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Why This Lovely Woman Does NOT Support The Troops - Amazing Video

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by tomg88 This isn't an opinion, it is just slander.

Thanks for the back-up; I am not nor have I ever served with a serial killer.

Any time, man.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
I really don't know...about ALL that....


I am just tickled to see an attractive young woman that can think for herself and DOES.

Oh, yes I whole heartedly agree; especially I like the sweeping generalizations, lumping 1 million men and women into one of three very unflattering categories.

I also see the subtle use of and the deep thought required to "teheheee" at just the right point for emphasis. Like after saying there is an award for stabbing innocent people to death for those in the military. Clearly she has studied the military award system and understands the motivation behind enlistment and service in the 21 century American military.

I think that the inane giggling adds almost as much as the low cut sweater and the batting eye lashes but the best part is the pseudo valley girl accent making every statement sound like, totally,…um,… you know,… a queastion?...

edit on 9/7/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Nice misspelling of :Question.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Elsek
reply to post by Golf66

Nice misspelling of :Question.

Quick - pull over it’s the typing police....

Sorry officer, I have no excuse...I'll type more thoroughly next time.

Can I haz a break please.

I can't afford another citation and my dog tags are so bent I no longer receive sweets in the mess hall anyway?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Golf66

No not typing police haha. Just thought it was funny that you were trying to prove a point that she was stupid, and ditzy and then you misspell a word you were focused on building up. It was "comical" to me.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:34 PM
Wow, another anti American military thread with the usual suspects braying on endlessly about how evil we all are. Yup, the usual suspects are mostly here, funny, it's the same tripe over and over......come up with some new material please. If the our volunteer military didn't exist, neither would a lot of you, as you'd be drafted and probably be killed doing the things you are whining about now. Using a broad brush to paint all of us in one negative light is to be expected though.......look at what you've done to the country. I guess if berating us to make up for your lack of action makes you feel better, so be it....after all, we all have much broader shoulders than you, and have throughout the history of this once great country.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Elsek
reply to post by Golf66

No not typing police haha. Just thought it was funny that you were trying to prove a point that she was stupid, and ditzy and then you misspell a word you were focused on building up. It was "comical" to me.

The difference is I can correct a typo. At least she is pretty right?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Shes pretty and opinionated. Just how I like em. Im actually talking with her Via YouTube messaging right now. Shes a nice gal.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Elsek
reply to post by Golf66

Shes pretty and opinionated. Just how I like em. Im actually talking with her Via YouTube messaging right now. Shes a nice gal.

You know I wouldn't mind having a debate with her. I would like to talk to her about how she formed some of her opinions. It would be even better if we could get a mediator and an audience.

I also thought the misspelling of question emphasized his point.
edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Elsek
reply to post by Golf66

Shes pretty and opinionated. Just how I like em. Im actually talking with her Via YouTube messaging right now. Shes a nice gal.

Ask her what the award is called that is given for stabbing innocents to death with a knife - and the criteria for the award and who can recommend one for it. Is it a certificate, ribbon, medal, statue? What exactly.

Oh yeah and how many serial killers are there exactly in the military today. Along with any data she may have on enlistment in general showing that only the poor, dumb and otherwise unemployable, evil and or morally compromised join. There are only three categories as far as this intellectual giant is concerned.

Those are her words...
edit on 9/7/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/7/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Golf66

High five to Golf!
edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

I also want to add that Golf's appraisal of this woman to be spot on. Except for me she reminds me of an overly opinionated and ignorant version of Bella Swan with her teehees and spastic eye batting.
edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:01 PM
I wonder who's boot heel America would be under if the military she doesn't support didn't exist? Would her stance be the same? Interestingly, while she has every right to not support American troops, the troops she doesn't support don't have the right to not support her. They are required by oath to help her in need, to protect her freedoms, and to keep her out of harm's way if the need should arise.

But keep on preaching, bobblehead. Good job.


posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:30 PM

We have all the usuall "I love my country so much I am blind and will do/say anything to support it" people here.

I is amasing how faith, or a strongly held opinion can make you deaf. I have seen little intelligent debate about her opinions. It is easy to condem people, do you have the intelligence to make a well rounded argument though?

There is a challenge.

I won't argue against you though. I am not here because I either support or dispute her argument, or yours for that matter. It just occured to me that so far if I was scoring on intelligence, content and presentation, she is still ahead of you guys.

Please remember - NOT ONE of the wars America is currently fighting is protecting Americans on American soil from foreign aggressors.

Now please make your case.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt

We have all the usuall "I love my country so much I am blind and will do/say anything to support it" people here.

I is amasing how faith, or a strongly held opinion can make you deaf. I have seen little intelligent debate about her opinions. It is easy to condem people, do you have the intelligence to make a well rounded argument though?

There is a challenge.

I won't argue against you though. I am not here because I either support or dispute her argument, or yours for that matter. It just occured to me that so far if I was scoring on intelligence, content and presentation, she is still ahead of you guys.

