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Chicago School Bans Homemade Lunches

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+7 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:31 PM
From the Department of You-can't-make-this-stuff-up:

Chicago school bans homemade lunches, the latest in national food fight

I'm sorry, but this is where my Conservative side really gets fired up.

(The following is from the Yahoo news article I found, but the link just wouldn't work so I used the above link to the original story.)

Students who attend Chicago's Little Village Academy public school get nothing but nutritional tough love during their lunch period each day. The students can either eat the cafeteria food--or go hungry. Only students with allergies are allowed to bring a homemade lunch to school, the Chicago Tribune reports.

C'mon! When I attended school my Mom always packed my lunches in brown paper bags. When I sat at the cafeteria table and opened that bag the offers of "I'll trade you X for Y" came like an artillery barrage. (BTW, my Mom is one helluva cook. Her Egg Salad is the stuff of legends.)

Has it really reached this far? Parents are not to be allowed to send their children off to school with the food they want to see them eat?

I love one comment left on the Chicago Tribune comment board:

One commenter, who says her children attend a different Chicago public school, writes, "I can accept if they want to ban soda, but to tell me I can't send a lunch with my child. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????"

Right On!

Seriously folks. How do you feel about this latest Nanny state issue?
edit on 11-4-2011 by Hessling because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2011 by Hessling because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2011 by Hessling because: Fix link

edit on 11-4-2011 by Hessling because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:33 PM
add this to the list of reasons why i'm seriously conisdering home schooling my child.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Hmm one reason they would be doing this is to get some revenue? Either way, this is just plain ... redonkulous.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Damn! when iw as akid it was kinda of a law, you must feed the kids for lunch or get in trouble. are they making the kids pay for the lunch at school? if so thats cannot make someone pay for something they dont want too. and you most certainly cannot tell or make someone eat when YOU feel like it. how selfish. gone are the days of cool lunchboxes form the 80's, thermos's, brown paper bags with peanut butter n jelly, snadiwches yuor mom made, an aplpe. telling the kids they can go hungry, goes to show how barbaric our system is becoming. a grow up i can understand that. kids i cannot. they go hungry, in this manner, they may not focus on education then...not like its really worth anything anymore in thsi country honestly..but still. thier seems to be some loss of freedom from this chicago school system. might as well put a sign up thier too, like form will make yuo free*

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:40 PM
And then if you don't qualify for free lunch it cost over $2, i think it was $2.25 (sorry read the article earlier and don't remember the exact amount). You can pack and make a healthy lunch for cheaper than that especially when people are trying to save money and buy in bulk or grow their own veggies. I'd find a way to get the doctor to write a food allergy note just so I could brown bag it for my kid if I had one and they were going there. I remember every day when I was in highschool they had pizza and fries/tater tots and of course the vitapup slushy drink thing. I was happy I could pack my lunch to stay away from the gross looking greasy pizza. I can understand why they are trying to get kids to eat healthier but I agree with the posters above, get rid of the vending machines not the homemade lunches.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by eightonefive

We are expecting our first child in July and we've already decided we are homeschooling. A good friend of mine does a home school program with his 2 daughters and it seems to work out very well. I suppose time will tell if we actually follow through with our plan but at this point neither of us want our kid in a public school. I always remember my parents saying "back when I was in school....." Now I find myself looking at the public school system and thinking "what the FUDGE happened" I'm only 31 so I can't imagine how bad things will be when our daughter is ready for school.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Hessling

This is completely over the top.

Kids need to eat, period. You give your kids what you know they will eat, starting out with the most healthy and moving from there, trying all kinds of things, but it is more important that they eat than eat something healthy. It does absolutely no good to have kids trying to learn who are hungry, have low energy, poor blood sugar because they will not eat the trash cooked up in the school.

