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6 Year Old Girl groped by New Orleans TSA.This Has To Stop...

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:26 PM
I think logical sense needs to be implemented in these searches. Political correctness can cause unnecessary searches. Racial profiling or what ever you want to call it should be implemented. Weather you agree with it or not, it really is the only way to actually target possible terrorists. I guarantee you when a middle eastern looking person goes through these security checks, they're treated much more thoroughly than those that do not have middle eastern looks. To be politically correct, we have to search EVERYONE even kids.
They could eliminate a majority of these ridiculous searches if they would just search people who fit these profiles.

Now I expect someone here to claim this is racist. To me it's just logical sense. When there's a homicide, the police use profiling to find the killer. What's the difference here? If the killer was known to be a white male, would it be logical to be searching for a black male? These are just physical traits, it's not being racist. I'm sure some Italians would have some of the middle eastern features especially from the southern parts of Italy like Sicily. They may be subject to searches but that has to be expected. Should someone that has middle eastern features be outraged? Absolutely not! !f they can sensibly understand that their part of the world is responsible for these threats, and if they have nothing to hide themselves, than they should understand they would be targeted for the safety of other innocent lives. My wife was subject to search on a bus traveling to the states from a visit to Canada. We both had a feeling she would be checked because she has some middle eastern features. We had a laugh after it happen because we understood why they felt they needed to search her. I think you really need to come to grips with the basic understanding of saving lives and the reality of the situation.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
Wow...This is just out of control.

Searching a 6 year old little girl like this? Really?

This policy MUST END.

Agreed this is a dumb policy. When we were children they used to practice "duck and cover" during the school day,

as if this was an effective defence against a sneak attack by the commies. If we have reason to fear an attack then

lets consider a preemtive strike, it is the only way to be sure to win a conflict.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:42 PM
I seriously can't even finish watching that first video.

I understand some people need to fly for work and such but what do you think would happen if people decided to take trains or buses because they didn't want to go through that? I know a trip to cali is too long on a train and you can't go to the islands on anything but a plane or cruise. But what if people just said that they don't want to fly because they do not want to get molested and we will start flying again when
1. the touchy feely stops

2. the back scatter radiation machines are PROVEN as safe as the x-ray machines. (sorry had to throw it in)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Well, as the response to that video that OP provided - people need to get angry - to get PISSED OFF.

This is the government telling US how the way things are going to be. There has been a disconnect - the government is there to serve the people, not the other way around.

Until, WE THE PEOPLE, get off our asses and make them realize this - then things are going to get a lot worse (well, until the day people start getting marched off to camps for speaking your mind) That day isn't here yet, but I am SURE it is coming.

I myself, at XMAS time, when coming home from visiting my parents was made to go through the pat-down (or the x-ray one.) I told em if you want to grope me, at least have a female do it - I was told any more talk like that and I would be arrested. I took the x-ray, but as I was doing this - a Muslim woman (assuming it was, couldn't tell with the hijab) was allowed right through.

edit on 11-4-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by usgovhater
reply to post by Caji316

Well I just sent a not so friendly e-mail to the website at the White House. I won't repeat the message only to repeat what I said at the end:

"What the hell is the worst thing a 6 year old can do anyways? Put bubble gum on the stall of the ladies bathroom at disney world?" OMG!!!

Like really!

They're probably going to laugh and then have the same discussion on the forums that we are...just because YOU love your child and wouldn't put something dangerous on her or under clothing, does not mean that someone else who is f#d in the head would do it. YOU are an average American citizen, and you would probably not do this, however, a terrorist does not usually have that mindset, do they? Is every child travelling someone's biological child? No. So, like it's been said before, just because YOU would not put YOUR child in danger for the sake of (insert reason for terrorism here), does not mean there are not some sick F#s out there that would NOT.

