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Why This Lovely Woman Does NOT Support The Troops - Amazing Video

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:47 PM
Her reasoning stands firm, I support her for her views.

True, if you want to be a killer, join the military, they have plenty of openings for people that want to kill or get killed.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by AGENTJa

Originally posted by mrwupy
She has the right to say the things she said, as long as you understand the only reason she has that right is stronger people are willing to take up arms and defend her right to say it.

If she had said such a thing in 90% of the countries on this planet, her head would be on a pike before sunset.

She's nothing more than a very ignorant, unappreciative bitch. She has the right to be that though, cause people are willing to fight and die to give her that right.

I Knew someone would resort to the B word and here they are. Everything she references is 100% spot on historic fact. Actually she left quite a bit out that is every bit as damning. There has been no just war since WWII and there is even some issues with that one but not as many as the current debacles. Also maybe Afghanistan but even that should have been a limited skirmish and the real backers should have been sought out in saudi. Its a know fact that sadam had no wmds, had no connection to 911 and was no serious threat. Yet we are still there as occupiers defending american freedoms which are actually being taken away. As this person would happily make it illegal for this woman to say what she has said. Probably wouldn't even be above striking her for it. Her reasons are valid for felling the way she does. And they are her views. I left the military during the clinton admin. because I already saw then the lack of honor among my fellow marines that I thought existed before I joined. Did my 4 and left. Can't imagine being involved with whats going on now.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Actually I do cop to committing war crimes.

NOBODY should be teaching Iraqis to dance like drunk Irishmen....

edit on 5-7-2011 by SFA437 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by SFA437

Nice pictures. Now try going to google images... Type in "Iraq children".

Those images are far more representative of what is happening in Iraq.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by OnionSurfer

I have no idea where images on Google come from.

I do however know where mine came from since I either took them or are in them.

Here's some more evidence of Iraqis not getting stabbed at a local Baghdad soccer field....

edit on 5-7-2011 by SFA437 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by OnionSurferVolunteer forces? That's not how they sold it to us. They told us about how much money we'd get for joining up. How we could ship a BMW in from Germany for pennies. How we'd get $60,000 for college. How we'd get all kinds of money and benefits for re-enlisting and starting a family. When this stuff wasn't enough, our recruiter just started selling us on the alcohol. Sadly, that was enough for many of my friends to join.

It is unfortunate that you encountered a poor recruiter - he was obviously immature and unprofessional. All of the things he said are true of course but if those are the reasons a person would join I personally would rather not serve with them.

Well, actually I have served with a few good kids who came in for the college money; however, they did their best rather than hung back and sucked the system. The best are the ones who join to provide for thier families they are motivated to succeed.

Also, even though you can join and die you can't drink legally until you are 21 - stupid rule but the rule none the less. There is some discussion on letting local commanders decide the drinking age on post but I haven't heard if that’s come to pass. When I came in the drinking age was 18 for beer and wine and 21 for liquor and when it changed I was grandfathered in. However, I'm not a big drinker - I was then but not now.

It is, regardless - an all volunteer force the fact you are paid does not take that away. There is no draft and even after you sign the contract you can leave at any time until you actually ship for training.

Originally posted by OnionSurferAlso, I don't know what makes you so positive that I will need to know the ROE someday. I don't plan on engaging anyone in armed combat, and I certainly don't plan on using the law of our land to justify killing someone on a battle field.

You misunderstood, the ROE is not what you need to know it is the art of war - how to close with and defeat a hostile attacker(s) or how to avoid one at least. Not necessarily in combat but just for personal protection. Fieldcraft is invaluable in a SHTF scenario.

Originally posted by OnionSurferI think you're incredibly brave for facing down men who were trying to kill you. However, killing an armed man in combat can only protect the lives of people in the vicinity. It does nothing to protect millions of Americans living half-way around the globe. Especially in these meaningless wars that we are fighting today.

I am not brave I was scared #less every time I got in a fire fight but we all relied on our team mates to do thier jobs and that kept us all focused for success.

As for the result of the operations overseas having no effect on things here that is untrue - do you fight an enemy after he gets in your bedroom or before he comes through the door? Better yet in his house or in his yard is ideal.

Originally posted by OnionSurferAnd as for Iraq's water and electricity; American corporations run the utilities and the rebuilding effort in Iraq. The US govt just writes out a fat check and hands it out. People cry about welfare queens, but they always forget about the welfare kings: big business. We, the taxpayers, are paying corporations to bomb the hell out of the middle east, and then we pay them again to rebuild it.

Without our actions on the ground they would still be living in the dark 20 hours a day. Our strikes were not the casue of the breakdown in electric infrastructure it was poor managment by the Sadam goons.