How about we let kids eat what they want (or what their parents want them to eat) and allow the parents to police their weight and physical condition. If a kid is a fat pig, that is not the fault of the kid who eats "junk food" who plays several hours of sports a day and is skinny as a rail. Let them eat what they will eat and turn off the X-Box and have them get some exercise.

The next link in this chain will be making all of the lunches free, which has been a goal of the social engineers for a long time. Mao was a huge fan of common eating places and common meals.
edit on 11-4-2011 by dolphinfan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by eightonefive
add this to the list of reasons why i'm seriously conisdering home schooling my child.

That's just one of many reasons I pulled my kids out after elementary school and homeschooled them all. While home lunches weren't banned at that time there was still a lot of pressure to sign up for the school lunch program. Once, while doing remodeling the house was in disarray and we were short of lunch food for all 4 kids. I supplemented their lunches with some random goodies -- stuff from MREs. Kids thought it was a treat. Got a note back from the school admonishing me because they weren't "good for them" and of course encouraging me to sign them up for the oh-so-nutritious school lunch program. Oh, good enough for me while in the Army but not good enough for the kids as just a small part of ONE lunch out of years of mostly decent (I'm no great cook) homemade lunches (with no sodas much to the chagrin of the kids). Still infuriates me all these years later.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Just another way to get GM foods into our nations youngest....Pollute their brains early in life so they will be really dumbed down when and if they are able to graduate...

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:46 PM
I will tell you right now, my kid will eat a REAL good breakfast and eat a REAL good lunch when she gets back home. I absolutely DO NOT TRUST others especially since this news came out. You do not know what they may plan to put into those kids food...think about it, many would not take the previous vaccines that were being pushed, and again I do not trust this crap. We parents need to step up, and step up now everywhere BEFORE this crap is implemented throughout the US.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I remember watching a tv programme where jamie oliver,a british celebrity chef was on a save the kids phase. He went to work in a school,changed their cafeteria food to healthy options,trained the kithen staff how to prepare and serve fresher and healthier meals. They banned junk food from the school.

After some drama ,seemingly this improved the kids concentration levels,and behaviour, less junk food and sugary snacks helped them focus more.Parents werent allowed to send the kids to school with soda or crisps.

sounds like a good idea,maybe this is what they have in in mind? trying to ban junk food.

although I remember there was some rebelious mothers who felt their precious kids couldnt survive the day on fresh fruit and veg alone and tried to smuggle crisps and chocolate in through the school if you wanna feed you kid junk surely you can wait till he comes home,hes not gonna drop dead if he dont get a bag of crisps before 4.00pm

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I cant help but feel as though they want to make sure they feed these kids genetically modified foods, chemicals and perhaps even foods that may somehow turn kids into not just sheeples but meek little lambs. Just the feeling I get from this story.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:50 PM
If parents can't be trusted to pack a decent lunch how can they be trusted to provide a decent breakfast or dinner or even a breakfast or dinner at all?

As soon as you give birth the state should just take the baby away immediately and raise it at a taxpayer funded educational complex.

When the child turns 18 then it may contact its birth parents if it should choose too.

It's the only way to ensure adequate stock for the progression of the state without parental bias or corruption.

Mark my words, more than one elected official honestly believes this and way more than one of your neighbors would gladly vote to implement this and narc you out for not agreeing with it.

Manufacture immortality via the state. The individual, even the family unit, is an obstacle to the "greatness"' these god-builders have in mind.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:52 PM
sounds alittle like when hitler told the jews not to bring sack lunches

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Hessling

I would be willing to bet that there are some vendor contracts in play here with Pepsi and food service providers. Sometimes under contract, entities cannot supplement what is provided by contractors. Some schools that wanted to replace the high sugar soda/candy machines were faced with their sports program(equipment and sponsors) being gutted because it of a Pepsi promotional contract that forbid any competition.
Allergies huh? Well I don't have children, but if I did, after reading this, I'd say they may be developing an allergic reaction to crap and processed foods....sorry, do I get a pass?


