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We need a geoengineering forum..."Chemtrail" properly geoengineering, threads do not belong instan

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:11 AM
Battelle helped to create the back in 2001

Is it just me or is there something wrong here?

In Jan 2001 Battelle begins a local transportation study. In Feb Battelle labs get maximum awards for excellence in Technology. In March they help create the GCRIO on global warming. In April their lung cancer and asthma Pharma Co. triples in size. In May they create "Battelle for kids" $10 million cost contribution. In June they announce that 12 of the top 100 most significant products will be show cased in an upcoming Sept. issue of R&D magazine. July they offer healthy home trends. In August CEO retires and is replaced and $22 million invested in a Educational Tech.Center. Sept 2001 they donate $50,000 to Red Cross for 9/11. In October another $10 million contribution for some Technology fund. In November the DOE extends contract. In Dec DOE gives Battelle another "outstanding rating".

Look at this list below, they have a lot of going on and thats just what they admit to doing.

Battelle 2001 Timeline

Battelle is a key member of Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman’s community effort to address transportation congestion via a regional summit meeting

Pacific Northwest and Oak Ridge National Laboratories each win four Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer, the most any lab is eligible to win in a year. One of the winning technologies at Pacific Northwest involved thedevelopment of a process to make ultrapure yttrium-90, and important material for radiochemical cancer therapy.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland form the Joint Global Change Research Institute to investigate the scientific, social, and economic implications of climate change, both nationally and globally

BattellePharma, Inc., a Battelle spin-off, triples the size of its workforce and continues to put together a solid string of agreements with major pharmaceutical companies. BattellePharma, Inc. develops and commercializes pulmonary drug products and medications that provide noninvasive drug delivery for respiratory diseases such as lung cancer and asthma and a variety of systemic diseases

Ohio Governor Bob Taft commends Battelle for contributing $10 million to establish “Battelle for Kids,” a kindergarten–12th grade Ohio education initiative with the Ohio Business Roundtable.

R&D Magazine 12 technologies developed by Battelle and the national laboratories it manages or co-manages among the 100 most significant new products worldwide. The technologies are showcased in the September 2001 issue of the magazine.Vol. 43 No. 9  2001 SEPTEMBER  Research & Development

Battelle releases its ”Top 10 Healthy Home Trends“ forecast, which receives national attention.

Carl Kohrt, former Executive VP and Chief Technology Officer at Kodak, is named Battelle President and CEO. Carl succeeds Doug Olesen, who retires after a 34-year Battelle career.

Battelle breaks ground in Harford County, Maryland, for the $22 million Higher Education and Applied Technology Center

Battelle donates $50,000 to the American Red Cross
Sept. 11 Disaster Relief Fund.

Ohio Governor Bob Taft and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman praise Battelle after it contributes $10 million to help establish the "Battelle Technology Fund," a technology venture fund for the Greater Columbus area

The U.S.Department of Energy notifies Battelle of plans to begin negotiations to extend Battelle’s management and operation contract with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory through 2007. DOE Secretary Spencer Abraham and PNNL Director Lura Powell discuss the announcement at a press conference in Richland, Wash.Retiring Battelle CEO Doug Olesen is honored for his contributions to the community at a major reception in Columbus, Ohio.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory earns its fourth consecutive ”Outstanding“ rating from the U.S. Department of Energy

Battelle Chemical

The incubator of two successful commercial spin-off companies, OmniViz and Vitex, Battelle’s Chemical Products is bringing innovative technology to the specialty chemical, life sciences, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and electronics markets. OmniViz, Inc. provides unique, advanced discovery informatics software and services that radically enhance the productivity and effectiveness of discovery and development efforts for life and chemical sciences research organizations. Vitex Systems, Inc. has developed a unique encapsulation process that provides key technical solutions for the manufacture of next-generation flat panel displays. In 2001, Mitsubishi Corporation invested $15 million in Vitex and supports business operations as a strategic partner.

Battelle RFID

Wave ID, a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology spin-out of Battelle and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was acquired by Alien Technology Corporation of Morgan Hill, Calif., in 2001. Alien developed and holds exclusive patent rights to a manufacturing technology, Fluidic Self Assembly, that allows for the efficient placement of arbitrarily large numbers of small components across a surface in a single operation.

