posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:05 AM
Dear OP: No.
Everyone seems to get their heads in a tizzy when we hear about all the things going on and were adding up all the numbers. But in reality this is
evolution boys and girls, to this present day, up to this very second, we have advanced farther and farther as a society.
Through technology we can experience every event going on across the globe at the tips of our fingers, all I have to do is hit my smart phone app and
I can be on any site on the internet and have up to the minute updates on everything going on in the world. You don't think if we had this kind of
technology in North America during the times of the black plague that raged across Europe, wouldn't a few of us think the end of the world was
This is an awakening of connection and communication between all of us, and its a big step. Off course its a bit scary sometimes. However, we need to
stop looking at it from the "half empty" perspective and start to use this information as a tool not a death sentence. We can accomplish amazing
Our world is no longer the backyard and the neighbors next door. Our world is the entire world, coast to coast, sea to sea, continent to continent, we
see and hear about everything now. From a school fight in a small town outside of some major city, to a earthquake that rocks an entire nation.
Welcome to the future people, I suggest you stop estimating the arrival of your death, self-fulfilling prophecies tend to work against you, hint-hint,
Have you asked yourself the question?
"What do I gain from speculating that the end is coming?"
Pain? Heartache? Anxiety? Suffering? or Indifference?
Stop your screaming, no one can hear you.
And the people that are listening believe what your saying is true.
So go find God, spend all your money on ridiculous things, and then look down the barrel of a .45 and pretend once again that you know what life is,
and what it has in store for you and this world.
Deny Ignorance, Deny Selfishness, Deny Stupidity, Deny Irrationality.
Lets get a grip people. We have lives to live, and a universe to explore.
We start believing in each other again, we can do anything.