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Indiana prosecutor told Wisconsin governor to stage 'false flag' operation

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I'm glad he resigned, I don't want trash like that in my party.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Well I think where the words false flag are coming into play is through the actual prosecutors use of the words and explanation of the concepts in the email.

Futher while it's true that this disclosure is part of some grander orchestration of events and posturing, then that too would be a 'false act' used to manipulate an outcome.

So I think either way you cut it there is something rotten in Denmark in regards to this story.

Either way, whether this is all there is to the conspiracy or there is more, its still an attempt to manipulate through deception.

Again, the source is what concerned me the most.

Raw Story just doesn't cut it for me.

I would much rather listen to C.N.N. or MSNBC and decipher their lies.

Because at least I know they're lying.

What are the Raw Story sources of his alleged e-mails?

Do we get to see the e-mails?

I think you can concur that logic dictates the source needs to be a good one.

Even if by "good" I mean lying sack of crap who I have to investigate.

None of that is in any way saying I have anything other than the utmost respect for you.

However, the Raw Story site, is entirely questionable.

Good find nonetheless.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Maybe I missed something, but did Walker actually carry out this idea for a "false flag" operation?

If he ignored the suggestion, and rightfully so, shouldn't he be congratulated instead?

A whole thread criticizing someone because someone else suggested something - that they didn't do!

A very sorry attempt a "guilt by association" - were none exists.

Just think of all the threads we could have based solely on someone receiving bad advice from someone else ...

edit on 3/25/2011 by centurion1211 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I don't really see any Walker criticism here, but plenty for the prosecutor. But now that you mention it, I'm sure not going to call Walker a hero for ignoring it - he should have gone straight to federal prosecutors himself as soon as he received the email. He already admitted to considering planting agitators among the protestors in the Koch interview.

I really fail to see where the congratulatory portion of the Walker story exists.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Maybe you missed the part about the INDIANA PROSECUTOR who floated the suggestion.

You know first two words of the Title, Indiana Prosecutor.

Let me help you out since you have missed something.

Indiana is a state, a prosecutor is a official of the state.

Said prosecutor has resigned over sending said email, and admits sending said email.

Thats what the thread is about.

We won't even get into the other political aspects of the Wisconsin Governors shameful behavior in a autocratic party line attempt to ram legislation through that emasculates the right of people to collectively bargain.

This is about the prosecutor in Indiana who did, by his own admission exactly what the article is about.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by OhioPariah
reply to post by centurion1211

I don't really see any Walker criticism here, but plenty for the prosecutor. But now that you mention it, I'm sure not going to call Walker a hero for ignoring it - he should have gone straight to federal prosecutors himself as soon as he received the email. He already admitted to considering planting agitators among the protestors in the Koch interview.

I really fail to see where the congratulatory portion of the Walker story exists.

What I'm talking about is the attempt to "stain" Walker with this by association. Just like the left tried to do to Palin after the Tucson shootings - like it was somehow her fault. Sounds like it's becoming standard operating procedure.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Walker has done plenty to stain himself with his anti-Union stance, attempts to ignore the people of his own state and polls, to take away a fundamental right through the manipulation of legislation and the legislature of people to collectively bargain for a better standard of living.

We can drop 100,000 dollar munitions on tents in the dessert like they are candy gum drops in nations 10,000 miles away but we can't pay people here a decent living wage, and they should have no right to demand one?

Glad you like dictators and poverty and being insignificant in the face of the corporations and government but some of us know that's not what this nation was set up to be.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Glad you like dictators and poverty and being insignificant in the face of the corporations and government but some of us know that's not what this nation was set up to be.

Really? Show me where I ever said that. I was just concerned that this thread might veer "off course".

Guess this is how you inflate your posting statistics - by accusing people of facts not in evidence and basically sheer arrogance.

Carry on. For some reason, some people are impressed by all that. Count me out of that group.

edit on 3/25/2011 by centurion1211 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I kind of get that from you trolling the thread by trying to misrepresent it, and from someone obviously hopelessly stuck in the Left/Right political divide.

That you imagine critical and intelligent thought is somehow tied into 'inflation of posting stats' is just a further attempt away at deflection of the issue.

