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Indiana prosecutor told Wisconsin governor to stage 'false flag' operation

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I was wondering when someone would get caught red-handed. We've already seen how our brilliant government seems willing to take unethical steps to achieve an objective, such as to consider a false flag to invade Cuba (Operation Northwoods); the Gulf of Tonkin is another classic example; and, of course, the many suspected cases of hired anarchists or cops to disrupt peaceful protest (at least one confirmed in Canada some years ago that I know of for sure-I forget the exact details). I don't even have to mention the recent rash of shady cases of home-grown terrorists being "caught".

The point is, how far does this rabbit hole really go? Those who are quick to dismiss conspiracies with arguments based solely on either some vague notion that our government wouldn't cross certain lines or that there would simply be too many individuals involved to keep a secret like this don't really seem to understand just how compartmentalized our government really is. Bureaucracies and agencies, for example, can be very secretive from public scrutiny as well as sufficient internal oversight when they fly the banner of "national security". We've already seen this play out in the immediate aftermath of 911. Even if you actually believe the official story, it seems that even the in the best case, the right hand didn't know what the left was doing. One can fill in their own opinion on this.

I hope this small story in the OP will make everyone do a double take and start to wonder about what else has slipped under the radar. Our entrusted leaders, it appears, CAN cross certain lines. Could there have been other false flags that actually were successfully carried out? The story of the underwear bomber...were the passengers really lying or was it an actual false flag event? Do they create events to politically divide us, to start wars, to destroy liberty, or to scam resources and wealth for corporate interests? Or will this just get buried and everyone just makes it a unique footnote in history?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by Drezden
Someone already posted this Here

Your post is prettier though.

The story is disgusting.

Seven minutes apart, about the time it takes to write down a thought out opinion on a subject.

Conspiracies like this in my humble opinion go far beyond just partisan politics, these are in essence criminal conspiracies being carried out.

The bad part is, he's just one of the one's that got caught...

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Iwinder

I can't believe how much life has changed since I was a boy in the 1970's and the local Teamsters in PA would sit ontop of the Turnpike Bridges with their deer rifles taking pot shots at non-Union Truckers on the road during a Teamster Strike.

You didn't buy foreign made goods, you didn't cross a picket line no matter what if a business was being picketed and above all you didn't apply for a job at a place where Union Workers were off work striking.

All that was eroded by a methodical campaign by the corporations and government and as a result the living wage has stagnated, job security has all but dissapeared, vacations are something you are afraid to even take if you got a week or two, and retirement is something you had better be thinking about robbing a bank to pull off.

People sure can be prodded emotionally and financially into doing the most self defeating things.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by empireoflizards

I think many of us know that the rabbit hole runs very deep regarding false flags, with the worst of them all likely being 9-11 leading to the whole phoney war on terror, the complete bankrupting of the United States, and war without end, that the United Nations itself is taking the lead on while using our corrupt political process and military to do all the heavy selling and lifting on the fast track to a New World Order.

Great post, thanks for sharing that.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wait wait wait. Tell me I am reading this wrong.... They would shoot at people with deer rifles because they were non union... I hope I am reading that wrong lol.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This is yet another fine example of playing the people for fools. The AG used words like “false-flag.” Which plays into the hearts of people. False-flags are themselves conspiracies/plots against the people…being leaked, or being planted?

Those of us who connect the dots are not conspiracy theorists, which is another word that plays into the hearts of people. No, we are independent investigators who are uncovering these plots, these conspiracies, these crimes against the people who are for and to our detriment trusting in and of their representative(s), are one day going to wise-up, then rise-up…or maybe not?

And since this slumber is so wide spread, we as a whole will probably never unite and rise-up, and revolt… because we’re being taught that unions are not in the people’s best interest. ‘Don’t venture out of your own neighborhood’ will be a common warning to loved-ones.

Soon enough we will be taught that it is not the ‘public’s interests’ for this government to continue, but to continue the government, and it’s agenda. There are no people in the government; because we elect that we cannot govern ourselves. This Government was hi-jacked before the ink dried.

The Articles of Confederation were rewritten so as to produce this Constitution we all love, and are watching get picked-apart almost on a daily basis these days…

It’s an agenda, it’s not my agenda- but I know it’s there… Thanks for another good read Proto.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wait wait wait. Tell me I am reading this wrong.... They would shoot at people with deer rifles because they were non union... I hope I am reading that wrong lol.

