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Why This Lovely Woman Does NOT Support The Troops - Amazing Video

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:24 PM

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:13 PM
wingsfan's comparison with jane fonda is dead on.
shes really hot and probably well meaning and accurate, in alot of quick takes eg,war bad peace good etc its very easy to agree with her and much like jane fonda she is so far removed from what shes commenting on. some people fight the system form the inside like say join the military as a concientious objector and volunteer to be a combat matter what the reason people join under(yah some are just trying to get free college) i think its wrong to spit out judgements like these, i dont think anyone(including myself) who hasnt been in a combat situation should be doing the judging, jury by your peers so to speak. shes welcome to her opinion but just saying its easy to be high and mighty from airconditioned suburb land, no one knows what they would or wouldnt do under extreme circumstances. are there horrible attricities, crimes? yes do governments, banks ,kings.military industrail complexes exist? yes. but theres also huge numbers of troops(under extreme situations) its like looking at a city of one million and being surprised theres crime. war did not evolve to 90% civilian caualties as a goal,its horrible but you cant bring tidlywinks to a gunfight. the reason civilian casualties were lower in the past was all participants showed up on a feild of battle not one side hides out in a civilian poulation and fights from there.i agree with her war is stupid and outdated and i cant beleive we havent figured out a way solve our problems. but im guessing all that goes out the window real quick when your being shot at.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia
This gal needs to rethink things. If she pays taxes, she supports the troops. So unless she becomes unemployed and drops off the grid, dies or moves to another country, she's still supports the troops.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I will be separating from the military in August. Over the last few years I have grown to disenchanted with the military life. I joined six years ago shortly before my 21st birthday. I did so because I had made several mistakes in my life and I needed a way out of a very bad situation (I also wanted money for school). There was never any nationalistic feeling of patriotism for me. I simply found the military to be a better option than where I was.

With that being said, this woman has spoken the words I have been unable to coherently string together to express my current feelings towards the military. And it hurts to hear them out loud..

I do care and support my friends and unlike the woman in the video I know that not all people join the military because they are dumb or evil. Some simply need a way out of the hell they are currently living in and when you grow up poor the military is typically the quickest way out.

Which brings up another point of how the military targets people in poor areas whether there rural or urban (but that canbe an entire thread in itself)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

A very just war IMO it started out by getting revenge for what was done to our country. The terrorists were in Afghanistan so that is where the war was fought. Iraq is a different story, but the first war was very just. If the attacks were not made by our government.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:18 PM
Valor is a Noble Human Virtue...
Formed from the principles of Truth and Courage...
Tempered in Love it can be the most Constructive force we know...

But, shrouded in Secrecy and Fear...
Bathed in the Blood of is the most Destructive...

Somewhere in-between lies the Truth of War...

_________________Present to Love________________________

"Pray to your Gods, and gird your weapons of war! Tonight we march!"

When will it be time?
When the last bomb falls?
When the last child cries?

"Step to the left! Hey your left! Hey your left!"

When will we see?
When the blood is a sea?
When your pain is the fee?

"Eyes right! Hey to the right! Hey to the right!"

When will we know?
When the heartbeat slows?
When the heavens will show?

"Present ARMS!"

(And I saw the Truth in the eyes of the is Love supporting all of Creation...not strength of Arms...)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:27 PM
The great thing about America is that everyone is entitled to an opinion. My opinion of her video and message she is trying to get out is overly critical. She makes good debatable statements and questions. No one is forcing her to donate or to go to rallies or put a bumper sticker on her car to support our troops. Honestly if you feel so unpatriotic and hate America then my advice to her is to leave.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Mine Not Yours

If you don't support your troops, please feel free to stand in front of them. If you don't support your Government is one thing, not the men and women who are defending your freedom of speech.

Defending it against who?

The only people I see trying to take our freedoms away, is the government...

Not people who are fighting back against us because we occupy their land, and steal their natural resources... Wouldnt you be fighting back against a country who invaded your country and stole your resources?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:44 PM
I really applaud her courage to say what is thought to be a social taboo. However, her argument can be essentially reduced down to the fact that soldiers are either stupid or evil. Well, I live in the same world as you and I can confirm that nothing is that simple. In the end, her ideas are interesting but her overall argument is based off of loose opinions and the few statistics she did offer do not entirely match up to most of the available research.

