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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Sabreblade
This is new to me.
I have always been told that opening your third eye was a good thing.
Enlightenment and all that.

Problem with it is that it will cause lots and lots of problems, like unable to sleep, total lack of intrest for this life, like unable to work or hold a job. In stead of making you flexible, you will become like a rock.

It's what forced opening of the mind will do to you, monks either budists or whatever other form of people that practice this take years of practice and meditation to do it in a proper way I guess.
All this crap with binular beats and solfego frequncies will only mess up your mind, it will damage it, it's just like rushing things, taking steroids for example to inflate your body in an artificial way
edit on 26-3-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
do you believe in the third eye?

I do, but most call it intuition or gut feelings. Subconsciously your mind is collecting all sorts of little bits of detailed information at an incredibly fast rate. Such as when you correct your steering while you drive your car, or make that difficult shot playing your favorite sports activity. The conscious mind draws from this vast deep pool of information that has been collected in the subconscious and formulates feelings, sometimes images, mostly feelings though, but nonetheless feelings create images. These feelings are matched with past experiences when the same feelings had been felt before in an involuntary process of the conscious mind which is trying to make sense of what the subconscious has laid out in a collage of data related to the part of the collage the conscious mind is focusing on at the time.

This is the same process that occurs when the feeling of déjà vu is felt by a person. The similar feeling is matched to data stored in the subconscious, but the conscious memory is irretrievable so the memory of similar past experience which invokes the same feelings of what is being experienced currently cannot be matched in the conscious mind, but is in the subconscious. This causes only the memory of feelings to be remembered and not the similar experience, the mental imagery attached to it.


I'm not sure if what I wrote above makes sense. It's a pile of info I've read over the years condensing it into the above.

I'm sure folks with a background in psychology will nail me on if they happen to read my post here. I don't have any background in this area of course. I just have read a bunch of junk written by psychologists. Most nothing more than theory without the scientific work being performed. I don't know how you would set up a control and a study on it. It might be impossible to do so. That means it will always remain within the realm of theory.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:49 PM
I have just spent a couple of hours reading this 28 page thread. Many people have said they are going to try these exercises out -


The Techniques are supposed to be done for 3 DAYS. This thread is 3 days old.

NO ONE has so far come and said, " I have tried these and I do see something happening."


( Er.. I'm not talking about the PDF but the Awakening instructions that were posted)

edit on 26-3-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I have just spent a couple of hours reading this 28 page thread. Many people have said they are going to try these exercises out -


The Techniques are supposed to be done for 3 DAYS. This thread is 3 days old.

NO ONE has so far come and said, " I have tried these and I do see something happening."


( Er.. I'm not talking about the PDF but the Awakening instructions that were posted)

edit on 26-3-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

Thats becuase people are too lazy to do the exercises even though i did them and got phenomenal results.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Um.....close it.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:29 PM
We are GOD!!! God is every living thing, living, trying, experiencing, evolving!
We are love and light, nothing can hurt us, only ourselves because we are everything there is!
So if you see dark, its GOD trying darkness and fear. Just love it. Its you. Its us.
God is love and light but it wants to try everything, so it is allowed to experience darkness and fear, but its not what we are, its an experience, its temporary.

If you see darkness and you feel fear, just accept it, love it, its us, its god.

Just remember, nothing can hurt you if you remember who you are: GOD, and the true essence of GOD is LOVE, so if you love, if you love the dark beings (God experiencing its opposite) nothing can hurt you.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:29 PM
I think it is a very strong possibility that you have a brain tumor. I say this in all seriousness, because my uncle had very similar experiences. He was convinced that he was developing psychic abilities, which may be he was. But he also has a tumor the size of a ping pong ball growing in his brain near the cerebral cortex.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Are you guys serious?!

First off, the "third eye" is a metaphor, most likely referring to the pineal gland. "Activating" it will NOT take away your will to live, nor will it take the pleasure of life away.

Think in terms of hormones. Understand depression or symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance. There are ways to trigger changes in our endocrine configuration. Some are good, some are not so. Good or bad here refers to what we like or dislike, in terms of comfort.

Now the kicker: most of the talk about the third eye, the chakras, the spirits, the other dimensions....are all based on folklore and hearsay. Those of whom have had personal experiences also tend to interpret these experiences based on the same folklore and local culture. I am not saying or denying the existence of higher dimensions.... But I am pointing out to the thousands of years that reflect a different reality than the folkloric one.

The only thing I suggest is keeping a balance between what we assume and/or believe to be the truth and an ongoing process of exploration and learning..

It has been years already since I met another person capable of standing their own ground, thinking for themselves, and pursuing objective research in order to learn more about themselves and their own existence as biological organisms. What happened?

Is Hollywood that much more appealing than actual life? Is the lure of the extraordinary blinding and canceling all common sense?

The only awakening that humans need is the awakening from their own fairy dream. It is TRAGIC to see so many young minds getting lost and never being given the opportunity to contemplate life other than through the filter of our primitive culture, heavily influenced by religion and mythology.

Is this what we want for ourselves? Cheap and uninterrupted mental noise?
Not judging anyone here. I was - and still am often - one to waste life and human potential. It freaks me out when I realize the immensity of our errors, and even more so the immensity of our stubbornness to never change anything..

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:38 PM
i hope someday i will meet some entities in the form of lotto numbers...since i dont know your trick i will keep on using what our planet provides...btw thanks mother nature for you know what

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Thank you very much to the OP for being brave enough to share your experiences, there are many who would not be able to do so.

I wanted to ask the advice of the experienced and intelligent people involved in this topic that relates to me personally.

