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Why Atheism is being promoted by TPTB

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
I would like to know how an atheist explains matter. I do not mean its atoms electron quarks and whatever other mystical bits you may come up with like the higgs. I am talking about CREATION.

How did it come to be?
Explain creation and I will stop entertaining the thought of an after life. Face it atheists, all your hollering about science this and science that is bogus, science can only prove things to be false.

explain god, its the same argument. blind faith that a flying spaghetti monster has existed forever but not matter. Science is showing that its more then likely to be a cyclical event creation and destruction. which far more sense then some all knowing breaded man on a throne floating on the wings of eagles or whatever nonsense is being taught now a days

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by applebaum

It's not about the interpretation of a certain religion.
It's about "your" actions here on earth. Do you follow your heart and sense for justice or are you seduced by the freedom of atheism?

when the alternative is slavery to an imaginary sky wizard..i vote atheism

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
Atheism is a "all Clear"-Sign for taking no responsibility for "your" actions. It's a free ticket for egoism, narcissism, cheating, lying, violence, vulgarity and indecent behavior.

Actually, you seem to be discribing some religions whose followers take no responsibility for their actions and are egoistric, narcistic, cheat, lie, violent, vulgar and are indecent in behaviour. It's strange that you seem not to noticed this in others who may not be Atheist.

Originally posted by Regenstorm
Because according to atheists there is no life after death, it's just this one time that you are here. So "you" want to have as much fun as possible regardless of the consequences for the rest of the world/people. Right?

Any indiviual who displays illogical, unreasonable, anti-social behaviour which results in terrible destruction and suffering to the environment and others for "fun" is a selffish and irresponsible indiviual regardless of whether they believe in God/Gods or do not. The fact that you seem to attribute this behaviour mainly to the Atheists because of their disbelief, shows your prejudice and your mind set.

Originally posted by Regenstorm
But what will happen when people suddenly became aware of their actions? What if some event caused that everyone could sense what someone else is feeling? What would happen when people suddenly feel what they are doing or have done to others? Would if you would suddenly feel the pain and sadness of that child in China that sewed your trousers for $0.50 a day?
I wonder how many people would be very ashamed for- and disgusted by themselves because they took willingly advantage of it? Will many people suffer a spontaneous depression or a nervous breakdown? Will many people go insane? Will there be mass Suicides? Is that what TPTB wants?
Don't answer that question only for yourself, but ask yourself how the herds will respond too.

Are you blaming the Atheist for causing all the problems in the world?
Do you seriously think that theists are not responsible or are incapable of causing so much suffering in the world? From you post, I wonder what you would do to all the atheist in the world should you become it's ruler, i don't think it is hard for anyone here to imagine another witch hunt.

And people wonder why the atheist population is exploding.

"You are your own worse enemy." your views are helping the atheist cause more then you can possibily imagine. How ironic.
edit on 9-7-2011 by ixiy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by radarloveguy

Originally posted by MamaJ

Problem is that religion has been created and tampered with so much by man that any truth in it has been lost amongst all the crap.
reply to post by TechUnique


If our Elite are really worshiping a 40 ft Owl and chanting weird stuff....I would say they are definitely not on "our" side.

Unfortunately , that 40ft. owl is witchcraft at it's highest level , and those Bohemian rascals are in control ,
and that is only the first of many nasty rituals they engage in . They are evil , and their darkness spreads it's fog over us all !
like christian belief are any less silly that praying to a 40ft how about a 40ft lower case t..that would be even more insane and of course evil since the bible condemns both.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

I feel you, brother.

I had to wrestle with this when I was growing up (whatever that means). I was raised without any religion. Yet I had studied world history extensively and I knew that most of the planet ran on religion. There had to be some reason that people found religion valuable.

And I eventually discovered all kinds of reasons. But I also discovered a huge problem. Religious belief had always been targeted by control freaks as a way to get people to agree to actions that would otherwise seem quite irrational. Like the Crusades that took place from about 1100 to about 1300 in Europe.

People could tell that unseen influences were at play in life. And in historic times, before science reasserted itself, many people didn't even understand simple things like the seasons or solar eclipses. These phenomena required some explanation and religions provided these. And in all these years that science has been studying life from its viewpoint, it has yet to provide workable answers for many "spiritual" phenomena.

