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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Good day Ladies and Gentlemen,

I apologize I have been away for the last day. There are a lot of issues for me to clarify and questions to answer from people replying to me so lets get started.

The Necronomicon is a great work based loosely on fiction. The story was told in the form of stories on the usage of tools to lower your vibrational frequency. Lowering your vibrational frequency removes the light and takes you into the darkness. the rest of this post will help you to understand what this means but I have to move on.

Thank you to those that read my book. I realize the text and parchment makes it difficult to read so I will re upload it in a simple text form and post it as an edit below.

After getting caught up in the thread I have realized most of the posters here are beginners. I applaud you! taking the first step to understand is your first hurdle. Congratulations.

All the techniques you have read through this and many other sources are simply tools to help your logical mind relearn what it already knows. They are TOOLS. Once you come to understand them they are no longer needed.

There is no Good and no Evil. All is energy. Lets look at this for just a minute. Laws are made to give you guidelines to follow to coexist with your fellow man. These laws are based on morals. Morals were designed by religions to maintain control over the people. It takes away your personal responsibility of maintaining your respect for others. They are guidelines put in place to stop you from thinking for yourself. The only Law is simply this Do as you will, but harm none. This includes property. If you respect yourself and others you break no laws.

We as Humans have what is known as a bi-cameral mind. One for logic and one for imagination. It is the combining of these parts that allow you to see the light. I am going to use the story of Adam and Eve to explain.
We, Humans, lived in the light. A balance of both our minds. When Eve eat the proverbial apple she lost sight of the light and fell into darkness. This was known as Eves dis-ease or Eves-ill which came to be known as evil.
Living in the darkness is the evil.

Again, there is no good or evil. It is all simply a perception of your mind that you have applied morals to, that gives you the false understanding of the separation. We are here to over come the limitations of our mind and grow beyond the perceived physical limitations. For more information on this study the I Ching, the Right of the Palan(Druidic), Gnosticisim, the yin and yang, etc.

The first step to becoming enlightened or moving toward your ascension in every world of thought is over coming fear. Fear is the perception of positive and negative. Unfortunately, it is the hardest and most never move forward from there. REMOVE FEAR. Once you have done this it all becomes easy to understand and forward movement only moves faster and faster. If you have never read "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" you should. It will only take you about 20 min. Do yourself a favor and read it.

A lot of you are having trouble "opening" your third Eye. The third eye is always open, stop trying so hard. This also slows you down. The third eye is an eye, fully formed in your brain. It has no lid, it lets in no light,Etc. but it is there. It is about making it "aware" or becoming aware of it. In order to "activate it you must have a clear Pineal gland.

How you activate your pineal gland is very simple. In most western countries fluoride is added to the water. this was done to limit your ascension process and to keep you under control. Fluoride is consumed by the pineal gland like we consume sugar. The gland likes it but it is devastating to its operation. It, fluoride, crystallizes the gland stopping its chemical production. The pineal gland is your connection to the other planes of existence, and if not operational leaves you in the dark. Here is a technique that cleans and activates your pineal gland.
We have all felt that chill that runs down your back. This is a surge of electricity, and as we all also know electricity creates light. Light breaks down fluoride and because the gland is deep within your scull it receives no light. You must create light and direct it to the gland. Remember that chill I spoke of just a minute ago? that is the key. Create that chill but send it up to the base of your scull instead of down your spine. Once you can do this easily try holding it there for longer periods of time. This electricity will break down the fluoride and start production of the gland again.

There are quite a few of you that have given your own testimonials and that is awesome. It is always good to hear your experiences, however, some of you describe Astral projection, others describe remote viewing, and others describe a connection to the Akashic records. It can be very confusing if you do not recognize which you have tapped into. So here is a basic description;

Astral Projection; To leave ones physical body in astral form(for those of you who fear the inability to return to your body you are always tethered to it YOU CAN NOT GET LOST)

Remote Viewing; To see at a distance without leaving your body. (for those interested I have the official government handbook that was written during the governmental studies and usage of this practice)

Akashic Records; These records are the complete history of conscious thought. Every thought, emotion and action is recorded here.( those of you who taped into this just know answers without knowing why or from where they came).

For those who are true beginners I suggest you read the following. My book ( I will post a link below)"Beginners Instructions Before Leaving Earth", "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East vol 1-5" by Baird T Spalding "Agartha" by Marideth Lady Young, the "Seth Speaks" series, and the books by Don Juan. OR find a closet and lock yourself in. Evaluate self and go within. This will take you to places you have never gone because your mind cant handle who you really are. You will face your darkest fears but ultimately if you are successful will come out without fear of the unknown and will move forward at light speed.