Battelle Bio/chem weapons and defense research

Battelle scientists are among the world leaders in concepts for medical defense against and treatment of exposure to chemical and bio- logical weapons. Our research teams work in state-of-the-art laboratories that meet the highest standards of biological and chemical safety and security. They are developing and testing vaccines and therapeutic countermeasures for many chem/bio agents, including anthrax, that pose real and potential threats to public safety

Battelle toxic waste disposal

Battelle scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory led a cooperative effort to eliminate Department of Defense stockpiles of napalm from the Vietnam War. After three other contractors failed, Battelle provided a solution that overcame safety and environmental concerns, political sensitivities and public scrutiny that had followed the project since its inception. Our process not only disposed of more than 2.7 million gallons of the dangerous substance—on schedule and with an outstanding safety record—it also recycled the napalm and blended it with other industrial waste products to make a specification fuel with exceptionally high thermal energy value.

Battelle and USAF

Battelle provides the Air Force with a full range of services from research and development to on-site technical support, including embedded software maintenance for the F-16, computer network support at the base level, and clothing development for the Air Force Clothing Office

Battelle and NASA

In 2001 Battelle formulated a teaming agreement with Boeing, Universities Space Research Association, and Futron to pursue the creation of a Space Station Research Institut

Battelle Air Quality sampling - Chem-plane

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM

GOOGLE : Battelle government contracts

About 99,900 results

Battelle: IT GSA Schedule
Contract Title: GSA Information Technology (IT) Services Schedule (View PDF) ... to the extent Battelle deliverables under a Government contract are ... - Cached - Similar

Battelle News

Procurement - Battelle - The Business of Innovation
Battelle has in place proven, Government-approved procurement procedures. ... - Cached

Show more results from
Battelle wins major DoD contract to develop medical ...
Feb 27, 2011 ... Battelle has recently won a $36.7 million contract to support the ... Adobe Government Solutions Going Digital: Using E-Forms and Online ... - Cached

Contracts Officer at Battelle in Columbus | LinkedIn
Feb 18, 2011 ... View the Contracts Officer job opportunity at Battelle in Columbus on ... including international and international government contracts. ... - Cached

This contract was awarded to Battelle Memorial Institute by the Department ... Win More Government Business with INPUT. With the support of INPUT's vast and ... › Research Library › Contracts & Task Orders - Cached - Similar

Battelle Selected by DHS to Manage New Center for Biological ...
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 3, 2009
Battelle generates about $1 billion a year doing contract research for almost 2000 clients, including the government, according to its Web ... - Cached

[PDF] Battelle Use Permit - PNSO > Home
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
the contract is with a Sensitive Foreign Nation. Sensitive Foreign. Nations are those designated by the government and whose names are provided to Battelle ...

[PDF] Conducting Private R&D at PNNL
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Battelle). Permits industry, government agencies and nonprofits to directly fund and negotiate contract R&D work through a private contract with Battelle ...

GOOGLE : Battelle Geoengineering

AWWA Recommends Geoengineering to Congress -

GIS analyses by Battelle conclude that that 95% of the 500 largest CO2
point sources in the US (78% of which are power plants) are located
within 50 miles of potentially suitable deep saline formations. These
500 largest sources account for 82% of annual US point source CO2
Dooley et al., Carbon Dioxide Capture and Geologic Storage, (Battelle


Geoengineering PDF ights=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images#hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all&q=geoengineering+filetype%3Apdf&aq=&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=5673716d44 0c1f33

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:08 PM
Yeah...easy to become disheartend when absolute common sense is just dismissed. I really miss the stars....sigh.......I know what I am seeing is real........This is not only what I believe to be a life or death question's to the core of morality...right and wrong........I am truely at a loss at how to proceed anymore.....wrote Diane Fienstein, rep in congress, response so far.......the friends and family I have talked to about this think I'm nuts overall...those that do listen are resigned to stay put in the only world that makes sense to them...and hey...who am I to mess with that? I hope tomorrow isn't another spray day cause I miss the connection to the flowers, sky and earth I once felt....I try and take the dogs out before they start spraying, and hell they aren't taking no for an answer, lol......they just wanna run and pee on a few trees......TY for listening......this day...not so good.....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

Welcome MountainLaurel, thanks for posting

There are so many trees dieing. No reason for it. Makes me sad. I've no proof. But if they inject some of the things they are talking about... wouldn't this be what would happen? Circumstantial... not conclusive.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:17 AM
Hi sweetheart,

Mt Laurel is my girlfriend Piano. Thank you for inviting her.