Still, I hope she keeps posting. It is good for all of us.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Let me know when the troops arrest congress and ship them off to Guantanamo Bay for enhanced interrogation, along with most of the investment bankers on Wall Street.

Until that happens, I'm going to have to call BS on the whole "fighting to preserve my liberties" meme.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
But like everything else it's not black and white or as clear cut as she seems to think,

Imagine if everyone didn't over-complicate it and saw it as black or white
Either support it or not

If that were the case I think our economy would be way better right now and we wouldn't have so many enemies

Should of... could of... didn't.

Maybe once long ago this whole situation was more black and white, and clear cut, but now it is not. But I don't delude myself with thinking that it ever was much more different or as simple. So you got to work with what is not what you want it to be, but ya I think a lot of it is just a waste of money and time and there are better ways to go about it, but what other choices do they have now really?

They dig themselfs into a hole, and seem to think that if they keep digging they will get out of the hole.
.... So improvising is the only option left it seems.

The whole thing is not that its black and white or that it is a bunch of shades of gray. The whole thing is, that it is, what it is. And in fact they all got into this mess because they thought it would be simple, and black and white.

I am sure you remember the whole fighting for freedom thing that got them in the mess in the first place, it was very black and white was it not...As in here is the bad guy...and we are the good guys....ah alas the world is not so simple as bad guy, and good guy. Thought they exist.

Well ya... it is not black and white and not as simple as fighting for freedom, or good guy bad guy, now is it? It's mostly shades of gray everywhere, with some clear cut goals once in a while.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:20 AM
She needs to remember that the whole military energy runs under a code, you dont follow that code, you dont have a job. If you were be in a situation to were you could see these soldiers in action? You would be able to look into their eyes and see that "they're not even there" Something else is controlling that vessel. You could look into some peoples eyes on the street and see that their not home.
This is what mind control is all about. you dont have control over yourself. By simply changing the frequency with you/me everything. For soldiers they increase the frequency, with civilians they decrease the frequency plus add, microwaves, low electro magnetics etc. to the freaking system.
Shes right, but dont say i dont support the troops, say i dont support what controls the troops.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:52 AM
The information is there for any who search for it, that is and should be the worlds freedom, not just America
This is from your own people….

The article begins with some 2004 statistics (no idea if they’re still current):
According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2004, 86 percent of soldiers in Iraq reported knowing someone who was seriously injured or killed there. Some 77 percent reported shooting at the enemy; 75 percent reported seeing women or children in imminent peril and being unable to help. Fifty-one percent reported handling or uncovering human remains; 28 percent were responsible for the death of a noncombatant. One in five Iraq veterans return home seriously impaired by post-traumatic stress disorder.
Most of the article consists of personal stories from soldiers who’ve returned from Iraq. Here are a few excerpts.
Michael Goss:

"I have PTSD. I know when I got it — the night I killed an 8-year-old girl. Her family was trying to cross a checkpoint. We’d just shot three guys who’d tried to run a checkpoint. And during that mess, they were just trying to get through to get away from it all. And we ended up shooting all them, too. It was a family of six. The only one that survived was a 13-month-old and her mother. And the worst part about it all was that where I shot my bullets, when I went to see what I’d shot at, there was an 8-year-old girl there. I tried my best to bring her back to life, but there was no use. But that’s what triggered my depression."
Sue Randolph:

This is from their people…

“Iraq's previous wars disrupted his work for short spells, Kadhim said, but the U.S. invasion and its chaotic aftermath changed the tradition of palm tending altogether.”

“"Before the Americans came, work was better. I could go anywhere in Baghdad, work however late I wanted, and fall asleep on any street corner," Kadhim said.”

