posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 11:57 AM
The Mother, Selena Drexel, Has now gone public and done a few interviews.
The TSA has also weighed in on the matter.
Many of my previous questions have been answered and the blanks filled in.
Her daughter was selected for a "Random Screening"... (Patdown)
There was no drug test. Just pat down.
There was no suspicious activity by the parents or child that led to the search.
The TSA followed policy and training to the letter of the manual... even the mother acknowledges the agent was professional and courteous.
All that said....Bad, BAD policy. If the mom had tried to smuggle something on the plane or smelled like drugs...maybe...maybe I could understand, but
this was random screening.
The TSA needs to change the policy immediately.
Until then anyone travelling with children...
if your child is selected for random pat-down...
You have a right to say No Thank You...Flying is a consumer purchase and choice.
I would refuse the pat-down for my child, leave the security area, go to the Airline customer Service desk and explain the circumstances and ask to be
put on the next available flight or have your ticket refunded.
Any airline would want to avoid this kind of press like the plague and would put you on the next flight immediately (poosiblky even with an upgrade
and an apology)...and the odds of having a child selected for "random" pat down twice has got to be slim.
Alternatively if you can't take a later flight...ask to see a TSA manager and make a scene, wait at the security area, don't go to a back office to
talk, you are going to want an audience as you loudly explain that it is not OK for your child to be patted down by strangers.
TSA needs to send out a specific guideline memo on the issue immediately.
And yes...if we ever decide we want to pay the money and get the politics out of the discussion...profiling (not racial-but psychological...Q&A etc)
remains the best screening method. Israel is very good at Psych profiling, but as I understand it those agents go through a years worth of is expensive... but it might be time that we upgraded our methodologies. It will just require bipartisanship and discussion free of
private lobbyists..who prefer to make a quick and unregulated profit staffing airports. Most of the 9-11 terrorists boarded through airports with TSA
staffed by private firms.