posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:36 AM
So,as I get this these in Congress would want "We the People" to pay for their Wars of aggression.
Did not Vietnam brake the Bank?
Now that they broke it again, they wish to take what remains of "We the People" in order to pay down a War debt again?
Man Oh man they are far reaching to where they never should.
It's Ok to receive huge campaign contributions from Corporations to run for their stink'in seats in Congress while 14 million American Teens go with
no home or meal a day.
" " full Medical Benefits for themselves.
" " full retirement for themselves after one term
" " lobbyist jobs to represent their Corporate donor's
" " Oil in exchange for Blood
" " our blood, sweat and toil to provide for their causes and give back nothing but hardship
The list is to long of what they have taken from "We the People" for themselves.
It's not enough to not Budget for War, now they wish for "We the People" to continue to be of a Patriotic nature and give until it hurts as if it
doesn't hurt enough when we pay 35% and the 2% of the Rich pay either nothing or 15%.
What I have to say about this doesn't mean Crap to them or for that fact any of them but one. That Social Democrat in Senate, who stands for fairness
and equality that was once the Hallmark of this once Great Empire after WWII.
Gotta take that plaque off that Lady in the NY Harbor.
Now tell me how, with no jobs waiting for any returning soldiers, that we can bring them home and not expect to see these who have PTSD and Brain
Damage not react irrationally when they see how they in Congress wish to destroy what they thought they were fighting for?
As one with PTSD and once trained to kill an enemy with my 308 Savage Snip Rifle from a mile away, I know that some may not have the restraint as I in
settling matters the way they trained these Boy's and Girl's to do.
I have to take a drug in order to sleep and stay rational.
I will say this much, when some one has mental issues as severe as a large percentage of what these have, you can expect some more Timothy's in the
They are not taking into account that they have a bigger problem on their hands when they take away these individual soldiers family the Care that
they fought for.
Abandon these Kid's Grandparents or Parents to a life of destitution and you will see Blood in the Streets of Zip Codes where these same Rich Live.
For these Soldiers were trained in " Search and Destroy Missions" lest they forget.
So, we should all hope for the hopeless that these in Congress do not take away anything from "We the People"
We have History to see what happened to the Vets from WWI.
We have History to see they will be willing to kill US Citizens when deemed it has to be done. Four dead in OHIO.
Do any here remember the Riots of the late 60's?
I remember towns on fire from injustice to a few (Blacks).
Can you imagine what would happen if they proceeded with injustice to the many?
I can.
As an Old Preacher from those days I saw, that treating others as less or lower then the rest doesn't last that long.
As far as I can see and it ain't that far, We all are in for a # Storm to come from these Tea Partiers I call the Fascist Party.