For those saying you would punch/slap/knock someone's jaw out for "touching" and "groping" your daughter...shame on you. You're no better than this TSA agent supposedly "groping" this little girl, if you would knock someone silly just for the sake of some stupid rule the government has in place. Seriously. It's not about drinking kool-aid, or, as the teens say..."sheeple" and "drones", it's about a RULE that is put in place for security. As far as comparing these to the different Hitler camps/SS camps, whatever...shame on you. THOSE people are DEAD, the TSA agents are NOT putting anyone in more danger by performing these searches.

What a wonderful world you must live in, to think nobody would ever harm a child or use them to smuggle drugs or weapons.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:45 PM
So... Where was the groping? That was a search... Not an inappropriate touch. That said, I do hate what the TSA does and they do push the legal boundaries ( being kind on that one)... But let's be fair here. There was no inappropriate touching going on... And to accuse some one of touching a child inappropriately is not cool.... At all.

It is a sad fact that people will take advantage of children and hide drugs and weapons on them hoping that security will pass them up... It happens all the time....

Yep, it sucks, but there was no child molestation in this video.... So let's be careful not to accuse people of such a horrible crime, when it is obvious that it did not happen.....

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:48 PM

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Not sure what all the buzz about with that video. I thought that's the standard "procedure" for anyone passing through TSA now? Of course it's absurd, but the video doesn't show anything out of the ordinary happening. Hell, it was even a woman doing the pat down. (I'm assuming people are calling the pat downs "groping" now?)
My wife was "groped" AND scanned on her way back to Tokyo through MSY, even though she specifically asked them to only do the pat down because she didn't want her nude pics on TSA record. That's much more shocking to me. Here I thought we were supposed to have a choice in the matter? Oh, and she was patted down by a male. I guess it's okay for a man to "grope" a young woman but it crosses the line when it's a child? Maybe I'm missing something here.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Vanna

Originally posted by usgovhater
reply to post by Caji316

Well I just sent a not so friendly e-mail to the website at the White House. I won't repeat the message only to repeat what I said at the end:

"What the hell is the worst thing a 6 year old can do anyways? Put bubble gum on the stall of the ladies bathroom at disney world?" OMG!!!

Like really!

They're probably going to laugh and then have the same discussion on the forums that we are...just because YOU love your child and wouldn't put something dangerous on her or under clothing, does not mean that someone else who is f#d in the head would do it. YOU are an average American citizen, and you would probably not do this, however, a terrorist does not usually have that mindset, do they? Is every child travelling someone's biological child? No. So, like it's been said before, just because YOU would not put YOUR child in danger for the sake of (insert reason for terrorism here), does not mean there are not some sick F#s out there that would NOT.

For those saying you would punch/slap/knock someone's jaw out for "touching" and "groping" your daughter...shame on you. You're no better than this TSA agent supposedly "groping" this little girl, if you would knock someone silly just for the sake of some stupid rule the government has in place. Seriously. It's not about drinking kool-aid, or, as the teens say..."sheeple" and "drones", it's about a RULE that is put in place for security. As far as comparing these to the different Hitler camps/SS camps, whatever...shame on you. THOSE people are DEAD, the TSA agents are NOT putting anyone in more danger by performing these searches.

What a wonderful world you must live in, to think nobody would ever harm a child or use them to smuggle drugs or weapons.

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Benjamin Franklin

Not American, but damn, the founding fathers of that great nation knew what was coming.

Originally posted by BeatSymphonic
Not sure what all the buzz about with that video. I thought that's the standard "procedure" for anyone passing through TSA now? Of course it's absurd, but the video doesn't show anything out of the ordinary happening. Hell, it was even a woman doing the pat down. (I'm assuming people are calling the pat downs "groping" now?)
My wife was "groped" AND scanned on her way back to Tokyo through MSY, even though she specifically asked them to only do the pat down because she didn't want her nude pics on TSA record. That's much more shocking to me. Here I thought we were supposed to have a choice in the matter? Oh, and she was patted down by a male. I guess it's okay for a man to "grope" a young woman but it crosses the line when it's a child? Maybe I'm missing something here.

