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The Palestinian Propaganda, and the Truth of how Israelies BELONG in Israel.

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Yeah, the Israelis don't use their children for the cause.

Israeli school textbooks as well as children’s storybooks, according to recent academic studies and surveys, portray Palestinians and Arabs as “murderers,” “rioters,” “suspicious,” and generally backward and unproductive. Direct delegitimization and negative stereotyping of Palestinians and Arabs are the rule rather than the exception in Israeli schoolbooks.

Professor Daniel Bar-Tal of Tel Aviv University studied 124 elementary, middle- and high school textbooks on grammar and Hebrew literature, history, geography and citizenship. Bar-Tal concluded that Israeli textbooks present the view that Jews are involved in a justified, even humanitarian, war against an Arab enemy that refuses to accept and acknowledge the existence and rights of Jews in Israel.

Israeli Texbooks and Children's Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

SCORES OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS PUBLISHED IN ISRAEL encourage hatred and contempt for the Arabs. The principle is identical in all these endless serials: the Israeli hereos defeat the stupid Arabs. There is no control over these books, which are swallowed indiscriminately. Who are the authors of these books and what motivates them?

One of the most shocking phenomena in the field of children's literature in this country are the books published every now and then, and which are eagerly grabbed by children, whose themes are always how the mighty child or children defeat the funny and thickheaded Arabs who seek to kill us for their personal pleasure.

Once we were alarmed when we discovered anti-Israeli propaganda, accompanied by racist caricatures, which was included in textbooks used by refugee children in Gaza. And now it is clear, although only few parents know about it, that we, the Israelis, are employing much worse material of racist hatred which is accompanied by caricatures no less racist. Parents buy those books for their children, often without knowing their content; or the children get them in school or municipal libraries. And what a wonder: those are almost the only books which are never left on the shelf. At the moment they are returned to the library, a queue of children is waiting for every book.

Recently, some parents have started to discover the content of these books. A mother of an eight year old girl says: "I was astounded to find out what children read, and the worst of it is that I have no way of preventing it. They get those books at the library, and if I forbid them to read them, they will read them secretly. I see what they read, but I am helpless. Why is the distribution of these books not prohibited?"

A father says: "It is really astounding to see to what extent these books hold the children spellbound. In these books there are sadistic horror descriptions, detailed descriptions of cruel treatment and offensive caricatures of the Arabs who are described as wretched cowards. But I can not succeed in preventing the children from reading them. They are totally hypnotized. Why is there a standard for clothes, for articles, for food and for everything else—and no control over children's books? Why can anyone earn money by producing this poison, and even municipal libraries buy it?"

Israeli Hate Literature for Children

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Great propaganda piece, ElectricUniverse.

It used to be Israel could get away with trying its hand at empire-building because they would cry anti-semitism at the first sign of any criticism. But as more and more videos come out of the region showing Israeli violence against civilians, the world grows tired of Israel playing the victim-card as a means of justifying its own actions.

All I have to say is white phosphorous, ElectricUniverse.

And here is Wikipedia on white phosphorous (By the way, it is against the Geneva Convention to use WP against people):

I'd recommend reading up on Ken O'Keefe and follow his blog for an a better look into what is happening to the Palestinians.


- mike
edit on 24-5-2011 by subversivemike because: ?

edit on 24-5-2011 by subversivemike because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:04 PM
People who believe they are entitled to something because "god" chose them... well.. you aren't going to change their minds. The Talmud is no better that Sharia law. Things like "The Right of Return" are racist in their own design. The fact that only Jews can be in the Government of Israel is racist in its own right. The fact that they want to build "Jewish only roads" is racist in itself. The only problem with all my comments there is... JUDAISM IS NOT A RACE. IT IS A RELIGION. So people are to believe that every single Jew in the world is ENTITLED to live in Israel because "god said so"? Come on. The Palestinian people living there today are more "semitic" than any Jew living in Israel today.

Maybe there would be less problems over there if Israel would stop all the BS and just DECLARE what their borders are. They were asked to return to the 1967 borders. They refuse. So ok Israel... what are your borders then??