This should be an educational movie in every Western society school, something my children are exposed to …

As the world is engulfed in a storm of propaganda, we capture a very different reality in Iraq. We document how life really is for the society and people living under twelve years of sanctions and the Saddam regime. When the inevitability of the US-led conflict increased and people across the globe protested against this highly controversial war, we recorded the changes in the lives of the Iraqi people by focusing on a cross-section of individuals representative of the broader Iraqi community. We follow these individuals as they prepare for the coalition war against them, continuing to tell their stories as they became the target for tens of thousands of coalition cruise missiles and guided bombs. Living and filming with ordinary Iraqis, we observed first hand the devastating effects of the extensive bombing campaign on the lives of civilians. This documentary gives the viewer an intimate, character-based insight into Iraqi society, devolving as the war takes the "cradle of civilization" towards what is increasing being considered "year zero". Ipso-facto Productions spent months in Baghdad, filming during an exceptional period in World history. We managed to capture what has been labeled a "unique and exclusive insight" into the people and situation in Iraq, before, during and "after" the war.

THIS is part of you own Constitution…and yet you do nothing…

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security."

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Hello, I am Tom and this is my first post.

I have read been reading threads on this site for over a year now and this topic made me want to post. Bear in mind I watched the video and read the first page of comments. I am frankly aghast by what I have seen. I just got out of the military after 5 years to go to college to open my own business. No you may think I an upset by what I have seen in Afghanistan which I have spent fully one whole year of my life between the two. No, I am sickened by this hate speech against the military and the sacrifices made. I am not looking for any fame or notoriety. I am here to share my experiences and my beliefs and weather you believe it or not are being defended against terrorists who would kill each and everyone reading this post if they had the opportunity. They don't have that opportunity because there are troops in the middle east for them to kill instead of spending money to send people across the world they can jump a border and blow themselves up and have greater results.

I will admit that wrongs have been committed, but many of you do not understand the stresses people go through when all they want to do is get home and if they are in a leadership position get their men home. Do you know what it feels like to have a friend die, or a subordinate die? It eats you up, even if you were miles away you feel like there was something more you could do. I am sickened that many of you have lost faith in your country and those who protect with everything they have. I like how one of the first posters applauded this woman for not generalizing the topic, but she did lumped us into three damned categories, I am not one of those three. I did not want to kill unless I had to and with the rules in place now a days if someone was killed by a marine soldier or what have you, there is a huge investigation and they are tried in court. I have seen this. You people sit here and think myself and others round up all the children in a village and murder them, nothing is more farther than the truth, we give them candy, built schools, gave women a better lot in life with an education. I made friends with locals and the Afghan National Army soldiers.

I know the country has taken a turn for the worse and the military has been deployed to places many believe they shouldn't have been for oil or what have you. I have been there I have talked to officers from 2nd Lt up to three star general, some for not as long. While their culture was different, many were appreciative of what we did for them, the US military funds micro loans for businesses and farming. We armed AQ during the soviet occupation of Afghanistan to stop the Russians from murdering people. in a way perhaps we paved the way for the Taliban. say what you want but god damn it you have many rights in this country and for many of you to draw broad conclusions from what the media tells you. The facts on both sides have been distorted to further political agendas, hopefully I can show you a little center line. To hopefully explain that I have never seen an Afghan or Iraqi murdered in a fashion described in her video. This is no longer a war with guns but a war with words, who can spin it better.

I don't care what you believe, but I believe the world is on the edge of a great understanding and peace. Many have seen this and are afraid. We are fighting against people who are afraid or so full of hate to see a white man, a middle eastern, and a Jew being friends and are fighting tooth and nail against it.

You have the right to say and believe what you want as do I it is America. I am going to exercise it here and now, many of you don't understand because many of you haven't been there or are too lazy to look up proper information. Many of you are willing to watch some ramshackle youtube video and laud it as undeniable information with out giving it a second thought, while many are thought provoking I suppose I should believe whole heatedly there is a secret base in Dulce with out any real facts. Many people in the military are normal as normal can be, I have never met anyone who has honestly wanted to go out of their way to murder someone. We are trained to kill, but we are taught discipline and discretion. Some have failed to adhere to these teachings and this is where many people draw up their fanciful worlds of the US military being genocidal monsters. To be honest I think many who have post on this thread, and you know you you are. Are just as ignorant and stagnant as AQ and fight against the winds of change. Now call me what you will, lap dog, baby killer, rapist just know that not a single one is true. I am an American before I am anything else, I fought so you didn't have to and I lost friends so you didn't have to. Sure we can recall all the troops then we'll be back to where we were. We are fighting a faceless enemy he could be any one of us that is why it is frustrating. We are floundering in the dark trying to stop an attack that hopefully will never come. I find the videos on 9/11 being conspiracy as fascinating with the evidence, not facts, that were brought forward. I do not believe it whole heatedly I really believe that we were attacked.