You should also be pissed. I would be angry in your situation.
edit on 11-4-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Caji316

Why wont they do this to the friggin ARABS???
When was the last time you head of a 6 year old white girl carry a bomb aboard a plane??

Bring back profiling
edit on 4/11/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:57 PM
I know people don't want to say it, but who cares - SAY IT.

Bring back racial profiling - what is the probability of a little girl, or an old person bringing an explosive on an airplane - and what are the chances of a person of Arab decent?

People don't want to say, but WE ALL KNOW THE ANSWER.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

THANK YOU I agree 10,000%

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Just like Cellente said its time to physically stop this evil government, period. The time for peace is over!!! They only understand force and when they see over a million people marching on D.C. maybe they will give up or run.

Thats exactly it. I wonder when people will wake up to this fact. Im all for understanding and Love but when your enemy only understands fear and pain, along with power love wont conquer that. Im sure I will get flack for saying it but I think the time has come for a revolution in NA, EU and the so called "developed" nations of the world. Our freedoms, or veil of freedoms is getting smaller and smaller each day but people either dont care or are just blissful with ignorance.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by mindseye21

I think the major problem, is most of us that are really pissed off, also happen to be busting our asses, working 6 days a week, just trying to keep afloat. All the folks I know that are aware of anything wrong in the world can't even afford to take a vacation(just time off), let alone a trip all the way to DC.
edit on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:07:42 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

The sad thing about this is that there are some sickos out there that would hide drugs or weapons on their children. I work in the airline industry, not for the TSA but for an air freight forwarder, and these scumbag TSA agents come to our dock, with boxes with no labeling, asking us "Hey, can you guys ship this box for me, you don't know me, I am not a known shipper, but can you put this box on an airplane please". I mean just scum bags these agents have turned out to be, it makes me sick.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Caji316

The TSA Woman was polite and explained and tried to do her job professionally.

Not all TSA People are this professional.

Some believe that we have come to this "needed security" because our "enemies" would strap a bomb to a child.

It is said, and I don't know first hand because I have never been nor intend to ever go to the Middle East, that children are used.

We have abused and used children here in America as well, look at JonBenet.

There is still so much evil in this world and it doesn't have to be like this.

Lookiing back into history, let's take the Holocaust, the guards, the people that lived near the camps, the people who loaded the bodies and the people who worked the crematoriums, the people who loaded fellow humans onto the trains.............were just following orders, just doing their job.

At what point do you draw your line, that is the question?

My manager and director told me never to tell a client that the reports were from India when asked, I was told to say "simply another team member, company employee".................not exactly a lie but a with holding of a truth, not quite anwering a question directly. And in corporate america (purposely did not capatalize due to lack of respect) all corporate workers will do almost anything to keep their 9-5 job, tiny cube and paycheck.

It's all a matter of degrees but it's all selling your soul.

Getting back to that particular TSA Officer, she did appear to me, to me more gentle and respectful. I have seen videos of others searching children that weren't as thoughtful.

One last thought on this and this last thought is to me a monumental piece of information. We are being prepared and conditioned, particularly our children to accept being treated as slaves / cattle for citizenship in the New World Order.

The Bushes both Father and Son predicted this as did Reagan.

Welcome to 1984.

And this is just the beginning.

Start Googling patrol drones............soon you will see a small globe zipping down your street. We already have accepted cameras on most major roads and Toll booths, London, I hear has them on almost every street corner.

The way my previous company managed it's sheeple was to have everyone watch everyone else and whoever "caught" someone breaking one of the many rules and reported that person got browny points. David Icke talked about this, it's called how to get the few to manage the many.............and he predicted this almost two decades ago.

This is all a game and the majority of you still don't even see the half of it.

911 = The war in Iraq, even Pearl Harbor = false flag operations.

Our nightly news on mainstream TV = propaganda

Body scanners, insourcing, outsourcing, our Senate and Congress have really nice medical and retirement packages (I did a thread on that over a year ago and most of you either ignored it or said, so what)

Well got new for you, who works for who?

