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vegan diet cures cancer++other diseases

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Here's a link to a thread of mine on Meat making us smarter...

Think about it: Because raw plant foods are so calorically deficient, to consume enough food to meet energy demands would require almost an entire day of eating. This would leave little time for traits that we define as human, like intelligence/technology, to evolve.

The human brain is quite demanding, calorically speaking. But if the body has to ration its energy supplies to an even greater energy consumer--say, for instance...the gut--then the brain will remain evolutionarily stagnant. Therefore, the dietary introduction of meat, and specifically cooked meat, allowed for a smaller gut and, subsequently, less devoted energy requirements to the digestive system, which allowed for greater brain development/growth.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

meating our caloric demand definitely is satiating... sure you got enough there? you say plant matter stays in our system longer then meats but i refuse to believe this if your chewing your food properly. your right meat is suposed to pass right though the system though, however that's for carnivores with 6' intestines. our intestines ~28 feet produces beta carotene needed to breakdown plant matter. im not cattle i dont eat all day... 6 10 minute light meals and im able to work out and hit my bags the rest of the day. i understand meat delivers more protein and that protein holds the plant nutrients deeper so as it breaks down you get processed plant nutrients + protien longer throughout the day. i dont get what people think is added extra besides the b-12

NPR link in your thread claims we had large stomachs from not eating meat?... WHTA?>!> anyone i know who stops eating meat losses sizes on there belly after 1-2 months.
edit on 20-6-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by gougitousakusha
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

meating our caloric demand definitely is satiating... sure you got enough there? you say plant matter stays in our system longer then meats but i refuse to believe this if your chewing your food properly.

People believe in religion. Science is about facts. The fact is...plant matter rots in the stomach, not meat. It has little to do with chewing, which is the beginning of digestion, and everything to do with where fiber is fermented, which is at the tail end of digestion (no pun intended).

NPR link in your thread claims we had large stomachs from not eating meat?... WHTA?>!> anyone i know who stops eating meat losses sizes on there belly after 1-2 months.

Oh jeez.

The stomach, is part of the digestive system. That loss in size of the stomach was not internal organs shrinking, but rather fat being released from fat cells and burned as fuel.

When the NPR link was referring to the size of stomach and abdomen, it literally meant the space within the abdomen and the size of the digestive system. Herbivores must have huge digestive tracts to extract the nutrients from the whole foods that are consumed. It's a myth that meat sits and rots in your body just because you don't have a short digestive system like a carnivore.

Guess what...We aren't carnivores...we're omnivores.
edit on 20-6-2011 by DevolutionEvolvd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:12 PM
do you think i care about vegetable matter siting in my intestines? the problem is when you have processed meat with who knows what kind of preservatives fighting off the break down process. doesn't rot/fermentation cause gas? no problems here.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by gougitousakusha

You should. There are plant proteins that will cause allergies and sensitivities. One of which is called Celiacs disease, a gluten intolerance that is directly related to digestion.

Regardless, you're dodging my rebuttal.

And what added preservatives are in organically raised meats?

Yes, microbial fermentation has a side effect...flatulence.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:06 AM
people are talking, i like this!

did anyone watch the movie yet?

please chime in..



posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by Painterz
A friend of mine believed this, when she got cancer. She refused conventional medical treatment because she believed a combination of diet, meditation, yoga and crystal healing, could cure her.

She died 6 months later. Of what was a very very treatable form of cancer.

What do you consider very very treatable form of cancer?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by gypsychology909

I used to know this vegan activist who would hand out pamphlets, and young guys would mock him for not eating meat and how weak he probably was. He'd challenge them to arm wrestle, I don't think he ever lost, and that may have gotten more people interested in a vegan diet than anything else he did.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia
believe what you want, but Truth is Truth...

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.

do you believe mainstream media, governments, fda and any other so called authority or do you believe yourself?

Plant Foods Have a Complete Amino Acid Composition

i'll share more when i can find some time

i love you all very much...

please share, let's wake up!

thank you

You can not get B12 from plants, not a single one. Your body requires B12 without it you die. You can get B12 from animals, fish, and insects.

You can get B12 from growing crops in manure and not washing it, but then you get the diseases anyways, kind of defeats the purpose of this thread.

The optimal human diet in my opinion is mostly fruits (we have a natural sweet tooth), some plant foods, along with fish, small game occasionally and insects. We're a primate species with a subcutaneous layer of fat, something only mammals that spend some time in the water have. We're an aquatic ape and we should eat like it.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by sirnex

Originally posted by cornucopia
believe what you want, but Truth is Truth...

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.

do you believe mainstream media, governments, fda and any other so called authority or do you believe yourself?