And so the need for religion persists, as does its misuse by the power-hungry.

Atheism, though, is not the same as a denial of the reality of an afterlife. What you are saying about a sense of moral responsibility for future generations is very connected to this idea of some kind of afterlife. I don't believe in a God, per se, but I do believe in the continuation of the spirit. So responsibility takes on whole new meanings for me. Not only may I suffer spiritually later if I shirk from responsibilities today, I may suffer materially as well, because more than likely I will return here after I "die" to continue life in a new body, and thus re-enter the "future" that I helped create.

What is diabolical is the philosophy that the future doesn't really matter. And one way to achieve that is to invalidate the truth of any kind of afterlife. Materialistic atheism does this. My dad, bless his soul, believes this version of "the truth" for some reason. So I've lived right next to it all my life. He's a totally sweet guy. But this is partly because he embraces a secular sense of responsibility. This sense of responsibility is taught in many institutions of higher learning. Those same institutions often convince their students that religious belief is "irrational." It's paradoxical. And I think it leaves a lot of university grads with a certain sense of pointlessness. I see that in my dad.

So I think that you are correct that TPTB would like to nullify the messages of compassion and responsibility taught by the great religious teachers. And that's why they promote atheism, in particular, the materialist variety.

But it doesn't mean you're going to find your way out of this trap just by renewing your faith. To practice a religioun for real you must learn its spiritual technology. And that ain't always easy. It is, however, the only path to real freedom.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by NuroSlam

God is essentially the personification of creation, similar to "Mother Earth."

Atheists always seem to attack Christianity, Judaism, Islam w/e but rarely go after Witchcraft, Buddhism, Gnosticism, etc.

What about the multitudes of near death and out of body experiences?
Clearly the concept of a God offends you, but what are your opinions towards gods and spirituality?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

Near-death experiences are nothing more than hallucinations. '___' is the most powerful hallucinogenic substance currently known; and it is stored in every human's pineal gland. It functions as a method of calming people at moments of extreme terror. And not everyone who has lived through a NDE reports a "light at the end of the tunnel" or some divine encounter. The experiences are pretty inconsistent and varied.

Out-of-body experiences? People mistaking lucid dreams with reality.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

You talk about atheists as if they are a organized religion. I dont go out on sundays and hang out with other atheists and discuss our evil plans for society.
I dont care what my friends believe in as long as they dont push it on me.
you are very ignorant my friend.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by BirdOfillOmen

I am familiar with '___'. I have perused a bit for info but was curious if anyone had come across any studies on why geometric patterns, space/time travel, and voices are common trips on it?

Out of body is lucid dreaming? How is it that these lucid dreamers often describe actions and other visual stimuli while their eyes are closed (possibly near death on an operating table)?

To the creation and destruction cycle. . . . please elaborate on how all matter is destroyed and then created again out of nothing?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:21 AM
Theists are scared little children. Because atheists don't swing in a particular direction (god or the devil), theists don't know how to compartmentalise them. So naturally the unknown becomes the devil.

This stems from a need to CONTROL everything (back to their fear again). Ever heard of the foothills (religious fanatics) resembling the surrounding mountains (TPTB)?


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

I am agnostic. Definition: A person who doubts truth of religion And/or Uncertain to all claims of Knowledge

Because "The Powers That Be" want this western society aka you (assuming most members are from these regions) to be more rotten than rotten, it's clearly one of their goals! Common sense has become rare and that's their intention. Only on a few places like ATS you can from time to time read posts by people that still got common sense. But it's getting rarer. Society has lost its mind. TPTB have got you there where they want you and with you I don't mean the freethinkers but the ignorant atheist cattle that dominates this completely ........ up society on every level. Especially in the "civilized" western region of the world Atheism has done its job properly.

What does Atheism have to do with in relation to morals. You are stereotyping a large group of people.

I'm agnostic what do you think of my?

Do you want to define me too!

Atheism is a "all Clear"-Sign for taking no responsibility for "your" actions. It's a free ticket for egoism, narcissism, cheating, lying, violence, vulgarity and indecent behavior. Because according to atheists there is no life after death, it's just this one time that you are here. So "you" want to have as much fun as possible regardless of the consequences for the rest of the world/people. Right?

