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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by BRAVO949

##SNIP## In reponse to argument that you cannot move beyond your supposed accent on the AA 11 recording and actually provide even a shred of evidence for covert Israeli teams on the 9/11 planes you give me the King David Hotel 1946 !

Grippingly relevant. Lots of suicide bombers involved in the King David Hotel were there ?

I think we are making progress today, Alfie.

I am glad you can agree that the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 was a terrorist attack.

Were the bombers suicide bombers? No but if caught they would have been executed which is pretty darn close to a suicide mission. The bombs could have blown up ahead of schedule and killed them.

A really important fact is that they were willing to kill fellow Jews for the cause.

So we all agree now that, let's call them Zionists, are capbable of false-flag terrorist attacks that kill innocent Jews and other innocent people, right?

The man's voice on the recording is Hebrew not Zionist, though, of course.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

The accent on the 9/11 recording sounds exactly like a Hebrew accent in English and if you disagree explain in linguistic terms why not and provide an example of the accent you suggest matches.

If you think it's Hebrew it's kind of up to you to prove it. But even leaving that aside I've already explained why I have no reason to think it's what you say it is.

I'll reiterate. It's a very bad recording. You can't hear the indivisual stresses on the consonants that you claim. And unless you're a very practised Hebrew and Arabic speaker I would dispute your ability to tell the difference. Even if you are, I doubt you can really tell from this recording. As I said, to me it sounds like Urdu.

I note you've ignored my questions about where the "OS" says what you claim it does. Strawman?
edit on 13-6-2011 by TrickoftheShade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

So we all agree now that, let's call them Zionists, are capbable of false-flag terrorist attacks that kill innocent Jews and other innocent people, right?

The man's voice on the recording is Hebrew not Zionist, though, of course.

Suicide bombing was actually invented by the Tamil Tigers. And the accent sounds like it could be Sri Lankan...

Can you prove it's not?

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by BRAVO949

##SNIP## In reponse to argument that you cannot move beyond your supposed accent on the AA 11 recording and actually provide even a shred of evidence for covert Israeli teams on the 9/11 planes you give me the King David Hotel 1946 !

Grippingly relevant. Lots of suicide bombers involved in the King David Hotel were there ?

I think we are making progress today, Alfie.

I am glad you can agree that the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 was a terrorist attack.

Were the bombers suicide bombers? No but if caught they would have been executed which is pretty darn close to a suicide mission. The bombs could have blown up ahead of schedule and killed them.

A really important fact is that they were willing to kill fellow Jews for the cause.

So we all agree now that, let's call them Zionists, are capbable of false-flag terrorist attacks that kill innocent Jews and other innocent people, right?

The man's voice on the recording is Hebrew not Zionist, though, of course.

Of course there is much more to this. Many factions have shown they are capable of terrorist acts, among which were people of the jewish, Christian and Islamic fate. That jews are willing to kill jews, Christians willing to kill Christians and Muslims kill muslims with just as little inhibition is not new either.

But we should comparmentalize it all and stick to the topic. Compare the audio in the opening post, with examples of hebrew accents on PAGE 2 and arab accents on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:36 PM
It seems that the game here is protect Israel and make any sort of claim, ask any sort of question with the goal of diverting attention from the country / ideology that is responsible for modern terrorism.

By country responsible for modern terrorism I mean Israel and by ideology responsible for modern terrorism I mean Zionism.

I am not here to slam Israel and Zionism or to remind the world or at least anyone who reads this that Israel has a history of stealing passports, using false identities and murdering people in acts of international terrorism way beyond their borders.


No one so far has provided any proof that the voice on the tape is not the voice of a Hebrew man.

With regard to the sound quality, it is better than many cell phone calls.

No one has suggested that it might be a woman.

No one has suggested that it might be a child.

No one suggested it is an old man.

No one has questioned those points because we can easily tell that it is a man probably in his twenties or thirties.

The sound quality is certainly good enough to come to that conclusion.

