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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
I do not recommend anyone who is new to this start doing this without really thinking about it first. This is no joke, people can go crazy for some of the things you will experience, and if you have patience you will experience them.

There are some exercises you can do at first that won't attract anything bad, but eventually if you keep doing deeper, and more in depth exercises you will be tapping into a world that you might not want to really experience.

You will attract both good and bad energy no matter how many exercises of bathing yourself in light and surrounding yourself in light you do. The real bad part is fear. EVERYONE, I don't care if you claim Jesus is right beside you, or if Buddha is showing you the way, E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E., more so if you are new to this, will experience and feel some fear, what you can't do is allow that fear to take a hold. If you don't control it that's when bad things happen, and trust me it is really easy for fear to control you even if you have been an ardent follower of Jesus, or Buddha your whole life.

You can try many things to control the fear, it is up to the individual as long as you truly believe it. Even breathing exercises can help control the fear. But you must really believe it, and you must be able to muster more courage than you have ever known you had. The bad thing is that if you lose control, and it is easy to do, and you let fear get a hold of you and control you there will be beings that will use your fear to manifest themselves more, and the more fear you feel the more power you will give them.

There are other ways to experience the spiritual world apart from what some people have already mentioned here. I don't recommend to anyone to use any controlled substances, ANY. Those things are even worse, even marijuana, because you won't really have much control and you leave yourself open to entities which are really powerful. There is no need to use ANY sort of control substance to experience the spiritual world.

There is no real need for yoga positions, much less to break your back trying to sit in the lotus position when you have never done in your life any real stretching exercises. That's the worse thing you can do if you are not flexible. You don't need any fancy moves, or positions to experience the spiritual world, or to teach yourself how to tap into a world which is always around us.

Do what feels comfortable for you. If sitting in a chair is more comfortable to you then do so. If you feel more comfortable lying in bed do so, even though it will be hard to look at a mirror lying in bed unless it is in your ceiling. This can't be emphasized enough. You won't experience anything if you are in pain, or uncomfortable. Have comfortable clothes on, and if you feel more comfortable without any clothes, and if you are in your house I hope, do what feels better for you.

It can't be too hot, or too cold, put your AC or heater at a comfortable temperature. You don't have to fast, or dehydrate yourself to experience this, in fact this is worse. You can eat, and drink water, juice, or a small glass of wine. Just don't over do it.

As you get more in depth and start doing other exercises you will sooner or later notice that there will be beings/entities that will try to use you to get/draw power, and eventually to control you. They will be attracted to you first because they are the ones in between the spiritual, and the material world. Those are trapped entities, and some of them are very old and very strong and powerful.

Some are trapped because they chose to, others because they didn't know any better and eventually couldn't find the way out. They normally can't manifest into the material world unless there is a channel, and that channel, among others, is the person that is practicing what some of you so blindly want to do.

IMO, this is also a test, although if you fail this test it could leave you insane, or possessed. This is no joke.

Before you start also do some exercises to protect yourself, which can range from praying, meditating, slow breathing, imagining yourself bathed in light, and other exercises some other members already posted. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and if it gives you more courage more power to you.

One thing I found very easy to do, and which for me works is to be in a dimly lit room with a mirror that allows you to sit and see at least your shoulders and head. You will notice that with some practice and time you will need less, and less light. This exercise is to train your physical eyes to start seeing other energies that people normally can't see. I have never had any sort of problem with this exercise. You won't open the gates of hell or anything like that with this beginner's exercise.

What you need to do is not think, nor expect anything but just observe. The light should be dim enough that you can barely see the features of your face. Look at your image and breathe slowly, but don't force it too much either. You can blink your eyes as much as you need. Do it for about 10-15 minutes or if you can, and if you want you can try for longer. Do this once a day for as long as it is necessary. Some people will need more time, others will need less.

It is not a timed event, so take it slowly and don't get frustrated if you can't do it in the first week. Don't expect anything, just keep observing. Slowly you will notice that your eyes will get accostumed to the dark and eventually you will start seeing a greyish to bluish light around your head and shoulders. At first it will be faint, but if you keep practicing you will be able to get better at it.

