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A Better World Without Men?

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:07 PM
This comes to mind:

"Women are all born angels, and when someone breaks our wings we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick ... Be warned"

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by B4Truth

You are so right about that! And they thought I was crazy! LOL

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:11 PM
The greatest good on earth is the love of a mother for her children,

Nothing a male can do or say can approach that level of love. It takes place on a higher order.

And that's not to say men are bad, or unloving, or is just that their capacity for love is limited.

And that's a fact.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:15 PM
You don't seem to understand. Put anyone in a position of power and they will eventually abuse that power regardless of gender. Removing one or the other is not the solution, equality [for all] is. Put a woman in a position of power and she will soon become as corrupt as the man that oppressed her - it's only a matter of time. People can be the biggest hypocrites. There is no victory on the scale when you put more weight on one side and not the other. Balance is key, like the balance of Ying and Yang.

A one gender society would be exceedingly boring, even if we had the technology or evolution to produce offspring asexually... it's like looking at grey your entire life. We become one, but we are born as two. Even the soul/spirit is considered male and female, but it becomes a part of the One at the higher levels.

As a man on this simple world, I can't imagine life without women. I'm disturbed by anyone, man or woman, that dreams of such nonsense like a world with one but not the other. Part of the adventure of life is conquering our duality by coexistence.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Doublemint

Originally posted by 2manyquestions

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by 2manyquestions

You dont know what your talking about.

Your speaking off the top of your head and arnt giving a RATIONAL view.

Start posting sources into your thread on where your getting MOST WOMEN from.
edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

Please explain what parts of my original post you are refuting. Quote them and argue against them. That's the way to a good discussion. What would you like me to post a source for? I posted a source for incarceration rates of men and women in the United States. Anything else you'd like me to post sources on?

yes please post a source for % and actual number of each crime murder, rape, and torture, for both men and women compared to the number of men and women over all.

If you're asking me for sources, here's one: Sexual Assult Statistics

I don't know how credible the source is, but here's what it has to say:

99% of people who rape are men, 60% are Caucasian. (7) Between 62% (4) and 84% (1) of survivors knew their attacker. 8% of men admit committing acts that meet the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. Of these men who committed rape, 84% said that what they did was definitely not rape. (1) More than one in five men report "becoming so sexually aroused that they could not stop themselves from having sex, even though the woman did not consent." (8) 35% of men report at least some degree of likelihood of raping if they could be assured they wouldn't be caught or punished. (9)

According to the following source: Female Sex Offenders

The majority of female offenders were family members who tended to abuse within their role as caretakers; 25% were baby-sitters, teachers or day care workers (Rudin, et al., 1995, p. 9692).

In one study done by Kaufman et al. (1995, p. 303), 88% of female sex offenders were teachers and 23% were baby-sitters. In the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 7% of sexual abuse investigations involved mothers as the alleged perpetrators--5% biological mothers and 2% stepmothers (Trocme et al. 2001, p. 494).

When the victim is male, female offenders account for 1% - 24% of the abusers; when the victim is female, female sex offenders account for 6% - 17% of the abusers (Kaufman et al., p. 3235).

In an American Justice Department study of 60,991 victims of sexual assaults, female sex offenders were most common in assaults against victims under age 6 years of age. For these very young victims, 12% of offenders were females; for victims aged 6-12 years, 6% of the offenders were female; and for victims ages 12-17, 3% were female sex offenders (Snyder, 2000, p. 86).

Female sex offender research shows that women co-abused alongside a male partner in 50% - 77% of female offender cases (Rudin, Zalewski & Bodmer-Turner, 1995, p. 9647).

Research shows that there is no difference in the severity of abuse by female sex offenders as compared to male sex offenders (Rudin et al., 1995, p. 9698)

If these sources are accurate, it shows me what I suspected; which is that while women also commit horrific crimes, the percentage of women committing these crimes versus the percentage of men committing the same crimes is still low comparatively.

Speaking of Serial Killers (Link is from 1998, so it's a bit outdated, but I don't imagine the numbers climbed too much since then): Electronic Journal of Sociology

While some researchers (Egger 1990; Leyton 1986) argue that the small number of female serialists makes systematic analysis of female serialists impractical or even impossible, other analysts have limited their research in this way for theoretical and/or ideological reasons. For example, to show how patriarchal structures contribute to violence against women, some radical feminists explicitly limit their efforts to examining male serialists (Cameron and Fraser 1987; Caputi 1987; 1989; 1990: Chesler 1993). Other analysts disagree. They point out that there is strong empirical evidence which not only indicates that there are female serialists, but that there is sufficient data upon which to begin theorizing about female serial murderers. For example, Hickey's (1997) data shows that female serialists account for almost 15% of known serialists operating in the United States from 1800 to 1995. These percentages of male and female killers are comparable to the percentages of male and female murderers found among one time killers. Similarly, Keeney and Heide (1994), Cluff, Hunter and Hinch (1997), and Scott (1992) have shown that theorizing about female serialists using the existing data base can tell us much about the overall social, cultural and political context within which serial murder takes place.

