and disrupt the normal operation of GPS.

Could they be originally caused from the Sun? Heating and ionizing the atmosphere may indeed "sound" like a hum....

I really have no idea but it is a mystery that I too wish I could solve.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Hi Mama J! Thanks for responding. I'm just trying to find a common the Earth causing the sounds, or is something above the Earth making the sound and affecting the Earth? BTW....nice to meet you!

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

I don't think that you can hear solar flares basically because they are not sound waves - they just are not in that class of waves. More akin to radio waves and you can't 'hear' radio, unless it is turned into sound by something - like the electronics in your transistor radio. It is for this very reason that HAARP cannot create earthquakes as some say because the radio waves cannot vibrate the earth.

Not all, but some of those converted waves sound similar to what I hear on the conversions of the seismograms.

Your second link contains this paragraph:

The growing abberations of the magnetic field—and the increasing level activity of the sun—is symptomatic of the change in the earth’s core. A dangerous change. An uncontrollable change. A change that is leading to the possibility of greater and greater disasters.

There is lways one passage in these thongs that the scaremongers put in to make it sound good, but which brings them down.

The suns activity level is increasing only slightly and is WAY below what it was in the last solar cycle so there is no way that the current VERY slow move to solar max is going to do anything.

Have a read and then go and look up Landscheidt.

There will not be greater and greater disasters. I still have not completely made my mind up as to whether we have reached the top of the cycle,but I think we have in which case no doom for another 30 years or so. Sorry.

edit on 21/9/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:18 AM
We can speculate a lot on what we think it might be, but what I am really starting to pull from these threads is we really have so little knowledge of the planet we are spinning around the universe on...
Why are we 9as humans) spending so much time reaching for the stars when we have so much to learn right here? Got our priorities a little mixed up me thinks.
So many amazing things to learn...good and bad...why don't we spend more time and effort looking around us, above us and under our feet? I know it's not as dramatic and Hollywood, exploring here on earth but really...we may learn much much more than we ever thought possible about here AND what may be out there among the stars just by taking a good look here first.

These noises are definitely intriguing

But I am still leaning toward it being the earth supplying the mystery...but really...unless people start digging and looking around them and paying attention to the things around will we ever know?
This could be warnings of something bad to come, it could be natural...nothing to worry over...just something odd and out of place, or it could be another in a long list of cycles and changes that we (the earth and the living things on it) will go through for the remainder of its life among the stars.

That being said, by my very nature, I truly want to know what it is we are all experiencing...I am just wondering if the last of observance we practice these days...will cripple us in ways that will never let us fully understand what it is that we are seeing/hearing/feeling. I think people in the past were so much more in tune with their's sad to see we are losing that more and more. And people being ridiculed for trying to get back in touch and point out things that are off kilter or slightly out of the norm.

Maybe...and again this is all just total opinion and idea and brainstorming a little on this post....but maybe....this ramping up of odd little sights and sounds and even to some extent disasters, could be a warning for us all to wake up and take a little more notice of what is around us.....just a thought.

On the post new noises so far...but still keeping my eyes and ears open...will post anything I may find. Hopefully with some audio or video. I am soooooo wanting to find a good answer to all this. I am still on that line of thinking that it is more "earth noises" than anything else, from the theories posted so far. But it's nice to see others are collecting more and more data and proof that something is happening. Kind of hard to ignore the facts when they are right there for more than a few "off" ATSers to experience. It has people scratching heads across all walks of life and in many areas around the globe....and so real answer yet.

Let's keep on observing and collecting! Great job on the post all! And thank you StealthyKat for a great post! Glad to see it's getting good attention.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by bw_drum

Maybe...and again this is all just total opinion and idea and brainstorming a little on this post....but maybe....this ramping up of odd little sights and sounds and even to some extent disasters, could be a warning for us all to wake up and take a little more notice of what is around us.....just a thought.

From "observable that, in the fifth verse of the Ninety-first Psalm, "the terror by night," is rendered, in the old English version, "the bugge by night." In the first settled parts of North America, every nocturnal fly of a noxious quality is still generically named a bug; whence the term bugbear signifies one that carries terror wherever he goes. Beelzebub, or the Lord of Flies, was an Eastern appellative given to the Devil; and the nocturnal sound called by the Arabians azif was believed to be the howling of demons. Analogous to this is a passage in Comus as it stood in the original copy:--
But for that damn'd magician, let him be girt
With all the grisly legions that troop
Under the sooty flag of Acheron,
Harpies and Hydras, or all the monstrous buggs
'Twixt Africa and Inde, I'll find him out.

From all this it is clear that the noises referred to are not intelligible speech; and it would appear that the correct translation of the title would be something like The Bug; more specifically, The Hum, The Humming, The Buzzing, or The Rustling; or less literally, The OMEN or The PORTENT (we respectfully refrain from suggesting Humbug as the title's true translation, however).

In any case, however, the word is not a real term from Arabic. The source of Henley's note is unknown. There is, however, an Arabic word aziz, which translates as "buzzing, rumbling (as of thunder)" and other buzzing or rumbling sounds in general.

Embarrassingly enough, after having the above placed on this website for several years, I have discovered that azif is in fact a legitimate Arabic term, with precisely the meaning that Henley and Lovecraft ascribe to it." I also recommend you all check this site out: - a little off topic but it is interesting...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:00 PM
I'm sure everyone has seen this already, but maybe we're witnessing something similar
on a larger, more complex scale? I'm just throwing this out there.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

Oh WOW! THAT sounds EXACTLY like what I heard! But no sand here....however...I wonder if other soil movement could cause this...or water? I swear that is VERY close...thank you so much.This is exciting. I'm going to look into this ! Star for you my friend!!!

edit on 9/22/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

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