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Chicago School Bans Homemade Lunches

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:25 AM
I have an allergy to # foods.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:03 AM
I do not have any children so no real issue here.
What I do firmly believe is that the Chicago School
Board of Education should keep its nose out of this.

I feel its time would be better spent trying to keep
their students from killing each other and graduating
more than 18-29% of the ones that tend to live through
the school year.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
What's next? Telling kids what to watch/not watch on tv? Parents, fight this! Tooth and bloody nail. Letting big brother feed your kids, telling them who to vote for, what to eat/watch/talk about!

Nanny state be damned!

They did that a long time ago. It was the death of Saturday morning cartoons.

Parents' lobby groups like Action for Children's Television appeared in the late 1960s. They voiced concerns about the presentation of commercialism, violence, anti-social attitudes and stereotypes in Saturday morning cartoons. By the 1970s, these groups exercised enough influence that the TV networks felt compelled to lay down more stringent content rules for the animation houses.[6][7][8]

In a more constructive direction, the networks were encouraged to create educational spots that endeavored to use animation and/or live-action for enriching content. Far and away the most successful effort was the Schoolhouse Rock series on ABC, which became a television classic. Just as notable were CBS's news segments for children, In the News and NBC's Ask NBC News and One to Grow On, which featured skits of everyday problems with advice from the stars of NBC primetime programs.

You're just too stupid to live. I'm too stupid live. Our kids are too stupid to live.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:12 AM
I wonder how something like this will affect the childs way of thinking later in life? They are being taught that it's okay for the principal to do this. Will they be more likely to let people tell them how to live their life when they are adults?
The airport scanners and tsa makes me wonder the same thing......growing up with these things will make them think that's just the way it is and they go along with it because it's all they've ever known.
Parents have to educate their kids about their rights. The parents of the kids at this school are morons if they are teaching the kids that it's okay by them not doing anything about it.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

" cannot make someone pay for something they dont want too."

Ah , Yes you can . Ever hear of Obama Care ? ............

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by WildWorld

That's the ultimate lesson in life. Always do what "authority" tells you to do and "authority" always ranks higher than yourself or your parents.

It's the whole reason there are government schools.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

It's seems more and more people are just going along with it. Every so often I'll post articles on my facebook about someones rights being violated and ask my FB friends what would you do? I'm always stunned by the answers, doesn't affect me so I don't care or what's the big deal? ....or theres nothing i can do about it. They never see the bigger picture. It sickens me.
Schools have been crossing the line more and more. I have a daughter in middle school who was texting back and forth fighting with a friend.....she told the girl she hated her and that she was ugly. This happened at 5pm at night in my home, the other girl was in her home. The girl told her parents that night and then told the school the next day. The school called the police(police thought it was ridiculous), called me, confiscated my daughters phone, added the incident to her school records and suspended her from school. What my daughter did was mean and wrong and I dealt with it at home but I was outraged that the school felt as though they could punish
my daughter in school for It. I went down there and had them give her the phone, unsuspend her and remove it
from her record. I'm glad I did it so my daughter would know that it wasn't right and they were crossing the line. I
know though that things like this are common there, they are always disciplining kids for things they do At home.

edit on 12-4-2011 by WildWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Monday. Chicken patty on a bun.
Tuesday. Hot dog on a bun.
Wednesday. Sloppy Joe on a bun.
Thursday. Chicken Nuggets.
Friday. Pizza.

Children also have the choice of a sandwich (peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, cheese or ham) or a salad.
Children must also take a juice (apple or orange) and milk (plain, chocolate or strawberry)
"Fresh" fruit is also served. (apple or orange)

Sounds ok doesn't it?
Upon visiting the cafeteria for lunch one day I caught a glimpse of this food. It is the most disgusting food I have ever seen. approx 75% of the kids I saw took the sloppy joe and chocolate milk. I have it on good authority that Thursdays chicken nuggets are left on a warming plate from 10:30 to 2 and then refrozen and served next week.

I would never force my child to eat this food. She is eligible for free-lunch. I wouldn't make her eat it for free. In Kindergarten she gained 30lbs and had a never ending stomach ache, she was eating school lunch.