Oh yeah, if the Teamsters went out on Strike and if you were a scab trucker running a load down the Turnpike you were taking your life in your hands.

They knew how to put the collective into collective bargaining in those days.

Pennsylvania was one of the key battleground states in violent Union/Management confrontations, with bad blood going back close to a hundred years.

Between the Steel Mills and the Truckers and the Coal Miners, and the Electricians and Metal Workers, and Carpenters Union, etc, etc, it was Union Country.

In all fairness they weren't out to kill the independent truckers violating their strike, just to scare them to no end and try to keep them off the road.

The whole leverage to a Union is keeping the company that doesn't want to pay them or improve their conditions from making any money during a strike and starving them back to the bargaining table in a test of endurance to see who can starve the longest, the out of work strikers drawing no paychecks or the Company owners not able to produce anything or do business.

This is how it worked in it's hay day.

edit on 25/3/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wow... sounds like the maffia to me...

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wow... sounds like the maffia to me...

Naaaa Mafia was Detroit's gig with the famous missing Jimmy Hoffa.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If an Indiana prosecutor told a Wisconsin governor to stage a 'false flag' operation, i think it is more than probable that TPTB could ordered George W. Bush to stage a 'false flag' attack on America on 911...!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by loveguy

Thanks for joining in my friend, incredibly the Prosecutor even went so far as to explain what a False Flag was, and why they can be effective!

He didn't just use the words he thought to define and make sure that the Governor understood precisely what he was trying to convey through them.

You just can't get any more blatant or transparent than that.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You know the difficult moment arrives like once did in Nazi Germany where what truly is moral becomes illegal.

Does a person follow some real code of morallity to a better state individually and collectively, or do they follow the laws and edicts of the state down a dark path of utter ruin.

This is the million dollar question that looms larger and larger for many people these days.

That is very much the dilemma Proto.

If we sit back and do nothing we play into their hands.

If we go the protests and riots route we play into their hands.

If we go the route of violence and "FRANK" we play into their hands.

And of course if they can not goad and prod us into what they want they stage a "False Flag"

We have a very Slippery and Treacherous Slope we must navigate and it is a mine field to boot.

All I can suggest is we use the legal means we were given by the Founding Fathers:
Tell everyone you meet.

The fully informed jury movement:

The Ten Amendment (State Nullification) movement.

And through I absolutely hate Fractional Reserve Banking - If you can't beat them, take them over


I saved the best for last.

Another weapon, one every single one of us should be pushing for, is state laws allowing voters to recall federal Senators and Representatives as well as state officials.
Recall Congress Now Org

However this will be a bitterly fought battle. The last thing TPTB wants is their pet legislators worried about what the voters want instead of what they have been bribed to do.

While 18 of the 50 United States offer their citizens an opportunity to recall their elected officials, it is a fact that in our nation’s history, no federal legislator has yet been recalled.

It has not been for lack of interest. Rather, the process has languished in part due to debates on whether or not legal authority exists for recall of U.S. Senators and Congressmen; and, in the case of Idaho, interference by a state court prevented recall of a federal legislator....

After reviewing the body of law and opinion concerning recall, it is apparent that if recall of federal legislators is to succeed, it will likely only be after an intense battle in the federal court system as to the degree to which the courts will go to allow the literal meaning of the Tenth Amendment to be in force and effect.

As this author reads this language, it appears clear that " the States ‘ and " the people " living with in them, should be recognized to have the right of recall.

But in order to implement a strategy that will enable recall petitions to result in actual removal of errant Senators and Congressmen, considerable legal and political obstacles will present themselves and can only be overcome by understanding the lengths to which those opposed to recall can be expected to go...

Eighteen states have recall provisions. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin all have recall of some kind available to their voters. Only seven of these states require any grounds.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wow... sounds like the maffia to me...

Actually very similiar, and in fact when Prohibition ended the Mafia got involved in most Unions by offering to do the head breaking of people looking to cross picket lines and managers in exchange for 'ghost' positions as Union Officials and Workers so they could claim legitimate employment and get W-2's and health insurance.

Famously the Mafia would also finance many of it's criminal enterprises by using pension fund loans from Unions like the Teamsters.