The first thing that will happen if you do it right is that you will start seeing the etheric body, which is a light in your human form that surrounds you and every other human, and non-human beings as well. All living beings have it because it is the electric field that your body generates. Even plants, trees, and even stones have it, but in living beings it is stronger, and in some areas it can be clearly seen to move, but in inanimate objects it is very faint and never seems to move at all.

Anyway, as you keep trying the exercise above eventually you will notice that this etheric body, that every person has, moves around your shouders and your head, and if you have a big enough mirror you will see that for the rest of your body the etheric is dimmer, and doesn't move as much. In fact it does move, but it is so minimal that it doesn't seem to at least at first.

You will see it stronger in healthy people, and weaker in not so healthy people to the point that it gets slowly, partially detached from the body, and it is more detached and very faint in people who are extremely sick or who are dying. You will see it getting brighter, and brighter in people who are meditating well, or praying and really feeling their form of meditation, or prayer.

Slowly, and with experience you will also start seeing colors, but at first you will start to see some colors that will stay with you for the rest of your life. The colors, and the patterns that they form will change from individual to individual, and you will see them even with your eyes closed, or with your eyes open in a dimly lit, or dark room.

If you become just aware without thinking, which is harder than it sounds, and focus your eyes on the top of your head, or your shoulders, or even where you think your nose is, you can blink normally, you will see things in front of you shimmer and even whatever features you were able to see will dissapear and you will only see energy.

The above exercise helps with abilities that have to do with your normal eyes, you will eventually see the etheric in people, and even around objects even in a sunlit day every time you want to. This takes practice of course.

There are other exercises that help hear things which normally are out of range for people to hear, and no, you won't be able to hear a dog's silent whistle...

The one exercise that has helped me not only hear things that are beyond the normal scope that we can hear but has also helped with other clairvoyant abilities is meditation. At least in my case, and again you don't need any fancy yoga position to attain this.

If you have already mastered seeing the etheric, with your eyes closed you will see colors that will be specific to each person. The colors I see are green and purple, the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. In fact I have never seen these colors in the material world. For me they also move in a circle, at other times theyr merge and move towards a center point around the circle they make. It is very similar to doppler radar, but the colors are right next to each other and dance around each other. From time to time I see other colors depending on my mood, the mood of others around me, or what energy is around me. If there is some bad mojo around I see specks of red popping here, and there. I have also seen blue, and yellow, but what I see most of the time is green and purple, don't ask me why.

You can concentrate in whatever colors you see with your eyes closed and breathe slowly, and without forcing yourself. You can also just concentrate in your breathing. The important thing is not to think, if a thought pops into your mind just let it go, don't delve in that thought, just concentrate on either your breathing, or the colors that you see with your eyes closed.

As you get better and better at this you will notice some changes. They might start with simple things, such as you are able to hum a song before it is being played on the radio, or you think of someone right before they call you. You will even start seen images in your mind. But don't ever delve on what those images could be, don't try to force it just let it happen. It will happen, more and more.

You will eventually also start hearing somethings. Sometimes it could be the voice of some loved one calling your name, or unfortunately it could be entities which noone really wants to hear from. Some entities will try to force fear upon you, make sure you stay calm and try to do what is best for you which could be seeing yourself bathed in light, slow breathing exercises while you tell yourself there is nothing to fear. Even if you hear it really close to you don't panic, you will be fine as long as you don't let your fear control you. If you are a person that jumps at any sound, and gets easily scared PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS. Apologies for the caps.

With those two simple exercises you can eventually tap into the spiritual world. At least some of it. Just one piece of advice. Don't get obssessed, maybe if you can't it could be a sign that you are either not meant to experience these things, or it is to protect you, but not all people are protected this way unless you call whatever protection you feel comfortable with. But don't get a machete either, because it won't help you at all.

edit on 25-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: errors and to add comments.