I was reading through some of the links when doing a few google searches.

Some good search tags

geoengineering pdf

Raytheon geoengineering

Battelle geoengineering

Evergreen Aviation geoengineering

cargolux geoengineering

Some interesting articles

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:53 AM
This flyer is devoted to a short summary of the whole

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

This thread has as usual strayed off topic...
I'd like to see more debate as to why the geoengineering concept is not taken seriously by ATS..

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by backinblack

I've seen a few threads in Fragile Earth / Science forums on geoengineering.

They don't seem to get too many posts though. The Science forums aren't placed near the top

Not enough people visit the forums that are listed so far down the main forum page.

Try doing an ATS search for geoengineering - a few results, all never made it past first page

U.N. Urged To Freeze Climate Geo Engineering Projects - breaking news

A closer look at Geoengineering - fragile earth

Is geoengineering responsible for mass animal deaths? - fragile earth

Lets discuss Geoengineering - skunk works

GeoEngineering -The Congressional Research Service - General Conpiracies

Stanford Environmental Law Dissertation points to Chemtrails/Geoengineering - General Conspiracies

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I already answered your question in a different thread. So why are you spamming the same question here again?

Because you spammed the post in multiple threads of course.

No one here has claimed to know how or why the "persistent contrails" are happening. We only claim that it is not normal from we all used to see and how contrails of the past behave.

I though this thread was supposed to be about geo-engineering, not the chemtrail conspiracy?

Abnormal amounts of aluminum have been found
No they haven't.

and the study that shows aluminum nano particles being added to jet fuel might help explain some of the new phenomenon we see with "persistent contrails"

What is the new phenomena? The nano-particle research you found was still at he research stage so cannot possibly explain anything that has been happening in teh last 15 or so years.

Are you saying there is something new in contrails - new as in some time in teh future when they perhaps intruduce the aluminium to jet fuel to increase thrust??

"Persistent contrails" are having an effect that is very similar to proposed geoengineering techniques.

You seem to be the only person who knows that for sure.

[/quoet] It's not a very far leap to suggest that there is a connection between the two.

None-the-less it is still a leap, with no actual credible evidence to support it.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
Battelle helped to create the back in 2001

Wow, went to that website and discovered a new word which they obscure the study even further -Adaptation.

They reference this whitehouse dot gov documernt: Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Progress Report

This is geoengineering to offset "man made global warming" which has already been proven to be promoted under false pretense with manipulated or out right fabricated data.

As concentrations of greenhouse gases and heat-trapping particles increase in the atmosphere, it is becoming ever more urgent to understand and prepare for the resulting changes in climate. These changes include not only temperature increases but also shifts in precipitation patterns, storm tracks, and other parameters. Climate change affects human health, water and energy supplies, food production, coastal communities, ecosystems, and many other aspects of society and the environment. The Obama Administration is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the impacts of climate change. But mitigation alone is not enough. People are already feeling the impacts of climate change and future changes are inevitable. To prepare and respond to these impacts, the Administration is also committed to climate change adaptation.

Mitigation is their vernacular for passive geoengineering process such as cutting carbon emissions. So they are flat out stating they are committed to active geoengineering (the most talked about being injecting aerosol particulates into the stratosphere through aircraft) under the pseudonym of "Adaptation."

More troubling they admit that some active geoengineering ... i mean Adaptation... is taking place already!

Because climate impacts span political boundaries, the Federal Government must respond in partnership with communities, Tribes, and states – many of which are already beginning to implement adaptation measures.

Furthermore, many technical agencies [NOAA, USDA, USGS, EPA, DOE] are already engaged in international climate adaptation efforts through global partnerships such as the United Nations

If your not aware by now that this is a globalist sceme they lay it flat out:

Government should continue to enhance services that enable informed decisions based on the best available science, and to work with the international community to improve knowledge sharing and coordinate adaptation investments.

