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The Coming War With China: Evidence!

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

What is sad to me is that so many people believe what you are saying.

The U.S. has never been a free market economy. From the very beginning the government in the U.S. has regulated business activity. A cow catcher on the front of a train, from the days of old, is in fact a result of a government regulation.

All attempts to eliminate government regulation of business, the free market ideal, have always lead to economic disaster, and wide spread fraud.

There is no such thing as a free market economy for the same reason there is no such things as a communist economy, because both are unrealistic idealistic nonsense. Both lead to essentially the same result, and they are essentially the same.

You post a lot of good ideas, but how can you not see that what I am saying about free market economic idealism as being the truth. The evidence is overwhelming.

Communist China does not regulate its economy, that is free market idealism. Connect the dots.

To me, the whole free market con job is the scourge of our times.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:42 PM
It's people like you hawkiye that I really have no use for. Your an alarmist with hopes of some sort of fame, for whatever short amount of time it might last. You add nothing constructive to the forum, but appear to delight in others distress, and you also seem to dispense it with no regard. Although anyone that comes to the forum may not know how this place operates and take these stories to be factual, those who are members are all to aware of you, who has this need to 'be sombody'. There are a host of reasons that China is ill equiped to endevor such an ambitious land grab, and they may have a Billion people population, however there is for example, logistics. An army travels on it's stomach, and with no source of food, or rather a choice of who would have it, it comes down to the people who remain on mainland China or the invading force, theres barely enough for the country as it is...Water, we have'nt touched on that.. Just coming on over in ships and landing crafts is highly unlikely, the targets way too easy. Their not coming in Containers.... if they do, they will be dead by the time they get here (joke) actually I didn't really entertain that as more than a joke.The Pacific North West residents are likely some of the most armed people in the nation, with all the pot growing and such, the waves are increadable and hostile and again, the easy target thing. Satalite will show any invasion force activity, and to traverse the Pacific to the US would take days at best.....that easy target thing again. You and your invasion theory is wrong on so many levels, a could wear out my keyboard, but you warrant no such effort. My suggestion........ stop watching so much youtube and chuck your tv, ditch your cell phone and get grounded back on earth. Add something to civilization, don't buy into or fabricate doom to solicit fear and responces of hopelessness from those with us who are naieve. You take advantage sir, and it is an evil wind you blow.

edit on 11-7-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:52 PM
I think the worst thing China could possibly do is invade with ground troops. The average American citizen is an accomplished marksman and when combined with advanced military forces it would be about the same as Germany's Attempt at Russia during WW2. (which is actually what most consider Hitler's Downfall..

Besides how is China supposed to protect itself from retaliation from both our countless weapons of mass destruction of every genre combined with counter attacks from our allies in Europe, India (this one is an "if") and even Australia. There is no way they can handle the USA and Europe..

China would have no choice but to spread their forces so thin that even their millions of armed soldiers will become much more manageable targets not to mention they would be fighting almost every Nuclear power on earth...

Invasion would be suicide no matter how big and bad they think they are.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Modern day "free markets" perhaps can resemble communism in some aspects, but in theory they could not be more diametrically opposed.

Free markets are free of constraints and rules. We all know this is NOT how our market functions in the west, and there are many controls put in place. I would hazard to say most of them are necissary to prevent rampant speculating and other unfair trading practices. A completely free market is prone to many manipulations, above and beyond what you believe takes place in ours the way it is currently set up. Yes, bankers make a ridiculous amount of money, but using the banks has allowed me and my father and his before him to live a comfortable life.

I would say close to half of my income over the last 20 years has come from trading stocks, investing in bonds and RSPs and other securities. You may say this is all "fake money", but tell that to my "fake house and car" and all the fake food i have ate and vacations ive taken.

A communism country is free to manipulate in any way, shape and form it feels it needs to in order to help itself out. Perhaps you should pay attention to the way the Chinese manipulate their currency in order to help their export based economy thrive on the world market. By keeping their currency low, they are able to export goods worldwide, making them affordable in other countries. This is how they pollute us with cheap, expendable goods, and why we cannot compete with locally made products.

And yes, i know our "free market" is not free. But i suggest that the Chinese economic form of communism is much more "free market" than our western free market is "communist".

edit on 11-7-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:40 PM
The videos show some interesting tidbits but are also full of flaws. Besides, why would the US be in its crosshairs while it would (hypothetically) be much easier to invade Canada with a much smaller population and largely unarmed if I am not mistaken (not to speak of the country's vast natural reserves).