Most of Las Vegas was built by the Mafia and most of it was borrowed money from Union Workers pension funds.

Yet here is the sad reality, the Corporations were willing to also use violence through private security companies and other forms of coercion and intimidation to defraud workers, so the workers fought back with similiar tactics, but weren't really as adept at it as professional hoodlums, and security people, so the Mafia looking for new income opportunities at the end of prohibition basically got in bed with many of the major unions.

The Mafias themselves were in fact originally designed to in large part protect immigrants to the US against the machinations and intimidation of existing Americans who resented the Immigration and wanted to keep immigrants paid low, crowded into select neighborhoods and profit off of them not knowing English and the nations laws.

Since many of the corporations existing at that time had a lock on the most lucrative businesses the mafia itself specialized in the big money businesses that were illegal like loan sharking, prostitution, gambling, protection etc to make the same kind of big dollars and get ahead living the American Dream.

The Government itself is very similiar to a Mafia and a Protection racket deciding what is illegal and setting taxes and forcing them, the corporations themselves are much like Mafias looking to corner markets and monopolies and set the pricing for consumer goods and control us through controlling them.

In short everyone has long been battling against everyone else, but if you are a little guy and you are getting squashed by the big guys about your only hope at redressing that is through the mafia or the unions or something similiar.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Danbones

did I mention that Piers Corbin says the ICE age will start in 2015...

Dan, I can't let that go by, especially since you are in Canada. There is a reason I relocated to south of the glaciation line...

You have to read my The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory HAPPY NIGHTMARES

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Some outstanding posts and additions to the thread my friend.

As the public keeps better educating itself through this kind of information the government is more and more going to look to introduce chaos and then harsh control elements through trying to make those in opposition to it seem violent, unstable and not law-abiding.

Part of that really is making just about everything illegal.

When you look at what happens at the G-20s to demonstrators its pretty clear that they consider anyone who doesn't want to promote or support the system as annarchists, vandals and hooligans, or worse, domestic terrorists.

People learning more about the law, and their own personal responsibility to not be led down the garden path to war and disaster and poverty simply because the law is made to make you do just that, is something we are all going to have to wrestle with and make personal choices about.

It's pretty clear that the government isn't interested in changing or fairly even considering the people or letting them have an honest voice, when we read stories like this one.

Great posts my friend.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:41 PM
This is incredible news, if the people of wis. dont recall that wannabe dictator Walker then they deserve what they get.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

These people are backstabbers, the handing over of the email itself was akin to a false flag if you ask me. He gave up his buddy, hoping to shift the scrutiny elsewhere is what I am thinking.

Now that is a really interesting point.

It makes you wonder if this whole little playlet is a exercise in deflection.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:23 PM
If some of these s*** head spent as much time trying to run a cogent local/state/federal government as they did crafting a world of make believe for the press to hide nothing more than their base, human frailties guiding their actions, we might get somewhere.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

this whole country and the supposed government that represents it has become NOTHING but one huge, full scale, media controlled false flag operation called "corporate democracy"..

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by mainhitman
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

this whole country and the supposed government that represents it has become NOTHING but one huge, full scale, media controlled false flag operation called "corporate democracy"..

While it confuses some people the SPQR in my Avatar means the Roman People and the Senate, both were considered different entities, neither had any power or clout without the other.

The people really have been disenfranchised out of our very similiar system modelled off of Rome's.

In the Roman Senate the Consuls where the equivalant of our President, they both could veto the Senate or break a tie in it, yet an additional very important office existed that we don't have, and that was the Tribune of the Plebes who had to be elected by the people from common people, he couldn't be a Patrician and he couldn't be Wealthy, or in the Military or the Equites or any of those things.

The Tribune of the Plebs could not create legislation in the Senate but he could strike any vote down even by the combined unanimous senate and both consuls combined.

The people, the common people have no say in our government anymore, and the Executive Branch has usurped many of the Powers it wasn't supposed to ever have, the checks and balances against it, embodied in the Supreme Court and the Congress and Senate have long been corrupted.

We the people are considered too dumb and too poor, and too emotional to have any say in our government, it knows what's best for us in all cases and has come to have utter distain for us, the very people who gave it life and made it what it is.

This does need to be rectified, and rectified it shall eventually be.

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