A warm smile from me ElectricUniverse. Everybody new and curious, who failed or dont believe, read this post.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Archirvion

He already did share the link to a pdf file lol back on page 3 I think and there has been several links to it throughout the thread.

Yeah those feelings come and go I just live with it, never thought of praying I am not religous although I am baptised lol... I had the same problems when I was younger and also had very bad dislexia where I would write full sentances upside down or back to front, or like chinese from right to left.... having trouble sleeping up untill I think I was about 13 I remember I just sat their in my room with moon light coming through the window and controlled my focus on different objects, just playing with it I was sort of hoping I could move the objects physically, that didnt eventuate so I sort of learnt to live with it every now and then when it comes and enjoy it. No longer dislexic although occasionaly do some stupid things e.g. freinds, friends.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:23 AM
pease delete this post
edit on 25-3-2011 by ototheb85 because: replyed to wrong person

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Archirvion

I'm afraid it can not be used to nothing good or in different words you can't chose how to use this. I think I understand what he is talking about. I used technique which starts similar to what he describe. When you lay in your bad before sleep in darkness, there is no noise or other things which could disturb your senses you could cross some kind of border if you let the images to flow into your mind. You have to let your mind to create images without any own intervention. In such conditions your mind could become like antenna which catch signals too week to be notices in normal day routine. Connections to this signals could be exercised but I afraid that it leads to another reality throw the mind of other beings, much powerful than us. If they once discover you tray to connect to their reality throw their mind you have great chance that you are screwed. This could led even to the possession by other being. Fore sure this is tempting to see something extraordinary but many times when I was in such state all that vanish when I call God or start to prey. That visions could not go beck for long after that.
edit on 25-3-2011 by odyseusz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Agarta


This is all new to me, don’t suppose you got a version easier to read? The colours and font are strange, although it does add a nice effect.
my life has always been down, and rubbish up brining, failed relationships 3 that is in, the middle of my 4th now I’m only 26!, must be me.
I need something to calm me down think trying this stuff out is a good idea? I have no self control, no self discipline. Am I in the wrong frame of mind to even consider trying this out?


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Decision

I was plagued by this very same thing. I would get over it but it was always there. When my sister got "attacked" by what ever it was we could actually point out what part of the room it was at. After a few years of this, I had to open my heart to Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hardcore christian, or a Jesus freak...but when I learned to let Jesus into my heart and actually FEEL him and align him to god, it was like walking through a fire or like walking over hot have to be brave and not afraid of Jesus....and after that there I had a dream and synchronous events happen that will stay with me for the rest of my life. For weeks I felt this cushion of softest air of energy all along my skin, and anything dark hovering over me felt like it kept disappearing as if I was being carried away and it was getting smaller and smaller into the distance. Perhaps you are lacking a connection to a protective force?? May it be Buddha or Jesus (some religions see Jesus as a similar energy to archangel Michael, and I can see why!) Just thought I share that with you. ♥

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:25 AM
wow this has turned into a huge thread! just yesterday it was page 5...

there certainly is a lot of good information in here if you have the time to scan through it all. just be careful what you wish for, if I could do it all over again I'm not sure I would pick the same path. The old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" comes to mind.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:27 AM
The knowledge that only the watchers were intended to know was not meant for mortal man. You are playing a dangerous game brother. The powers that you are playing with is what God once destroyed the world over. If you are not in the right mind set it could destroy you.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by ototheb85
reply to post by Agarta


This is all new to me, don’t suppose you got a version easier to read? The colours and font are strange, although it does add a nice effect.
my life has always been down, and rubbish up brining, failed relationships 3 that is in, the middle of my 4th now I’m only 26!, must be me.
I need something to calm me down think trying this stuff out is a good idea? I have no self control, no self discipline. Am I in the wrong frame of mind to even consider trying this out?


