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Freemasons - I have a few questions.

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by JewelKodura

Freemasons argue that they aren't a religion though the upper levels of the 33 are involved with Lucifer

No, there is no "Lucifer" in Freemasonry.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:08 AM
edit on 2011.4.11 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by JewelKodura

Honestly, I believe freemasonry is nothing but brainwashing good hearted people into joining an organisation that appears to be made up of good but they blindly follow a much darker cause... controlling the good nature that any good human

You know, I am a Mason, and I often think the same thing. For example, this weekend I had a lot of bikinis around my pool, and some of them were very friendly. It seems like a shame to keep my passions bound, and give in to the brainwashing that makes me civil. Controlling my nature is a constant battle, and if it weren't for my belief in God, and my regular exposure to the good men in Masonry, I might not be so good at controlling that nature.

I think you are onto something. All of these "darker causes" are controlling our natures, and making us civilized and social creatures instead of the apex predators and sociopaths we are capable of!

There is a conspiracy afoot!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by JewelKodura

Honestly, I believe freemasonry is nothing but brainwashing good hearted people into joining an organisation that appears to be made up of good but they blindly follow a much darker cause... controlling the good nature that any good human will adopt will lead everyone under the thumb of the Illuminati who decides to follow their fake light in ignorance. Point being--NEVER join a group unless you know EVERYTHING they stand for, and if you're a lower ranking Mason, you won't know because they won't tell you.

The members of secret societies are played like puppets. It is very disheartening to see that good people are getting corrupted through these secret societies. The horrific torture based mind control that they went through has a very negative impact on them.

Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. He was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

However, Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors.

In the end only those will survive who will be having no man made belief systems (religious, masonic etc.), but their own innate beliefs coming from the universal consciousness, the source of everything.

Do we need to learn morality...

Psychologists say babies know right from wrong even at six months

( -- The currently prevailing theory on human development is that human beings start their lives with a "moral blank state," but new research contradicts this view. The researchers have found babies as young as six months old already make moral judgments, and they think we may be born with a moral code hard-wired into our brains.

So even a six month old baby knows what is right and what is wrong. So why we see corrupt men in the world, because of indoctrination with belief systems that are not coming from them, but from the outside i.e freemasonry, Scientology, Christianity, Islam etc.

edit on 11-4-2011 by illuminazislayer because: added more for the brainwashed people.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by illuminazislayer

Six month olds do not have hormones. I am 37, and a Mason, and I still don't know if I believe in monogamy or not. Our entire civilization hasn't quite decided if the death penalty or abortion or vigilanteism is appropriate.

It is not so simple as you would have us believe. There is a need for systems of morality, if for no other reason than to provide a social interface to discuss these things with trusted peers.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You do know that when you post smart arsed comments like your above post you play right into the hands of those who believe your elitist who believe you're better than us none masons!? Comments like yours do more harm to the brotherhood than good.
Just remember, some inane accusations are not worth the bother of answering...

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by RufusDriftwood

You are correct. However, it wasn't entirely sarcastic. I often do wonder, and pray, about the issue of sexuality. Am I wasting a lifetime denying many experiences that I was meant to enjoy, or am I spending a lifetime learning to abstain and compromise and fit into a society that expects that behavior.

Truth be told, I probably lean more toward the side of sociopath than average citizen, but a good family, good wife, and a good system of morality keep me in check.

So, while my post was a sarcastic response, it was also an honest example of why people are dead wrong when they criticize organizations like Freemasonry, or religions. Those are powerful organizations in keeping people civil toward one another, and helping to keep order in our society. It is a conspiracy of sorts, but it is a necessary conspiracy for the good of the civilization. Many people think the police force and laws on the books are responsible for our civil society, but that is an extremely false sense of security. The true civility comes from peoples faith, and the morals and values they learn growing up. It is important to learn those values, and keep reinforcing them as adults. Without that learning, and constant reinforcement, the world falls into disorder and chaos.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree with you. They may say your elitist but they can't accuse you of not having a sense of humour!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by jrstock
Do any of your halls have open house? Full access? Non meeting night's of course.