Bank Robberies: Robbing Banks No Longer Just for Guys, FBI statistics show

Nationwide, 6.2 percent of all bank heists today are committed by women. That's up from 4.9 percent in 2002 -- a 25 percent increase, according to the most recent FBI crime statistics.

Child Kidnapping: Kidnapping Statistics and Prevention

In the NIBRS jurisdictions, family kidnaping perpetrators are usually parents (80 percent), almost always adults (98 percent), and often female (43 percent) (figures 2 and 3). Although not a majority of family kidnaping perpetrators, females commit a substantially larger portion of the family abductions than they do of acquaintance abductions (16 percent), stranger abductions (5 percent), or violent crimes in general (24 percent).

Stranger perpetrators are predominately males (95 percent) and predominately adults (90 percent) (figures 2 and 3). Acquaintance kidnaping has the largest proportion of juvenile offenders (30 percent) and a somewhat higher percentage of female offenders than stranger kidnaping (16 percent and 5 percent, respectively). Data from the NIBRS jurisdictions provide limited information about the characteristics of some offenders in the acquaintance category. Eighteen percent are categorized as boyfriend, which suggests a quite distinct dynamic, whereas two other subdivisions—friend (7 percent) and acquaintance (73 percent)—although more ambiguous, suggest different degrees of intimacy or familiarity.

Again, all this shows me is that while women do commit horrific crimes, their male counterparts are responsible for a very large and disproportionate percentage of these crimes.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by sliceNodice


posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

talking about statistics, maybe men are more
willing to take the risks that could land them in jail?
or there are tons of stupid laws and mostly men who know they are bogus are going to break them, cause from what i can tell most women will be more likely to follow the law?
this just seems like a pointless question cause i don't think males have anything to do with aggressive behavior, being a male doesn't deem you aggressive. biologically for survival i suppose. i feel like a lot of crime has to do with the pressures of the world we live in.
just thoughts runnin through my mind

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I think the reason we haven't seen a female dictator is because of sexism, rather than women's inherent love of freedom. There are more and more female Presidents, so I think eventually we may see one emerge.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

The big list: Female teachers with students

Seems like females are getting a little less innocent. I mean really, how sick do you have to be to date your students. Check out these women, they have, and the list keeps growing.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Greetings all!! I kind of don't want to get into this thread to much, what with all the beef!! lol, but felt compelled to chuck in my bit!!

Firstly I am about to upset a lot of femanists so sorry guys!! The reason things are so messed up IMHO is lack of balance, lack of understanding our roles and living in a societal climate that is completely unatural to our original genetic purposes.

We live in a world where a man no longer has to be a man and a woman no longer has to be a woman, yet our insticts are in constant battle with our conditioning! Women must be at work, women must be able to change a plug, women must be able to juggle 3 kids, a full time job and still make the best sunday roast in town... all while valeting the car and cleaning everything to a brilliant shine!
Men must be rugged yet femenine, men must smell nice, men must be fashionable, men must be good listeners, men must also be able to change a plug, men must show they care, men must be manly, men must wear the trousers, but only if the woman isnt blah blah blah!!! does anyone know their role any more??

Not to get into a racial thing at all but how many tribes people or natives are in prison??? Men hunt, men carry, men toil.... women cook, women bare children, women keep home safe and loving! If that same man wants to dress up as gladys at the weekend thats fine, if that same woman wants to be a mechanic or go to work then great, but we have lost the very essence of ourselves amongst all the hype, brainwashing and crap that we have had enforced upon us in this crazy age!!

Our bodys are the way they are for a reason, even down to hormonal balance, a man that is busy hunting, or fishing or providing for his family would probably not look at as much porn as a dude who works at tesco! nor perhaps be violent! Can you imagine telling a cat not to scratch? It would probably burst with frustration! Well society is constantly telling men not to do what they were made to do, so it would make sense they would be slightly out of sorts somewhere, and more than likely not know why at all, and the same goes for women!! Why is painting our toenails and shopping so important?? There is a void inside us, we are not doing what we should be doing! We are confused and unfullfilled to the point where we really don't know who we are! We think we need a new dress to make it all better, a man might think he needs a new set of golf clubs.... this is a big fat lie!! We need to be in our roles!!

I know my role.... I am a woman, a wife and a mother! I am a musician and an artist. My husband is a father a care worker and also a musician. We don't watch telly, we have conversations! We meet each others needs, he opens the door and carrys the shopping, I cook and clean our home, he moves the furniture when needs be, I clean it when it's dirty, I breast fed our boy, he changed every nappy during that time and yeah if he wants a blow job then great!! If I want one, even better!! lol WE raise our son, WE make decisions and WE follow our dreams, I support him in everything and he supports me, I feel like a woman, he feels like a man! because yes we can share, but predominantly we know our roles!!