This is the problem. Israel will never be satisfied until there are no Palestinians left. Funny thing is, they scream and yell about everyone being anti-semantic, and the Holocaust, yet they perpetrate the same evil against Palestinians.

They scream and yell that "Israel has a right to defend itself". Are the Palestinians not afforded this same right?

The American government bends over backwards, has to swear allegiance to this nation. Has half its members holding dual citizenship. And yet when we request something of them (Israel) they basically tell us to shut up and go away. So why don't we?

How about America pulls out of the whole damn region and let them sort it out. I'm sure eventually Israel would piss off a nation that isn't afraid to take them down a notch. And their hit-squad, the good ol' US of A won't be there to help.

edit on 24-5-2011 by DerekJR321 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:05 PM
troll much? defending a military occupation when you declare yourself the model of freedom and democracy in the middle east is about as defensible as arguing that the nazi's had every right to rid it's nation of jews because they have the right to set immigration policy.
edit on 24-5-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

but their are too many Palestinians that have vested too much hatred and anger into destroying Israel. If Palestinian's ever did get their own country it would become a corrupt dictatorship run by goons that would start wars with Israel all over again. So, really, not much would change.

Human nature being what it is, so very true! The hatred of Israel by the muslim world generally is very deep and I doubt it will fade in a hurry. That is what led me to the belief that they both need to be part of a wider community that can keep them both within the framework of International legislation. Greece and Turkey, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia, Northern and Southern Ireland are all part of the European Union. In that respect, though I can only speak of the present, a peace has been achieved after bloody struggles. That is the best my imagination can do. Well we are all trying to give them some ideas!!!

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:54 PM
This is REALLY worth the 14 minutes. A great take on how some Palestinians view U.S. involvement in the ME.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Good attempt at propaganda bro!
It seems most here are onto your organization and how they work.
Remember the USS Liberty!
Now that is a piece of true propaganda.

reply to post by Ultraman2011

Good point you bring up there!
Now keep in mind I love Canada only second to the US, you folks are our neighbors and you guys have alot to offer the US.
Plus it is the homeland of William Shatner aka the Canadian Chuck Norris.

What if Montana did attack, well even the whole nation of canada.
I can tell you, Montana would use the most current of US tech against canadian tech.
Assuming we would place a lock on your borders and sink all ships coming close to your borders.
In 2 days all of Canada would be bombed into the stone age and most of your fighting men would be dead.
Montana would then send Apache gunships to launch missile attacks on your schools in the day time killing many children.
Your surviving men and women would be so demoralized they would start wearing bomb vests into cities in Montana.
Montana would then catch on and continue to bomb Canada until all of their supplies had run dry.
Montana would then move into Canada and make a buffer zone and annex a chunk of Canada, displacing hundreds or thousands.
Canadians would then be distraught and malnourished and broke financially
Montana would then instigate skirmishes and then wait with cameras and publish only the retaliation and lie and say look what Canada did to us.
Canadians would start to throw rocks at Montana soldiers and the Montana soldiers would mow said individuals down then attack Canada again citing revenge for the attack.
Remember, Canada borders the US, this could happen, do not be fooled into thinking it couldn't.
You know the California national guard could take Canada over and not a drop of sweat.
If the US keeps on with aiding israel then who knows what is possible.
We have tried it their way, now maybe we should try it ours.
We need to bring all of the US troops home and start building goods and work on technology.
Let other nations fall if they cannot do without our military or financial aid.
Then maybe the US could be as great as I believed it to be when I was a child.
Sadly I do not see truth making it out alive.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
The argument that the Jewish people are entitled to live in Israel because their ancestors allegedly lived there approx 2000 years ago is frankly ridiculous and, imo, not even worth discussing.

You were one of the members claiming they just possessed those lands, now you are recanting and trying a new angle?...

First of all the Jewish people WERE ALWAYS THERE, second of all THEY ALL NEVER LEFT... So yes, the Jewish people belong in there as much as the millions of the Arab immigrants sent there to try to get those lands from the Jewish people.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Hindenburg

Except that kids, and young children as well as women are killed because they either become suicide bombers, or are trained to murder as many Jewish people as they can... They DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH...and if what you are fighting for is to train children to become suicide bombers and teach them nothing but hatred, I hope you get sent to prison and are never released...

