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I probably should have taken this weekend off

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by crimsonred

Why are you generalizing all Americans as "dumb Americans"? Or am I reading that wrong?

Don't you know that most Americans are immigrants that include European ancestors? Just trying to clarify your statement...


posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

I guess it's safe to say that because of this all the crazy religious people are gone by either suicide or overdose.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:53 PM
Update: patient tries to commit suicide by overdose. Called by mans wife, from what we were told the man locked himself in the bedroom after 6. The wife said that he was convinced he would be raptured today and when it did not happen he lost his mind. Patient took a handful of perscription pain pills and set his bible on fire. The man will be fine. I am starting to see how easily persuaded some people can be when they want to believe something so bad. Its like the placebo effect.

Just now hearing on my work radio that there are two people in town now going to peoples houses telling them that there is still time to be saved. They have now been aprehended by police, not sure if they will or what they will be charged with.

Its hard to explain but there is just this feeling around town that i have never felt before. Not sure if it is just the stress of the day and seeing these people suffer or if it is a feeling that its not going to get better. It has helped to come here and get this stuff off my chest though. I am out for now will be back later with hopefully something good to report.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:54 PM
I sent a U2U message to NOTurTypical to inform him/her that the thread reached 5 pages.

Personally, if I was a paramedic... forget whatever oath I took to save lives, I'm saving my family first. Making sure they're nice and secure and then ask them if they want me to go and save lives. Family first, Complete strangers second.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Nothing going on here, just rain... Oh wait, should I build an ark?

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by matito

ancestry has no bearing on what you, as an American race -have become. you are all media fed , television munching , closeted people, who, through no fault of your own, heard, read, talked, listened , digested, your American values. Those in power tell you what to think, what to believe..... do you actually realize what is happening at the moment.? i don't think you do. in fact, i know you don't. i have some very good friends from seattle who stayed with me a while back and they were very very surprised at the way our media covers current world affairs. basically they were learning things that are general knowledge here but your news companies DON'T or aren't allowed to show/tell. A Free country you may be, but one that is told what to think , and when to think it. I have no problems with the citizens, i have a problem with your Administration and your media.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Thats shocking ! id hate to live in your town, if those guys came to my door i would have told them to #off.
Hoping it doesnt get any worse :/

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:58 PM

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Jamesprototype

Its usually just your typical small midwestern town, i never expected what has been happening. Sometimes we just take for granted that at any given time anything can happen, even out here.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Dumb Americans? Name calling? Yeesh. I didn't realize the forum was full 12-year-olds!

I hope that when you grow up one day, you will hold less hate in your hearts. Hate is just so heavy and love is much more uplifting. You'll feel better when you can get over it.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by picklepete

'ignorant'? the 'dumb americans' statement was meant to represent those of your countrymen that are naive enough to believe in those evangelists who promise you the word and the touch of god for money. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN EUROPE!!!! Now, if you are too 'dumb' to retort with out insults then i'd advise you to take a deep breath and come upwith some other, fantastically funny ,idiotic slyback.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Niecedenise

You are right, hate is a wasted emotion. the 'dumb americans' comment has been explained in my previous posts.i am not racist, i am just very anti-religion /evangelist. The phenomenon that is 'evangelism' that occurs in the USA does not happen over here, in the 'rest of the world' . It is uniquely an American thing.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:16 PM
Silly adults and their imaginary friends.

These fools deserve all of this madness for not using their OWN BRAINS to think for THEMSELVES.

Silly adults. Very, very sad.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a 61ST THREAD dealing with the May 21st prediction by the false prophet.

*rolls eyes*

Troll much?

Thread has zero to do with the other threads. Proof you're trolling is the fact that you felt the need to go and see how many threads existed and post it here. Anyone else who is tired of it would simply ignore the thread and move on.

Find a new hobby.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Sounds terrible BUT maybe it is about right that non-thinking being ("the Hope & Pray" Crowd) that keeps mankind from making any real progress because they refuse to learn and grow but stay about the same as they thought and acted 1000-2000 years ago goes the way of the dinosaur -- This guy gives them the same "brilliance" as they have acquired over the years --duh ----

If all go away (become extinct) then maybe logical, thinking, caring kinds will now be able to move mankind forward - not keep doing, thinking, living rally the same as we have for 1000s of years -- We really have not progressed (progress is not just new tech tools - it is growing far beyond "just survival and taking and making excuses and saying "my group is better than yours, my sect knows the way --Believe this and yu too shall be saved --etc. --- They all just make us have more war, fight over "nothings" and pit one against another ---

Let them all begone!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Thanks for sharing OP.

I kind of feared this would happen, and surely this is the first we've heard of it, and much more horror stories are to come, I'm sure.

This has me really worried for "2012", December. Not the end of the world, but the stirring of the crazies. Thankfully, I myself live in a pretty quiet New England town. So even if the streets were on fire, my neighbors would still mind their own business. However, one can't turn their cheek to a fire, and I think the heat from all the crazies for 2012 will be immense. Hopefully the suffering is kept to a minimum, and the crazies well... don't go too crazy.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Wow, that is really awful. I think a lot of the psychology of this is that the last 10 years have just been horrendous. 9/11, the first big tsunami, the oil spill, the earthquake in Japan,Katrina, all the wars, The nuclear meltdown. It does read like something biblical. To evangelical Christians, this looks exactly like what they have been told the last days will resemble. And then this guy, who buy the way predicted the world would end in 1994, comes up with this judgement day prediction and its just like a powder keg, and it makes a lot of people go off the deep end. It really makes me wonder, how much can people take? Especially when the world is in such a bleak state right now. There is one other passage in the bible I remember, its for people to have faith and not be afraid. Easier said than done in the times we are living in.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by lcbjr1979
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Well i did a search and i could not find any other threads that were about my experiences about what i am seeing in my town.

Absurd, you could have added your experiences to one of the other dozens and dozens of threads.

Way to to humble..... I really don't think your Jesus would have responded like that. All I hear is judgment and contempt of the OP. Niiiiiiiice.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:14 PM

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

Today is supposed to be the rapture correct? Christians should already know God tells us that no one will know the day but him. So if someone says it's today; I know there is no way it will be. Don't get me wrong I'm no preacher, I have things I need to work out with the Lord before he comes back. I just know that day won't be today.

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