Its not about healthy choices. It's about contracts and $$$$$

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

Yes, I agree with you. Basically the food is cheap. Like fast food and how companies like McDonald are trying to appear more healthy to win over customers. I only have a few fast food restaurants I ever go to. Since I enjoy the food and it doesn't make me feel like a turd afterword. Poor kids! This world has really gone through the toilet.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by WildWorld
I wonder how something like this will affect the childs way of thinking later in life? They are being taught that it's okay for the principal to do this. Will they be more likely to let people tell them how to live their life when they are adults?

This is a great point! More manageable. More likely to just do what the authorities say...

I cannot believe people still allow their kids in public schools. There is NO WAY IN HELL my child would go to public school. My advice is to get your kids out NOW. Who knows what subtle programming they are receiving on a daily basis?

As to the particulars of the story, it's infuriating that they're taking away the choice. Governments all over the world are taking the choices away from their people in the guise of health and other benevolent reasons. Hell in a hand basket, I'm tellin' ya!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

How would other programs work? Like home schooling or private schools? Do you or anyone else believe this will be better then public schooling? I do! But I want to hear the good, bad, and the ugly.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by mutantgenius

Monday. Chicken patty on a bun.
Tuesday. Hot dog on a bun.
Wednesday. Sloppy Joe on a bun.
Thursday. Chicken Nuggets.
Friday. Pizza.

Children also have the choice of a sandwich (peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, cheese or ham) or a salad.
Children must also take a juice (apple or orange) and milk (plain, chocolate or strawberry)
"Fresh" fruit is also served. (apple or orange)

Sounds ok doesn't it?
Upon visiting the cafeteria for lunch one day I caught a glimpse of this food. It is the most disgusting food I have ever seen. approx 75% of the kids I saw took the sloppy joe and chocolate milk. I have it on good authority that Thursdays chicken nuggets are left on a warming plate from 10:30 to 2 and then refrozen and served next week.

I would never force my child to eat this food. She is eligible for free-lunch. I wouldn't make her eat it for free. In Kindergarten she gained 30lbs and had a never ending stomach ache, she was eating school lunch.

Its not about healthy choices. It's about contracts and $$$$$

You are RIGHT!!! I couldnt take it anymore, my daughter started off with good sound nutritional values then after 3rd grade wanted this crap for dinner too........

Not only was there a problem with the lunches, but the teachers and school as well. My solution to it all?

Now, I as her parent is in control of what she EATS AND LEARNS!!

People have become to complacent. Im all about fighting for my rights as a parent! This article made me so angry I could scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 12-4-2011 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:55 AM
This is where civil disobedience should be practiced. These damn school systems are chipping away at the rights of parents. I would show complete defiance on this all the way around. Seriously, if pushed hard enough what can a measly school system do to parents anyway? DEFY DEFY DEFY. Remind them who they work for.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by mutantgenius

Monday. Chicken patty on a bun.
Tuesday. Hot dog on a bun.
Wednesday. Sloppy Joe on a bun.
Thursday. Chicken Nuggets.
Friday. Pizza.

Its not about healthy choices. It's about contracts and $$$$$

Absolutely! Thank you and here's yerstar.
Profit centers were created so the thugs could
be the center of the profits. They just never stop.

And you think Illinois has only one Department of Revenue??

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:14 AM
Heh but it makes perfect sense - parents just cannot cook or make meals for their own friggen kids!

Schools know so much better, right?


Next on the agenda, outlawing home schooling - then parenting. DO AS WE SAY.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:41 AM
As a public school teacher, and as a person that went through the public school system this infuriates me to no end. When I was in elementary school, we didn't get a choice of what we wanted to eat for lunch. If I found that I didn't like the slop that they were serving, my mother or father would pack me a lunch for the day. Needless to say, I packed my lunch a lot during elementary school. Of course, when I got to Jr. High, my family had a financial set back, and I was forced to go on free lunch and eat the slop that they served (to save money at home). I gained almost 30 lbs in only a year, because of the school food (my parents always made nutritious meals at home including veg and low fat meats). I was very active in soccer, tee ball, and the band program, yet, somehow, I managed to gain all that weight. I really do blame it on the school food. Looking at the crap that they serve kids these days, I wouldn't dare feed it to my dog, let alone a growing child.

I have been seriously considering contracting myself out to home school parents who need a qualified musician to teach their children about the arts. I have found that many of my colleagues, who have gotten tired of the political spin, the poor working environments, etc. have resorted to becoming contractors for home school parents who might not be able to teach their children everything that they need to know.

With all of the crap that goes on within public schools these days, from corrupt administration, to the politics involved, helping with home schoolers looks like a much more viable option. I am personally ashamed to be a public school teacher, knowing full-well what is going on, and not being able to have a voice to fight with.