Plant Foods Have a Complete Amino Acid Composition

i'll share more when i can find some time

i love you all very much...

please share, let's wake up!

thank you

You can not get B12 from plants, not a single one. Your body requires B12 without it you die. You can get B12 from animals, fish, and insects.

You can get B12 from growing crops in manure and not washing it, but then you get the diseases anyways, kind of defeats the purpose of this thread.

The optimal human diet in my opinion is mostly fruits (we have a natural sweet tooth), some plant foods, along with fish, small game occasionally and insects. We're a primate species with a subcutaneous layer of fat, something only mammals that spend some time in the water have. We're an aquatic ape and we should eat like it.

lol, aquatic ape...that's a new one

actually...any live/raw food containin a B vitamin will more often that not conatain ALL B''s just another attempt to scare people away from being vegetarian..

you see the meat/dairy industry dumps millions of dollars into making this stuff up...

the fda could come out and say meat eaters need vitamin K, because meat does not contain K....

then what do you do?


B12 is easier to come by than some may think, ALL is well

some sea veggies contain B12 for example...

honestly you get everything you need and then some in raw/organic plant life...that's Truth

we all have a choice on what we put into our bodies...

Humans need to be educated so they can make wise decisions...

ALL hidden Truths revealed...

ALL shall be revealed...

will you notice the big changes?

the Truths coming out?

whatever floats your boat, i'm just sharing and saying and loving


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:50 PM
I've been a vegetarian for about four years. I decided to do it because my parents became vegan and I really liked the food and realized that I didn't really like meat because cooking it and handling it grossed me out. Don't get me wrong, I like expensive steak, bacon, and taco bell, but given my budget I was living off of fast food meat and frozen burritos.

I had chronic tonsillitis and was sick every few weeks. I also didn't like how when I went to a restaurant and ordered pretty much anything it was almost all meat and a few garnishments. I just think vegetarian food is more well rounded if you do it right and a lot of people confuse the fact that meat has complete proteins, but if you eat rice and beans, or almost any combination of vegetables, you will have complete proteins, which is all the amino acids you need. Of course you also need iron and B12, but I get that from a vitamin which has a bunch of other good stuff. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat once a day or once a week, I just don't like it much so I don't do it. You really don't need it as a main course with every meal though, as has become the standard in America. Remember, everything in excess is probably bad and I would call that excess. Of course native people ate meat, but it was mostly at celebrations or special occasions or when they could get their hands on it.

Anyways, since becoming vegetarian I haven't gotten so much as a cold. I've been randomly poisoned twice, once by tar and once by some allergy or something that went away in a day. Sometimes I feel like I've got a bug, but I can feel my body fighting it and I don't get sick. I don't know why my tonsillitis was healed or why I don't get sick, probably just because I eat healthier now, but I still have times of unhealthy food habits and I can also gain weight if not careful because I still eat grains and cheese and sugar. I know I'm still at risk for cancer because my family history of skin cancer, but sometimes people expose themselves to things which they don't know will cause cancer, luckily I can stay out of the sun. I'm also picky about cosmetics and chemicals, I don't put any chemicals on my body, no shampoo, sunscreen, laundry detergent, etc. But I can't really control what goes into the food I buy or what surrounds me, so I may still get cancer. At least I don't get the flu though.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by cornucopia

you see the meat/dairy industry dumps millions of dollars into making this stuff up...

the fda could come out and say meat eaters need vitamin K, because meat does not contain K....

then what do you do?

You keep eating foods high in Vitamin K, like spinach, along with high-fat animal products, like meat and dairy. If you weren't awayre, Vitamin K is fat-soluble. Unfortunately, most vegetarian/vegan diets are extremely low in fat (not all, but most).

Your comparison is quite fallacious in nature. What you're failing to realize is...meat eaters don't eat plant restricted diets (unlike vegans who restrict all animal products) So, if meat isn't high in vitamin K, we just eat more spinach with our next steak.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
It's vegetables, mainly the ones that are green, that tend to stay in the digestive system and rot (it's called bacterial fermentation). We don't have the digestive system that can efficiently digest plant matter like herbivorous reminants.

Meat doesn't rot in the gut....plant matter does.


Meat is harder to digest than plant foods and continues to putrefy in the digestive tract, taking about 4 to 4 1/12 hours to be absorbed in the intestines versus 2 to 2 1/2 for grains and vegetables.

Is the human body designed to eat Plant Foods, animal Foods, or both? Respectively, are we herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? While the human gastrointestinal tract is capable of digesting both plant and animal Foods, there are indications that we evolved to digest primarily Plant Foods. Specifically, our teeth are composed of twenty molars, which are perfect for crushing and grinding Plant Foods, along with eight front incisors, which are well suited for biting into fruits and vegetables.

- Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods.

However, while the human gastrointestinal tract is able to digest both animal and Plant Foods, there are indications that it can accommodate Plant Foods much more easily than the harder-to-digest animal Foods.
2 Specifically, our teeth are composed of twenty molars, which are perfect for crushing and grinding Plant Foods, along with eight front incisors, which are well suited for biting into fruits and vegetables. Only our front four canine teeth are designed for meat eating. Our jaws swing both vertically to tear and laterally to crush, while a carnivore s jaws only swing vertically.

- Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

And bacterial fermentation is the breakdown of chemicals by bacteria, like those that you get in yogurt or alcohol.
Too much bacterior can be caused by anything in the digestive track. Too much sugar is a big cause, not enough stomach acid, an intestinal obstruction, stress, medications etc.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Unfortunately, most vegetarian/vegan diets are extremely low in fat (not all, but most).

Actually fats from meat are not the most healthy.

The purest and most easily digested of all meats is the meat of nuts. In nutritive value, they far exceed all flesh-meats. One pound of peanuts is equal in nutritive value to more than two and one-half pounds of beefsteak.

You're just making excuses for meat eating, you're not proving it is necessary for you, or even healthy.

If you don't eat correctly you will be unhealthy regardless of whether you a meat eater or vege.

The whole 'you need meat' to be healthy is a myth created by the industry.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:28 AM
I know one person who is a vegan and she is Constantly sick, feels weak, has iron level issues, has headaches a lot. No thanks, I like steak.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by sbc650mike
I know one person who is a vegan and she is Constantly sick, feels weak, has iron level issues, has headaches a lot. No thanks, I like steak.

The she is not eating correctly. Some people become veges and think they can just remove the meat from the plate, and survive on the limited vege diet meat eaters generally have that is left.

She needs to be educated, not deterred.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Originally posted by cornucopia

you see the meat/dairy industry dumps millions of dollars into making this stuff up...

the fda could come out and say meat eaters need vitamin K, because meat does not contain K....

then what do you do?

You keep eating foods high in Vitamin K, like spinach, along with high-fat animal products, like meat and dairy. If you weren't awayre, Vitamin K is fat-soluble. Unfortunately, most vegetarian/vegan diets are extremely low in fat (not all, but most).

Your comparison is quite fallacious in nature. What you're failing to realize is...meat eaters don't eat plant restricted diets (unlike vegans who restrict all animal products) So, if meat isn't high in vitamin K, we just eat more spinach with our next steak.



well, let's just come out with it..


yes i said it

once you know how these animals are tortured and treated and you still choose to eat them, hmm....there may be something there....i'm just is what it is..

ok, how about this.... lifeforce in cooked flesh...

flesh that has been tortured has lots of low frequency hormones in it..

you are eating fear, litterally...

a vegan world is a peaceful world

there is no comparison between flesh or a muscle of an animal and let's say the good old bannana...

one has enzymes...probiotics..etc..

the other is dead, low frequency, low vibration...etc.etc.

those who know, know what i'm talking about

i love you all the same, i just wish you would choose to love the animals instead of eat them...

let's have peace for a change


thank you

thank you

thank you

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by sbc650mike
I know one person who is a vegan and she is Constantly sick, feels weak, has iron level issues, has headaches a lot. No thanks, I like steak.



sorry, but you are lying.

iron issues? lol, how is that possible when everything has iron in it?

what does she eat? sticks all day?

oh wait that has iron in it....


posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by cornucopia

Sorry but you are assuming. He could very well have a friend that has iron issues, but he might be mistaken its due to a strictly vegan diet. I have iron problems and I do eat meat and veggies, so I take vitamins to help supplement what my body doesn't absorb like it should.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by topherman420
reply to post by cornucopia

Sorry but you are assuming. He could very well have a friend that has iron issues, but he might be mistaken its due to a strictly vegan diet. I have iron problems and I do eat meat and veggies, so I take vitamins to help supplement what my body doesn't absorb like it should.

my intuition allows me to assume, even though it may look like some that i am not being compassionate...

if i know/feel if someone is telling me the truth or not, well i will speak on it...

nothing hidden...

if i am wrong, then of course i am sorry, but.....if am right...will said person say so?

yes, if the person could put ego to the side and just be real.

i love all of my brothers and sisters...

i thank you

let's not lie ever again...

let's be straight up real to each other, evn if you are behind a computer screen...image we are face to face...

i can feel you, are you real or truthful...i will know

hugs either way


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