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ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers...

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by wearewatchingyouman

Well, I am going by information given to me in the 1990's by lawyers for MCA Records. Perhaps things have changed a bit? Nevertheless -- abrief perusal of the net returns this page:

Which describes the concept of fair use as intensely complicated (as you described). Nevertheless, one of the examples given is

On YouTube, they key things to consider is if your video is transformative (i.e. you modified the source material in some way or did something to give it a different meaning or message), whether it is noncommercial (you aren't making money from it), and whether it competes with the market for the original work (i.e. someone could watch your video and get the same benefit as buying it).

"Below is a list of common types of videos on YouTube which in my personal opinion would likely be considered fair use, though ultimately it would depend on what arguments a court would be likely to accept:

Anime music videos and film mashups
The video portion of such videos is very likely fair use as they only use small, highly edited portions of the original video footage. The audio portion is less likely to be fair use as these videos typically use an entire song, yet is still arguably fair use because of the non-commercial, transformative use of the song, low probability of harm to the market for the original song, and the impossibility of the average amateur video creator to license the song."

Which closely describes this video. Also, these clips are far less then 25 seconds (what we were told in the early 90's) so they would probably be covered by "fair use." As always, your lawyer, and your mileage, may vary.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

the video is commercial.... he's using it to draw people to his website which he is then charging a subscription for... I'm no lawyer or judge, but he's making a profit off of the video even if he's not selling copies of it...

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Great response IAMIAM. I picked politically incorrect situations entirely on purpose.

Although your response is towards the cures of such social problems, my argument is the necessity of the laws, that restrict their damage upon others.

I hate totalitarianism government and one of the flaws, is that it requires the letter of the law to always supercede our personal judgement. To accomplish this every single human behavior must be regulated. In turn we are afforded less and less liberty, to accommodate those small sects that normally wouldn’t need their own specific clause.

For example: The ten commandments on a courthouse step. If this was an issue, it should have been settled two hundred years ago. But now there is the acceptance that it’s denying my right “not” to believe. Ideas like patriotism, pride and excellence must be stamped out for a universal fairness to prevail when common sense no longer does. We are no longer afforded the luxuries of neither prejudice, or compassion, since all of that is based on personal judgement.

At the same time, anarchy isn’t an answer either. The assumption we could all just get along relying on “only” our personal judgement, is naïve beyond every fairy tail ever told. Preaching that the total elimination of the social confines that protects society, is simply irresponsible, as per the video. Should my hero really be the psychopath from “The Fight Club”?

What will be so beneficial when utter chaos is achieved? If we all went about doing whatever we pleased, I can assure anyone reading this it would be hell on earth. Just look at the unrest in the Middle East, wow ain’t they just living the dream? Death mayhem, lovely stuff.

It’s the polarity of these extremes, that make it an all or nothing approach to all we do here in the USA. Everything you said in you post I believe to be true and kudus for approaching a subject that would be taboo to most. But I still believe in the necessity of isolating and punishing those that prey upon society. I’m not saying it’s incurable, or even done in a beneficial or most logical manner, just that it still needs to be done.

edit on 4/6/2011 by JakesterL because: content

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by JakesterL
It’s the polarity of these extremes, that make it an all or nothing approach to all we do here in the USA. Everything you said in you post I believe to be true and kudus for approaching a subject that would be taboo to most. But I still believe in the necessity of isolating and punishing those that prey upon society. I’m not saying it’s incurable, or even done in a beneficial or most logical manner, just that it still needs to be done.

Please don't take this as argumentative my friend, but seriously consider it.

There is one Law that applies to Mankind. That is to love one another.

I know it sounds too simple and way too theological, but hear me out.

If we applied only that one Law to our culture, all would have the absolute freedom they desired, while the whole of society flourished.

Does a baby come into this world intending to be a thief, murderer, paedophile, rapist, or any other harmful being? Absolutely not. They come into this world entirely dependant on their society and longing for a loving nurturing environment. What that baby becomes is entirely dependent on what it receives from birth.

If it is raised wanting, it will take. If it is raised abusive, it will become violent. If it must kill for it's survival, it will murder.