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Sly1one
and how is what you posted NOT propaganda? you could easily rename this thread "Israel Propaganda, and the Truth of how IsraeLIES belong in IS RA EL

The Israelis do not train their children to become suicide bombers, do not use children as human shields, and please present PROOF, as in EVIDENCE that anything i posted is propaganda and not the truth.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by mayabong
If Israel had nothing to hide during that flotilla thing, why did they take all the camera's and memory cards? hmmmm?

And who exactly claimed this?...

Why would they do this and then give the entire video from the time they started boarding where you can see that immediately the Palestinians began beating with pipes the commandos, when these only had paintball rifles, and sidearms just in case? The commandos began firing when they saw their friends been beaten to death, and one of the Palestinians took a sidearm from one of the commandos. You could even see one Israeli commando being thrown from the boat and he seemed to be unconcious, or worse.
edit on 25-5-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

The problem is that several times the Palestinian authorities, and terrorist groups were given the chance to have a Palestinian state, which does not exist as to this moment, as long as they accepted the existance of Israel.

The problem is that the Palestinian authorities, and Palestinian terrorists do not want any territory belonging to the Jewish people, and that is why they have NEVER accepted any agreements from the UN to have a Palestinian and Israeli state.
edit on 25-5-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by Sly1one
and how is what you posted NOT propaganda? you could easily rename this thread "Israel Propaganda, and the Truth of how IsraeLIES belong in IS RA EL

The Israelis do not train their children to become suicide bombers, do not use children as human shields, and please present PROOF, as in EVIDENCE that anything i posted is propaganda and not the truth.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
There are many members who claim that the Jewish people do not belong to this area, when obviously those who claim this are only ignorant and rely on the propaganda from the Palestinian terrorists but they are never able to provide evidence for their claims, except edited videos of course.

I can say this is biased,as you present the Palestinian terrorists side only. If you would put up the atrocitys of Israel,alongside the 4 videos,and newspaper clipping you posted,you might not have EVERYONE saying its Israeli propaganda. IGNORANCE is not putting up both sides of the argument,and telling ONLY one side of the story.Personally,I can care less whos land it is,as long as the bloodshed stops. Thats coming from an outsider,and someone WHO values human life.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by JudasIscariot
Yeah, the Israelis don't use their children for the cause.

First of all tell us how that makes suicide bombers?... the Palestinian authorities and terrorist groups don't give a crap even about their own children.

Second of all, it is true that first of all Israel was a desolate land when the lands were originally BOUGHT from Palestinians. It was the Jewish people who made that land prosper. That is a fact.

It is also true that the Palestinian authority, which is the Palestinian government, have turned down every attempt at a resolution allowing the existance of both a Palestinian and Israeli state. They do not want Jewish people owning ANY land in that area.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1

I can say this is biased,as you present the Palestinian terrorists side only. If you would put up the atrocitys of Israel,alongside the 4 videos,and newspaper clipping you posted,you might not have EVERYONE saying its Israeli propaganda. IGNORANCE is not putting up both sides of the argument,and telling ONLY one side of the story.Personally,I can care less whos land it is,as long as the bloodshed stops. Thats coming from an outsider,and someone WHO values human life.

Did you just miss completely the part, and I wrote it at the beginning, where I wrote, and I quote....

I decided to post this here because in the other thread it will just be lost and more anti-jewish propaganda would continue to pop-up and only rarely some truth is posted about the situation in the Middle East.

First of all, BOTH SIDES have committed atrocities, but this post is to show the truth about the Palestinian authority (government) and the Palestinian terrorists.

Do you understand what that means? or did you decide to just ignore my statements which I am pretty certain are clear?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

this training speak of...
This is all wrong there is no training in wearing a bomb vest into a crowd and pulling the cord or pressing the button.
You make it sound as if there was some "mastermind" over in Palestine.
Makes me think of Lazyboy- Underwear goes inside the pants.
Lemme quote a bit of the lyrics:
Mastermind is another word that comes up all the time.
You keep hearing about these terrorist masterminds that are being killed over in the middle east.
Terrorists masterminds.
Masterminds sort of a lofty way to describe what these guys do, don't you think?
They're not masterminds.
“Okay, you take bomb right and you put in backpack. And you get on bus and you blow yourself up.”
“Why do I have to blow myself up? Why don't I put…”
“Who's the flocking mastermind here? Me or you?”