Originally posted by OnionSurferI have nothing against the individuals who are sent to war. Like I've said, I know many people who have gone and I know a few who didn't come back. And if they were over there, truly protecting my freedom, then I would probably join them.

Again, engaging one's enemies is best done in his territory keep the war out of your own house.

Personally I would rather have the bombs falling on their lands and any collateral damage be to their people not ours over here - wouldn't you? Take it to them don't wiait for their inevitable arrival.

You never want a war to come to America’s streets – if we can fight them 5 thousand miles away all the better.

edit on 5/7/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:12 PM
SFA437,showing videos and pictures from your dandy time over there doesnt justify war over there,do you think it does?

Without our actions on the ground they would still be living in the dark 20 hours a day. Our strikes were not the casue of the breakdown in electric infrastructure it was poor managment by the Sadam goons.

Ohh,now that just makes your presence there all the worth while doesnt it now...

Again, engaging one's enemies is best done in his territory keep the war out of your own house. Personally I would rather have the bombs falling on their lands and any collateral damage be to their people not ours over here - wouldn't you? Take it to them don't wiait for their inevitable arrival. You never want a war to come to America’s streets – if we can fight them 5 thousand miles away all the better.

I agree,but if you arent being threatened then why would go and create a war at their doorstep?
The whole thing in the Middle East is illegal,simple as that.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Golf66

i would not say I am clueless about the military, long history of service in my family (both g-gfathers WWI, three grandparents in WWII, two Uncles in Nam, a brother Gulf and "OIF", and to many friends to count in "OIF") I was enlisted and later DQ'ed (day before I shipped out) from several of the MoS's I was interested in but that is another story all together. My military knowledge runs pretty deep maybe not in the same manner your knowledge was obtained but knowledge none the less gathered from every service member I have ever been close with.

Every time I have heard service men speaking of Hadji it is in a derogatory manner, I live right by EAFB in SD Airmen make up a large portion of the population here. This may be bias on only what I have heard while around service people but that is the facts. I have no doubt that you perform your job well and that you do not use the term in that manner but it is being used like that. I have also heard the worse one you mentioned.

Government document that admit guilt would be kinda hard to come by I would think.

I am sure there are Iraqis that do report on the insurgents(Iraqi Patriots) just like people in the US would inform if the roles were reversed. I may have done some generalization before because there is always going to be people with in the country that support both sides... so I was wrong on that point.

training and experience I may lack the battlefield knowledge but I have been an avid reader of any military tactician books I can find.... I could end up as a casualty in this event were it to happen I like to believe I am ready I train much the same as the military does physically, I practice shooting just like the military, I own nearly everything a soldier is sent in to battle with grated they are civilian models....... I am better prepared than most I assure you this.

I would like to end by apologize for saying "Get off your military high horse" as that does sound aimed at you again a generalization meaning all of the military. "Get off the military high horse." would have been more accurate of what I was trying to say.

I think what I originally set out to say was being lost in my ramble. I think MOST soldiers are just there to do there jobs and get home same she was making a sweeping generalization as I was to and that is incorrect. You seem like one of the good ones and I did not intend to make it seem different.

edit on 5-7-2011 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

A question cam to mind as I was sitting here. In the event of civil unrest here in the US (say Washington forces the UN's small arms resolution on the public) do you think most service personnel would turn their guns on the public?..... Would you?
edit on 5-7-2011 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
SFA437,showing videos and pictures from your dandy time over there doesnt justify war over there,do you think it does?

No. The videos and pictures of Uday's rape parties comes pretty close though. Not quite there but close. Using chemical weapons... yeah genocide qualifies for someone to intervene.

My photos and videos are a counterpoint to the assertions that every soldier, sailor, airman and Marine in theater is running around shooting everything brown and moving, stabbing people, cutting off heads and acting like they are living out some video game.
edit on 5-7-2011 by SFA437 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Actually she does not express herself well. She is rather inarticulate. She cannot support what she says. And while I can agree with the ideal, the concept, and accordingly am not a supporter of warfare, she makes grand, sweeping generalizations, most of which are particularly presumptuous.

" they are either dumb...or or or they are evil..."

Black. White.

She seems to be about the age when BPD strikes, and that would be my second guess. First guess would be that she's the sort who has to take issue with everything- someone that doesn't feel right unless they get revved up over something, anything. It makes her feel good to rant, look at her language, notice how she presses a condescending giggle now and again. She's someone with an issue that took a stand, and can't support it. Someone with a big, fake chip on their shoulder.

"take an ak-47 to a 5 year olds face".

"51% of the taxes I pay go to support this genocide".

She later contradicts herself and adds to "Dumb" and "Evil" or "Morally Compromised".

So again remind me what she said that was factual, that wasn't a gross generalization, and what she backed up with evidence? I understand that when someone gets mad they'll make all manner of statements, but if you're going to set up a you-tube presence under the guise of venting/ranting, at some point it would seem logical to actually have some facts handy.