Since a very young age I have always felt something different about myself compared to other people, in fact the only people I truly find myself comfortable around are people who believe or have a vested interest in things of this nature. (ie third eye, psychic etc etc). While I have always felt this way I have never had any visions or heard any noises but I HAVE always been extremely empathectic to others. And nine times out of ten my readings of peoples moods and thoughts are correct. Ive had many people, both believer and skeptics, tell me that my ability to read people is uncanny. One person even went so far as to say my third eye was completely open.

I don't feel like it is, but i DO feel like it should be. I feel like something is wrong and Im missing a huge part of myself. Im pretty sure Ive felt this way my entire life but didn't know exactly why until recent years when I really started to take an interest in these things. I feel like that inner frustration has caused me to act in many ways that were not in the best interest for myself over the last several years. But more recently Ive felt a drive, a drive to understand and a drive to improve myself and help myself feel complete. With the more research Ive done the more I feel I am on the correct path.

My question is this: To any of you who are experienced in this field, is my story a normal one or is something else going on? Is there any advice you could offer to help me get started on this path?

Thank you in advance for any answers or thoughts you share

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by kingofwolves3563

pfff..sorry to burst your bubble here dude but yours is exactly a type of post that icant resist to reply to...

everyone feels special..every one think he is different..everyone thinks he can judge/understand/comprehand others...please get oever with it a concentrate more on what is happening around ffs

if you still stuck with the i am so special type of guy are way back from the leading pack

if you find me just 1 person that feels normal like anybody else you win i than say that you and the OP are right...but trust me on this one...ou will never find it so i win...and this is all a pile of crap

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:58 PM
When your 3rd eye is awake. you should stay away from graveyards. The best perceptions happen when your mind is not on meditation.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:58 PM
now many may tghink i was rude..or too stroong...but as i said...

find me just 1 human being on earth from alll these billions..that does not feel special..geinous..themost important thing on earth

do that before bashing me

and no you cant have illusions without even very difficult with dugs..guess without them

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by heineken

I asked for the advice of INTELLIGENT experienced people in this field not that of a Troll (sorry to burst your bubble)

If you have something On topic and positive to add feel free, otherwise moderators will be informed of your trolling habits.


Oh and I never said I felt "special" just different...not complete. Try to read and understand people's posts before immediately jumping down there throats.

edit on 26-3-2011 by kingofwolves3563 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Agarta, I have a question.

I have been meditating for some 20+ years, read everything I could find.
I started after having met two masters who put me on the way.
Anyway, I have always have this thig about saying things about the fuutre that come true, even death dates 15 years in advance.
I just hear myself saying these things without knowing I will, and are as startled by it as other people

Most of the time I feel very blissful when meditating and for hours after so I'm happy with that.

Another thing I'm blessed with is this: I always know when I'm safe and when It's better to move away (or stay home). Difficult to explain.
Every time I'm in a not so good situation (mostly financial troubles that can be pretty serious, or when I really want something but see no way to get it, , There will be a solution at the very very last moment. I never get more than the minimum I need, or only small push on the way, but that's alright.

Most of the time I feel confident that i"ll pull true and have faith.

However, for years I've been trying to have a out of body experience.
I can fly and swim deep under the ocean and communicate and it is delightful, but I think it's only make believe.
I know I never was really out of my body.

I also never met anything even remotely like an entity, though I can feel them.
A friend of mine who sees them all the time, says I should be happy not seeing them.

But for me it means that I'm stuck and not going anywhere.
I don't see anything, only once when I tried to enter the Akashic field, but it was only a glimpse

Oh another great thing is that I started to heal people with energy healing and so far with amazing result.
But I don't see aura's, don't see colors, don't see anything.

What do I do wrong?

I would so very much appreciating an answer to this question, as i don't know how to go on.

edit on 26-3-2011 by notsosunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by notsosunny

In regards to AP I need you to listen to me very carefully.

I can not help you. Only you can help you..

I will explain why: You have succeeded! Congratulations. Here is the thing, It is your doubt that is holding you back. You see it as your imagination or visions when in actuality it sounds like you are off and running. Stop doubting yourself or what you experience. You have overcome your fear for the most part but the doubt still remains. Trust in what you experience. You are awake. You just have not learned to trust yourself.

You are having trouble finding teachers in the astral plane even though you know they are there. Why? Doubt of the reality. Just know they are there and allow them to be, they need to be asked. Not verbally of officially but in acceptance and allowance.

As for the Akashic plane, again its doubt. Ask a question and trust the answer. If you feel the need test it, research it. If you can find the answer you are looking for it doesn't mean it was wrong it may have just not been explained or discovered. move on to the next question and release doubt. If you do not get an answer you have just missed it because of doubt. Check your feelings or the pictures you receive, but do not attempt to hold them. that is when your imagination kicks in. I hope you understand. send me a u2u if you need details.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by kingofwolves3563

You are connected and aware however, I think you are still closed. The three main things you need to do is remove fear, remove doubt, and trust yourself. Go within(Meditate) and clear your mind of thoughts and expectations. Go blank. and simply be. You will receive pictures(do not attempt to hold them let them flow), feelings, and/or just knowing. Trust and believe you are connected.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear this.
I think that's me, always doubting myself.
If it was not for my children pushing me with the healing, I would not have know I can make this connection with the energyfield.

From now on I will stop doubting myself.

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:43 PM
Reply to post by pellian

Use delta brain wave entrainment

4hz sweep down to 2hz and you'll be ok

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Maybe you can help me out, I'm at work and can't sift through all 28 pages, what page is the technique posted on?

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