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Owners of Announce Their Candidacy For President of the United States.

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

This is Great! Too bad we couldn't do it anyway just to prove a point to the idiots running this country!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

You know, I've been telling people for awhile now not to vote political, vote business, because the former of the two is pointless.

You've taken that to a whole other level.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:27 AM
Seriously guys/gals, you need to be American Citzens by birth 2 run for the Presdyent.
But then again 2013 wont happen. Lol
edit on 1-4-2011 by Angelic Resurrection because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Owners of Announce Their Candidacy For President of the United States.

The CEO and COO of the Internet's most popular website for conspiracy theories and other "alternative topics," have formed a new political party and have announced their candidacy for President of the United States in the 2012 national election.


PHOENIX, AZ - April 1, 2011: In a dramatic move into the realm of national politics, the CEO and COO of the popular website,, known as "Skeptic Overlord" and "Springer" respectively, have announced their candidacy for the office of President for the upcoming 2012 national elections. Running under the newly formed T.E.A.T. political party, the two are very hopeful for a broad reaching campaign.

When asked about their core platform, CEO "Skeptic Overlord" responded, "There are a great deal of issues of primary concern to Americans, many of which are being ignored by nearly all other national politicians. We're the only ticket that addresses all the issues head-on, and fully acknowledge why contemporary politicians side-step and avoid anything important." The COO, "Springer," added, "Exactly. What they're not telling you is that there will be no 2013. So none of these issues matter one bit."

The new T.E.A.T. party, which stands for "The End of All Things," reflects the core platform and issue-centric beliefs of the pair who head the party and are also running on the presidential ticket. As it's been confirmed the world will end at the stroke of midnight (GMT) on December 12th, 2012, their platform focuses on the key point that 2013 will never happen. And as a result, no President-elect will be inaugurated in January of 2013. "We could focus on a wide range of artificial issues such as gay marriage, stem-cell research, Justin Beieber, or even pretending to be mad at Wall Street bankers, but we won't," says Overlord, "We're going to be the only honest politician in this race, and say straight up, it just doesn't matter."

With campaign offices opening up in Arizona, Oklahoma, and New York, the candidates and their party are off to a strong start. Springer noted that key people are joining on a daily basis. "Elected officials from across the country are jumping at the chance to be a part of our movement. Just this morning we signed up the elected Class President of a high school in Dearborn, Michigan and the elected comptroller of a college fraternity in Fieldale, Virginia. It's a very exciting time for us."

"With all of the partisan spin and intentional distraction away from actual important issues experienced in contemporary American politics, we are convinced that our message will resonate with the voters in a way never before seen." Skeptic Overlord went on to say. "It's too bad that none of it actually matters as there will be no 2013."

The pair have become well-versed in present-day political issues through the operation of their website,, which receives five million visits a month from people sharing their concerns. The two can be reach through the website for interview requests for additional commentary, more information on their political platform, and information on the newly formed political party. is the Internets largest and most popular website dealing with "alternative topics" such as government conspiracies, with more than 2.7 million pages of content and over 7 million monthly visitors. The Above Network, LLC, a virtual company with executives in three states and two countries, owns and operates, among other online properties. The company was founded in 2007 with a goal of creating compelling user-generated content ecosystems on issues of importance to people. For more information, contact Mark Allin at 480.304.5680 or pr(at)theabovenetwork(dot)com.

(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
edit on 31-3-2011 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

What date is it today?
Ah yh...
April fools!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

This is politics i love... spoof politics that is... your add made me laugh with tears... soooo goood. Unfortunattelly i m no american so i cant vote for you,... but it doesn t matter anyway. Good luck with your endaevours,... they don t matter anyway...too

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:44 AM
Oh.. T.E.A.T.s party... phew.. I mus have misread it.. I'm glad someone told us what it stood for..
I first thought it was The Way Above Top Secret party...

Nice work guys..

perhaps The Way Above Top Secret party could be the UK based side of things..

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

Ohhh Obama did just fine

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:52 AM
Hope we won't have to stare at those mug shots all the way thru the campaign season.

Scary, but it doesn't matter.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Maybe April fools but you'd be fools not to run take the fight more publicly.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Eh ..what about Boondock?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:20 AM
Lol i was tripping for a second...and i bet quite a few of us still are

When your 18, living at home, and doing what you want, you don't pay to much attention to what day it is.

Now excuse me as i go put saran wrap with honey over all of the bedroom doors.
edit on 1-4-2011 by gandhi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Sorry I don't think SO or Springer are qualified to win the election, I am going to vote for this cat cause it reminds me of Bill Clinton

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Best ATS April Fool's Day to date! Top job on the "campaign". I love the breakdown of your "non-positions", because it really doesn't matter!

If things don't get better by the next election...and I mean that as if we don't get at least one candidate from one party that really appears to give a crap...I think I'll write you guys in with a footnote "...because it really doesn't matter". It will be my little apathy-driven protest of sorts.

Great job, Guys!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:46 AM
I've been planning my April fools prank for weeks now.. and I almost fell for this..

you pranksters.. I'll still vote for ya.. So whos the prankster now?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:48 AM
Watch out for the lone gunman. All I know is that TPTB will not like, "Change That Doesn't Matter."

You have my vote.

Oh, wait. I cannot vote due to federal laws that prohibit me my rights to vote even though I paid my dues to society.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Anyways, I call hoax and say the OP should be post banned..

The bann is to take place December 31, 2012.

By then we will have vorgotten all about it

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:50 AM
ATS has 223,716 Members - of those only half has ever posted.. so then the total ATS members is less than 1% of the US population.....

Putting that aside; -

OMG, it is amazing how any type of bold statement such as this will achieve so many ATS flags...

Boys you have the members in the palm of ur hand.....

To the topic at hand, are you serious? Come on, i mean first of all you need to be accepted into one of the major parties as a contender... right?? Running as an independent... well hmm it has many disadvatanges.

Next thing is funds, how much can you spare(out of pocket) or raise for your campaign?

What are your policies?

what will you change?

What makes you better than the current administration or other competitors?

Dont focus on what the current admin is doing wrong, focus on what you will do in a better way and that will benefit the American people.

Change the future in a positive way.

If you truly beileive that we wont be here after 2012, i hope you only mean the USA..... and if you do truly believe that then please give us some of the inside info, because up untill now all i have seen on ATS is speculation... where is the proof??

If anyone outside of ATS voted for someone called Skeptic Overlord i would be dumbfounded lmao
- nothing against you of course, but anyone outside of ATS would hear that name and think WT....H

edit on 1-4-2011 by Havick007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:53 AM
I would vote for you......infinitely better than the usual politcian ****!!!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Awesome!!! I actually fell for it before I thought it through... Hilarious!! That even beats last year's Google name change to Topeka!
I recall not too long ago NPR announce on April 1st that they were going to be partnering with the World Wrestling Federation or some aboslute nonsense like that...and I believed it until I thought it through.

You guys are the next Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert - ramp it up!!!!!

PS - It's awesome to see your photos. Looks like we're about the same age....

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by xavi1000

Yeah, didn't Boondock already throw his hat in the ring??
he he

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