Simply break the economic might of the US and they will go down just like the USSR. By the way, Russia is not after occupying the US. It's nonsense and unrealistic. It seems that the producer forgot about the complexities that come along with invading an overseas nation. France, Germany, Spain all tried to invade England. None of them succeeded and you believe the Chinese will simply invade the US. Even if they would install a puppet regime, the population would rise up and knowing how much difficulties the US has getting the Iraqis under control, you can imagine how complicated it would be to deal with 300 million armed American civilians.

I am not American, but I do know that Americans have a strong spirit that is not easily broken. They defeated the Brits and would never allow the Chinese to occupy American land.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

It is nice to see an intelligent reply on the subject for a change.

Bankers have made ridiculous amounts of money because the laws have been written to stack the odds in their favor.

Investing has been profitable for many, and those are real sources of income, but you ought to consider that your stock market gains have came from considerable losses in the incomes of lower working class people. It is down right shameful. Plenty of hard working people live in poverty, and in a society that produces as much as we do, more than we actually need, that is a down right shame. Not that this is any of your fault, just stating a reality.

No, our free market system isn't as bad as China's free market system, but that isn't due to a lack of effort on the part of the elites here in the U.S..

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by PubertySpider001
I am not sure what your defination of a superpower is but if you need a colation force to not win a war with a thrid world country[Afganstan] then how super is the us ? Seems like the us would be better off buying white linen from walmart then war technology from the usual suppliers hey weather they get 1/3rd of the population or 99% for surfs,,makes no difference . both sides are only puppets to Rome and don't think they are unfamiliar with bio weaponry ! and the Bankers are still the bankers and if and when the Banks should decide to reengage any economy they will at the behest of Rome.. they are after all the whore of Babylon........peace
edit on 11-7-2011 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:02 PM
It's becoming somewhat of a golden rule that when someone states "proof" or "evidence" in a title, it's not.. it's either way off base or wildly speculative with hardly even a bit of actual "evidence" supporting it.

I don't personally think this is much different..

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by nightbringr

It is nice to see an intelligent reply on the subject for a change.

Bankers have made ridiculous amounts of money because the laws have been written to stack the odds in their favor.

Investing has been profitable for many, and those are real sources of income, but you ought to consider that your stock market gains have came from considerable losses in the incomes of lower working class people. It is down right shameful. Plenty of hard working people live in poverty, and in a society that produces as much as we do, more than we actually need, that is a down right shame. Not that this is any of your fault, just stating a reality.

No, our free market system isn't as bad as China's free market system, but that isn't due to a lack of effort on the part of the elites here in the U.S..

China has grown too large too fast, I personally think China will fall over from it's own weight .. much of their process is a mess.. they are aggressive in industry and that's all fine and good for now but it won't sustain .. it's an empire built on a shaky foundation.. I'm more worried about people like Russia than I am China.. but that's just ME speculating.. I have no evidence..

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

in the First Video you Posted!

I Just wanted to say something about what the Chinese are saying about defeating the US in the Vietnam War !!

what you People didn't know is that Military Officials were told by the Political Powers of the US

Not to Engage Until they were Told to !! The High Brass needed Permission to do so from Their Bosses

During Johnson and Nixon Terms !!

The High Brass was Restricted to certain locations other words prevented to go to Hot Spots!!

Well I guess some People haven't watched

No Substitute for Victory Documentary

well i disagree with most of it but there is one Part that does make sense !

In the Video

Documentary Called No Substitute for Victory

around 38:00 mark of that video you would know why we lost the Conflict!!

The Military Officials are saying in the Documentary We are loosing the Conflict in Vietnam because of Political figure Heads are Restricting where to Fight & Go! in Vietnam!!!

I can not find a place you can see it but where you can Buy it but if anyone of you can find it on the net to see feel free to post it !

No Substitute For Victory: From Vietnam To Iraq (2006)

what i Have ! is

Vietnam American's conflict
50 Documentary's pack

Mill Creek == Vietnam American's conflict

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Sounds like Propaganda to me.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Well i guess we are going to speak Chinese or Korean

Red Dawn 2010 Remake On Set

A must See!!!
Homefront E3 2010 Trailer

The Reality
North Korea Says they Do Not fear US-South Korea military threats

China's New Threat to US National Security

China's threat to American economic stability: CNN

A MUST SEE!!!!! Look BELOW!!! 3 years ago !
China buying up the United States - CHEAP


edit on 11-7-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM
China's stability is anchored in the economic buying power of the West. Without the West China falls and faces revolution. The danger is China's over population of males. China would be served by localized conflict that reduces that population and at the same time maintains the economic bond with the west. The obvious option would be another ground war in the Korea;s, This bloody theater would dispose of a dangerous over population that is only an indirect conflict with the US. An atomic conflict in the field on the boarder between the Koreas is the most likely senerio,

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:47 PM
M.A.D - Mutually Assured Destruction.