Yes, New Jersey holds one every October.
Could that date be the 12th or the 31st?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by illuminazislayer

So how is it a non-member knows more about the "higher ups" than the actual members? Do you think us all that ignorant and you that clever? Do you think you're privileged to more info than the actual members? And if something is so uber secret why do you know about it?

How have I been corrupted? I have not changed in such a way. Nor has my family and friends noticed anything, most of them knowing me most of my life.

I'd never heard Masonic Executive Committee for an entire town. Usually the EC is for Lodge. Again, P2 went rogue, lost their charter, and members expelled.

We don't make a man moral, we give lessons of morality.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by jrstock
Could that date be the 12th or the 31st?

It will be Saturday, October 15th.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:03 PM
Have you heard about the hoax Leo Taxil for Masons?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by jrstock
Could that date be the 12th or the 31st?

It will be Saturday, October 15th.

Every lodge has its meeting day and time posted by the front door.

Every lodge in my area would be happy to give someone a tour if they show up an hour before that stated time. We do it often at my Lodge. I've never heard of anyone asking for a tour and not getting one.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:50 PM
nice thread, nice to hear some genuine answers

Id like to ask you, freemasons, what is your point of view on religion?

for example can a person be christian/muslim and be a freemason too?
in my country, that isnt a case, at least not with pepole whose parents were freemasons. for if you want to join, you get a tricky question..
you should say that you arent christian (in my country its mostly orthodox christians), but however, that you believe in god..

is that allways a case?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by battleship
Id like to ask you, freemasons, what is your point of view on religion?

There is no unified Masonic stance on religion.

for example can a person be christian/muslim and be a freemason too?

Absolutely. Most are.

in my country, that isnt a case, at least not with pepole whose parents were freemasons. for if you want to join, you get a tricky question..

Beyond "do you believe in God?" any other question of that nature is un-Masonic.

you should say that you arent christian (in my country its mostly orthodox christians), but however, that you believe in god..

is that allways a case?

No; in fact, the Grand Lodge of Utah nearly had its recognition stripped by several other GLs for a similar question.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Every lodge has its meeting day and time posted by the front door.

Every lodge in my area would be happy to give someone a tour if they show up an hour before that stated time. We do it often at my Lodge. I've never heard of anyone asking for a tour and not getting one.

I beleive he was inquiring as to a state-wide open house.

We do however give impromptu tours for visitors if there is someone present in the lodge.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by battleship

reply to post by OnTheLevel213

for if you want to join, you get a tricky question..

Actually, I have heard of this, but it isn't really a "tricky question."

When I asked about joining, I asked, "What do I have to do to join?"
They said, "You have to ask the right questions."
I said, "What are the right questions?"
They said, "What do you want to know?"

It went on like that for a little while, but they told me everything I needed to do. They were just having a little fun, and they justified it by the "no recruitment" idea. They weren't going to "offer" me anything, they made me pull it out of them.

I don't know if that is the same situation, but it might have been.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Hello members of ATS im here to clarify a few things for you on the subject of freemasonry. To start off im just gonna throw all you drewling people out there a bone on lagit masonry and what it means to actually be apart of the world changing aspect of masonry as opposed to the frat-like, were here to only get minorities jobs levels of masonry. This is the written defintion of freemasonry from 1901 back when masonry started forming the world that we know (The following is only the first paragraph of the introduction of how to access every concept freemasonry has to offer)

: Freemasonry is a moral institution, established by virtuous men, with the praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most sublime truths, in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures,-founded on Liberality, Brotherly Love and Charity. "It is a beautiful System of Morality, veild in allegory and illustrated by symbols." Truth is its centre,-the point whence its radii diverge, point out to its disciples a correct knowledge of the great architect of the Universe, and the moral laws which he has ordained for their goverment.

Dont be fooled people what your ment to know is what you'll know. Your dealing with somthing that is ment to be maintained by only the most intellectual minds in physical and spiritual law, and most importantly your messing with generations of men that consider themselves god and once you truley believe your god you begin to form worlds....

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by VibratoryAgent
...and most importantly your messing with generations of men that consider themselves god....

Why yes, just earlier I cured a man of leprosy, cast out Satan and baked a wonderful key-lime pie.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Stop lying about the pie!

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