Please remember - NOT ONE of the wars America is currently fighting is protecting Americans on American soil from foreign aggressors.

Now please make your case.

I made my case already and no one has said anything beyond how brainwashed I am. I have to say we have an amazing propaganda machine. If they are willing to divert three ships and over 400 military personnel to get me on board so I could experience all the peoples and culture I have then bravo to them; they seem to be catering to individual need now.

And my key point is would you rather soldiers die there or have more civilians die here? I know from reading some of these posts many would answer all the soldiers should die because we are in a video game induced stupor for murdering people. Beyond my initial point of people being killed here or there I am not going to comment much more on if the wars are just or not because it is a very grey issue, but to accuse people of being in the military as murderers is ignorant of the highest caliber. Other than me dragging some of you on a plane and depositing you in a Marine FOB to go on patrols there isn't any other way to convince you.

And Matt I wish you could get a procedure done for your cranial rectal inversion so you can see the contradictions in your own post. You say how faith and strongly held opinions make you def to reason. I have yet to see anything thought provoking from the opposition. I have countered with facts when one individual challenged us to find a non European country that had crossed countries to or large bodies of water to occupy another country in the last 1000 years I found many, several were from the 20th century alone, one of which was in many of our life times.

As for content, I am sorry I don't own a low cut sweater or have boobs, she has me there. I might get some if they are this powerful. If only I could show some ball cleavage going and sway people. Show me some of these statistics, all I have been hearing is statistics that the Bella Swan want to be are lauding as undeniable proof, of these murders the troops have committed unless you are marking every insurgent/mujaheddin and civilian killed as a murder? No one can argue with how you interpret those statistics because you are going to believe what you are going to believe. I post here because I hope some fence sitter while see us squabbling and do what he feels is right for which ever one of us he/she feels is right.

Also how you word your very post shows your support for her whether you like it or not.
edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

Remember America has problems, but America isn't the problem.
edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:36 PM
No need to fill this thread with more fuel for the fire but I'll simply state my opinion that I agree with her.Rip me for not stating a reason but it's all been said already by those with more word skills than I and no one will be swayed by anyone else so it's kind of a moot point anyway.

And that's a pretty bad run-on sentence even by my standards.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:51 PM

edit on 9-7-2011 by tomg88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 03:01 AM
Firstly, thanks for some proper debate, without any name calling. This is what I am here for!

So, firstly I would say that I do not think that any military person who kills under orders is a murderer. This is a stupid point of view, as I am shure many would agree. It is an old philosphical question is it not. To blame the soldier or the general? Having made that clear, I am sure you are as aware, probably more so, than the rest of us that the military has been let down by some bad apples, and they are murderers. Killing for fun, becasue they can. I admit this is a tiny percentage of the armed forces, but we both know it does happen.

My biggest beef with the whole argument is that people seem to swallow the lie that any of these wars are in any way protecting the public of the US, the UK, or any other westerners. They don't. They make us all much more likely to come under attack fromm terrorists beacuse we just stuck a stick in the wasps nest. Even British government ministers have openly stated that the public are at increased risk because of these actions.

Logical bit: If the wars overseas were making the US population safer, why the need for ever increasing security at airports? Surely 10 years into the war on terror we should be well on the way to quashing the threat and making these security checks unecesary?
So either we failed to win the war so these security checks are still required, or the war has nesecitated them?

I don't support the forces, nor do I support the individual soldiers who are fightinng these wars.

I DO respect them as individuals, and I respect their bravery (I could not do their job in a million years).

"Cranial rectal inversion" - I like that. Although I would say that actually my beleifs are based on listening to everyone, rather than turning a blind eye (Or def ear) to the bits which don't fit my personal philosophy.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Shamatt

Firstly, thanks for some proper debate, without any name calling. This is what I am here for!

So, firstly I would say that I do not think that any military person who kills under orders is a murderer. This is a stupid point of view, as I am shure many would agree. It is an old philosphical question is it not. To blame the soldier or the general? Having made that clear, I am sure you are as aware, probably more so, than the rest of us that the military has been let down by some bad apples, and they are murderers. Killing for fun, becasue they can. I admit this is a tiny percentage of the armed forces, but we both know it does happen.

My biggest beef with the whole argument is that people seem to swallow the lie that any of these wars are in any way protecting the public of the US, the UK, or any other westerners. They don't. They make us all much more likely to come under attack fromm terrorists beacuse we just stuck a stick in the wasps nest. Even British government ministers have openly stated that the public are at increased risk because of these actions.

Logical bit: If the wars overseas were making the US population safer, why the need for ever increasing security at airports? Surely 10 years into the war on terror we should be well on the way to quashing the threat and making these security checks unecesary?
So either we failed to win the war so these security checks are still required, or the war has nesecitated them?

I don't support the forces, nor do I support the individual soldiers who are fightinng these wars.