The Koch brothers likewise were found out to be trying to influence the situation in Wisconsin so for some reason a whole lot of people who don't live in Wisconsin including this prosecutor seemed to believe there was some valid and compelling reason to provide suggestions and or logistical support to teh Governor in his attempt to destory the ability of unions to collectively bargain.

Once upon a time brave men fought and died to unionize to demand better wages and working conditions from all powerful corporations and the government.

Today the living wage has stagnated to the point that for the 3rd year in a row the Social Security Administration has not raised payments stating the cost of living has not gone up even though we have all seen prices skyrocket in food stores and the pumps at that time.

Things I bought in the 70's now cost 50 times more yet the minimum wage has barely trippled, and the American middle class is all but dissapearing.

All Governor Walker is trying to do is further take away the rights of Americans to demand better wages and treatments and you are worried about the man's image?


Maybe if you listened to yourself a bit you would actually realize what you are saying.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That you imagine critical and intelligent thought is somehow tied into 'inflation of posting stats' is just a further attempt away at deflection of the issue.

Thank you.

That you think posting unfounded accusations and insults just because someone might not agree with is an example of "critical and intelligent thought" explains my previous comments. Obviously, you've been giving yourself way too much credit. Try a little less hubris for a change. That change would be quite refreshing.

That said, I thought this thread might veer off into just another "get Walker" thread at first. Have to give
to everyone that's managed to avoid that.

As for the Indiana prosecutor, prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I could care less about Walker, that's the people of Wisconsin's problem.

What I care about is exposing the kinds of tactics being employed by some of our public officials and the very sinister, amoral and evil nature of them.

Simply to enhance people's awareness that such vile people exist, and they want to rule and control and gain more power through such dishonest manipulations.

Because you are stuck in the left/right political paradigm you can't see the much larger picture involved and might like to see it degrade into a left/right slug fest, but what has transpired here really is so much bigger than that.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This is all thoroughly sickening. Walker threatens the people by telling them that his bill passes or several thousand employees will be laid off. The bill passed by the way without the false flag operation. It seems Wisconsin has nothing to offer them at the bargaining table. Right.

Bringing Home 150 Troops from Afghanistan Would Fix Wisconsin’s Budget “Crisis”

Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker is using phony budget projections to manufacture a staged “fiscal emergency” in his state so that he can whack programs and political opponents, but even his fake “emergency” pales in comparison to the cost of the Afghanistan War to his state. In fact, the U.S. would only have to bring home 151 troops from Afghanistan to save more money than Walker’s ridiculous union-busting plan. Better yet, ending the Afghanistan War altogether would save taxpayers in Wisconsin $1.7 billion this year alone, more than ten times the amount “saved” in Walker’s attack on state employee rights.

Largest Deployment Of Wisconsin National Guard Forces Since World War II Leaving For Iraq September 8, 2008

Wisconsin Iraq War Casualties

There are eighty five names listed that have died in operation Iraqi Freedom all those people were from Wisconsin.

So, kill the citizenry off in unnecessary wars and drain the resources from the state faster than a hemorrhaging artery and then threaten to lay everyone off if the politicians still don't get their way.

The legislation introduced today would require most government workers to contribute 5.8-percent of their salary to pension costs, pay about 12.6-percent of health care premiums, and limit collective bargaining rights to wages. Although, any raises higher than the consumer price index would need voter approval. Without the changes, Walker says several thousand state and local government workers could be laid off. He says the state will not negotiate with the unions because Wisconsin is broke and has “nothing to offer” them at the bargaining table.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

That said, I thought this thread might veer off into just another "get Walker" thread at first. Have to give
to everyone that's managed to avoid that.

Based on the post just above, looks like I handed out the props too soon. Somehow I knew this would end up being about Walker and not the prosecutor.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Well yeah it is a Raw Story article but written by the AP, and I guess a number of outlets have since picked it up.

How accurate is it? Is it a false flag about a false flag?

Hard to say, but it represents something sinister that we all should be on guard for as we are extolled to worry about the motives of non-government groups or in opposition to them, in that the Government will certainly do or at least in this case consider, some very illegal and amoral acts to discredit those who stand in opposition to it.