If I said the voice was of a lefthanded, thick-ankled, hairy armpitted, bad breathed, feminist professor of Jewish Studies at NYU then you could say I was jumping to conclusions and would be justified in using the A-S term for the first time in internet history.

I am just simply saying that if you listen to the way the Hebrew speaking man on the recording voices his consonants especially his "R's" and clearly hits the "B's" the recording is of a native Hebrew speaker.

PS - Hooper, if you are anything like the woman I described above don't take it personally just wear longer skirts to cover those ankles.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by wisdomnotemotion

Originally posted by BRAVO949
The recording, which was played as part of the official 9/11 Commission investigation, is of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English with a rather strong Hebrew accent.

If you want to confirm this for yourself simply find on the internet a few examples of Hebrew speakers and a few examples of Arabic speakers and listen to each of them.

Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages but the accent of a Hebrew speaker in English is not similar at all to the accent of a native Arabic speaker in English.

For example, there is no "P" sound in Arabic. Arabic speakers will normally substitiute the sound of the letter "B" for "P".

In this case the man clearly uses a "P" sound when he says "planes".

You may or may not like the fact that the voice indicates a Hebrew accent but it clearly does and no honest linguist or person familiar with Arabic and Hebrew would ever say this recording was anything other than a Hebrew speaker speaking English.

PS - there is no trace of a German accent in this recording so the official story as to whom the voice belongs is not supported by this recording.

Yes the recording has strong Hebrew accent. Listen to this youtube on learning Hebrew. You'll notice the similarities of vocal releases.

It's also carefully scripted - we notice how excellent the arrangement of English sentences.
■ It shows that whoever the hijacker was, he's particular about English language. That's funny.

Besides "coughymachine" this is probably the best post on this thread.

Can somone explain why this "wisdomnotemotion" came to the same conclusion as I did? Granted the user name is a great clue.

If the voice was a Welsh accent I would tell you that. If it was a South Africa accent I would tell you that.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
It seems that the game here is protect Israel and make any sort of claim, ask any sort of question with the goal of diverting attention from the country / ideology that is responsible for modern terrorism.

Wrong, the game here is just to blame Israel for everything, whilst hiding the real cause responsible for a lot of modern terrorism, Islam.

]By country responsible for modern terrorism I mean Israel and by ideology responsible for modern terrorism I mean Zionism.

Wrong, Islam is responsible for modern terrorism, you just want to hide the truth and blame the jews!

I am not here to slam Israel and Zionism

Yes you are actually!

No one so far has provided any proof that the voice on the tape is not the voice of a Hebrew man.

You ignore the fact that no one has proved that it is, and as Israel has no history of suicide attacks, but Islam has a long history of suicide it is much more likely to be a arab.

I am just simply saying that if you listen to the way the Hebrew speaking man on the recording voices his consonants especially his "R's" and clearly hits the "B's" the recording is of a native Hebrew speaker.

Wrong yet again.

Just another blame the jews poster!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by spoor

This thread is about a Hebrew accent on a recording played as part of the official 9/11 Commission not about Zionist terrorism.

Please comment on the linguistics of the Hebrew accent on the recording or provide some reason proving it is or is not a Hebrew accent.

If you insist on defending Zionist terrorism instead of contributing to the discussion on linguistics you are just drawing attention to Zionist terrorism in a thread about linguistics not Zionist terrorism.

You aren't helping to improve Israel's damaged reputation either.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
This thread is about a Hebrew accent on a recording played as part of the official 9/11 Commission

No, it is about a false claim that someone claims to have spoken with a hebrew accent.

provide some reason proving it is or is not a Hebrew accent.

It is not up to me to disprove your silly claim, it is up to you to prove it - which you have been unable to do.

You are just trying to blame the jews and cover up arab terrorism.

You aren't helping to improve Israel's damaged reputation either.

As Israel had nothing to do with 911, their reputation is not damaged. Some people who hate jews claim it is however.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

This thread is about a Hebrew accent on a recording played as part of the official 9/11 Commission not about Zionist terrorism.