If we look at our "Criminals" as babies who simply had the very bad experiences that they had since birth, and loved them enough to want to cure their illnesses, to give them the love and affection they never received, to sincerely want to rehabilitate them, then we could. It takes desire to do so.

The world does not think this way at the moment. Our masters have created a dog eat dog world and are betting on the fights. Those who manage to rise to the top of the heap are richly rewarded, but the majority of the resources are held by but a small few. They hoard the resources that the masses must keep fighting amongst themselves for survival.

We must take it down peacefully and quickly. What gets built in it's place is not a system of justice, for no one can judge another, but rather a system of healing and mediation. We must first ensure that all have what they need to survive and thrive, that there is no competition, but rather cooperation.

Can you imagine the brilliance of our species after just one generation born and raised into such a society?

If we do not start looking at us as a whole species, rather than as competing individuals, nations, races, classes, etc. we will only fight to the death of the whole.

We are too beautiful a creation for that. I do not see us as flawed human beings. I see us as perfect manifestations of the divine. When one suffers, that one lets us know by causing us all to suffer.

Thus the one law...

Love one another.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 6-4-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:50 PM
I know I fit this way seer thing if it really is the truth because I know I'd rather die than continue living this Earth way. Look at my constant mood on here below my avatar, for instance.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:53 PM
The Wayseer movement sounds a lot like a Scientology type of religion.

Am i a non-conformist but Wayseer? But why pay money to join something to prove what i have been for years.

Every thing you see from the Wayseer Movement seems to have a price tag to it.
financial contribution

expert help including exclusive audio presentations from Garret LoPorto and Dr. Edward Hallowell, community coaching, teleclasses, forums

This sounds like the Scientology cult.

Proselytising for converts to form a new religion with a membership of non-conformist.

For me i am a Deist. Nudist. Burner, ECT ECT.

Being a Deist I steer clear of any organized religions or cult like groups.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:11 PM
I don't disagree. Why pay 9.99 a month to join a message board community, when great sites, like this one, are free?

I tried their "community" on a trail basis. I am looking for a place where like-minded independent musicians can share information about using web-based tools to promote and make money using Internet based tools. If I can find a group of wayseers who are willing to collaborate and share that kind of information with one another, while keeping trolls and non-participant chatter out, then I will stay. $10 a month is easily worth such a thing to me. If everyone there simply wants top talk about metaphysical stuff, and no one wants to discuss nuts and bolts level action-steps, then I will move on. I am not there for EST training or "clearing." If that's all they have to offer, they will have to do it without me.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by de1111codEiT

I'll hold my opinion until I see how the Anarchist's plan on feeding the world and their own children. The candy store shelves are empty folks. Violence and destruction of innocent peoples property is not the actions of people with functional minds.

I saw Sheen in there. He has lost his children forever and he's hopelessly addicted to a lifestyle that will kill him. His children's Mother can't even be trusted with his children. What did he accomplish exactly?

For that matter, what have any of those participating in the violent protests and destruction of innocent peoples property done for the world. Anything at all?

The real Hero's get up in the morning, accomplish something with their day and put food on their children's tables. Real Hero's fight for more opportunity and a better place to raise their families peacefully and using common sense.

Real Cowards riot for more government handouts and the right to steal those handouts from the Hero's who earned their money with their minds and backs. Cowards break windows and destroy strangers cars, while looting small business owners shops. Cowards engage in violence because their brains are too dysfunctional to use the system to get what they want peacefully.

It took a lot of nerve and a distorted view of reality to include MLK in that video along with the crazed and violent Anarchists who are the antithesis of that great man of peace. Shame on the person who made that for cheapening his memory in that way. It takes a sick individual to do that.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

We must take it down peacefully and quickly. What gets built in it's place is not a system of justice, for no one can judge another, but rather a system of healing and mediation. We must first ensure that all have what they need to survive and thrive, that there is no competition, but rather cooperation.

Wow...what a deep thought.....could it even be possible? " Somewhere over the Rainbow " yikes...hope I don't get sued for copyright infringment......just kidding, gotta remember to laugh sometimes

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by ANNED

Money is the only God humans truly know. We see money everyday. We don't see God everyday.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by takoda

Hello everyone,

This is my first time responding to a thread. In fact, this is the first time I've ever been on an Internet blog site.