Since many of us here on ATS consider ourselves rebels for various causes, I think we all know that there is a desire on the part of government officials to discredit those who oppose executive legislation, whether it's by a Mayor, Govenor, President, or UN Security Council etc.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by centurion1211

That said, I thought this thread might veer off into just another "get Walker" thread at first. Have to give
to everyone that's managed to avoid that.

Based on the post just above, looks like I handed out the props too soon. Somehow I knew this would end up being about Walker and not the prosecutor.

The thread is not defined by single posts to it, it's defined by the overall body of posts and information to it, which have certainly been varied.

You yourself have ample opportunity to simply stop complaining about your narrow point of focus and add something of substance to the thread that goes a bit beyond something that simply is a set up to use a cutsie wootsie emoticon.

edit on 25/3/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by OhioPariah
reply to post by centurion1211

I don't really see any Walker criticism here, but plenty for the prosecutor. But now that you mention it, I'm sure not going to call Walker a hero for ignoring it - he should have gone straight to federal prosecutors himself as soon as he received the email. He already admitted to considering planting agitators among the protestors in the Koch interview.

I really fail to see where the congratulatory portion of the Walker story exists.

What I'm talking about is the attempt to "stain" Walker with this by association. Just like the left tried to do to Palin after the Tucson shootings - like it was somehow her fault. Sounds like it's becoming standard operating procedure.

I usually refrain form digressing from the discussion, but I can't see how this particular conduct could be said to "stain" ONLY Walker by association. This is a stain on the entire political left/right, Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal Kabuki theater of politics. It isn't about 'reputations' and 'personal images' - it's about the whole damn ball of wax and how it's supposed to somehow justify the using of personal influence and Madison Avenue tactics to create and engender public sentiment based on manufactured illusory situations.

Our career politicians are not what they say they are. They behave with genuine disregard for the principles and ethics they KNOW we demand they uphold. How does Walker in particular get a free pass from this? It's not like he broke this story to the press; or went to the BAR and filed ethics charges on the prosecutor. He took it in stride (which I suggest may indicate how casually these people regard each other's transgressions.)

Sorry for interjecting here; but I sure don't want to see another thread "stained" by the practice of throwing partisan or ideological barbs. It's tiresome.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

How are you so sure that the prosecutor and Walker weren't in this together to begin with? The complaint filed against Walker asked for the emails that were related to the budget only. How that one email about a false flag was granted to the AP and Isthmus is beyond me. I see collaboration there which is why I felt it necessary to show Walker in all his glory as well.

This is my own opinion by the way and if I'm not mistaken we can still voice our own opinion. Although some would rather we didn't come to any conclusions at all. As if independent thought is something to be feared. The last paragraph is not directed toward yourself centurion121.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by centurion1211

How are you so sure that the prosecutor and Walker weren't in this together to begin with?

How are you so sure that they are "in this together"?

Where's the evidence? That's all I'm asking for.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:21 PM
You know, should I begin to get the impression I am witnessing an example of coordinated posting, some will have an unpleasant and difficult time shaking scrutiny over everything the participant's do.

Someone might imagine I'm speaking specifically to them....

Imaginations shouldn't be allowed to run wild.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by jackflap

There certainly are some attempts ongoing by members of ATS to try to keep people on the talking points carefully constructed by a media now largely divided into left/right political camps and opinion/editorial stances.

They would like us to be revel in that confusion, stick to those talking points, believe that we can't figure it out for ourselves, and further believe that individually and collectively we have no power to change or influence the course of events anyway.

Some amazingly believe that to be heroic, wise and practical while wrapping themselves up in flags nonetheless, taking nationalistic, pro-religious sect stances, pro-political party stances, even all the while telling the rest of us who arent' we either A should be living in Afghanistan if we don't like it, or B are likely just confused and manipulated.

Here on ATS that's likely to go over like a led baloon with anyone but the choir and the permanently confused.

Many of us clearly know better though, and we know better all the better for delving into the actions of those who represent authority though events like have occured that led to this thread.

Thanks my friend.

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