Read my location.........................says it all.

Anytime you have a country run by either religion, corporations and the military you end up with a dictatorship.

The police and our military are simply "the enforcers" the kings henchmen.

It's all a friggin game and the more apathetic and compliant people remain the worse it is going to get.

But, most people are too compliant, too scared, too distracted to realize the train is already here. The next question is when will it be your turn to be loaded onto it?

Freedom does not come free. While people continue to read Twilight Novels, coach baseball games, watch Dancing With The Stars and not keep track of what their reps voted for or against this is what you end up with.

It is my feeling that, short of a revolution, times are going to only get worse for the majority of people.

Know who your enemy is




They came, they saw, they took it all. Welcome to the world where thieves have no honor, and those who hone their talents hammering the rest of us are lavishly rewarded.

Nick Saban – Alabama State football coach
Howard Schultz – Starbucks Coffee
Daniel Akerson – CEO, General Motors
Don Blankenship, CEO, Massey Energy
David Cote - CEO, Honeywell
David Tepper – Ex-Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager
Lloyd Blankfein – Goldman Sachs
Mark Hurd – Ex-CEO, HP
Larry Ellison – Oracle
Andrew Clark – CEO, Bridgepoint Education

[Incidentally, all ten are Americans who hold US-Israeli dual citizenship. That is to say, like all their kin who’ve fled American justice in the past (many, 9/11-related), a one-way ticket back to their “homeland” following a scam of any scale would guarantee safety from extradition. NB: Madoff was an exception because his fraud was simply too gargantuan to conceal. Nonetheless, more than $50B of Madoff’s booty was piped into Israeli banks.]

Source and rest of article link here:

edit on 11-4-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Caji316

I'm not sure, but I guess for starters I might just right a letter, after that what can I say? We are kind of at their mercy. I'm just hopeing that it won't get worse and our next government elected officials will handle it differently. I hate those security government type people who act like it's no big deal, to be honest the woman touched the girl too much, she was playing with her hair, and rubbed her breast area, I mean come one, you can't just tell by looking? I would like to see that woman have no job, meanwhile I have no job. I'm seriously frustrated with all this. A petition might do something, but really our biggest power is to vote.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:19 PM

And the SS at the death camps were "just doing there jobs"

Um.. Yeah they were...

You think this person is going to speak out & risk losing their job in this economy??

Like I said, if you want to see real change don't complain about the agents just enforcing it...

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:19 PM
It seems to me that some people may be missing the point here. I bet if we looked into it a little we would find that we voted on this search and passed it. I had a grandson born in Jan 2010 with nothing out of the norm. Then just last month my grandaughter was born and when I went to see her she had a small wound on her foot. I asked a nurse what happened and she told me that was where they had takin the DNA sample from. Needless to say I was shocked and VERY pissed off. I remember reading about this back in 2008 or 2009 but I don't remember ever voting on it so how did this happen. Then I was talking to a friend who told me it was most likely hidden within some other bill that delt with child safety. Before anyone goes and attacks my story let me add that because this just happened I have not had time to check that information for myself but I have to say it does sound like something the Gov. would do. Not that I agree with this type of search, but if you vote for something you should read it first. I did do some checking and found that in many cases when they want to pass a law it's done by telling us how it will effect our children. I live in Arizona, and a couple of years ago they wanted to raise the tax on tobacco and it failed. In response they rewrote it as a smoking ban in bars. They ran adds that said it would protect our children from second hand smoke 'IN BARS' included in the law was a tax increase said to be used to pay for inforcement of the new ban.....It passed of course, no one even stopped to ask what these kids were doing in bars in the first place. I thought that if you wanted to protect your kids from smoke in bars leave them at home when you go out drinking...So it's possible that we OKed this type of search and didn't even know it...

And by the way, two months after the smoking ban and tax took affect they cut the budget on our law enforcement again, so where are the taxes going??

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