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The truth is Ashley D half the people arguing against this are arguing for the right to be a slave... "If they become fully integrated into our society" Which is a nice way of saying learn to think and do as we do to be slaves to it like we are, even though you have lived your whole life thinking and living differently! It is saying in essence, you are free only if you are exactly like us!
reply to post by torqpoc
As I stated in my earlier post, the ban on the burqua is, from my understanding, more about it's reason, it's implication. It isn't required in the Qu'ran, it is only a secular interpretation of the Qu'ran which demands the wearing of the burqua of it's women. It is all about the subjugation of the female gender, nothing else. Sadly a lot of women who wear it are so brain washed and under control they believe, steadfastly, that it's their "right" to wear it. Ultimately at some stage someone needs to stand up and say no, for their sake even if they don't realise it is for their sake. Do we continue to allow something which symbolises the oppression of women? That is the real question here and the real point.
How is the problem solved ?
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by mr-lizard
So how is telling specific women specifically what they can't wear not alienating them?
Maybe they shouldn't have married that husband, but the truth is if there is a husband alive who doesn't tell his wife to do somethings I will show you a cuckhold.
Isolated random occurences do not make for sound logic.
I gaurantee you what ever isolated occurences are in those links that no I did not read you will find similiar occurences in society after society, religion after religion.
What you are arguing for is collective guilt by association.
The truth is if Islam was as scary and horrible as some try to make it out to be they would have beheaded you all by now and their women would have all committed suicide.
Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by 23432
How is the problem solved ?
It seems you missed the point of my post. It was in reference to 'Let those in Saudi do unto their own laws.' 'Let those in America do unto their own laws.'
Therefore, 'Let those in France do unto their own laws.'
You can't say other countries have the right to do as they wish but tell France they cannot.
For instance, as a devout Christian, I have severe issues with France's laws prohibiting religious expression in public. Therefore, note to self: Ashley, do not move to France.
That is their law. Case closed. Not that the problem in and of itself will magically disappear.
The poster above used Saudi and America as examples but that has nothing to do with France because France is not Saudi or America.
Originally posted by Thepreye
Originally posted by Annee
I suppose this is a hard core logical position for practical reasons.
In this day and age - - - I can not support face covering of anyone (except outside weather wear).
Religious/Cultural or otherwise.
That'll be the fear factor making you think like that, we've managed to survive over a thousand years of the Burqa but now it's waay too scary, even though a nudist could pack a kilo of c4 up their kiester, I hope I haven't just started a campaigne for government seals on our arses, may be the TSA could be on hand for the opening of seals when a visit to the lav is called for.
Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The truth is Ashley D half the people arguing against this are arguing for the right to be a slave... "If they become fully integrated into our society" Which is a nice way of saying learn to think and do as we do to be slaves to it like we are, even though you have lived your whole life thinking and living differently! It is saying in essence, you are free only if you are exactly like us!
So asking people to follow the laws of the country they MOVED to is wrong?
Im sorry but if you dont like the laws somewhere then go back to your country where your religion is predominant.......
I dont come into someones house and expect them to go by MY rules...........
What you described is the pentacle of the problem in the world now, narcissism........
I want what I WANT, and I dont care what YOU say or what YOUR laws are........
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
We need to get power back in the hands of the people, not put more in the hands of the government. .
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by mr-lizard
One of the things many Westerners suffer from when it comes to not percieving the Free Range Slavery Statist System is they measure their limited freedoms against cultures that they believe as having less freedoms so therefore since they believe they are freer on their farm that they are free!
We are all being repressed from living fully free and independent lives free of fear of and of government intrusion and penalty. Often for offences that have hurt no one at all, but are simply economic opportunities for the government to regulate and make money through fines, and fees and slave prison labor.
You imagine you are free because you are better off in theory than those they point out to you that they claim are not as well off.
Wouldn't matter to you from what you are saying if a Muslim woman wearing a Burka was as happy as a chipmunk, what matters to you is you have been told and believe she shouldn't be!
To in essence support your government in taking away what makes her happy even though she isn't hurting you at all.
No there is not much arguing with bullies.
Originally posted by gandalphthegrey
There is an old saying.
When in Rome , do as the Romans do .
Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Now you're chatting gibberish, making abstract and wholly random accusations that have no basis in fact or reality.
Your issue isn't with me, your issue is with the French government who have made a decision.
Deal with it.