It has to do with the calming of the mind, in my view .The mind/brain is like a radio picking up radio stations.
The more calm the person's mind is the more it can feel / pick up these subtle energies, channels.
When calm we can fine tune in, So in a way the mind is more than an anntena, it's like a whole radio.
I avoid anymore drinking coffee or any other coffeine product, I consume plants that induce a calm effect on the mind giving it clarity. One popular plant for example is saint john wort.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:40 AM
wow this thread grew overnight..anyways, I went to the clairvision website, and saw that they give actual classes in these techniques, so I'm going to actually go to one and learn first hand, instead of taking the chance of spiritually blowing my head off #ing around in my bedroom with this stuff. just the breathing exercise alone was quite powerful to me, better get proper instruction.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by WarChestNC
The knowledge that only the watchers were intended to know was not meant for mortal man. You are playing a dangerous game brother. The powers that you are playing with is what God once destroyed the world over. If you are not in the right mind set it could destroy you.

In a way I don't blame you, you might be right, but looking at today's world there is little space about our spirituality as we only focus on the material objects, so in a way we neglect it. There is nothing wrong with meditation and having the perception of a clam and understanding person. Wanting power to command and consider your self high above god is a problem.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:09 AM
Yeah, that breathing exercise is pretty powerful.

I would say that if this is your first dabble into meditation, or opening your third eye you might want to try something else first. It is not a good idea to read a book about flying, and then jump into an F-16. Same here.

Quiet the mind, and get your state of emotions calm. If you are in a negative place, or facing difficulties you might open yourself to stuff you do not want attracted your way.

I think this is a powerful work, and I am glad this thread gave me an opportunity to find it.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by mishmallow8
reply to post by Decision

I was plagued by this very same thing. I would get over it but it was always there. When my sister got "attacked" by what ever it was we could actually point out what part of the room it was at. After a few years of this, I had to open my heart to Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hardcore christian, or a Jesus freak...but when I learned to let Jesus into my heart and actually FEEL him and align him to god, it was like walking through a fire or like walking over hot have to be brave and not afraid of Jesus....and after that there I had a dream and synchronous events happen that will stay with me for the rest of my life. For weeks I felt this cushion of softest air of energy all along my skin, and anything dark hovering over me felt like it kept disappearing as if I was being carried away and it was getting smaller and smaller into the distance. Perhaps you are lacking a connection to a protective force?? May it be Buddha or Jesus (some religions see Jesus as a similar energy to archangel Michael, and I can see why!) Just thought I share that with you. ♥

Wow. I understand.

I had sleep paralysis for a long while. I got to the point where I slept with the lights on, and only would sleep for a few hours a night.

I read someone say to call for help from Jesus. I too am not a Jesus freak, but it worked.

When I felt dark entities near me I would call to Jesus in my mind, and feel the love fill me up. Eventually I got to the point that I even gave out love to the dark entities, and allowed no fear to come out. I would say in my mind that I know you are whatever you are and that is ok. I have love for all things including you(entity). I believe that this was Jesus helping me, and putting some of his love through me.

That is crazy that other people have had very similar experiences.

Thanks for sharing

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:35 AM
So these techniques the the pdf i posted very high octane fuel?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by dniMnepO
reply to post by Archirvion

He already did share the link to a pdf file lol back on page 3 I think and there has been several links to it throughout the thread.

Yeah those feelings come and go I just live with it, never thought of praying I am not religous although I am baptised lol... I had the same problems when I was younger and also had very bad dislexia where I would write full sentances upside down or back to front, or like chinese from right to left.... having trouble sleeping up untill I think I was about 13 I remember I just sat their in my room with moon light coming through the window and controlled my focus on different objects, just playing with it I was sort of hoping I could move the objects physically, that didnt eventuate so I sort of learnt to live with it every now and then when it comes and enjoy it. No longer dislexic although occasionaly do some stupid things e.g. freinds, friends.

You sound like my clone ........