The Human was created in the image of the creator not in form but in the ability to create. The Human mind has the ability to do ANYTHING it desires to do. Just look throughout history. There are people who could fly.levitate, move objects without touch, walk on water, teleport, transform etc. there is no limit to your potential. It is the two major things that hold you back FEAR and DOUBT.

Here is the link as promised to the text only version of my book. "Beginners Instructions Before Leaving Earth"

Any comments or question are encouraged.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Agarta because: Added link to my book

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527

Originally posted by CrazyMonkey
I just wanted to weight in with a totally different view point. Is it not possible that by going through this ritualistic process, which has certain fearful or hopeful expectations about the spirtual realm,. just primes you to have the experience while sleeping. I would also hazard a guess that there are people out there who would use some form of drugs to enhance such an experience. I am not saying everybody uses drugs, but allegedly it is a form of a contact with the spiritual world for some tribesmen. I can see why it can be interpreted this way as your senses are amplified and you feel overwhelming emotion at times too.

I am wondering what your opinions are in reponse to my post.

tonght when you sleep,i will pick you up,and take you to a place that is very hard to get to,tell every body what happened tommorrow and then look at what you said on this post,i will show you the diffrence.
last post till 6tomorrow,i have a black ops tournament tonight.wish us luck

Sorry no experiences, so perhaps my skeptical statement holds some water?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Destructor
reply to post by chelley

RatMen aren't Astral AFAIK. They are very weak, like lower level Licanthopes. Surely if they fed on fear it would be necessary for you to perceive them, but they use their breath to make themselves invisible to you. Are you as a Light-worker aware of the Elite in the same respect as i am? When they regard us as cattle it's a reference far greater than just an analogy to a herd. I've seen the translucent tracks of the cursed, and i feel your compassion will be your undoing. Sometimes wisdom, gleaned through experience teaches otherwise. Sometimes we have to FIGHT! do you know who i'm referring too?

I know who they are
and please do not under estimate my knowledge at 51 years of age I have come a long way, I know all about the DARK EARTH PSYCHIC TEAM also

edit on 25-3-2011 by chelley because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

"As long as I save him from venturing any further then I will be all the trolls in the world.

You’re really sounding like they are in your brain. Telling you to say this so the op will think its ok.
If you don’t know about this subject, then I think you should stop trolling, and let me and the others that have full abilities and conclusive information that can help the op.

He didn’t say he was happy about the event, in that case I would of went in another direction, but when the
&^%$$^% start extending things through the matrix of one realm to the other…..well.

That means something is trying to get out and use the op to come into this realm, its one of the oldest tricks of the &^%$$#$^&."

are you for real with that it's completely apparent from what you have been posting that you have no idea about anything thats been discussed the majority of your post are way off topic you were talking about a black ops tournament on playstation in one of your other post....says a lot

And if the OP is truly concerned about what is happening he should have read the whole book there is a whole section on protection and it states many things about having chakras in balance not concentrating on his third eye before people try and take short cuts to becoming enlightened then perhaps they should educate themselves on the subject...what did he really think would happen? If he had read about the subject he would have known fully what to expect.
edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Katerna

Originally posted by pellian
i am not trying to force anything. I have had some really cool experiences. what was so bad about the entities. the spiders like to sit on your face while you sleep. you can see them descend while you are getting tired in bed.

Wait, what? I was so ready to read this pdf and try it myself, but SPIDERS??? I don't know if I can handle that. I'll poop in my bed if I open my eyes to a spider sitting on my face.

WOW! I had several experiences as a kid where I would "wake up" paralyzed surrounded by spiders. And they always were moving toward my face and even laying on it at times just as the OP described. I couldn't move my body but I definitely felt "awake" and that everything happening was real. I would freak out and tell myself calmly to wake up and move and it would work. Once physically awake the spiders were gone. If only I had known what I do now I may have tried to explore it further rather than being scared by it.
edit on 25-3-2011 by veritaslibertas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:59 PM
had a chance to read the pdf.

the key to developing ease in the third eye is contained in the portion about developing and linking the heart and third eye energies. it is in the 9. something.

however, this manual in my opinion has a collection of great techniques. the approach is more mechanical to stimulate this portion of the energy field, the result will be imbalanced.

that is why having a teacher or some sort of person to guide one is important. they would oversee the development of experiences that would open the heart giving the ability to see beyond dualities and wisdom to discern.

however, the age of aquarius means you are your own teacher. so, rock on!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by veritaslibertas

