posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by violet
You're really have to hear it in person. I have been trying to describe it, but it's not easy. I have heard it several times in the past
6 months. The videos don't come close at all to what it's like in person. I'll try to describe what I heard.
It is like a sound with a "background: sound. I was sitting at my desk, and noticed the window right next to me was rattling very softly, but just
enough that I noticed it. That caused me to open the window and I heard a sound which I can only describe as if someone had a huge piece of sheet
metal and was shaking it side to side kind of like wah wah wah wah,,,,,I ran to get my camera, and by the time I got outside it was like a roaring
sound was VERY loud.....It was a roaring /static noise which would ebb and flow with another sound which was constant,,,,the constant sound sounded
like a giant blowtorch roaring (some have also described it as a suction sound but I would say more roaring than rumble or suction).....behind these
sounds was very soft booms. As I stood out there I could feel the sound in my chest (you know how if you stand next to big speakers and turn the bass
up very "feel" it?) It kept building up for about 30 minutes, then suddenly stopped as if someone just "flipped a switch"...very abrupt.
As I said, the video does not do it justice at all. I hope all this made sense
Myself, and a few other people were trying to find similar
sounds to compare it too, and the closest sounds I could find was the sound of a volcano roaring before eruption (not saying there is a volcano, just
that is what it sounds similar to)
edit on 11/12/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)