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Chicago School Bans Homemade Lunches

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Another WTH???, well it was a different letter. I used to pack my lunch if I did not like what was on the menu in the school cafeteria, and I do the same for my daughter. When I pack her lunch I make sure it is healthy and balances. She is allowed some junk food, as long as she eats healthy otherwise. Maybe that is why she seldom indulges in junk food. She has always been one to order salads at McDonald's or if she ordered a happy meal, apple slices ans milk instead of fries. I wondered at one point if she was my kid. The schools here do offer a good healthy choice on the menu and they also have a salad bar as well. But, if I wanted to feed my kid junk food, that is my right. NO ONE is going to tell me what I can or can not feed my family. And letting a child go hungry??? What kinda BS is that????

Before schools start that kind of crap, they need to overhaul the foodstamp program first...eliminating sodas and energy drinks and junk food.

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:22 PM
That is ridiculous !
How can they think they can force people to buy school food? Buy our food or don't eat? That's f'ed up! I would loose my mind if my kids school thought for one minute they were going to try to pull some BS like that. The parents of those kids need to stop this.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Liquesence

Originally posted by kittendaydreamer
I'd find a way to get the doctor to write a food allergy note just so I could brown bag it for my kid if I had one and they were going there.

I would pack my kid a lunch regardless, dare the school officials to take it away/confiscate it and make him go without lunch, and if they DID confiscate it, i would then get an attorney and start contacting county, state (and possibly federal) officials/representatives left and right.

Man, there would be no end to my fuss and wrath.

This is just absurd beyond words, regardless of the reasoning.

So many awesome replies! If I had to pick one that truly strikes a chord with me, pretty much all of them have so far, it would be Liquesence's. Can you imagine the sh#t-storm you could cause. Awesome! (I wonder how that would fare in a court of law. Could a judge actually uphold the city's decision and do so with a straight face?)

Thanks for everyone that has replied. It's good to see how pretty much everyone sees this as simply wrong on so many levels.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Force-feeding kids pig slop is better than a sandwich from home?

This is not a nanny-state issue at all. It is simply a cash grab.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:31 PM
Are the teachers, principal etc ...... required to buy the cafeteria food too?? I can't get over this. This is crossing the line.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:35 PM
What this all boils down to is federal money. The school now will receive more money to supply their "nutritious" meals to the school children. Once you send your children off to school, you give up control. This just proves it..

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by alienreality

You are absolutely right and I don't think folks have any idea how bad it is. There is a reason home schooling is on the rise and the price of private schools has not been impacted nearly as much as the general economy. Folks are doing what ever the can to get their kids out of these failing public schools who have been turned to reeducation camps.

Just the other day, my son had to do a project on a famous modern muscian. A one page deal where he got up in front of the class and talked about the person. He did his on Elvis. After he finished, his teacher took him apart. "Elvis was a racist." "Elvis stole music from poor blacks to profit from their talent." "Elvis was a thief." "Elvis was a guitar playing member of the KKK." "Elvis had no talent." "Elvis had no impact on music." "Elvis was not a talented guitar player." "Elvis made terrible movies" "Elvis was a child molester"

I have an appointment to speak with this tool this week.

My kid is 11. He does not really like Elvis, but choose him because he thinks the hair and clothes are funny and also understands the impact he had on modern music. He does like Hound Dog, however.

Who did other kids choose? Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, Eminem. Fine citizens all. Talented, but certainly not heros

Schools today are nothing more than factories where the product is political indroctination, not education.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I will bet this Chicago school has banned soda but serves juice with high fructose corn syrup.(plus other products with high fructose corn syrup as ingredents)

I will also bet there food is high in "fast" Carbs like white flour, rice flour, IE pasta and bread.