I thought it was about a nonchalant observation, based on the reading in an obscure website that postulated that the recorded voice had a "Hebrew" accent. As silly as that may sound.

Please comment on the linguistics of the Hebrew accent on the recording or provide some reason proving it is or is not a Hebrew accent.

What Hebrew accent? Has it now been unilaterally established that it was a Hebrew accent? When did that happen? When you said so? When you posted a few videos and arbitrarily claimed that they sounded the same?

If you insist on defending Zionist terrorism instead of contributing to the discussion on linguistics you are just drawing attention to Zionist terrorism in a thread about linguistics not Zionist terrorism.

Can you please repeat the phrase "Zionist terrorism" again? That was only three times in one sentence, maybe go for four or five times. And then please start crying crocidile tears when someone suggest that you maybe, just maybe, be an Anti-Semite.

You aren't helping to improve Israel's damaged reputation either

There are certain people out there that will never have a good view of Israel, except when is spoken about in the past tense.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:53 PM
Hooper, Spoor, Alfie - this thread is about the Hebrew accent.

Why have you forced me to comment so many times about Zionist terrorism?

If you had just provided some linguistic proof that Israel should not be implicated in the crime of 9/11 none of this would have come up.

Don't you three care about Israel?

I am not trying to make you look like fools who know nothing about languages.

I am not trying to make you look like you just blindly defend Israel even when you know nothing about the subject under discussion.

I did not want to bring up the fact that Israel has a long history of stealing passports and carrying out terrorist attacks around the world and draw the parallel to 9/11 but you forced me to do that by not talking about linguistic facts.

If this looks to others as simply and indictment of Zionist terrorism it is all your fault for not sticking to the subject of the thread.

Why you three want to contribute to the defamation of Israel when it is on its last leg is beyond me.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
this thread is about the Hebrew accent.

What hebrew accent? As there was no hebrew accent how can this thread be about it?

Why have you forced me to comment so many times about Zionist terrorism?

No one forced you, it is just your hatred of the jews showing itself!

If you had just provided some linguistic proof that Israel should not be implicated in the crime of 9/11

How can you prove a negative? Also I cannot provide any linguistic proof that the Irish, French, South Africans, Americans, Tuvans, or in fact any other country was not involved.

I am not trying to make you look like fools who know nothing about languages.

I know that, you are just making yourself look like a fool, wanting to blame the jews for 811

Why you three want to contribute to the defamation of Israel when it is on its last leg is beyond me.

You are the one wanting to blame and defame Israel as you hate jews!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 12:23 AM
Question are both of these men A-S?

Is Paxman A-S?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by mark38
reply to post by BRAVO949

I think you are dealing with a member of the HOSBARE BRIGADE who joine every political forum to defend
Israel and defame the Arabs & Muslims.They can pose as Arabs and muslims and rant about anything other
than the main issue and here's an Israeli PR program,is called ; " Syber - Soldiers " .

You should never trust what they say,write because they're faking the news .

You are 100% right, Mark.

I just read through the posts and the only people who oppose the claim that an Israeli was caught red-handed in the crime that was 9/11 are defenders of Zionist crime in general.

We might add the the cream of the crop was not sent to fight this battle either.

They didn't provide any real argument to prove their point and fired the A-S arrow as soon as they felt cornered. When you read through the posts it becomes clear that no matter what anyone said or proved it would not change what the Hasbarats were going to say.

The most interesting thing about the restriction of free expression that the Hasbara try to enforce is that it is so obvious and so poorly done that it has the very opposite result.

The Zionists hate for non-Jews on the internet is truly alarming and it is backfiring on them in the worst way. They are exactly what they accuse others of being and the proof is documented on this thread.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:14 AM
How did this thread end up being and argument over one specific possible implication of a claim that has yet to be proven?