The video on her youtube page on how to "win someone to the Lord...", combined with her mega-rant which OP posted, is a textbook presentation of someone with BPD (and to be fair I have also browsed some of her other videos). I wouldn't listen to this person as far as I could throw them.

Edit: Was listening to another of her videos, and I knew I was done with this when I heard her say, "the forces of evilization".

edit on 5-7-2011 by Kaplan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I agree with a lot of what this young woman is saying and I certainly applaude her for saying it. I am pretty sure it is not a popular opinion in most places.

Now, that being said I do want to touch on a couple of things; both her opinion and some comments. Firstly, there is an excuse for some of the young men and women who find themselves caught up in this madness. Its called brainwashing. It is a tried and true method and used with great success by the military. You take a bunch of kids who still don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and for 8 to 12 weeks, separated from their friends and family and eventually even from their sense of self, you begin to fill that void with the poison that best suits your needs. In this case it is convincing these young people that they are fighting for freedom and democracy.

The other thing that needs to be said is that even though we have a volunteer military, those who join up did not necessarily "volunteer". Many are products of the recession/depression that we are experiencing. There are a disproportionate number of poor and minorities in our military. If you have no job, no education and no prospects, the military can look like a pretty good opportunity. Add that to the battle cry of 9/11 and you have a ready made lump of malleable clay.

There was also a comment regarding military men making money off the wars. While that is true for the elite, the officers that follow up their military careers with new careers in the civilian side of the military industrial complex, it is not even close to the truth as it applies to the enlisted. They are barely paid enough to live on. Yes, they get some helpful benefits while on active duty and if they survive intact, they have some benefits that may help them to connect to a more successful life than they may have had otherwise. But they are not getting rich. Of course if they decide they like killing people they can always join up with one of the private security companies and sell their souls for a downpayment on a McMansion.

Things are always more complicated than they seem.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:04 PM
I enjoyed the video. I thought she expressed herself very well and made valid points. Since Canadian troops are in Afghanistan, we get a lot of the "support the troops" style cheerleading in this country too, from media personalities of one sort or another.

On the face of it, the idea of supporting the troops seems like a no brainer. The troops are for the most part citizens like anyone else. They are in a difficult position. They must support one another in that situation or be killed.

I've heard it said by ex-soldiers before that a soldier doesn't fight for an ideal. He fights for the guy in the foxhole next to him.

That's how soldiers are manipulated into becoming murderers . . . for the duration.

They are fighting for friends in danger, friends who have been wounded and friends who have been killed.

The people who want the wars, for their own, often monetary, reasons are well aware of the personal dynamics of war on the lowest level. It's like a nuclear reaction on a personal level among the soldiers, a reaction sustained by blood.

I think the "support the troops" movement, both here and in the United States is a calculated attempt to get the public involved in that personal dynamic, usually confined to battlefield soldiers, by which wars are sustained.

One could say that there are valid reasons for supporting the troops, particularly if one of them is a family member, but the young lady in the video has demonstrated that there are valid reasons also for refusing to support the troops.

I support the Canadian troops in Afghanistan with my tax dollars. I help to pay their wages. I don't support their efforts in Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is an imperial war of aggression that started out as an example of American vigilantism against a state harboring a man wanted by the American justice system.

I think the "support the troops" campaigning in this country is an attempt to fill the space allotted to public discourse in this country with cheerleading in order to avoid discussing Canadian complicity in what is, in fact, an American war crime.

Thanks to the OP for posting the video. The lady in the video is right in my opinion and furthermore, there is something very calculated and sinister in these "support the troops" campaigns.

During the Vietnam War era, people supported the troops in the usual fashion but also by taking to the streets and trying to put a stop to that war. There is more than one way to support the troops, and one of those ways is not to allow yourself to be pushed around and silenced by the "support the troops" movement.

edit on 5-7-2011 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Geez, I love it when the uneducated run their suck. It sure does brighten my day.

She says that in the age of the internet, there are vast amounts of info to educate yourself, then goes ahead and bleats, "The US has killed a million people in Iraq."

Yeah. Right. Care to show me the bodies? You just don't freakin' hide 1,000,000 dead people without someone noticing.

At that point, I stopped the video. Can I get that minute or so of my life back?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
She has the right to say the things she said, as long as you understand the only reason she has that right is stronger people are willing to take up arms and defend her right to say it.

If she had said such a thing in 90% of the countries on this planet, her head would be on a pike before sunset.

She's nothing more than a very ignorant, unappreciative bitch. She has the right to be that though, cause people are willing to fight and die to give her that right.