The state of paralysis is when the body is asleep while the mind comes into balance before going to the other extreme of right brain only and the dream state. It is all part of the process. Sometimes entities will come to watch or help you to project.The spider like entities are not negative nor manipulating. They are there to help. If you fear the paralysis or the "spiders" it will hinder their help and take you back to the left brained logic. Release the fear and doubt and accept you are more than you perceive and you will succeed. Once separated you may come across others. Pay attention to them they will help you to understand and grow. If you are really "awake" you will be contacted by a master and your learning will explode forward.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
Good day Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is no Good and no Evil. All is energy. Lets look at this for just a minute. Laws are made to give you guidelines to follow to coexist with your fellow man. These laws are based on morals. Morals were designed by religions to maintain control over the people. It takes away your personal responsibility of maintaining your respect for others. They are guidelines put in place to stop you from thinking for yourself. The only Law is simply this Do as you will, but harm none. This includes property. If you respect yourself and others you break no laws.


Here is the link as promised to the text only version of my book. "Beginners Instructions Before Leaving Earth"

Any comments or question are encouraged.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Agarta because: Added link to my book

Thanks you Agarta for clarifying this, please excuse my clipping your large post down, last night I wanted to say so much the key points you have already covered here saving me the time and effort of trying to do what you have already done so very well. But I was so very tired and needing sleep I left it alone and went to bed.

I would like to ad some more thoughts of my own however below:

This is what the young minds need to understand that WE ARE ALL JUST ENERGY and even the dark entities are simply energy, however I would like to say that this is why so many get caught up in DUALITY and seem to think we should constantly COMPETE with every one and every thing, this is what creates KARMA for us and ultimately creates a re-manifestation of LESSONS we must learn again and again until they are learned, and as I said earlier we DO NEED PROTECTION but it is more so from our selves, I would like to re-affirm my point about THOUGHT FORMS being a belief system in so far what we believe is what can harm us if we do not AFFIRM a state of mind were we ensure protection of mind (sanity) and soul, other wise we can create more KARMA down the road we will have to deal with later.

The young minds who have just awakened to the enormous potential of ENERGY WORK have a hard time adjusting because they take the old paradyne of duality with them instead of just being AT ONE with the energy but it is so complex that it is easier to tell them to protect themselves, what they do not realise is they are actually protecting themselves from the MIRROR image of SELF, all the dark KARMIC energies of un-resolved KARMA and Guilt that they must face when in the higher realms, which is not dissimilar to the LIFE REVIEW we all go through at death of the body. Fear is a manifestation of creating that which you might not want to confront, but the UNIVERSE has no such thing as (NOT) it can only CREATE what ever you think about.

Young minds will say huh what are you talking about?

This is simply a case of what ever you think about you create, so you cannot say I HOPE I DO NOT ENCOUNTER A BEAST HERE because now you thought it you will see it, we create from the mind what ever we focus on, their is no rule's their anything goes, so if you have been educated for many years to FEAR / PROPAGANDA / HATE/ and everything negative then your fear will take control and manifest i.e CREATE what ever is in your mind or even sub-conscious mind for that matter.

This is why we need to CLEANSE, we need to forgive our selves first and forgive others, I like the STAR WARS analogy when LUKE SKYWALKER went into the tunnel and YODA said to him, "YOU WILL FACE ONLY WHAT YOU TAKE WITH YOU" that is so true because whatever you take with you into meditation will DOMINATE your experience.

So all those who choose to Meditate must clear their energies first of all of dark thought's, and above all else HAVE NO FEAR.

Namste xxxx

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by chelley

Very well said. Thank you. In my large post above I was attempting to keep it short. Thank you for clarifying it to everyone. WE ARE ONE.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:32 PM
This is my first post, and I cannot create a new thread. Since there are plenty knowledgable in this thread that may be able to reply to my question, Id like to ask: When I take 50mg Benadryl, my "body" lifts up momentarily and falls back down. It sort of reminds me of the feeling of almost falling. Is it my spirit lifting and falling or what?

I apologize if this diverts the thread topic. Thanks

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by oceanbreeze21

Your physical bodies reaction to heightened oxygen levels

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by oceanbreeze21

Hello ocean breeze welcome! Benadryl contains dxm which can produce distortions of the visual field, feelings of dissociation, distortions of bodily perception, excitement, as well as a loss of comprehension of time. I am by no means encouraging abuse of this but you can look it up on wikipedia...assuming you are referring to cough syrup

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:17 PM
I think the effect of these entities disappearing into a light distortion should be studied but the problem is that I see these when I wake up or go to sleep and at that time I have less control over my fear.