Coined in the cold war, but also applicable to China / Russian forces invading America. The world would then be drawn into another World War - commerce and industry would be decimated.

The reality is we are all to reliant on each other in this global community, if one super power falls, I believe it would have a massive knock on effect to the remaining super powers.

The rich are rich, and they don't care about the pinions underneath them.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:09 PM
I watched the videos and the arguments that gentleman presented are not strong enough to warrant even a dismal chance of war between U.S. and China. There will be no war, stop fear mongering, stop war mongering, just stop this U.S. vs China war talk altogether.

Ever since U.S. had a competitor rise up against it, everybody has got their panties in a bunch because Americans got complacent and lazy. Not looking over our shoulder, not keeping government in check, letting our politicians go bonkers corrupt while we do nothing. Then we complain and point fingers at other countries and cry foul when they're striving to do better.

As an American, I'm just so ashamed to see how much of 'poor sport bitches' we really are. How about stop talking about who would win an imaginary war and stand up against our own government.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by poet1b

China does not regulate its economy, that is free market idealism. Connect the dots.

When the state owns and or controls all the businesses and farms that is not a free market. When the state dictates prices and what can be manufactured or grown that is not a free market. When the states takes a majority of the profits that is not a free market etc. etc. Educate yourself and stop repeating non-sense propaganda.

The US had a free market economy up until 1913 except during war periods and a couple of central bank blunders.. Mandating a cow catcher on a train is not regulating markets. It was trying to protect cattle ranchers investments in thier cattle which is an actual function of government to allow the free market to operate and protect merchants from corruption and disaster. That is thier only function in the market. it is nobodies business who I trade with and what I trade as long as I am not harming anyone.

So called deregulation that everyone blames on the free market is anything but, it was politicians stifling real competition and allowing thier benefactors free reign to rip off consumers. That is not a free market or deregulation that is fascism. True deregulation would not protect any business from free competition and all those politically connected corporations would be out of business and real entrepreneurs who provided superior products and services to the public would be there instead, the people would have voted them out with thier wallets and went where they could get a quality product or service. it works and always had when allowed to flourish!

China's rise in economic power is because they adopted our money from nothing system it always looks good in the beginning but will fail just like are socialistic/communistic/ fascist system. the difference is they know it and will try to attack us before it does and they are communist they are all about control and would never give up control over thier economy China is a highly controlled and regulated economy, just because they allow them to make harmful products and ship them over here does not make them a free market. It makes them communists who don't give a damn about human life and further reinforces thier plan to kill us and take our lands.

edit on 11-7-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

I watched the videos and the arguments that gentleman presented are not strong enough to warrant even a dismal chance of war between U.S. and China. There will be no war, stop fear mongering, stop war mongering, just stop this U.S. vs China war talk altogether.

What argument are you speaking of? The gentleman was presenting easily verifiable facts. Perhaps you could refute them before knee jerking into denial....

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:16 PM
There is no evidence in the videos presented, please try again.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
There is no evidence in the videos presented, please try again.

What is it you think are not facts? That the Chinese do not control and or own all the ports shown? That thier sub popped up undetected next to the USS Kittyhawk during war games? That they have been massively building up thier military and advancing thier technology by theft and buying it? That they have economically decimated us as the first phase of thier stated plan? That they have formed alliance with nearly a dozen countries including Pakistan and gave us the first strategic war warning in over 50 years? That two of there highest ranking generals said they were preparing for war in all directions? etc etc... this is all common knowledge that has been reported in the news etc.... Try again indeed...

edit on 11-7-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

When the banks own the state, and all the businesses and the farms, that is a free market, as those who preach free market economics set the system up. It is just a modified form of communism.

The Colonies and the Fed gov have been regulating our economy from the beginning. The cow catcher point was just an easy example.

There has never been a free market, and there never will be. All attempts to create such a system result only in the creation of a massive ponzi scheme.

True deregulation would not protect any business from free competition...[/quote]

I don't know what you mean by "true deregulation". The only way market economies function efficiently, is when markets are competitive, and that only happens when a governing body evenly enforces a fair set of rules, like in professional sports. That means laws/regulations to prevent cheating and fraud.

There no automatic way for this to happen as the whole free market scam claims.

China's current situation is a direct result of the system set up by the ICs/International bankers, and a majority of them are here in the U.S.. Like all ponzi schemes, all attempts at free markets are doomed to fail, and China, and the current U.S. are no exception.

I agree, if China can find a way to attack, they will.

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