Kudos to Blaine91555 for his commentary on the rule-breakers and misfits video!

I must admit, the video is engaging and at first appearance seems well-intentioned. After watching the video I wasn't sure what to think. The music was inspiring and the idea of standing up against a corrupt government set well with me.

On the other hand, being somewhat aware of the devious devices and tactics that our dear government rulers are capable of makes me cautious of any person or organization trying to stir the masses into a frenzy of self-expression.

I did go to the wayseer website and, like some of my fellow ATS members, was disillusioned to find another pied-piper of the establishment peddling another new-age philosophy that would only lead a person down another wrong path.

Other red flags that popped up on the site, for me, were the typical answer questions to find out if you qualify to be a "wayseer" nonsense (sales gimmick), a book promotion by a young-actor-musician (felt like an ad directed at teens), the fact that Mr. Garret has and is highly promoted by well-known illuminati organizations, and a list of "supposingly" rebel-rousers of their time, such as Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, etc. As an educator for over ten years I can tell you that these individuals where anything but rule-breakers and troublemakers, free-thinkers and geniuses yes, but riot makers no.

My take on this movement in one sentence is this: It is another highly crafted mind-controlling movement aimed at a younger audience who are naturally attracted to disorder.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:06 AM
I la la LOVE this guy! Gods people TRULY are beautiful. Very Inspirational!! THANK YOU SIR

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by LosLobos
reply to post by ANNED

Money is the only God humans truly know. We see money everyday. We don't see God everyday.

We DO see God everyday...we just don't recognize...realize

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Your proposal is just some elaboration of the grandeur of love. I just don’t see how it could be practically applied. It differs a tremendous amount than what would actually happen, if we were all free to run around and do whatever pleases us.

At some point even in a perfectly conceived plan of utopia, there becomes the problem of the corruption of man. Jealousy, greed, rage, these feelings can not be denied, they are a part of our everyday existence built into the human condition. Put two isolated humans on a deserted island and without any outside social interaction, each one of these feelings would still be experienced. Love can’t simply replace the human weaknesses that will always exists.

Your idea hinges on one tremendous impossible “if”. And if elephants had wings they could fly. Well only if it was allowed under the laws of physics, which brings me to the point, wishing away those restrictions won’t make them go away. It won’t remove the consequences either, when they assume themselves to be air worthy and jump off a cliff. Those anarchists who wish for the chaos expecting eternal sunshine after wards and lilies to rise from the dust, are just as delusional. The strong will dominate the weak, as it always has been, as it always will be. Pretending otherwise is folly. For many it is the naked ambition to be among the strong after the dust settles, that drives them. That helps “our” current situation how?

Your position is just a commendable impossible wish. If it only were that easy I would decree that guilt alone, should prevent any of it happening in the first place. But it wouldn’t make it so and contrary to the assumption, would make a solution far less likely, banking on the good conscious of mankind instead.

We have been preying off of each other since before we literally could speak and “love thy neighbor” is the solution to thousands of years of learned aggression? Even among merely two of the most perfect humans ever conceived, never mind billions could it ever actually work. The disciples of Jesus would not be righteous enough to fulfill your vision. Even traditional religion acknowledges the weaknesses, that you simple decided to deny.

You seem like an otherwise reasonable person and you can’t see the truth in what I say here? I’ll concede that if we had mutual love for one another, the world could quite possibly be near perfect. On the other hand, I just simply know better and it didn’t take years of soul searching to come to that conclusion either. Just the very plain, blatantly obvious, truth.

The thing is if you could accept that what you wish for is indeed impossible, then perhaps you could decide to put all that effort into something constructive, that is indeed achievable. When you surmise the solution to all our woes is to be merely as good as Jesus, well ok tell me something that isn’t already a foregone conclusion? It’s not a revelation, it’s not even an epiphany. Unfortunately though, it is quite impossible.