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
reply to post by pellian

The world we live in, I like to call Earth School, is only a stage. All that is perceived is just that a perception. here is a link to my website Mental Evolution if you scroll down on the home page you will find a book I wrote on the subject click it and you will be taken to a download page. It is free I don't charge. As for my experiences I would like you to go back and reread your post. You attempted to convey your experiences to the best of your ability but I guarantee your description does not give justice to what you actually witnessed. As for how my life has been because of being awake, lets put it this way, the good is wonderful, when I feel negative it is horrific, when I shut it out I'm lost.

Hey, thankyou for offering your book for free. I have downloaded it and although I was eager to read it (as you seem to know what your talking about,) I found it almost impossible to do so as the style of font and lack of spacing between lines and paragraphs make it very hard to follow.

Please don't take this the wrong way, just a friendly observation. Is there anyway you could upload it as a simple text file?

Thanks again though for offering information for free

Oops, Just noticed you already addressed the issue... and on the same page no less.. sorry for interupting the flow of the thread everyone. I'll just go hide back under my rock now.
edit on 25-3-2011 by reg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by AmerikanDekline
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

"As long as I save him from venturing any further then I will be all the trolls in the world.

You’re really sounding like they are in your brain. Telling you to say this so the op will think its ok.
If you don’t know about this subject, then I think you should stop trolling, and let me and the others that have full abilities and conclusive information that can help the op.

He didn’t say he was happy about the event, in that case I would of went in another direction, but when the
&^%$$^% start extending things through the matrix of one realm to the other…..well.

That means something is trying to get out and use the op to come into this realm, its one of the oldest tricks of the &^%$$#$^&."

are you for real with that it's completely apparent from what you have been posting that you have no idea about anything thats been discussed the majority of your post are way off topic you were talking about a black ops tournament on playstation in one of your other post....says a lot

And if the OP is truly concerned about what is happening he should have read the whole book there is a whole section on protection and it states many things about having chakras in balance not concentrating on his third eye before people try and take short cuts to becoming enlightened then perhaps they should educate themselves on the subject...what did he really think would happen? If he had read about the subject he would have known fully what to expect.
edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

After i do a back ground check on you ,then i will reply,because what your saying makes no sense what so ever,you sound like you have been banned before coming back as another monicker on the ats ,or your one of the many trolls from certain other sites that just dont get along with us ats members,or you just need some attention,or your just an exotic flaming troll.

I say this because you just registered the 23rd,and your already coming out your lil pie hole face that people are trolls,and by looking at your other post,you seem to just want to argue and call people names ,who dont agree with you.
ive been called a troll 5 times in 13 years,i respect all the troll calling,but not from some newbie that just registered yesterday.
I dont know what web site you are from,but you need to leave that attitude where you got it from,and dont bring that BS over on the ats.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by CrazyMonkey

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527

Originally posted by CrazyMonkey
I just wanted to weight in with a totally different view point. Is it not possible that by going through this ritualistic process, which has certain fearful or hopeful expectations about the spirtual realm,. just primes you to have the experience while sleeping. I would also hazard a guess that there are people out there who would use some form of drugs to enhance such an experience. I am not saying everybody uses drugs, but allegedly it is a form of a contact with the spiritual world for some tribesmen. I can see why it can be interpreted this way as your senses are amplified and you feel overwhelming emotion at times too.

I am wondering what your opinions are in reponse to my post.

tonght when you sleep,i will pick you up,and take you to a place that is very hard to get to,tell every body what happened tommorrow and then look at what you said on this post,i will show you the diffrence.
last post till 6tomorrow,i have a black ops tournament tonight.wish us luck

Sorry no experiences, so perhaps my skeptical statement holds some water?

I cant argue with that,didnt go to sleep till 8am est this morning...your the winner today,i have no excuses.

I hope to get some sleep saturday night,i will try to pick you up then.

edit on 25-3-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:47 PM
Third eyes aren't real fellows
I can barely see out of my own two,
Let alone believe there's another one up there
Come one guys,

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
reply to post by chelley

Very well said. Thank you. In my large post above I was attempting to keep it short. Thank you for clarifying it to everyone. WE ARE ONE.

No problem Agarta it's good to find others on the same page

I would like to share a link here for the people just awakening it is a nice video.

Thoughts are energy

Namaste xxx

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by vivalarevolution

Not to argue with you my friend, however I think you may want to touch up on your Human brain anatomy.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:01 PM
You're just tricking your mind into a psychotic state.

Was there, and it took a long time to pull myself out.

Good luck with your journey

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