Then again, I look at this article and realize that it's from Chicago. It's one of the most corrupt cities in the world, so that's not really any surprise.

Just my $.02.

Peace be with you.


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Hessling

Hey, be understanding. Your government wants only be BEST for its children. Not *your* children, but *its* children. Most parents don't know how to feed their kids properly and send them off to school with either meager and unhealthy lunches; or lunches with blatantly too much (and too unhealthy) food; or elite lunches prepared by professional chefs as to make surrounding children wish they were from an opulent family. All three options create a poor environment, both from a personally physical and social standpoint. Kids are not getting enough food, getting too much food, or getting the BEST prepared lunches as to make surrounding students envious and/or jealous, which could lead to low self esteem and schoolyard violence.

To prevent parents from making poor lunch choices, the government wishes to set a standard. In the examples above, the children who don't get enough food from a homemade bagged lunch would receive proper amounts required for growth and function. The children who get too much (and too unhealthy) lunches would receive proper amounts and probably lose weight. The elite children whose lunches are the healthy and tasty equivalents of five-star restaurant (and nutritionist-created) meals would no longer be able to flaunt their family's fortune in the faces of the less fortunate; by curtailing these (few to be sure) highly privaleged children's partaking of the BEST of foods while other children go without, many acts of violence and cases of low self esteem would be nullified before they ever occurred. So, you see, your government is looking out for its children so that they will grow up to be healthy, productive citizens. Further, by eliminating the needless insertion of homemade food stuffs into a controlled learning environment, your government can properly decide what appropriate kinds of vitamins, additives and such into the meals its children would consume.

Because school-made lunches would be mandatory, your government could help children maintain a healthy weight by using *ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS* like *aspartame,* which former SECDEF Rumsfeld Himself declared as safe. Surely a person of such high station knows what is best for the government's children. Therefore, aspartame would greatly enhance a child's ability to lose unwanted weight. Considering the EPIDEMIC of obesity (and morbid obesity) in children, aspartame is tantamount to a miracle drug. Further, other substances which greatly enhance flavor would be used in mandatory meals, such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) which has been slowly making its return to the snack and food market. Sure, it was taboo to use in the 80s and 90s, but since it is becoming prominent in almost everything again, surely it must be safe. The FDA allows it, so it must be safe.

Mandatory meals is also another way to allow children of the country to participate in the bettering of the country. How so? They can be allowed to assist in the testing of new and beneficial substances that can be added to their food intake. With close monitoring by *experts,* these trials would be completely harmless, except for a few *minor* side effects in a small minority of children. Still, the benefits far outweigh the risks, and the children would have pride in themselves that they took an active part in helping the government (and its assisting corporations) make substances safer and better for everyone.

Your government is only trying to look out for your (and its) children. There is no harm in that. And those who think that setting a higher nutritional standard for schoolchildren is wrong just have not awakened to the fact that most parents are not licensed nutritionists or even at all educated on the proper making of healthy meals. The government has experts to alleviate an additional stress from the parent.

In the end, the child is the main beneficiary, eating his or her way to help your government and assiting corporations create and test beneficial substances for the country, eating his or her way to a brighter future for your country. To disagree with this is to want harm to these children. Wanting harm is a stepping stone to terrorism. Terrorists, even in the form of parents, shall be dealt with. You are either with us or against us.

(The above was a paid public service announcement)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

Could not agree more with you MG!

Did a little research and just so far I've found that through this Chartwells-Thompson school catering company in Washington, DC they also offer Breakfast and Dinner in addition to Lunches.... nice... would love to see the company financials on this. I want to see just what the revenue alone on those free meals (as mentioned in the article) add to the company's profit margins. My guess is that the kick back money on the free meals makes up a larger portion of their profits than does the revenu from their regular services.... just a hunch. Chartwell's DC School Program

Will try to dig into this a little more later. I'm smelling a rat big time. I would not at all be surprised if there is a connection somewhere with someone like Kraft Foods, who we all know had none other than Dick Cheney on their board.

Oh, and by the way... Chartwells-Thompson is owned by the Compass Group, for what that is worth....and through Compass Group is where I am trying to find a connection with the US Govt.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I am looking for a music teacher! Wish you were in NC!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

At first reading your reply I wanted to smack you upside the head but quickly figured out your sense of humor

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