reply to post by mayabong
Im not Jewish, and you dont need to be Jewish to support Israel.
As for "mossad being behind everything".
Seriously man. Wake up! There are much bigger and more experienced intelligence agencies than Mossad. Like, MI6, CIA, KGB for instance. And than you
have NSA, and the other intelligence services.
You talk as if Israel is the only one who does things like manipulate the internet through disinformation agents. All agencies undoubtedly do it.
Infact, this notion that "Israel was behind 9/11", EVEN though, many of the profiteers of the War in Iraq and Afghanistan have been Christian/Atheist
american and european businessmen. Israel is just an oft-used scapegoat that any person with a brain can understand is invoked to deflect criticism
from the real situation.
These accusations are chimerical. Just as the middle ages claim that "Jews poison wells" "kill christian chldren and perform rituals with their blood
and heart", or "started the plague" are lies based on zero proof, that is, they are inventions used to oppress the Jews, so too is the notion that
Israel was behind 9/11, even though it didnt profit them in anyway. America is controlled by a majority Christian/Atheist/agnostic establishment. The
Jews present within this structure is actually significantly smaller, about 1/20th... and yet they recieve the majority of teh flack.
And of course, to those with a latent anti-semitic disposition, it goes without saying, or proof, or reasonable justification, that the Jews are an
evil bunch. Their Judaism must be evil (without having studied or knowing anything about it, and going about this study in a neutral and balanced
manner) if people since ancient times have hated them. The first recorded case of Anti-Semitism in ancient scripture, aside from that which is noted
in The bible (Torah, Book of Esther, Daniel etc) comes from a papry found in Elephantine (An island mini province in the nile) where the Jews were
excoriated by the Egyptian priests from the near by Temple of Khnum (which was represented by a Ram, the animal sacrificed by the Jews on Passover)
for their religion/tradition. Later on this anathema is found in Hecateus, Manethos, and Apion of Alexandria. These all, like modern anti-semites,
MADE UP, that is propagandized some lie about the Jews to rally the people against them.
ultimately, to appreciate the kernal of anti-semitism and why it rears its ugly head in every generation, you need to understand what it is based on.
TRULY based on. Looking at it from today will only give you a bleak and myopic perspective.
The Egyptians hated them because they rejected their idolatry. The Greeks hated them because they rejected their sophism/secularism which amounted to
a deification of self, and therefore, a just as virulent strain of idolatry. The Romans likewise hated the Jews, yet respected them, for the same
reasons. Read Cicero, or Tacitus (the absolute worse, Hitleresque antisemite in Roman literature) or Juvenal, Martial, Petronius, etc, PRE-Christian,
that is, pagan antisemites.
The Christians hated the Jews ostensibly for "not accepting christ", but in truth it was for the same principles that the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks
and Romans did. They rejected the Pagan order. The pagan ethos, and essentially "universal belief" which looked at lifes question in a profoundly
different manner than the Jews did.
Tacitus admits that th He feared the Jews. He FEARED them. The Roman aristocracy feared the Jews because Judaism was appearling to the Roman masses.
Judaism offerred a much more humane, and modest approach to lifes questions. This than challanged the religion/philosophy of the Greco-Roman world.
but more importantly, challenged their power. Instead of sacrificing to the gods, and engaging in mass orgies, the Roman proselytes to Judaism were
ecstatic to learn about the one G-d , the eternal G-d of Israel (being a very profound metaphysical idea initself) and began in great numbers to
convert to Judaism. This is a major issue spoken of by ancient writers. Big enough for Claudius to outlaw conversion to Judaism, and thus circumcisian
of non-Jews.
Thus, Christianity in this context, although a beautiful religion in that it sought to spread the basic values of Judaism under the guise of another
tradition, was eventually usurped by the Roman Order (constantine the great) and remolded in the Nicene council to to purvey the religion of Rome into
the New age.
Christianity is a blend of Pagan and Jewish thought. Whats happening today to Christianity, excluding Catholicism, and evangelicalism, is the
reversion to Christianities pagan core. Theres a reason Christianity didnt depart from the pagan tongue of the ancient Romans (latin) or Greeks.
Islam thought it important enough that a new language accompany a new religion, that is, spiritual system. Thus, the medium, the language in which one
engages this alltogether new reality was initself a brand new language.
Christianity did no such thing, and needed no such innovation. They quietely built support. In Armenia and Asia Minor. Most of the non converts
essentially assimilating their own pagan beliefs with the Christian religion (being as they thought, of the same spirit as their own traditions, with
Jewish ideas interwoven).
Anyways. This long preamble was just to give you an idea of how ancient anti-semitism is. And it has been motivated by the same factor, even in these
modern times. Clearly, Hitler was as offended by Judaism for the same reasons that Tacitus was: Its veneration of conscience, and humility as the
greatest virtues.
Something this pacifist,and just, cannot be regarded as evil. Whats evil are the machinations against the Jews by these gnostics/pagans who control
the Western World and the "useful idiots" who champion their lies with vehemence without caring to look deeper to understand the bigger picture.
edit on 26-3-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)