No argument, it’s apples and oranges and we aren’t even on the same farm. If it were a matter of virtue, ok you win. I have no choice as like your spiritual conviction, to pursue the practical and logical instead with the same zeal.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:13 AM
The purpose of this promotional video is to monetize the entire awareness/ascension revolution currently taking place around the globe. We knew someone would try to profit from this movement, as with all movements. This just goes to show that nothing is too sacred to make money on. The message in itself is fine, although it doesn't inspire me at all. It, perhaps, would have 10 years ago, when I began my journey into the alternative, but now I've hardened towards the blatant efforts to try and take spirituality as a hostage and spawn commercials based on spirituality concepts.

If anyone can take good things from this promotional vid and use them to propel them further into understanding and wisdom, and it seems a lot of people can, then I shouldn't have a problem with it.

Still, it rubs me the wrong way, because the message - the TRUE message of clarity of mind and soul and love for oneself and others as one, is blurred in this video and a lot of ego remained in the absence of true meaning. We don't need to taint the pure nature of consciousness and enlightenment. To me, this video taints it to some degree.

Big Love


posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:39 AM
Great and inspirational video! Too bad the websites are just a bunch of marketing hype farming emails and contact information...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Are you being influenced by the stirring music, the masculine energy of the speaker and the message in this video telling you that you are "special"? Such strong, evocative emotions can overwhelm the thinking parts of your mind, and with your guard down, you become open to doing what you are told by the person making you feel this emotional high. "You are special!" (Give me your money.) "You are a revolutionary!" (Kill for me. Be my slave.)

"ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and troublemakers, all you free spirits and pioneers, all you visionaries and non-conformists:"

Rule-breakers, misfits and troublemakers are pretty vague groupings. Some of history's most infamous butchers were rule-breakers, misfits and troublemakers. So was Gandhi. Great men and women of conscience can surely be called free spirits, visionaries, and non-comformists. But so can psychopaths. If you can see the difference, that means you're using your prefrontal cortex. Without it, how would you tell the difference between an impulsive, sensation-seeking, egocentric psychopath who refuses to conform to human life, and a true social critic who refuses to conform to the edicts of the psychopaths that are in control of our world?

"Your impulsivity is a gift. Impulses are your key to the miraculous.
Your distractibility is an artifact of your inspired creativity."

Impulsivity and distractibility are increasingly common traits among many people today, and this behavior can often be traced to an over-exposure to a toxic environment; toxic foods, toxic media, electromagnetic pollution, toxic building materials, toxic education, toxic medications. The world is filled with pollution that prevents our minds from working properly. But instead of advising you how to recognize and cut out these poisons, this video is instead telling you that these symptoms of toxicity are actually evidence that you are special and magica

Seriously guys? You're going to fall for that? First I'll provide you all with a link, read it, and then feel how weak human brains truly are. Everybody on this website likes to think of themselves being better than all of the "Sheep" of the world, but we're not. Read this, and then you'll probably end up embarrassed of your posts.

I almost fell for it too until I realized the effect of MUSIC, then I started breaking it down and realizing that it was a bunch of nonsense.

Also, if you want further proof, research the methods of affiliate marketing, and affiliate blogging. He's using every trick in the book to make money. It's brilliant.
edit on 7-4-2011 by OhNoItsCritical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

I already posted my opinion on this, but yesterday I had a synchronicity I would like to share.

A friend sent me an email with this content:

"Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

I came to discover this is the text of Apple corp.'s Think Different campaign back in 2001.

It was said by Richard Dreyfus together as the images of great personalities would appear: Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Branson, John Lennon (with Yoko Ono), Buckminster Fuller, Thomas Edison, Muhammad Ali, Ted Turner, Maria Callas, Mahatma Gandhi, Amelia Earhart, Alfred Hitchcock, Martha Graham, Jim Henson (with Kermit the Frog), Frank Lloyd Wright and Pablo Picasso.

Doesn't it sound familiar???

edit on 7/4/11 by Alchemist13 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/4/11 by Alchemist13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Alchemist13

I'm glad you raised this, so this guy is basically ripping Apple off.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
Wow...what a deep thought.....could it even be possible? " Somewhere over the Rainbow " yikes...hope I don't get sued for copyright infringment......just kidding, gotta remember to laugh sometimes

It's possible my friend. All it takes is one person at a time to make the commitment to open there hearts to the world. Laugh often! Laughter is the music of the soul! We are just children in the grand scheme of things. We take ourselves Waaayyyy too seriously.

With Love,

Your Brother

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