So how does not believing in no life after death or the possibility of that supposition. Have anything to do with how someone will treat others before you/us pass away.

It's a free ticket for egoism, narcissism, cheating, lying, violence, vulgarity and indecent behavior

I certainly don't condone or partake in the above you have stated and if i do i would regret it and be remorseful about it.

Are you saying that Atheism takes away humans ability to learn right and wrong and/or act properly according to societies moral values.

I do not agree with your statement i do not think most people will partake in such actions without feelings and/or regret for doing such things just because they are Atheists.

Its not a Free pass you're just labeling millions perhaps billions of people as morally unjust.

You're argument is silly at best and i would refrain from making such statements again the only ego and narcissism is yourself for stating such absurdity.
edit on 9-7-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

[quote]Atheists always seem to attack Christianity, Judaism, Islam w/e but rarely go after Witchcraft, Buddhism, Gnosticism, etc.
Buddhism isn't inherently theistic, there are atheist buddhists. I've never been told that I'm inherently immoral due to my lack of belief in God and therefore going to hell by a Wiccan. Gnostic is a an adjective used to describe something, so I'm not sure who you mean by this. I've been told I'm inherently immoral and therefore going to hell by Christians, but I never stopped to ask if they were gnostic Christians.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
reply to post by NuroSlam

God is essentially the personification of creation, similar to "Mother Earth."

Atheists always seem to attack Christianity, Judaism, Islam w/e but rarely go after Witchcraft, Buddhism, Gnosticism, etc.

What about the multitudes of near death and out of body experiences?
Clearly the concept of a God offends you, but what are your opinions towards gods and spirituality?

What I'm offended by is ideas that create slaves to an idea, there is no proof of any god, be it God, Allah, Krishna, Odin, Zeus or any other, so until it at least someone has a sound "theory" behind it, its not a valid argument. The idea that there is some all powerful being that has always existed and always will that decides who lives and who dies, who prospers and who suffers is ludicrous. There is absolutely no evidence of a "god". Don't bring up "holy" books as each and every one was written by a man regardless of the inspiration.
The actual teaching of "the chirst" are solid but this religion based on it is hogwash. The body is the temple. Judge not, do unto others, turn the other cheek, all very good practices for the most part, but to think that "god" will decide my fate by my actions is utter crap.
I personally could care less if an ashtray named bob tells you to be a good person. I don't need to believe in an almighty being that can strike me dead at any minute inorder to see that if i want the right to life liberty and property i MUST allow others those same rights. Religion of any sort witchcraft. Christianity or any other is mans attempt to remove responsibility from the person and control them with fear.
OBE? mental masturbation. Science shows that this is nothing but the mind playing tricks. Again, something that has no possibility of being proven.
String Theory makes far more sense then the concept of god/

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:23 AM
Murphy's law: "There is no such thing as an atheist in a fox-hole".


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm
Ok so am an Agnostic/Atheist yet i too have seen and experienced things that appear to have no logicial explaination yet i feel, i care,i love. Watching the World through 53 year old eyes and seeing some of the cruel and evil things that happen it is truely hard to believe that there is a loving God looking over us. Maybe it would be wiser if the World was just a little less fanatical about God and religion, one feels it would be a much nicer place to live in. Most Atheist i know are what i call really nice, kind people. They are that way because they have a concience not because of the fear of God or Judgement Day

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:46 AM
Can someone tell me just HOW TPTB are promoting Atheism? I badly need some enlightenment here.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by annella

Most western education systems and mainstream media propagate the evolution-theory.
Religion is being propagated as superstition by them.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by annella

Most western education systems and mainstream media propagate the evolution-theory.
Religion is being propagated as superstition by them.

What has evolution to do with atheism? There are lots of theistic evolutionists. Also, education systems propagate what scientists consider true. This includes evolution. The fact that some religious people disagree with it is irrelevant, and they are free to teach their own views to their children in private.

Religion is not propagated as superstition, there are in fact religious classes which are quite common in the west.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by annella

Most western education systems and mainstream media propagate the evolution-theory.
Religion is being propagated as superstition by them.

But religion IS a superstition. Sorry for the one liner....not much else to add!!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:23 AM
Anyone else tiring of these anti-atheist straw man posts?

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