Actually occupying land in every country on the earth has nothing to do with "freedom of speech". If we were really trying to make our country more secure and free we would be manufacturing our own products and not relying so much on countries like China for cheap stuff OH AND maybe employing our fellow country people rather than illegal immigrants and shipping things offshore.

You should be more afraid of your politicians and companies than you are "terrorists".

As many others have said WWII was the last real war we have fought that had some meaning. Middle East = Vietnam part 2. If we were really going after terrorists we would have used tactical nukes in the suspect areas in the middle east until people gave up the location of terrorists instead of harboring them. We are there for a multitude of reasons... JUST imo of course.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Hell the sole reason we're in Iraq is that in 2002 there was an SES intel guy who made a strong case for the fall of the House of Saud within 10 years. If Saudi falls to Wahabbist extremists the tap gets cut off and we're looking at 10 buck a gallon gasoline. The environmental lobby here would keep new drilling off the table and the oil lobby would keep alternative fuels off the table.

As I said before nation states act in their own interests with no consideration given to others. True dog eat dog played out on a global scale.

As a hedge the Iraqi fields in Kurdistan were seen as viable. The Kurds are extremely friendly to US interests but the problem was Saddam. Saddam had used chemical weapons in the past and his mukhaburat and intelligence services were saying they had massive stockpiles of chem/bio weapons and were developing nukes. They were doing this because of the massive losses inflicted in the war with Iran and the Kuwait takeover. They were bluffing out Iran- making them think that they'd be gassed and given the gonnhosyphaherparrhoids. Even Saddam himself stated in his debriefings that if he thought the US would put boots in the dirt he'd have ratcheted back the rhetoric and disinformation.

At the time this was not known but the intel coming from Saddam's own people, backed up by some admittedly shady characters outside Iraq was used as the excuse to go secure the Kurdish fields with the best light, sweet crude on the face of the planet.

The moonbats actually got the reason for the war right but not the motivation.

Whether or not the war was legal it was justified according to the backdoor rules by which nation states conduct their affairs. Diplomacy is the art of bending another country over the table and pulling a Ned Beatty on them. War is for when that fails. Both have the same objective- just differing means.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmericanA question came to mind as I was sitting here. In the event of civil unrest here in the US (say Washington forces the UN's small arms resolution on the public) do you think most service personnel would turn their guns on the public?..... Would you?

I think there might be some who would indeed carry out their orders regardless...but not many really. Once the Joint Chiefs and other Generals make their plays their troops will likely go along with their actions. However, that depends a lot on what they are asking the kids to do, how long it lasts, and what false flag they came up with to break the ice.

I can assure you; however, that I know the SOCOM community and there are not many there who would carry out any order to disarm the people or to cart them off to camps. I and many of my fellow operators were and are members of the Oath Keepers. Our generals are not usually political and our Colonels are certainly mavericks and out of the box thinkers. We would melt into the population and do what we do best.

I would use 24 years of special operations experience and training to organize and conduct operations against a government that became hostile to the people it serves.

I am sure I am on about a half a dozen watch lists. I have a dealer’s license for fire arms, an explosive license, I am a veteran, an Oath Keeper, a prepper, a libertarian and a conspiracy nut....

I own about 20 weapons of various calibers and have thousands of rounds of many types. I have food for 3 years own 140 (40 free and clear) acres several horses, dairy cows, goats and other livestock.

I can only imagine a red dot on my mailbox so big it would blot out the sun.

All I can tell them is if they intend to round me up they better bring a platoon size element with armor support because it will be one hell of a firefight. I have never had to fight for my own land before always for that of others – I imagine my determination to win would be even higher.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:10 PM

edit on 5-7-2011 by Lysergic because: BADMON

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

I thought that she expressed herself very well and very much drilled down to not supporting the troops vs. the army/wars.

I find it very difficult to disagree with any of her views and would love to have a cup of coffee with her and have great discussions.

I wish there were more people like this, more people who did not categorize a thought under a generalized umbrella, I believe that this flaw of generalizing is a major contributor to not understanding current events.

Excellent Speech!!!

Pretty good explaination, Ignorance of the law and actions isn't an excuse here here.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Golf66

I see that you and I have the same views on more than one thing even if I do disagree with our war it is nice to know that there are more like you out there. I hope the day never comes but I fear it nears closer each day with the actions we are taking in other countries leading us down that road.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

I thought that she expressed herself very well and very much drilled down to not supporting the troops vs. the army/wars.

I find it very difficult to disagree with any of her views and would love to have a cup of coffee with her and have great discussions.

I wish there were more people like this, more people who did not categorize a thought under a generalized umbrella, I believe that this flaw of generalizing is a major contributor to not understanding current events.

Excellent Speech!!!

If you don't support your troops, please feel free to stand in front of them. If you don't support your Government is one thing, not the men and women who are defending your freedom of speech.

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