Now about Israelis using human shields and using bomb jackets.
Why do any of the risky things when you have the finest US weapons and aircraft at your disposal?
We see through your propaganda and I'm sure you believe what you say, as the paid propagandists do much better.
So I will have to believe you truly are blinded by the propaganda.
Lemme throw the only thing I need to at you.
The USS Liberty, yes I have mentioned this many times and will a million more.
If there is only one thing I need to know about israel, they killed good US sailors who were over there for...hmm i dunno.
Then the whole story was lied about and swept under the carpet.
Do you support the attack on the USS Liberty?
And if not would you have told the world?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

The Palestinians already have their own homeland.......

it's called JORDAN !!!

All this silly talk of returning back to the 1967 borders....the only borders Israel should return back to is it's biblical borders.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse


So WHERE ARE THE ISRAELI ATROCITY VIDEOS TO COMPARE? The newspaper articles of Israeli atrocity's? I looked twice,three times,but alas,I didnt see ANY in your propaganda piece. So you state that both sides,committed atrocity's,but only post the "Palestinian terrorists" videos,news articles? How ISNT this one sided ?
How could the average joe,who doesnt know ANYTHING about this,NOT see this as being one sided? God forbid you use a Palestinian source,because its ALL "terrorist" propaganda,as your OP piece states.

BTW,you only posted that BOTH sides have committed atrocity's,so NO ONE would call this for what it is. Israeli PROPAGANDA.


Sorry,I call it the way EVERYONE is calling it.
edit on 25-5-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
There are many members who claim that the Jewish people do not belong to this area, when obviously those who claim this are only ignorant and rely on the propaganda from the Palestinian terrorists but they are never able to provide evidence for their claims, except edited videos of course.

Those bad Palestinians with their propaganda machines ... are you serious?

I won't dispute any of your videos, but i hardly think that anyone opposed to Zionist violence is an idiot who falls for propaganda, which is the thrust of your post. And while the Palestians (all of them) hardly have an ideal life in many many ways, they are not controlling their own destiny, so holding them accountable for actions is neither fair nor will it improve the situation.

Yes the Palestians have long used videos as a tool, everyone does. But may i ask the effective media control of the Palestians vs Zionists? I think you'll find a slight bias.

May i suggest that it's equally as likely that you have fallen for Zionist propaganda, as others have fallen for Palestian propaganda?
edit on 25-5-2011 by harryhaller because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
... the Palestinian authorities and terrorist groups don't give a crap even about their own children.

Second of all, it is true that first of all Israel was a desolate land when the lands were originally BOUGHT from Palestinians. It was the Jewish people who made that land prosper. That is a fact.

It is also true that the Palestinian authority, which is the Palestinian government, have turned down every attempt at a resolution allowing the existance of both a Palestinian and Israeli state. They do not want Jewish people owning ANY land in that area.

Lies, each and every word here is a lie. How dare you state that parents don't love their own children? How about watching your children grow up poor hungry and dirty, with no chance of them ever being able to achieve anything more than is allowed by a foreign state's security requirements?

Yes they have made the land prosper, thanks to trillions worth of handouts by the US and others. Oh i can have a pretty garden too if someone else is paying ...

No, the land was not bought from anyone. It was decreed by the UN as influenced by Zionists, under Balfour. It really is little more than a continuation of British colonialism, as much as apartheid was in South Africa.

Also your assertion that the PA has turned down every attempt at peace is very misleading. The only thing they repeatedly refuse is to become 2nd class citizens ruled by others who are of a different nationality and who hate them. How is that different from apartheid? The blacks rejected those terms, but the world urges Palestianians to accept the same situation, in the name of peace.

No, i cannot accept the premises of your thread, you are either misinformed or willfully ignorant of the facts. Which is it?

EDIT: Here's a good example of Palestianian Propaganda. Infoclearinghouse
edit on 25-5-2011 by harryhaller because: (no reason given)

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