posted on May, 26 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I dont vote, becasue in my teens, learning how things really work growing up, i leaned politics is all theivery scandal lies. learned that all on my
own, watching george bush sr. on tv, bill clinton...ect ect. at least to me the last real good president we had in my lifetime, was ronald
a lesser or greater degree... at least people had jobs in the 80's, people were more or less happy, had social progams, new technologys were always
coming out, things were still american made, you neve heard of the new world order on news or some presidents mouth, houses cars property were cheaper
and more luxeruous, thier was no police brutality on a heavery scale like it is today..things like that. reagan would come out, with his innocent
freindly face and smile, and everyone liked that. bush srt came out with a straight plaid non expressive face and often mentioned new world
order..reagen did NOT like bush* learned that from a documentary. he knew something i think. bill smiled but made it plainfully obvious he just sat
smoked ciggars.
anyhoo...i had been thinking of voting* and for what we have it would be ron paul* i had high hopes for obama too..and feel he is no real different
than the rest now who were in hundreds of millions of tax m oney to Israel, u dont hear of change anymore, you did BEFORE he was
elected, which was a rigged voting computer anyways...that concerns me. under bush jr..2008 corporations got ever so greedy, and layd off god knows
how many, proving college was a waist of time and money for them, or technical schools. obama struck me as the type who would have put a stop on the
corporate machine doing its thing, mowing jobs left n right...he didnt.
One thing i do agree with obama on, was when he wanted top put a cap on corporate salarys, and in government. well not 100% but it did seem
justifiable to me. but under capitalism and the belief you can make as much money as you want, working for it, would bunt heads with that idea. you
cannot tell someone how much they can make or not make. the difference though, jobs were cut so CEO's could make an extra $10 million one man*
hings like i belive. thats when its plainfully obvious whats going on..ide have put a cap on it somehow legaly. so people who wrok hard
keep thier jobs*
obama is too soft. how difficult is it to fix a messed up capitalist system? i mean, change was said* if it take 8-10 years ..thats crazy and
impracticle thinking. change for anything or anyone means NOW not tomorrow...time waits for no one,a nd actions speak louder than words. we know most
liekly, every new president is going to be another came out of the cracker jax box deal, and say one something different* we dont have
bright minds or heros to come save the day anymore in this country...we have bright minds..but thier all workiing for wall street, or ome corporate
company, conjuring up legal mumbo jumbo to screw us outa our homes and taxes. not very advance screwing others around you over is it* rather ape n
primitive, midevil like. well thast my view of most future preisdents..