This board is given to the discussion of alternative theories to explain the events of 9/11... ones that challenge the official account and, necessarily, the notion that 'Arabs' did it (or acted alone). We don't see the sort of vitriol we're seeing here in other threads when, say, American government involevment is alleged... there are no claims of anti-Americanism, for example. Similarly, there are no claims of anti-Semitism either, despite the fact that allegations of American government involvement unavoidably includes some Jewish/Israeli involvement by dint of the fact some key personnel and decision makers within the American government at the time were Jewish and/or Israeli. This doesn't mean allegations that members of the American government were involved is equivalent to a claim "the Jews did it" either, any more than the claim that a native Hebrew speaker was on board Flight 11 is the same as claiming "the Jews did it".

IF it could ever be proven that this voice belongs to a native Hebrew speaker, then all that would be proven - indeeed, all this would allege - is that ONE NATIVE HEBREW SPEAKER WAS ON BOARD FLIGHT 911. No more.

Can't we get back to a discussion about the original topic of this thread? If there's nothing more to say about that claim, then there's probably nothing more to say.

edit on 14-6-2011 by coughymachine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Why have you forced me to comment so many times about Zionist terrorism?

I did not want to bring up the fact that Israel has a long history of stealing passports and carrying out terrorist attacks around the world and draw the parallel to 9/11 but you forced me to do that by not talking about linguistic facts.

If this looks to others as simply and indictment of Zionist terrorism it is all your fault for not sticking to the subject of the thread.

Why you three want to contribute to the defamation of Israel when it is on its last leg is beyond me.

I know! They're so mean, forcing you to be nasty about the jews.

Any response to my contention that the speaker is a tamil? Disprove it with your linguistic powers please, or I'm going to start lobbying for an invasion of Sri Lanka. Even though they killed most of the tamils already.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by coughymachine

Perhaps you could emphasise that message to Bravo because he seems to think that his musings about the accent of one individual on a short poor quality recording " indicts Israel ".

Despite the fact that he can't begin to suggest who the alleged hebrew speaker was; nor any of the team because I am sure we are all agreed 9/11 was not carried out by one man.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by coughymachine
How did this thread end up being and argument over one specific possible implication of a claim that has yet to be proven?

This board is given to the discussion of alternative theories to explain the events of 9/11... ones that challenge the official account and, necessarily, the notion that 'Arabs' did it (or acted alone). We don't see the sort of vitriol we're seeing here in other threads when, say, American government involevment is alleged... there are no claims of anti-Americanism, for example. Similarly, there are no claims of anti-Semitism either, despite the fact that allegations of American government involvement unavoidably includes some Jewish/Israeli involvement by dint of the fact some key personnel and decision makers within the American government at the time were Jewish and/or Israeli. This doesn't mean allegations that members of the American government were involved is equivalent to a claim "the Jews did it" either, any more than the claim that a native Hebrew speaker was on board Flight 11 is the same as claiming "the Jews did it".

IF it could ever be proven that this voice belongs to a native Hebrew speaker, then all that would be proven - indeeed, all this would allege - is that ONE NATIVE HEBREW SPEAKER WAS ON BOARD FLIGHT 911. No more.

Can't we get back to a discussion about the original topic of this thread? If there's nothing more to say about that claim, then there's probably nothing more to say.

edit on 14-6-2011 by coughymachine because: (no reason given)

Some people like Alfie do not make the distinction between implicating Israel, Mossad, some American jews, which are named and all jews and argue that any such implications are antisemitic. Of course the same is true for bringing up controversial details of Israels past history. Maybe they could argue that point in their own thread.

As for everybody else, look up the Hebrew accent provided on PAGE 2 compare it to the arab accent provided on PAGE 5 and draw your own conclusions.
edit on 14-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

It's not that hard.

Jewish terrorists were responsible for attacks on Arab and British troops and civilians in the forties in Palestine and elsewhere

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:49 AM
Like I said, what consitutes antisemitism and what doesnt can be discussed in a different thread. I am not even sure this particular Forum section is approrpriate, but that is up to the mods. Food for thought, many arabs are semites as well.

Everybody else can look up the Audio in the OP, the audio of hebrew accents provided on PAGE 2 and that of arab accents provided on PAGE 5 and draw their own conclusions.

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