This is just a way for the school to make money and does nothing to make the kid healthier.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:44 PM
The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, I highly doubt their processed food is better than moms food from Trader Joe's...wasn't there an article several months back talking about how the vast majority of school districts use the absolute lowest quality of meats?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:44 PM
The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, I highly doubt their processed food is better than moms food from Trader Joe's...wasn't there an article several months back talking about how the vast majority of school districts use the absolute lowest quality of meats?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan
I think I would bypass the teacher, and to the principle or school board even.....
either the teacher would have to come up with some sources to prove what she claimed (that my kid would easily find if they were doing actual research, or well....
the teacher isn't teaching is she, she is giving opinions as facts....
I'm not a fan of elvis, matter of fact I kind of hated him when I was a kid, my sister just had to watch every movie that came on tv with him in it, and I really didn't like them too much...
but, well, a teacher should know that they should keep their biases and personal opinions out of the classroom and not beat the kids over the head about it...
I kind of think that this school is opening itself up for some really good lawsuits.
every now and then, you read about how a bunch of kids got sick from food gotten at the food cafeteria. if this ever happens in this school, it will be alot more kids, and well......
the food was supposed to be healthier than what I was sending to school with them, what happened?? it's made my kid sick, he wouldn't be sick if he was eating the lunch that I sent to school with him.....
you took my right to protect my kid in this area away from me, and gave him crap, you are definately very much responsible!!
I would also do this is he suddenly came up with allergies from food he wasn't accustomed to eating, or started having more asthma attacks.

edit on 11-4-2011 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Hessling
They could be doing it to force people to spend money in there canteen, it doesnt seem right though, what about people who are short of money? I dont know if the US has the same sort of scheme as the UK has, where children whose families meet certain benefit criteria automatically get free school meals, I know about this because i am one of those families.
But if have to say, So theyre refusing to let kids eats home made food, What next? are they gonna watch what we feed them at home.
Bad times.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:44 PM
I'd be like "ef you principal. I'll fight you if you want to take away my food."

WIth my hypoglycemia, school food doesn't provide enough sugar, so I bring snacks. It would not count as a valid medical reason to them though. And since when does the govt say what I eat? Fascists. I'd spit on the one who thinks of this idea.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:52 PM
This is absolutely pathetic. Once again, the government reaches into another realm of the average citizen's life. The American government has become far too big.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Hessling

Total Bull#! The state is trying to take away more rights from the public! The purpose of the state is to protect the public's rights, not take them away, anyone read the Bill of Rights?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by rreeves5

Damn straight rreeves5!

That's the point of this thread.

We all seem to stand united on this matter.

I love how both Conservatives and Liberals both recognize this as total bull. C'mon! A bit of common sense to our everyday about it?

Appreciate the input.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:27 AM
I didn't read the article on this mess, but all I can say is, my kid would suddenly have a laundry list of "allergies".
Unless he would be getting lunch for free, I'm not going to have him be forced to eat whatever slop they serve up. If I want to save $10 a week and pack him a sandwich, ziploc-bagged chips, and a bottle of fruit juice, then I'd be damned that they wouldn't let him eat it. This is a REAL stupid thing they're pushing...unless the kids suddenly get free lunch, which I doubt, this makes absolutely zip, zero, nada, zilch sense. They can take his Buzz Lightyear lunch bag and stick it you-know-where!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:38 AM
Just watched it on tv . One of the mothers made an exact copy of one of the school lunches for $1.10 and the same one at school is $2.50 . Her kid can't take the identical lunch because it must be bought at school . It's being sold as health but one day before this passed they passed a bill to sell hard liquor at baseball games .

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:44 AM
Wow...what a great City...

I don't agree with any of it...its all garbage just like the food.

For me it was either eat or ride the bus home...and since half of the year where i lived it was 100+ degrees I didn't eat...

Maybe these children will do the may even cut the obesity rate a little, just saying...and they would avoid all the nasty food anyways....

I've eaten cafeteria was nasty...never ate it again...I'd rather go hungry til i got home..

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Hessling

This is the sort of thing that makes me glad we home school! No way, NO WAY, I would put up with that were my kids in such a school! Not only makes me mad, makes me a bit suspicious as well. What are they putting int he food?

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