It all sounds so good and fuzzy, but the real truth is they have published for YEARS that they want to use ecology to push forming a one world government. This is just the latests scheme.

And of course it will further strengthen the federal government even into local government, give them more control, and promote Agenda 21, and control over all water. When the globalists have total control of local politics, water, and food we are screwed people:

Improve water resource management in a changing climate
Strengthen data and information systems for understanding climate change impacts on
Improve water‐use efficiency to reduce climate change impacts
Develop a national action plan to strengthen climate change adaptation for freshwater

Protect human health by addressing climate change in public health activities
Enhance the ability of Federal decision makers to incorporate health considerations into
adaptation planning
Build integrated public health surveillance and early warning systems to improve
detection of climate change health risks
Promote resilience of individuals and communities to climate‐related health risks
Build resilience to climate change in communities
Ensure relevant Federal regulations, policies, and guidance demonstrate leadership on
community adaptation
Integrate adaptation considerations into Federal programs that affect communities
Facilitate the incorporation of climate change risks into insurance mechanisms
Explore a public/private partnership to produce an open‐source risk assessment model
Address additional cross‐cutting issues

Develop a strategic action plan focused on strengthening the resilience of coastal, ocean,
and Great Lakes communities and ecosystems to climate change
Develop a strategy for reducing the impacts of climate change on the Nation’s fish, wildlife,
and plant resources and their habitats1

This post would get extremely long if I went into all the insanity in it! Please go read this nightmare of a document yourselves!

Adaptation is the new click word they are using to hide geoengineering.

edit on 4-4-2011 by pianopraze because: clarity

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

I'm glad you can read between the lines (lies). I agree that the globalist agenda is to use environmentalism to solidify their control and goals of a world government. Have you seen the episode of Jeese Ventura's Conspiracy Theories on water.

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "Worldwide Water Conspiracy" (FULL LENGTH)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Watching it now. But this is all silly to me. There is no shortage of water. Water is always here.

They could put floating desalination plants on the oceans and pump the water easily.

The technology is already available.

They could even use clean natural resources to do it such as solar, wind and hydro power and the only byproduct would be sea salt.. which we buy for use on our table. Making clean water, power, and salt... all pure profit.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

The problem is that corporations are stealing public resources to sell. Also the private companies buying the water rights lead to issues with allowing the government to claim eminent domain and land grabbing of private citizens homes. Also if small farms don't have access to water they can't grow their crops.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:17 AM
I like how this woman explains public - private partnersships associated with Agenda 21 and corporations taking over government assets

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:59 AM
Please help me search through some of these ........ I found a gold mine