I have the following quote in a frame on my wall, may I point out that I am not at all religious but just find this the most beautiful thing;

Woman was made from the rib of man
she was not created from his head to top him
nor from his feet to be stepped upon
she was made from his side, to be equal to him
from beneath his arm to be protected by him
near his heart, to be loved by him

Have a blessed day, and erm, don't hate!! x
edit on 3-6-2011 by essjay because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by essjay because: typo!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Going all Amazon are we?

Interesting question. If women were to simply keep men as breeding stock, but otherwise govern the world themselves, I think the world would probably be quite Utopian!

I'm sure the biggest problem would be that of course many women would want male life partners, and these women would have to be suppressed somehow. Would be a peaceful, if frighteningly totalitarian world.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

I really hate this bring this up, but my years playing WoW (World of Warcrack), yes I know.... There are people in that game that act the same in real life. Some players pretend it is for real and act as if there is no consequences. Now these people would do things to others, gank, emote /spit and anything because they just can.

Some people do these things for bragging rights, which men like to do as much as women. But because men are higher on the scale of physical strength, to make it seem they are 'tough' they beat down someone weaker than them. And guess who that might be......women and children

Im only comparing physical strength, and a man will rape a woman just cause he can for the moment, get his fix. Like a drug addict. Or beat a woman, shoot someone or stab someone to get it 'off his chest' you can say.

Women have other methods of getting what they want, in the moment. This is usually the case, I have no scientific evidence for this but hear me out. When a woman wants something like "RIGHT NOW" she cant grab a guy and pin him down and take it from him. So for her to be violent in terms of raping, fighting, killing and of the sorts, is just not practical, if not impossible. Some women just arent strong, and its a fact. So they wont do those things because they physically cant. But men will, just because they can.

Oh I forgot to say, woman can use physical strength to beat men, so they will use their emotional strength or mind game capabilities to get what they want. Usually woman just want security, or wealth, or beauty, and sometimes power. Its the same things that made Lucifer AKA Satan fall from heaven, he was to proud of himself. He was proud because of his wisdom, beauty, and power. Usually the same things that corrupt men and women.

edit on 3-6-2011 by Seektruthalways1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:28 PM
seems to me if the uppity bottlenose dolphins just gave it up, everything would be just fine......

if you eliminated men, the niche would just be filled by women

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Partygirl
The greatest good on earth is the love of a mother for her children,

Nothing a male can do or say can approach that level of love. It takes place on a higher order.

And that's not to say men are bad, or unloving, or is just that their capacity for love is limited.

And that's a fact.

Obviously someone has never heard of infanticide.

I'm sure 99% of these women who kill their young are deranged, it happens. Women ARE capable of great evil too.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Partygirl

The capacity of love is unlimited and not limited to sex. To make such a statement makes your capacity for empathy very limited.

Whats more than the higher power of the unlimited love of someone unrelated? Its easy to love one through nature. Its a higher power that makes one love one that was once a stranger.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Partygirl
The greatest good on earth is the love of a mother for her children,

Nothing a male can do or say can approach that level of love. It takes place on a higher order.

And that's not to say men are bad, or unloving, or is just that their capacity for love is limited.

And that's a fact.

Nonsense, I've seen Men die for their kids and I've seen Women who literally hate their kids.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by zosimos
reply to post by 2manyquestions

talking about statistics, maybe men are more
willing to take the risks that could land them in jail?
or there are tons of stupid laws and mostly men who know they are bogus are going to break them, cause from what i can tell most women will be more likely to follow the law?
this just seems like a pointless question cause i don't think males have anything to do with aggressive behavior, being a male doesn't deem you aggressive. biologically for survival i suppose. i feel like a lot of crime has to do with the pressures of the world we live in.
just thoughts runnin through my mind

Both men and women experience societal pressures, yet male crime is far more common. Women also have to find ways to take care of themselves, and sometimes their children (if they have any). Some people crack under pressure, whether they're male or female. The difference is that males seem to succumb to it a lot more frequently. I'm not talking about stealing food or clothes, I'm talking about murder, rape and brutal beatings.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
Going all Amazon are we?

Interesting question. If women were to simply keep men as breeding stock, but otherwise govern the world themselves, I think the world would probably be quite Utopian!

I'm sure the biggest problem would be that of course many women would want male life partners, and these women would have to be suppressed somehow. Would be a peaceful, if frighteningly totalitarian world.

Peaceful and frighteningly totalitarian are incompatible adjectives.
Explain Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. All three approve of war.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Humans are humans, what ever sex they are..................
edit on 3-6-2011 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:36 PM
With a woman like our director of Heath and Human Services director, who needs a man to destroy what's left of our Repubic?

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