Again everyone of you has the right to your opinion and please respect mine, but I have a feeling I will be soon flamed by people as a monster, or ignorant. And to them I challenge them to go to Afghanistan or Iraq one way or another. Or do proper research without preconceived notions. I went to Afghanistan and Iraq thinking everyone was an enemy when they weren't, many are kind hard working men and women. People can change their minds and see the truth if they just open their eyes.

I wrote what i felt and could write much more, but I think I have hit the point over and over again. Thank you.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
She has the right to say the things she said, as long as you understand the only reason she has that right is stronger people are willing to take up arms and defend her right to say it.

If she had said such a thing in 90% of the countries on this planet, her head would be on a pike before sunset.

She's nothing more than a very ignorant, unappreciative bitch. She has the right to be that though, cause people are willing to fight and die to give her that right.

right, im so glad they are guarding those poppy fields, those strong men are defending our rights doing so.


posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:27 AM
I don't agree with the war and agree we are held accountable for actions carried out over there, but we've been there and it doesn't work as the truth is always obscured from us. I must say suprisingly I thought I would be agreeing with her but found this video annoying and naive, and really not helpful to the cause. We pay taxes - we fund the wars, its the polititions who don't offer us a choice! The people we vote for in the promise to give us that choice. Freedom today is just another word....
edit on 6-7-2011 by silhouette because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
She has the right to say the things she said, as long as you understand the only reason she has that right is stronger people are willing to take up arms and defend her right to say it.

If she had said such a thing in 90% of the countries on this planet, her head would be on a pike before sunset.

She's nothing more than a very ignorant, unappreciative bitch. She has the right to be that though, cause people are willing to fight and die to give her that right.

But no one is fighting and dying to gove hher that right. They are fighting and dying to line the pockets of the elite. They just can't see it.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by bono435
The great thing about America is that everyone is entitled to an opinion. My opinion of her video and message she is trying to get out is overly critical. She makes good debatable statements and questions. No one is forcing her to donate or to go to rallies or put a bumper sticker on her car to support our troops. Honestly if you feel so unpatriotic and hate America then my advice to her is to leave.

This is exactly the nationalistic crap she talks about, too. "OMG, you don't support the troops, you obviously 'HATE AMERICA'... just LEAVE!" .....
What a bunch of juvenile nationalist propaganda. And your ignorance couldn't be more thick: military excursions are paid for with tax dollars; they ARE forcing her to donate.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

I am employed, I'm no longer in the military. I have a decent job that actually isn't related to the defense industry at all.

I am education, I have a BS in CS.

Her complaint is that she doesn't support the troops because they've killed innocent people.

And you agree with her!

But what about your support for Walmart? They kill more people every year in the sweat shops that produce the products we crave...

THATS what I'm talking about.

You're overlooking reality to fit your little box view of the world.

I don't know why I waste my time arguing with people this shallow.

The Iraq war had a vomit-inducing amount of civilian casualties.

Perhaps you should do a quick post search to see my strong opinions against corporate entities like Walmart.

Your logic sucks... because I'm anti-military... I must surely spend 100% of my energy being against the military?

Dumb, dumb, dumb.
edit on 6-7-2011 by TheOrangeBrood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by Becoming

e-Threats are lame and cowardly

Your opponent is absolutely correct, it is his support that is funding troops
To deny that is self-denial, especially if you are in the service

This is why FIAT currency is slavery, because in such a system he has little voice to speak his opposition, because there aren't many channels

There wasn't any threat. If he thinks I owe him a refund then he is invited to come on down to a public place with his proof and his estimate and we can hash things out.

I would not dream of putting hands on a whiny little boy such as him (or you for that matter). People such as him are looking for excuses to cry to mommy about the big bad soldier.

Now please pretend I don't exist.

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