1994 Geoengineering a vision for the 21st century

DTIC Homepage

DTIC search - Geoengineering

Search Results

Searched for: geoengineering Results 1 - 10 of 22 from 6,917,227. results Search took 0.167 seconds.
Did you mean: geo engineering
Result Page: 1 2 3 Next
Summary of Emerging Environmental Security Issues with Potential Military Implications Promises/Threatens Geoengineering May Require International Environmental...regulations for safe development and use of geoengineering to address climate change and global...and governance aspects related to geoengineering. This March a group of scientists...
Collection: U.S. Army - 1.197 MB - 03 AUG 2010
International Environmental Security Issues
...2 Item 4. Geoengineering May Require International Environmental...alleged-pollution-claim Item 4. Geoengineering May Require International Environmental...regulations for safe development and use of geoengineering to address climate change and global...
Collection: U.S. Army - 150.351 KB - 03 AUG 2010
International Environmental Security Issues
...5.4 UK and US Legislators Review Geoengineering Proposals...5.4 UK and US Legislators Review Geoengineering Proposals The US House of Representatives...economic, and governance aspects of geoengineering and intends to hold two or three more...
Collection: U.S. Army - 144.829 KB - 03 AUG 2010
Summary of Emerging Environmental Security Issues with Potential Military Implications
...Expanded to Include Ocean-based Geoengineering Baltic Ministers Recommend Additions...Expanded to Include Ocean-based Geoengineering Parties to the London Convention needed concerning ocean-based geoengineering, which is scientifically unjustified...
Collection: U.S. Army - 652.401 KB - 03 AUG 2010
International Environmental Security Issues
...Expanded to Include Ocean-based Geoengineering.....7 7.8 Global Health Security...Expanded to Include Ocean-based Geoengineering Parties to the London Convention needed concerning ocean-based geoengineering, which is scientifically unjustified...
Collection: U.S. Army - 383.579 KB - 03 AUG 2010
Search Survey of Terrain Visualization Software
... TITLE SUMMARY Geo&soft International ; ISOMAP DESCRIPTION: Geo&soft International sells software for geoengineering and earth science applications. ISOMAP is a program for generating contour lines for geological, hydrogeological and geophysical...
Collection: U.S. Army - 1.173 KB - 03 AUG 2010
Geosoft International ; ISOMAP
...10121 Turin, Italy +39(011)5624689 PLATFORM: * * * DESCRIPTION: Geosoft International sells software for geoengineering and earth science applications. ISOMAP is a program for generating contour lines for geological, hydrogeological and geophysical...
Collection: U.S. Army - 2.465 KB - 03 AUG 2010
Search Survey of Terrain Visualization Software
... TITLE SUMMARY Geo&soft International ; ISOMAP DESCRIPTION: Geo&soft International sells software for geoengineering and earth science applications. ISOMAP is a program for generating contour lines for geological, hydrogeological and geophysical...
Collection: U.S. Army - 1.197 KB - 29 JUL 2008
International Environmental Security Issues
...Address Governance Gap over Geoengineering.....11 6.3 Including...Address Governance Gap over Geoengineering A new report by the ETC group...the potential implications of geoengineering pointing out the urgent need...
Collection: U.S. Army - 220.653 KB - 03 AUG 2010
Geosoft International ; ISOMAP
...10121 Turin, Italy +39(011)5624689 PLATFORM: * * * DESCRIPTION: Geosoft International sells software for geoengineering and earth science applications. ISOMAP is a program for generating contour lines for geological, hydrogeological and geophysical...
Collection: U.S. Army

edit on 4-4-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: add link

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by backinblack

I'd like to see more debate as to why the geoengineering concept is not taken seriously by ATS..

Well at the moment, because the subject keeps getting hijacked by chemtrail spammers.

But I agree, its a serious (and potentialy worrying) topic worthy of discussion on ATS.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:56 PM
NASA - 2009 CARE experiment making artificial clouds with rockets

Night Time Artificial Cloud Study Using NASA Sounding Rocket

A rocket experiment that may shed light on the highest clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere was conducted from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on September 19, 2009. The experiment was launched on a NASA Black Brant XII Sounding Rocket.

The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) was conducted by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense Space Test Program using a NASA four-stage Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket. Using ground based instruments and the STP/NRL STPSat-1 spacecraft, scientists will study an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket’s fourth stage at about 173 miles altitude.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

So nothing at all to do with chemtrail, and not even anything directly to do with geo-engineering - although I guess anything that studies clouds may have some relevance somewhere further along the track, but given the altitude of 173 mies that seems fairly unlikely since teh clouds people think influence the climate are those up to about 50,000 feet or 10 miles.....

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:42 PM
Not much different from other reports.

But I find it kind of odd that they left out details of SRM techniques and strategies in this report.

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program: Strategic Plan SEP 2006

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

It does not ignore SRM techniques - it includes mention of a number of them among "Future Research Directions" on page 67 for roofing, and again on page 160 as things that need to be researched a lot more, including jet fuel additives to reduce soot (thought you'd have spotted that!!), and the role of pollutants (especially soot - Black Carbon - BC) in affecting solar radiation and cloud formation.

Shonky reading on your part!

This is a REAL WORLD document - not a set of suppositions, and not even research. It does not deal with the sort of stratospheric geo-engineering that has caught your imagination because nothing like that is going on, it is still in the stages of initial research, and there are far too many potential disadvantqages for it to be implemented by anyone who ever wants to get re-elected!!

Perhaps in 10-20 years the equivalent document to this might mention it.

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