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I love your reply to this,

As I have seen it for a long time, there are only the two major factions : the ant-like thinkers or the humanitarians. And of course the fring on both ends.

There are deffinately those whom have the ideal that society would be better off run like an ant colony or machine with all emotion aside, and yes they tend to hold all of the purse strings.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:12 PM
The USA is sinking so fast.....

What this looks like to me is a progressive agenda of communism, and it has been gaining and gaining for quite awhile now.

I think if anyone does even slight research on the background information of people that work in the school systems accross America, including higher level government education directors, etc; You will find a LOT of Communists.

Their are more communists working full time in the public school system and also employed by the Obama administration, than existed in J. Edgar Hoover's black book of communists.. (okay, slightly exaggerated) , but not by very much!

I know this might sound alarmist and funny, or even slightly insane of me to say, but it is things like this, and then bigger more intrusive things, and then even bigger, way more intrusive things, and then finally it is too late, you have very little (if any) freedom left.

Things like this, even small things are being done for the real reason of obtaining more control over all the people.. People get oppressed to a certain degree and don't even want to try and fight it anymore, and that is the true goal of it, so that people don't even want to fight back.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:12 PM
I hope this doesn't sound racist but -
The picture with the article shows: only Hispanic kids and they're wearing uniforms.
Here's a list of those they spoke to at that school:

student Fernando Dominguez
Principal Elsa Carmona
parent Erica Martinez
parent Miguel Medina
student Yesenia Gutierrez
student Ashley Valdez.
Second-grader Gerardo Ramos
second-grader Julian Ruiz

It did say Chicago, Ill, right? Not Ciudad Juarez
How do you get 100% ( or close) Hispanic students at one elementary school in Chicago?
LA, AZ, TX there I could see large numbers of Hispanics but this just seemed strange,

Don;t worry about the poor parents having to foot the bill for these unwanted lunches
The Federal government picks up the tab for free school lunches. (that's you working class stiff)
And that money goes to - a private contractor, of course! Not KBR but I'm sure it's someone well connected with the Chicago school board.

Any school that bans homemade lunches also puts more money in the pockets of the district's food provider, Chartwells-Thompson. The federal government pays the district for each free or reduced-price lunch taken, and the caterer receives a set fee from the district per lunch.

It seems there is financial motivation to enforce such a policy. of the kickback...
Sorry, I'm sure it's only for the children's health,

Little village Elementary school?
I woke up today and found I wasn't in America anymore.

PS - this school was rated 2 out of 10 on the Greatschool ratings.
nice work!
Ok, I wasn't being racist. This school really is 100% Hispanic.
Students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch program 100% 39%(state-wide)

edit on 11-4-2011 by Asktheanimals because: hope and change!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by kittendaydreamer
I'd find a way to get the doctor to write a food allergy note just so I could brown bag it for my kid if I had one and they were going there.

I would pack my kid a lunch regardless, dare the school officials to take it away/confiscate it and make him go without lunch, and if they DID confiscate it, i would then get an attorney and start contacting county, state (and possibly federal) officials/representatives left and right.

Man, there would be no end to my fuss and wrath.

This is just absurd beyond words, regardless of the reasoning.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:19 PM
The teachers should have to go by the same rules....
no run to macdonalds, no heat and eat tv dinners, just cafeteria food......
let's see how long the stupid rule would last then...

oh, that goes for principles, and all the other employees in the school, even the janitors.....
and meals should be sent to the superintendent and school board also....

and send the mayor a complimentary meal once in awhile also.....

at least them, well, if the food happens to become contaminated, well, we can all know for sure that the kids aren't faking!!!

do the kids at least get options I hope???
I know when I was a kid, that young, well, it was a long time ago, but we didn't get any options till high school....and quite frankly, alot of times, none of the options were that great. at least I had the option, at least in high school, to just keep my money and not buy crap I knew I wouldn't eat...

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