I DO respect them as individuals, and I respect their bravery (I could not do their job in a million years).

"Cranial rectal inversion" - I like that. Although I would say that actually my beleifs are based on listening to everyone, rather than turning a blind eye (Or def ear) to the bits which don't fit my personal philosophy.

*shakes hand* You are the only one who has responded with a good honest and respectable stance. The thing about troops being killed there so we can be safe here is a personal opinion, perhaps to justify things but I think it is a decent opinion But then again it is mine :p. To be honest I just wanted to at least be treated with the respect any other person would like and I have been fighting doggedly in this thread for at least that. I like that you may not support the soldier, but at least respect us, that really all it was about for me. I was just appalled by her sweeping generalizations and dehumanizing rhetoric. Thank you.

As for the check points I feel that we may never get rid of them in this age, terrorism can never cruelly be beaten because not everyone agrees or likes what is coming, a global culture. But that is me.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by tomg88

Having a normal conversation and debate on a serious topic is why were here but it every single person who sides with the shrew in the video does nothing but repeat Daily Kos and Rachel Maddow talking points with no basis in fact like the individual who defied us to find an instance of a country invading another and that only the US/UK has done so. Between the two of us I think we came up with 15+ instances in the past 200 years in about 40 seconds

But only America and the UK really does it- the rest were pretend wars and lies.

I believe we are all waiting as well for exactly what medal one is issued when one stabs civilian non-combatants to death. Oh wait... that's not going to happen because there is none- but the girl in the OP has nice hooters so she MUST be telling the truth. It's damn sad when that is the intellectual level of the vast majority of posters in this thread are at.

In the meantime we'll be waiting for someone to dig up the citation and a photo of the medal / ribbon for homicide. Going to be waiting a long time though- the ones who are backing this chick are probably posting from their iPhone while shopping at Wal-Mart for Che Guevara shirts to prove how anti-corporate they are

edit on 10-7-2011 by SFA437 because: typos

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt We have all the usuall "I love my country so much I am blind and will do/say anything to support it" people here.

I love America and what it stands for – I do not love what It has become; however, the individuals who chose to serve in the military are not the cause of this issue. For the most part people join the military for a multitude of various reasons; some for patriotism, some for college money, and some do indeed join because they have little other option.

However, as our “intelligent and opinionated” video star indicates there are only three types the poor and chronically unemployable, the evil (criminally insane serial killers), and those who know what they do is wrong but don’t care (the morally compromised).

Originally posted by Shamatt I is amasing how faith, or a strongly held opinion can make you deaf. I have seen little intelligent debate about her opinions. It is easy to condem people, do you have the intelligence to make a well rounded argument though?

In so far as this is patently false and in no way can be supported with any facts at all – I called her a bimbo. Note she is not a member of ATS (as far as I know), she is not debating here, she is just the chick who made a you tube video asserting all kinds of negative slander about those who chose to serve in the military and making very broad sweeping generalizations in the process. In going public and insulting millions of veterans and those serving currently accusing them of wholesale murder and such I think “bimbo” is pretty tame actually.

As for any logical discussion or debate – when the person with whom you have an issue has presented false claims as if they are fact there is not much room left for it. I still ask to see her figures as to where any serial killer is allowed to join the military and perhaps some figures to support that only the poor and unemployable enlist. Until that happens I am not going to discuss anything because it is just her opinion.

Still very interested in the honor or award for killing innocents with a knife... You can't spew crap like that as fact then expect an honest and logical debate. I will also say that anyone who thinks that, this claim or any other she makes is intelligent and thought out is as much a bimbo as she is.

Originally posted by Shamatt It just occured to me that so far if I was scoring on intelligence, content and presentation, she is still ahead of you guys.

I don’t condemn her for having an opinion (I am willing to die for her right to spew it.) – she is entitled to it; I condemn her for stating her opinion as fact. She is using her cutesy manner and appearance to ply people’s opinion. It is a fairly common tactic. If you put 100 people in a room and asked them to speak then had a panel rate their IQ the “pretty/charismatic people” would score about 10-20 points higher than their actual. This phenomena works for Obama, it worked for Regan works for a lot of people in industry and academia.

Originally posted by Shamatt Please remember - NOT ONE of the wars America is currently fighting is protecting Americans on American soil from foreign aggressors.

Now please make your case.

Actually, this point is very much subject to debate – much like Barry’s claims that the stimulus prevented the loss of XXXX jobs it is very hard to prove. It is likely that some indeed were saved.

Same with the fact that taking the war to our enemies and disrupting the terrorists staging and training areas and taking away their funds and killing their operatives in foreign soil likely has prevented many attacks that could not and did not make it past the planning stage. It is way better to fight them where they live and work than to wait till they get here don’t you think. IMO I’d rather 1million foreigners die than one American. America is my family, right or wrong she’s all I have and like I would defend my children if they were threatened in my home by taking the battle outside we take it to foreign soil. Not really all that hard to understand.

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