I have always practised with focus from a very early age... around 5 or 6 years young when I actively began. I continued to dabble throughout my childhood. Seeing spirits and posessions made my thirst for knowledge even greater..........until, fatal floor, growing up in a brewery town, one night club and too much time on my hands.
It was only after years later, a failed marriage ( a marriage knowing your partner was going to be unfaithful....not's in the name...) then the settling of the dust. After this period of turmoil, I began to research all the things I had simply ignored due to the stress of bad marriage and life.
I will make it quick, as it could go on for ages.........Ghosts that drain batteries,Zero Point Energy Theory, Vimanas, Vedic Harmonic Energy, Meditation and everything therein. This lead me to an awakening I didn't expect, beyond even what I had experienced throughout my life. Answer to life itself...........
We are pilots in fallen star remnants known as the human body. During meditation an image of a beautiful waterfall which began from the heavens down to earth was shown and it wasn't water was Stars...Souls and above at intervals were other planes which are accessed at the end of each plane, 6 levels and then back to the stars....7 levels all told (visible). That is just one of the experiences I had, there are more.
I'd say it was merely that you are a sensitive and you didn't experience a third eye vision...this isn't ego...... it seems you may have visitors attracted by your attempts to reach your goal be they lost or actual residents of said plane. Analogy: you're stuck in a dark cave, along comes a guy with a torch....who ya gonna follow.
Real Third Eye Experiences are sublime in nature and very life changing...anything else isn't the real deal.
edit on 25-3-2011 by DreamerOracle because: adding

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:16 PM
I dont do numerology well.. Blocked for some reason. But the Knowing Code is quite interesting. I would like some wide awake, third eye open, gifted mathematicians or in numerology to please explain the code. And what do they see.

And how closely does it relate to Rik Clay's code and No Time, ie 1992-2012.

And Rev 33

NIV: Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not WAKE UP, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

Looks like Mar 29 is mentioned in the movie the Knowing by the clock flip and the movie Scorcher is related, ie. this relates to a nuclear event then teutonic plate disasters.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by chelley

RatMen aren't Astral AFAIK. They are very weak, like lower level Licanthopes. Surely if they fed on fear it would be necessary for you to perceive them, but they use their breath to make themselves invisible to you. Are you as a Light-worker aware of the Elite in the same respect as i am? When they regard us as cattle it's a reference far greater than just an analogy to a herd. I've seen the translucent tracks of the cursed, and i feel your compassion will be your undoing. Sometimes wisdom, gleaned through experience teaches otherwise. Sometimes we have to FIGHT! do you know who i'm referring too?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by mishmallow8
reply to post by Decision

I was plagued by this very same thing. I would get over it but it was always there. When my sister got "attacked" by what ever it was we could actually point out what part of the room it was at. After a few years of this, I had to open my heart to Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hardcore christian, or a Jesus freak...but when I learned to let Jesus into my heart and actually FEEL him and align him to god, it was like walking through a fire or like walking over hot have to be brave and not afraid of Jesus....and after that there I had a dream and synchronous events happen that will stay with me for the rest of my life. For weeks I felt this cushion of softest air of energy all along my skin, and anything dark hovering over me felt like it kept disappearing as if I was being carried away and it was getting smaller and smaller into the distance. Perhaps you are lacking a connection to a protective force?? May it be Buddha or Jesus (some religions see Jesus as a similar energy to archangel Michael, and I can see why!) Just thought I share that with you. ♥

How do you know it wasn't just God himself? Personally i think God is sick of hearing about Jesus, but he loves you all and wouldn't turn anyone away from seeking salvation, even if it was though a fictitious Jew like Jesus. What really gives anyone the impression that God even cares what you call him. Providing you Love life and respect one another, this is by far the most divine way to live.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Example, march 29, 1964: Tsunami Alaska, 9.2 earthquake, 911 killed, ie. 9/11!

A combo of third eye and numerological wiz people would be great. Think we could send a lot of light to future dates if they show up.

edit on 25-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Very interesting thread.

I've always been extremely spiritual, and recently been exercising with very deep meditation with binaural tone.
This morning, I seem to have upgraded my spirituality somehow. During the meditation I felt an interesting, light sting in my neck... and I felt like I was floating.

What was even more interesting... were the side effects later on. I've been extremely cold.. with my jacket on indoors and I feel like my body is vibrating.. hard to describe, but like a hormonic tone. And still have a floating feel, especially when sitting down.

Anyone experience this too?

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